Camping is usually accompanied by frying fish, vegetables or meat over an open fire. No condiments and original ways of cooking at home does not give the dish the same unique aroma with notes of smoke from the fire. For outbound rest are usually used compact portable barbecues. Design easy to disassemble and throw in the trunk of the car. The owners of suburban areas have the opportunity to present everything mangalnoy zone directly in the garden or near the house. A comfortable place to relax, where you can sit noisy company, engaged in parallel flavored dishes cooking. It sounds great does not it? Let us find out what are mangalnye zones and how to choose the ideal for the particular suburban area.
- Methods arrangement mangalnoy zone
- Where to place - choose place
- We determine the project
- Foundation for mangalnoy zone
- Choosing the brazier
Construction of the site
- Paving tiles or stone
- Garden flooring or decking
- Construction of the canopy and poles for him
- zoning regulations
- Which to choose the furniture
- Lighting
- stylistic design
- conclusion
Methods arrangement mangalnoy zone
Chargrill zone consists of areas for recreation and the very hearth. As it can be depending on the type of structure:
- Open. Most often combined with a platform for the rest. does not enclose BBQ. This option is ideal for those with the budget is very limited.
- Semi-open. Area equipped with a canopy on poles or, on the contrary, it has a roof, but fenced from all sides. Instead of high-grade walls, hung curtains that protect against wind and weather. At the same time they act as a stylish decor.
- Locked. It is a complete, sometimes detached structure (as an arbor). The main advantage of this type is the possibility to organize gatherings, even in winter, because the room is partially heated by the fire, so the company will not freeze in the cold.
Total arbours are three types each of which corresponds to one of the above types of construction: - Universal (portable). Mobile Chargrill zone, which if necessary easily moved to another place suburban area. Option is suitable as an interim for those estates, which still works on the arrangement.
- Patio. Enclosed grounds patio without an open-air canopy. Complemented by a fence, a wall at home, bars, greenery (trees, bushes). Very tempting to look stylish patio garden furniture with a soft, but this type of arrangement is not suitable for regions with capricious weather conditions. Suffice it to rain and all the rest will be spoiled.
- Veranda. It Chargrill area is protected from all sides. In such an annex erected a monumental fireplace with a chimney, more like an oven, put a massive furniture. Veranda is still considered part of the house, so its interior echoes the residential part of the building in many ways.
Mangalnye zone can be combined. For example, it is often combined with a bath. Hearth put nearby, and dining venues to equip a wide porch built.

Where to place - choose place
Place for mangalnoy zone must meet several requirements:
- Fire safety. open flames should not be placed close to the house or outbuildings, so Chargrill zone should be located away from buildings. It is necessary to keep a minimum distance of 10 m from wooden buildings, and at least 5 m from the brick.
- protection from wind. If the suburban area has a distinct relief for the mangalnoy areas is better to choose a hollow. It is not so much windy as hill. If a flat area, the mangalnye zone is necessary to protect the special fence. Not only pleasant in fueling the fire, or dinner at a table in a strong wind.
- Ease of use and functionality. Chargrill area shall be located not very far from home or a summer kitchen, so you always have the opportunity to get to the source of water or cooking utensils. In this case too close proximity is also undesirable, as the smell of smoke could penetrate the residential building through open windows. Before the platform must be equipped with wide sidewalks and lighting, as most of the gatherings by the fire begins before dawn.
- Beautiful landscape. If Chargrill area is equipped with still and dining area, the surrounding landscape should bring aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, it is better to find a cozy place on the border of the local area and the beautiful garden.
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We determine the project
When choosing a project mangalnoy zone, you need to decide just one thing: to decide on its type. From this, you can already make a start in calculating the consumption of materials and assessment of the scale of operations. For open areas can be positioned on the ground BBQ or special support. Pre-select the open area in the garden or on the lawn. This type mangalnoy zone is the most concise. Relax with a barbecue is easy to combine with active games or babysitting.
For mangalnye gated areas require more time and effort. Here it is necessary to lay the foundation, put a support, secured shed, to construct at least one wall as a protection from the wind. Work pays off, because now the company is not afraid of bad weather and plans for the weekend, nothing will spoil. With respect to dimensions of the area, they are selected depending on the furnace dimensions, capacity and area of the number of people that will be collected at gatherings. For quiet family evenings quite zone in 5-6 sq.m. Lovers and invite guests to celebrate every holiday noisy crowd a platform, of course, is not enough.

Foundation for mangalnoy zone
Weight conventional stoves and barbecue stationary marker can reach a few hundred kilograms. Of course, such a design on the open ground quickly prosyadet and in the hearth of brick will crack after hibernation, so you need a solid, reliable foundation for it. Professionals recommend using a combined version. Separate the foundation consists of concrete slab (monolith) and a center of the columnar or rod wall. This decision was driven by two factors:
- Saving. Solid foundation for the whole area would be too expensive. Such spending simply inappropriate.
- Unequal load during operation.
concrete slab size should be larger than the center. Monolith should extend at least 5 cm beyond the edge of the furnace.

Choosing the brazier
Barbecues come to us from the Caucasus. Literally, the name translates as "coal box" that accurately reflects the purpose of the structure. Inside the barbecue kindle the fire, and after burning wood cook meat, vegetables or fish on the coals. Product pieces strung on special needles - skewers. To dish does not stick, they are periodically rotated. For the original aftertaste and more juicy meat sprinkled with alcohol, lemon juice, soy sauce. Barbecues are classified according to the design of mobility:
- Collapsible. Are a metal box on legs. Its walls can be removed (fixed to the grooves), folded into a bag and take with you on the nature.
- Portable. These grills do not understand, but they are light and compact, so the design can be transferred to any part of the site.
- Stationary. Overall structure made of brick, stone, metal or combinations of these materials. Equipped with a solid foundation, because it has a lot of weight.
Separately, you can note elektromangaly. They are equipped with a special mechanism, which automatically rotates the skewers, ensuring uniform roasting of the product without human intervention. BBQ is more like a compact oven or grill. Of course, it is not meat and vegetables attain the same taste "smoky". barbecue design is slightly different from the barbecue. Inside the box there are two lattice: lie on the bottom of the coals, and spread on top of the meat and fish. BBQ classified into the following types:
- Transportable (foldable). The brazier is equipped with a removable grille. The assembled device is placed in a special bag. Convenient for visiting picnics.
- Mobile. Represent trolley on wheels, which can "roll" on the site. The design does not understand. The bottom has a tray on which to put the dishes, pots or putting the wood, and the top is mounted on four pillars roaster.
- Boiler. Classic American version with a domed lid. It is convenient because it lasts longer in the heat, so in such fryers can be baked bird in whole or in large pieces of meat, which is not on the open coals propekutsya.
- Stationary. Made of stone or brick, equipped area for cooking and dining area.
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Also, there are disposable and elektrobarbekyu brazier. For a fixed place of rest, they do not work on the site.

For barbecue fans, who have only barbecues, the problem is easily solved by purchasing special grid or "curling" - device with handles and two sheets of mesh between which clamp products.

Construction of the site
Relax on the "bare earth" is attractive only for field outings. In addition to the foundation pad must be covered with a protective material, which will provide ease of use. For these purposes, used brick, stone, paving tiles, "street" flooring or decking. It is possible to perform coating of the same material as that used for stacking garden paths.

Paving tiles or stone
Paving slabs, thanks to the variety of shapes, textures and colors allows you to create an original design mangalnoy zone and organically fit it into the landscape ensemble. The material is not afraid of the cold, the sun and is suitable even for registration of a patio or outdoor areas, as seams pass water, preventing the formation of puddles. Start with site preparation: remove the layer of turf, scavenge, pegs mounted on the sides of the zone, and they pull the rope. Ground carefully leveled. The "holes" fill up the ground, and on the "hills" remove the excess. Then, carefully tamped ground. If the soil is too loose, it is necessary to moisten with water. The more compacted ground, the smaller the shrinkage of the tiles. Then, create a drainage "cushion" of gravel and sand. To smooth the surface was simpler, within the circuit pad stacks laid pipe. Gaps between them is filled with sand, which layer carefully aligned. The tile itself can be spread as rubble, and the sand-cement.
The work should start with the edges. The first row spread of cord stretched "by themselves." If the tiles are not joined to the adjacent edges of the site or the curb, it pruned using grinders. Packed material using mallets aligned and level. After completion, the seams sprinkled sand-cement mixture and watered. After the composition is dry, they will be overwritten with quartz sand. Laying of stone is accompanied by the construction of drainage. Natural material has numerous surface irregularities, in which water can collect. Rammed foundation on loose soil is covered with concrete screed. The stones are fixed to the site using a special construction adhesive or grout.

Garden flooring or decking
Garden flooring or decking - wooden modules are square in shape, consisting of small rods, which are laid on a flat surface. From decking material differs only in form. It is used for decorating terraces, porches, garden droshky, rest areas. Decking strong and durable, not afraid of frost and contact with moisture. Do not recommend to use it as a floor covering in damp basements and baths. Decking made from Siberian larch and tropical wood. material processing technology includes a steam treatment in vacuum impregnation and special protective structures. After this procedure, the moisture of the boards is removed and they acquire new properties.
Garden parquet floor does not crack, does not warp, does not swell after the rains. Decking is not afraid of mold and mildew, is aesthetically attractive and easily assembled / disassembled. Modules garden parquet laid on a prepared base of crushed stone, compacted soil, gravel or concrete. It does not recommend the use of a sand cushion, since the coating will start to sag over time. The base carefully flattened. On the ground you need to lay a special fabric that prevents the germination of grass and weeds. The modules are interconnected by means of locking fasteners. Decking fit otherwise. First, on the flat surface mounted lugs, the frequency location of which depends on the length of slats. Then on top of them mounted boards. They are secured to the joists with screws, and then joined together by butt-groove.
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Construction of the canopy and poles for him
The supports can be made of wooden beams, metal rods, or put them out of brick and stone. The last option is more suitable for monumental buildings, which stand for more than one year. Canopies can be hard and soft. The first category includes slate, metal profile, brass plates, tiles. These materials are placed on pre-prepared roof trusses. roof construction has increased strength. By coating the soft type include any material that is flexible. On the frame is applied by fusing them.

There are three types of soft coatings:
- At the bituminous base;
- On bitumen-based polymer;
- Polymers.
The budget projects use a versatile and inexpensive material - polycarbonate. In the role of its main "competitor" are the tarps and other waterproof fabric.

zoning regulations
Mangalnye spacious area should be divided into separate fields. As a rule, there are only two:
- cooking zone. It includes a work surface and center.
- Dining area and a seating area.

Most often they are conventionally delimit using the furniture. For example, it is enough to put a dining table with chairs and a sofa to divide the area into two sectors. In other cases, you can use the miniature "mesh" partitions, assembled from wooden slats.

Which to choose the furniture
If Chargrill area does not have a pass and is located in the open air, it is better to be equipped with a light garden furniture. During bad weather it is possible to quickly gather and hide in the nearest farm buildings. For sites gated suitable solid wood furniture. The standard kit always contains a dining table, benches or chairs. For more comfort you can add an interior deck chair or hammock.

Since most of the gatherings with a barbecue ends well after midnight, a barbecue area is necessary to ensure good illumination, which is obtained by combining the main light sources and decorative illumination. For mangalnoy zone LED lamp can be chosen in the form of spotlights or tape lights (on poles or suspension), a wall sconce, curable on supports closed area. The monumental building with a strong canopy fixed ceiling lamp. To save power, you can choose lamps or spotlights powered by solar batteries. Thus it is necessary to insure the conventional devices that are connected to the power supply, as economical lamps have a limited lifespan and may not be included during inclement weather.

stylistic design
For registration patio suitable Italian, Greek and Spanish ethnic styles. They are characterized by the presence of a stone in the decoration, light wooden walls of the rails, compact furniture, monochromatic textiles and exotic flowers in pots. In the modern interior mangalnoy zone prevail metal surfaces and glass. If we add to it the brickwork and decorative illumination spot complete with simple but stylish furnishings, you get a loft. Mangalnye zone combined with bath are shaped in a traditional Russian style with carved elements marker tables and benches made of wood with rough surfaces. For country direction in the finishing and decoration use wood, forged items, checkered textile with thematic designs. Ease of design in the style of Provence emphasizes battered furniture, painted in bright colors, fine sculpture, chaotic greenery in pots, and home textiles, which decorate a platform for recreation.

Most urban residents are trying to get at least a small piece of land in the countryside for a summer pastime in the fresh air away from the hustle and bustle. Maintenance of the garden and the garden consumes the lion's share of free time, but especially nice after a day's work reward yourself a couple of hours of relaxation with family or friends at the burning fireplace with roasted on the fire goodies. Chargrill area - a nice addition to the dacha, which is also easy to build with his own hands, so to vary its arrangement is not necessary.