Polypropylene tubes are made of polymers, i.e. a form of plastics. Although the material is light, it has a margin of safety. If pipes are used for transporting hot liquids, their average lifespan is 50 years. When working with a cold filling lifespan increases to 100 years. Polypropylene tubes are used in water supply systems, sewer, irrigation and irrigation, heating or even for transporting combustible gas to the effects of plastic which is chemically stable. Pipes made of polypropylene are widely used for various types of gasket: an outer, walls, interior. However, this material can be used not only for its intended purpose. The range of applications has increased significantly, due to creative handicrafts made of polypropylene pipes, which is now full of websites masters of all trades. Let's talk about what kind of products for the home and garden can be made of this durable, but relatively inexpensive material.
- Advantages and properties of pipes
- Methods for joining pipes
For the house / apartment
- Organizer
- Decorative frame or partition
- shoe shelf
- Stand for wine bottles and glasses holder
- Vases and flower pots
The furniture in the nursery, and not only
- Shelves and Stands
- Coffee table
- Hangers and clothes dryer
- Shelving for living room, hall, pantry
- Children's playpen
- Bunk bed
For a country house and garden
- Football goal
- Garden furniture made of plastic pipes
- garden arch
- arbor
- Carport for cars
- Parking spaces for bicycles
- Greenhouse
- Hothouses and hotbeds of plastic pipes
- Containers for seedlings
- Feeder for chickens
- Christmas decorations
- Play Center for Cats
- conclusion
Advantages and properties of pipes
Polypropylene has the lowest density among all plastics. However, this property can not be attributed to the shortcomings as for use in liquids and gases, its performance is sufficient. For a material characterized by a low moisture absorption and the ability to operate in extreme conditions (at low and at high temperatures). Polypropylene has a low flexibility, if again to compare with other plastics. For a material characterized by high resistance to cracking, but only at constant temperatures. If there are sharp fluctuations, the probability of damage to polypropylene tubes increases dramatically.

The material has electrical insulation and is resistant to a whole list of chemically active agents. Only some reagents can destroy polypropylene, but only under certain conditions (temperature, humidity), are difficult to recreate. This type of plastic can boast high operational terms, as mentioned above. However, when exceeding the maximum admissible operating temperature, the material starts to melt and no longer withstand the pressure. In this situation, the service life is rapidly decreasing. It takes only one of the thermocline. Of course, it is generally more suitable for pipelines. Hardly crafts will be placed in an extreme environment and subjected to similar tests.
Among other things, if you purchase from a reputable manufacturer of polypropylene, it is possible to ensure its sustainability. Articles made of this type of plastics do not corrode, which has become a real scourge for metals, and are ideal for both home decoration and decorating the site. Due to the low weight of the pipes, the product is easy to move, and using a type of fastening by means of bolts, it is just as easy to dismantle and assemble again in a different form.
Polypropylene with general cleaning can be washed with a conventional soap solution. At other times, it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth once a week as any other surface.
Methods for joining pipes
Connect pieces of polypropylene pipes using diffusion bonding. Although two bonding methods, there are many parts, the other is not able to provide a secure connection:

- Compression coupling. The pipe is compressed, that eventually will necessarily lead to deformation and leakage.
- Thread. Weakness technique using polypropylene tubes - the mechanical strength of the connection.
- Press connection. It is sometimes used for tubes made of polypropylene, but the rubber gasket can change its position, which will compromise the tightness joint. We are talking about external loads on the pipeline.
The only reliable option - polypropylene heating to a certain temperature by means of welding and its subsequent cooling and "sealing" the docking location. Of course, this method is applicable to pipelines which are used for transporting gas, chemically aggressive substances or water at different temperatures. In our case, we are talking about the distributions. Pipes are not used for its intended purpose, so you can apply as an exception to any other method or use glue, and even bolts.
The pipeline usually each piece tightly sealed, i.e., without calculating the subsequent disassembly. To connect fittings are used - special items that are used in the assembly of pipeline and provide a hermetic fixing system of the two fragments. Polypropylene pipe fittings are suitable are the same as for metal products. They are made of different materials (brass, bronze, cast iron, brass, steel, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene). Depending on the shape and purpose fittings are classified into the following groups:

- Caps and plugs. Used to seal the end of the "blind" pipe.
- Fittings. Connect tube with flexible leads (hoses).
- Crossings and tees (collectors). As becomes clear from the name, they are used for one branching pipe into multiple flows.
- Adapters. Allow to connect pipes of different diameters.
- Bends and corners. They are used for "turning" and change the angle of the pipe.
- Clutches and barrels. Pipes extend in a straight line. This type of fitting is used most often. They allow you to locally replace a piece of pipe, without affecting the entire system.
Depending on the complexity of crafts require a particular set of fittings. Shape future product need to think through in advance to purchase a suitable connecting parts.
For the house / apartment
The range of products made of polypropylene pipes for the house is extensive. From the material can be made as compact organizers for desktop or shelf, stands, and large parts of furniture. The material can be matched to the color of paint or crafts in a favorite shade after manufacture. Stylish and unusual will look polypropylene tubes, the surface of which is decorated with decorative patterns. To cover material patterns or patterns, you can use special stencils. Of a variety of colors to choose better resistant to moisture, for example, suitable acrylic. Consider a series of workshops to build with their own hands the simple but necessary things in the house of polypropylene pipes.

Organizers originally called the book-notebooks for important daily records. Now that word has acquired a number of new values. We are interested in desktop or wall fixture for the distribution of supplies, ie, the product in which you can sort through sections, pens, scissors, staples, paper clips, pencil sharpeners, buttons, and other necessary for work trivia. Organizers are widely used not only in offices, but also in home workshops. For instance, needlework activity is also associated with a large number of small tools and parts, which is desirable to decompose in its place. There are two types of organizers:
- Desktop.
- Wall.
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The former are used, if the table is enough space to accommodate them. The second approach for the distribution of a large number of small items. For the manufacture of the organizer require only the tube mounting to connect them into a unitary structure and any dense material from which is made the bottom of each section. You can use the plastic trim. The tube is cut into pieces of desired length. They were then interconnected at the sides and glued to the bottom structure. If the organizer will be attached to the wall, the upper edge of the pipe is usually cut at an angle for ease of use. Instead of the bottom, in this case use a board or piece of plywood.
Some pipes made from wire organizer. It drilled holes through which they will be released into the room. All the "ugliness" of the coil wire is hidden inside the tube, thereby not affecting the aesthetics of interior space.
Decorative frame or partition
Decorative frame and walls of polypropylene tubes made according to the same principle. To work required:
- Adhesive.
- Directly themselves tube.

They need to be cut into multiple "rings". You can use an ordinary knife, as the polypropylene material is soft enough, but it is better to buy a special pair of scissors just for plastics. Other devices may disfigure the edges of the tube notches. After the desired number of rings is ready, their sides are joined by adhesive between them. Originally will look fragments of different diameters. This creates an illusion of bubbles in 2D. Of the rings form a frame for a photo or a partition in the room. Incidentally, this screen will make a worthy competition to design products. It looks fresh, original, and the air is incredibly aesthetically pleasing. To complement the zoning element space of the room, you can use decorative lighting that is in harmony with the product of white color.
shoe shelf
Shoe shelves polypropylene tubes, usually made in the form of a honeycomb. The material is cut into pieces of equal length. They are then bonded to one another using an adhesive. Shelf formed from scraps series, wherein each subsequent fragment "falls" in the gap between the two previous ones located below. Form a shelf, you can give the most diverse. One of its main advantages - configuration flexibility. Adding or removing a tube section, you can choose the ideal form for the hall, which already is the furniture, and much more difficult to put a full shelf. Some connect the master storage shoe with thumbs or hangers to design organically poured into the overall composition. only large diameter tubes suitable for these shelves.

Before you get started, you need to try on. Suffice it to enclose the hollow portion of the pipe a pair of slippers or shoes. It is also possible to manufacture shelf-rack shoes using planks as spokes. The tubes in this case will be the side supports. They can be styled and dyed under the retro silver paint and the surface fitting cover bronze composition.
Stand for wine bottles and glasses holder
Stand for wine bottles from polypropylene pipes can be manufactured as a shoe rack in the form of "honeycomb", but using smaller fragments. They also picked individually, trying bottles. For the construction of the "tree", fit a small diameter tube. Of them collected a complex composition with a central "barrel" and side-branches branches. At the end of each fixed fitting sleeve with a diameter suitable for the bottle neck. The glass container is inserted into these holders. Wine "tree" can be decorated with a steampunk, retro, eco style. For minimalist one tube section may be used in which the side necks cut holes. Fragment using screws fixed on a wall (may be tilted), and it is also inserted into the bottles down.

To make suspension or wall holder for glasses, also only one piece of pipe. The entire length of her incision is made as wide as the diameter of the glass legs. The product is then secured to the wall or a bar. Glasses legs are threaded through the incision. The wide bottom of a glass container will not fall. On this rack is convenient not only to store the glasses, but also to dry them after washing.
Vases and flower pots
Of the polypropylene pipes of large diameter can be made large pots for houseplants. To the bottom is better to use a thicker type of plastic. For small green spaces suitable small diameter tubes which are grouped into a single composition. Above them is cut at an angle, then stained in green. It turns out the design, vaguely reminiscent of a bamboo thicket. Pot for decorative grass, cereals or sprouts are made of tubes and plugs. Fragments placed horizontally. Each cut a piece in the middle or along the entire length, leaving only a small "wall" on the sides. Then the tube is attached by trimming the stub, poured soil and planted plants. These pots are usually attached to the wall. So they save space and do not interfere.

The furniture in the nursery, and not only
As mentioned above, polypropylene tubes can be manufactured complete furniture. If properly decorate, then this item will not look like a homemade garden, happened to be in the house. List of furniture items that can be made from tubes, is quite impressive:
- Tables and coffee tables.
- Chairs.
- Shelves and cabinets for household trifles, clothes and shoes.
- Hangers and dryer.
- Children's beds (including bunk) and cots for babies.

Shelves and Stands
Consider manufacturing storage process example bookshelf. For such furniture can be dispensed only pipes or further use of the board or cut pieces of MDF, chipboard. In this case, the value content has to be placed on the shelf. Books, for example, can freely expand to the "empty" shelf without crossbar if its width is less than the width of the publication. And filling will not fall. The same principle can be made shelf-holders and stands for shoes, magazines, utensils, lids, bottles, cups, cutting boards, magazines, CDs. This will not work for those shelves on which the content will be placed in different shapes and sizes. Here it is necessary to use the beam of a different material that will fix to "marginalia" of the tubes. Stylish and unusual will look angular shelves for books. For their manufacture would require tube stub bends and corners. Holder collected from fragments having them U-shaped zigzag. When the shelf is ready and secured, the book will be held on it by resting on the pipe itself and the wall. Shelf is ideal for interiors decorated in the loft style.
See also:Articles made of plywood: ideas, templates and products scheme

Coffee table
For the manufacture of the coffee table will require a small diameter tubing, fittings and worktop. Will look stylish cover glass. tube system will play the role of support. They can be connected to each other by the standard procedure as four legs, but can be connected imagination and decorate a table support portion intricacies tubes zadekorirovat various fittings.

Hangers and clothes dryer
Assembling hangers or a clothes dryer starts with the foundation. It needs four tube legs. They are interconnected via tee-fitting. The side branch is inserted into the tube-bar, which will improve the stability of the product and in the top - two racks. At the foot wear caps that do not fall into the dust and dirt. Additionally, side rails can also be hooked up another bar, again with the use of a tee-fitting. make the "hooks" of these same items. The upper crossbar is completely assembled from a T-shaped fittings with plugs.

Shelving for living room, hall, pantry
The racks of tubes made of polypropylene-base structure which is subsequently supplemented wooden shelves. The furniture in the result will be lean and relatively light, but durable and resistant to a large weight loads. Since the material is not sensitive to an aggressive microclimate, it is universal. These racks can be used in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, hallway, nursery and pantry with pickles. Since the load on the furniture would be large enough polypropylene pipes can not be connected together using bolts or adhesives. In this case it is better to resort to diffusion bonding, which provide reliable connections fragments.

Children's playpen
Playpen for toddlers is necessary if the mother plans to do household chores when the child next door. This design will protect the little guy, but do not limit its movements. Playpen easily manufactured from polypropylene tubes. To work required:
- Fittings, tees and eight corners.
- Tube of small diameter.
- Shears polypropylene.
Playpen going is very simple:
- First, the tube is cut into pieces of desired length (small horizontal and long vertical "bars").
- Then, on each twig put T-fittings on both sides.
- On each side of the connecting parts are inserted in the short tube, two on each side.
- Now they again put T-fittings that connect the bottom and top with another twig.
Then the wall of sticks "wrapped" by 90 degrees with the corners.

Bunk bed
Bunk bed is going completely out of the pipes and fittings. Immediately sleeper itself, where the mattress will lie, strengthened by short tubes, which are often placed on a marginalia marginalia. Material is easy to make a neat ladder. If the bed is for boys, then it can be even a small priladit turnichok to exercise in the morning. For one child below equip workplace. To do this, collect enough of the tubes additional support under the tabletop. If the baby is still quite a pipsqueak, the bed is decorated with high sides.

For a country house and garden
Plastic - versatile material products which can decorate not only the house but also the surrounding territory. For the accomplishment of a garden site requires lightweight, mobile furniture, special stand for flowers and plants, greenhouses, feeding for domestic animals, greenhouses, pots for seedlings. In the area of games and recreation, too, need to put a couple of special designs: Football gates, arbors, pergolas and decorative arches. For outdoor enthusiasts need a separate place for parking bicycles. Excellent replacement for the full garage, construction of which do not have time or resources to become old carport, which protect the machine from rain. All this can be done from the same material - polypropylene tubes. About how it is, and we will talk further.

Football goal
required pipe grid for the manufacture of a football goal, fittings (corners, plugs, tees). Start with the base. It will have a U-shape. First of three short pieces collected widest crossbar. They fix the T-shaped piece. Then, three pieces of tubing (two short and wide middle marginalia) interconnected via corners. At the tips of "P" are the same wear fittings, but with branches directed upwards. Now made completely the same construction. It is connected with its "twin" through the branch corners that were sent up, and by two bars inserted into the T-shaped fittings. Finalizing stringing nets.

Garden furniture made of plastic pipes
Tubes made of polypropylene chairs, lounge chairs, tables, benches, loungers. It is better to choose the material of white color, which can be combined with wood, metal and textiles in various shades. In addition, the neutral tone furniture will make the air and give freshness notes. Sun beds, chairs, chairs, can be made on two principles:
- To strengthen the seat via frequently arranged transverse tubes.
- Use tension fabric that allows the seat to sag slightly.
In the first case it is necessary to use special mattresses or pads to sit was softer. It looks great product in which polypropylene is combined with wood. Tables and low tables are collected on the same technology as that of a similar home furniture. The only difference is in the material for countertops. If the coffee table with a glass lid in the house will look appropriate, for the streets is better to use stronger and less easily soiled materials (plastic, wood, metal).

garden arch
Polypropylene tubes are of sufficient ductility to of them could form a semicircular arch. The simplest example of the product consists of two rows of bearings that smoothly flow to the upper crossbar, connected by a horizontal scraps using T-fittings. To arch covered most of the garden path, and is joined by additional rows of supports, as if pulling the structure along. Arch will be a great support for braiding roses, grapes, clematis, ivy and hops. Only two years to twigs densely covered the construction of the tubes, leaving only a small opening for a Sunbeam. For more complex structures for this use tubes of varying lengths. Their crossings and connections adorn the walls of the arch.
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For arbors of polypropylene pipes manufactured carcass basis. Designs can be given a simple square or classic circular shape. Roof cover polycarbonate, waterproof cloth or thin wooden slats. Patio roof is not needed, but on the sides of the "wall" pergola created from flowing curtains that give the necessary privacy when needed. If the master has an impressive stock of polypropylene pipes and fittings (covers, crosses, tees), the side walls can be made of them in the form of a common grating (classical or 90 degrees).

Carport for cars
Carport collected on the same principle as the gazebo. In simpler embodiments, the roof tensioned from waterproof material (for tents) and thereby limited. If you have time and money, the parking lot can be clad polycarbonate sheets from the top and sides. In this way the machine will be protected from rain and wind, which will work even in bad weather on the car repair.

Parking spaces for bicycles
Small bicycle parking collected from polypropylene tubes of small diameter. First, necessary to form a lattice. Between its bars leave gaps required for placing a bicycle wheel. Each crossbar fixed T-fitting, by means of which further stand-holder is secured. It is collected from scraps of short pipes and similar joint parts. They then threaded on one end of the short tubes that are fixed to the second ends of the "lattice". As a result, the two planes intersect at a right angle, and the whole structure will stand firmly on the ground.

Greenhouse - the most simple design, covered with a film that is designed for growing seedlings. They are used only in the early spring, when the ambient temperature has not risen to the desired values, and grow weak shoots in the street too dangerous without special obstacles. Greenhouses are considered temporary structures. Unlike greenhouses, they do not have windows or doors. To build a small parnichok enough set of tubes for a foundation, for the semi-circular bars, T-fittings and parts. Structure assembled from several "arches", which subsequently with the help of transparencies will be assigned special plastic pegs, clamps. Get in a greenhouse is possible only by removing the protective sheet.

Hothouses and hotbeds of plastic pipes
Greenhouse polypropylene tubes - construction of a more "serious" and cumbersome than the primitive greenhouse. It usually bring special soil, equip high beds, walls provided with windows, opening if necessary ventilation, provides for a complete door closing on bolt. Since the construction of a monumental, it is usually not coated with a thin film, a polycarbonate sheet, which is fixed to the "skeleton" of polypropylene tubes. Form a greenhouse can be a classic semi-circular, square and rectangular. Collect design of pavilions on the principle of assembly. Inside it is usually provided with special shelves of the same tubes, which play a role in further supports under long pots with seedlings and further strengthen the construction.

Some masters make complex structures in which the static segments alternate with mobile. Recent equipped with special handles and rise up to ventilate the greenhouse. The need for a window for such facilities is eliminated.
Containers for seedlings
To produce containers for seedlings, pruning required tubes, caps and plastic scissors. First, in each piece makes two longitudinal and two transverse incision. The resulting polypropylene rectangle extracted from the tube. Boca fragment closing plugs. The tube is placed horizontally. Fall asleep in her soil and planted plants. "Ladder-rack" made for such pots. Its "step" interconnected additional beams, which are arranged in series with the tube seedlings.

Feeder for chickens
Feeders for chickens of the tubes can be built in two ways:
- Make a simple horizontal construction with several sections, as pots with seedlings.
- Manufacture of several vertical feeder pipe. It takes up less space, but keeps a lot of food.
The second structure is fixed to the wall with brackets at such a height that the hens can reach the free corn. Top feeder is provided with a cover which protects the feed stocks from dust and moisture. The height of the tube is chosen individually for human growth that will fill the grain (approximately at the level of the breast).

Christmas decorations
Polypropylene pipes can make unusual wall tree, if the hand is not artificial beauty team, and is about to chime strikes midnight. Collect tree of "rings" that are cut into the tube. They are interconnected by shaping the herringbone pattern. Better to use tubes of different diameters. Each ring painted in a specific color. To add a hand-made article holiday raid, it is further coated with glitter. In each "ring" put on a Christmas toy. In some you can put miniature gifts. By the way, so it's easy to "hide" a present from the children, and make them search for an exciting game. Christmas wreath on the front door is also collected from the "rings". To jewelery caught the eye of passers-by and guests, decorate it according to the principle of contrasts. For example, use the rings in white only, in which selectively investing bright Christmas balls and toys in one or two colors.

Play Center for Cats
Game complex for cats collected from the tubes and plastic slats. After producing the structure every detail adhesive qualities thick fabric or hard cord, which will subsequently be used as scratching posts. The complexity of the design depends on the patience of the owners and active pet. You can build a simple house with a horizontal ladder, deck chairs and hanging toys. Some do not stop and collect real cat palaces with the "hammock", a complex system of transitions, "booths" and the wheels for running like hamsters in cages.

As has become clear, polypropylene pipes have many applications, that it's hard to list them cram into one article. This material is somewhat reminiscent of the designer: the master has a set of parts, which can bind by means of connecting elements, such as your heart desires. Therefore, from the tube is easy to obtain both a simple construction, which borders the primitiveness conciseness and complex composition with florid interlacing individual fragments.