Cartoon about fairies, their talents, know all the adventures. His love watching children and adults. Hand made toy, one of the main characters, you can invite me to visit, and along with the story.

Materials that are needed to work
Fairy doll, and maybe even a few fairies made from materials that almost everyone there is always at hand. Only skelitirovannye leaves need to make special. Here's how:
- suitable type of leaves need to bring home the streets;
- pour into a small container bleach;
- immerse it leaves;
- two hours to get it;
- put under the press.

After a couple of days they can be used, and that they do not crumbled, they can be neatly pasted with tape on both sides.
In addition skelitirovannyh leaves need:
- ball for table tennis;
- Gouache flesh or white;
- lace ribbon;
- motochek yarn in two colors - white and any other hair doll;
- chenille wire;
- flap of tissue;
- hot glue;
- marker for CD.

Chenille wire is very beautiful, perfect for making Fairy Doll. But it can not buy, of course, to replace the conventional, if desired. CD marker need only to draw the eye Fairies. If it is not on hand, you can use a nail or pin with a cap-bead.
Hot glue - it's convenient packaging suitable adhesive. It also can not be purchased separately, use superglue or torque, universal PVA.
How to create a doll Fairy
Once all the material has been found, you can start to work on a doll.
Make a ball for table tennis through hole.
The length of chenille wire length about 30 cm, should be folded in half and twist in a spiral half - give shape to the torso and legs.
Strung on a wire ball, leaving a small loop at the top.
On cardboard reel thread, cut from one side, drill and threaded through the eyelet of chenille wire.

The second segment of the wire (approximately the same length as the first) must be twice wrap around the neck of the doll.
Each edge of the roll in half, twist - make a hand.
Neck, torso, arms and legs have to wrap the yarn, to disguise the wire.
The edges of the strands sticking glue.
Tape crosswise wrap toys trunk from the waist to the neck, sticking on the back edge.
Glue the circle yucca Fairies - skeletonized leaves and scraps of fabric.
Lace ribbon waist wrap, glue the edge.
Carefully cover gouache tennis ball on all sides, to make it opaque.
Draw a doll's eyes - two points.
Glued to the hair ball behind, forming a hairstyle.
Stick hoop of ribbons, rolled into a rose bud.
Charming patron, the good fairy will give a good mood, cause a smile at everyone who looks at it. To make the hands of her friends, choose the same materials, but to change the color, but instead wrap, glue or hat beaded feather. Magic Fairy will bring good luck.