With the arrival of cold weather the birds fly south, but some of them remain to winter. Birds are very beautiful animals, but imagine how hard it in winter, when it is so difficult to find food. So, perhaps, we need to help these defenseless creatures? We can make bird feeders, at least from what, for example: wood, cardboard, plastic, and any available material, can be fed, for example, suspended from a piece of bacon, even old, who is not sorry, you've already done something good for the birds, we can still make it a birdhouse that will be used not only in winter, but also round year. This is what we will discuss today.

First of all, it is the material. Birdhouse should be made of wood, it should not be too thin and should not resin, that is, the wood of deciduous trees. We will do the most simple birdhouse, so to speak classics of the genre. Need of boards cut the desired parts: side walls 2 (length 10 cm, height 30 cm), front and rear nest box (length 15 cm, all the same height, 30 cm) nest box lower part, i.e. the bottom (square 10 by 10 cm), the upper part, i.e. the roof (20 x 15 cm) and another board 70 cm in height of approximately 10 and, more importantly, that the width of each plank was not less than 2 cm.

First, on the front part, the height, the edge of the note 21 centimeters, it is to be done, and on the other hand, spend line between points and the length of the middle note, that is 7.5 cm and the same line of conduct, that is, divide half.

Where the lines intersect conducted, and puts an end to the same set the needle of a compass and draw circle, it should not be too large, but the bird has to climb into it, well, a diameter of about 5 cm. Then cut out the circle. Further nailed to the bottom side portion, as well nailed and a second side. Next we nailed the front part, and before you nail down the back to our birdhouse, attach to it the board, which is 70 cm, nailed her in the middle of the back plates, for her, we will attach our house for the birds to tree.

Following nailed it to the birdhouse. And just do the roof.
Optionally it as something to decorate, for example, draw on it for anything or even paint it. Here's our birdhouse is ready, it turns out pretty hard, so that you can ask someone to help to poveshat it. Due to such a small kind, birds becomes easier to survive the winter well, even though they are all year round, will live there. After all, this is not difficult and good animal care.