Rose - the most emblematic member of a flower bouquet and a great garden decoration at their summer cottage. In the flower garden it becomes unequivocally dominant queen who ruthlessly suppresses its neighbors, no matter how beautiful they are. History of cultivation of plants begins in ancient Persia over 5000 years ago. In those days the country was called Gulistan, which is translated from Persian meaning "rose garden". Muslims consider this flower is almost sacred, because according to legend, he grew up in the place where the Prophet Mohammed wept before ascending to heaven. Surprisingly, wherever cultivated rose, it was regarded with special awe and respect. In written sources, Babylon, Greece, Rome, India, China preserved mention of the beautiful queen of flowers, which are grown in the best gardens. She was always shrouded in romantic legend. For example, according to the ancient Greeks, roses came from the blood of Aphrodite, which wounded thorns during her desperate wandering in the grove Python lover after death.
The essential oil of the plant is still a part of almost all types of women's perfume and meets every second perfume for men. From its petals are boiled jam luscious that "gyulbesheker" was called in the Ottoman Empire. It is referred to as the nickname of the main character in the book of Turkish classics Reşat Nuri Güntekin, tells of his wanderings beautiful Feride. In any culture, the rose is associated with incredible beauty and tenderness. No matter how many new varieties of breeders managed to bring the classic red, white, yellow and pink roses are still the most popular. If you want to decorate your garden, put him in the royal bushes. Roses in landscape design occupy a leading position as a central decorative element. Let's talk about what grade should be selected for a particular garden and how to please the capricious queen of flowers.
- The diversity and variety of roses
- The choice of location for planting
- Care
Embodiments portion decoration roses
- vertical rosary
- Hedge and arches
- Flower beds and ridges
- Borders and parterres
- portion Registration card Austin
- Solo rose
- Mixborders - what to combine roses
- Rose and styles of landscape design
- conclusion
The diversity and variety of roses
Roses vary in color, size of buds, leaf shape and height of the bushes. Along with the number of hybrid varieties of more than 3,000. In landscape design, there is a single classification, according to which the plants are divided into three large groups:
- Evergreen shrub. They are characterized by rapid growth and long flowering period. For evergreen shrubs include Bourbon, polyanthus, chaynogibridnye, Bengal, tea and nuazetovye roses.
- With deciduous leaves before winter. These include white, damask, tsentifolnye and French roses.
- Gotetistye (twine). Climbing roses this group have very poetic names: Ave Maria, Gloria Dey, Orange Elf, concerts, Virgo.

An important characteristic for the queen of flowers it is double, i.e. the ability to increase the number of petals in a bud, compared with wild analogue. On the basis of this property, there are three types of plants:
- Simple.
- Semi-double.
- Terry.

The latter amount in one bud petals may number more than 150. flowers are also classified according to another characteristic - the height of the bushes:
- Fillets.
- Average height.
- Tall.
- Ground cover. In this group combined twine and undersized grade.

Roses are distinguished by color. Color bud, perhaps the most important feature when choosing which are based in the first place. In addition to these four colors, roses can be burgundy, brown, orange, violet, purple, fuchsia hue. There are several tens of special grades, in which the petals have an unusual combination of two color tones and halftones. Of great importance in the landscape design are hybrids. Artificially bred varieties by crossing introduce diversity in the garden area, thanks to an unusual form terry special or extraordinary color.

Hybrids are classified into the following groups that combine several dozen species:
- Floribunda roses. The group emerged after crossing the tea varieties and polyanthus. It includes a miniature fillets roses and bushes, reaching a height of more than 1 meter. For Floribunda characteristic "buketnye 'bloom, that is, its semi-double flower buds form a lush brush.
- Hybrid tea. They are characterized by high immunity to disease, but it is very sensitive to frost, so the bushes are grown only in the south. This group includes all grades which have been deduced on the basis of a tea rose. Their color palette starts with yellow and ends with pale orange.
- Hybrids tetracorals. They were received after the breeding experiments with rosa rugosa. The main advantage of the variety - its resistance to frost. Hybrids tetracorals unpretentious care, varied in the degree of double and often become the center of the park art. In winter, cover the plants are not needed.
- Hybrids grandiflora. Plants erect, visually reminiscent of a tea variety, but with abundant flowering buketnye like a Floribunda. Grades are not afraid frosts and long blooming.
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- Polyanthus. They got as a result of cross-breeding of Chinese and Multiflora roses. Bushes have small buds, collected in the "brush". It blooms for a long time until the first frost, which, incidentally, is also not afraid. Because of its miniature polyanthus roses often adorn windowsills in the house, where are grown in pots.
- Shraby. A particular group which includes the twine and undersized grade.
- Miniature. Polyanthus vaguely resemble, but their height is less than half a meter. Grown both in open field and in pots. Long bloom until the first frost.
- Climbing. They are informally called "queens" of landscape design. Shrubs differ impressive height, because of what they need artificial support. It is easy to acquire the desired shape after the haircut, unpretentious in the care. They can be simple and terry buds.
- Patio. Similar to tiny, as are weak in growth, but their tiny buds collected in fluffy bouquets. They are often used to create the design of the compositions in the landscape gardens. Look great in single lawns, flower beds along the edges of curb garden paths and in some hanging pots, pots on the street.

As can be seen from the classification, the queen of flowers can have many forms and each class has its own characteristics. Lovers cope with capricious "lady" in the garden would be quite difficult, but the flower lends itself persistent.

Thanks to the rich "assortment" Rose, you can pick up for a soft southern climate, and for the harsh winters of Siberia and lush flowering garden will become the pride of the owners and the envy of neighbors.
The choice of location for planting
Immediately before purchase necessary to determine the agronomic characteristics of the bush, its size and height, flowering characteristics, double and form buds, as well as pick up the queen's neighbors, who will fill the void in rosaries. Among abundance grades recommended to select those that were obtained domestic or Dutch breeders. Seedlings should have a well-developed root system and be vaccinated at the time of purchase. Location should be chosen Solar as any queen, Rose loves to bask in the glory of universal admiration. Only a few varieties can be easily adapted in the penumbra. If the plant is not enough sun, the capricious queen begins to wither and gradually fade altogether.

Rose does not like high humidity. In place of its landing ground water should lie as far as possible, it would be preferable to opt for a rose garden hill. The soil is suitable weakly acidic or neutral. If the land on the site does not meet this requirement, the position will save the imported soil. Queen root system needs high-quality drainage system, which will save it in the rainy periods. In the open ground seedlings digged only in late spring or early summer, when the soil is well warmed up.

Rose, who appeared in the East, it takes the rising sun. Surprisingly, this need has arisen not because of anxious attachment to their historical homeland. The reason is much more prosaic: a rose covered with dew in the morning. By lunchtime it petals and leaves should be dried rising sun, as humidity will cause fungal diseases.
Roses need to be fed in a timely manner, to which the Queen replied gratefully as a lush flowering. The procedure is performed during the spring and summer pochkoobrazovaniya during the blooming buds. In autumn fertilizing is not necessary, as it will trigger the growth of new shoots before the frost, which is undesirable. At least once a week watering bushes. If the summer was very dry, you should increase at least twice the frequency of the procedure. Watering is carried out in the early morning or late evening, when heated to the ground roots of roses alive not "cooked" in boiling water. soil loosening should be carried out in a timely manner too. Root system necessarily requires access to oxygen, which covers the hard-packed ground. Perhaps mulching the soil, which prevents the growth of weeds around the rosary. Some varieties need shelter for the winter. Patients spring shoots are cut to plant it easier to expel Kripen'ka sprouts, and it was not spent juices weak. Three times during the season the flowers are sprayed with a special compound against pests and diseases.
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Embodiments portion decoration roses
Due to the variety of types of roses, it can be used in a completely different landscape compositions. Twine varieties are ideal for vertical plantings and hedges. Fillets hybrids will look good in the same type of flower beds. Floribunda roses and grandiflora suitable for solo compositions.

Bushy, high organic hybrids will join mixborders composition. Flowerbed, consisting only of the queen of flowers called the rose garden. They are divided into types:
- Front. It includes grades having a contrasting color.
- Vertical. They use a frame as a gazebo or pergola for pletistyh varieties.
- Romantic. Planted near recreational areas: near the patio, gazebo, terraces.
- Foreseeable on one side. Suitable for decoration of the inside of the fence or near the construction of the wall.
- Foreseeable to both parties. Ideal for the decoration of lawns and central areas in the garden.
- Mobile. Roses are planted in pots, portable and easy for them to change their long occupied a place in the new, if necessary.
- Rock gardens. Low-growing varieties decorate the composition of boulders and stones.
About what kind of garden you can create beauty of roses and how to do it, and we will talk further.

vertical rosary
To create a vertical rosary need to frame. In his role may make roof construction or artificial support with transverse beams. Pletistyh rose varieties are planted with a slight indentation of each other as a selfish plant does not tolerate competition, even from his relatives. Look good vertical rosaries, which alternate with the royal bush clematis. Combined plants should be in color of buds. If you need a contrast flower garden, the white or blue clematis flowers will emphasize the red roses. To create a similar, gentle compositions suitable combination of yellow and pink flower buds.

Hedge and arches
Hedge of roses can be zoned land, cover unsightly fence decorate the facade of the house or fence off place for privacy and relaxation. To create a royal "fence" fit and twine bushy varieties. The last will have to equip the well-camouflaged legs. Arches of roses underlined transition from one area to another area. They symbolically outline the "entrance" to the special area: a garden, a lounge, a secluded area with a pond and benches. Arch can be bought in the already ready-made or make yourself from thin strips and solid boards supports. For decorating the frame fit just climbing varieties. Such passages are looked bad in hedges or Soliters. Roses are planted in autumn or spring. The first option is suitable for varieties grafted in a particular region. Spring digged imported seedlings. Year period they have enough to adapt to the climate features in benign conditions. For hedges rose varieties are considered optimal from the group tetracorals hybrids.

Flower beds and ridges
Beds - beds regular shape having ledges. They can be planted roses one kind or combination compositions. For this combination of circuits found set. Rabatki - elongated flower beds, which are usually planted along the garden paths. Their minimum width of half a meter. Plants are planted in rows from one and up to three hives. Roses in rabatkah usually combined with sage, petunias, godetsiey, daylilies and crocuses. When selecting varieties pay attention to his prickliness. If the rose thorns would cling to the feet of people passing along the path itself should be a little push ridges and transplanted. Optimal for flower beds of this type are considered to be The low shraby.

If garden area is too small to accommodate a grandeur flower beds, it is possible to trick the small and disembark stam roses. They are small trees, rather than the traditional bushes, crowns that adorn buds.

Borders and parterres
Curbs, repeating the outlines of the garden paths, look nice and neat. Rose - a frequent visitor in the form of a flower bed. Curbs are classified according to the height of three types:
- High.
- Average.
- Low.
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For the formation of the last used miniature roses and patio. For high fit and polyanthus floribunda varieties. shrubs selected small height for medium curbs (40-60 cm). Ground floor - a flower garden in front of the facade of the house, the main "living" exterior decoration. It uses the most bizarre combinations of beds. Effectively carpet will look onto the beds of forming drawings or geometrical figures. To the English style in landscape design fit single bush tea hybrids in combination with small architectural forms.

portion Registration card Austin
Austin roses are considered the top of elegance among the royal colors. These include a special thrill in England, where the estates gardens literally drowning in these colors. Austin rose is universal, it can become part of mixborders, solo grow on a separate designated area, part of the flower beds or tapeworm. Bushes have a neat, spherical shape. With regular grooming Rose grows up and gives the sprouts that are almost trailing on the ground.

Solo rose
Solo Rose definitely attract attention. For flower beds of this type is selected only the majestic colors that can even in small quantities to become the main decoration of the landscape. Solo Rose suitable for small areas where there is insufficient space for large lawns. To bush looked a winner, it is advisable to plant it in the open air, which is easily visible. Miniature varieties and shraby bad cope with this role. For solo compositions recommend choosing shrubs of medium height, which will rise at least 50-60 cm above the flat lawn.

Mixborders - what to combine roses
Mixborders potpourri represent a flower that is squeezed into a flower bed frame. Hard to tolerate the neighborhood only tea hybrids, so they are best planted in boles or solo. The other groups of varieties may coexist with other plants, if the latter choose the right. For clarity, we give a simple example. Rose nature endowed with longevity. Some wild rose bushes live more than 5 centuries. Age cultivated roses, of course, is not so impressive: only 25-30 years with proper care. If the queen will be "bad" neighbors with whom she can not find a "common language", the duration of its life can be reduced to 5-10 years. Between the bushes in mixborders recommend planted crocuses, snowdrops, muscari. The last kind of bulbs adorn the flower garden in the spring, while the roses will only gain momentum. they also combine with bushes of privet, lilac, acacia, sea buckthorn, hastas and conifers. Among evergreen suit cotoneaster, pyracantha and magnolia. To good neighbors among conifers include thuja, fir, juniper.

Rose and styles of landscape design
The queen of flowers versatile and suitable for almost all areas of landscape design. It is organically combined with strict English, colorful and exotic Moorish colonial style. Rose bushes are combined with sculptures in the romantic Provence and the ethnic French direction. Terraces and clubs in the Spanish and Mediterranean style, too, can not do without the marvelous aroma of roses. Japanese philosophical direction with open arms to take the queen of flowers in your garden retreat. Rough country and concise in its simplicity, Russian style, too, can not do without a little neglected rosebushes.

Capricious eastern guest knows her worth, so for her beauty will have to pay the regular care and anxious attitude towards the bushes. Most rose varieties sensitive to the slightest climatic changes, so beginners florist will have to be reserved entire shelf specialized literature in which accessible language will be described causes unusual "behavior" of the plant. The landscaping is really the queen of flowers takes the first place. Its privileged position is well deserved, as a thin, sensual beauty, combined with a wonderful aroma and tenderness of petals can not be found in other plants. Rosa will demand adoration and admiration, and gratitude for the reverent attitude it is sure to delight luxury buds that will become bright spots in the landscape painting of your site.