Country house and land attached to it, are the limit of the urban dweller dreams. No neighbors close and permanent parking restrictions. This little personal corner gives owners the opportunity to create their own housing "paradise", which will continue to exist under its rules. Landscaping area of 12 hectares should start with the development of the project. Professionals will do it for you faster and better, but who prefer to independently master this complex science. Landscape design is akin to designing the interior, from him precisely will also depend on the warmth and comfort in an area where during the summer the owners will spend most of the time. Try to understand why not start planning, and how to arrange the functional areas within twelve acres.
- Principles suburban area layout
- Rules and regulations of the location of objects
- Styles of Landscape Design
- Construction of the residential area
Arrangement Horticultural portion
- Recommendations for the selection of vegetation
- Organization of recreation areas
- Construction of the playground
- economic zone
- The harmonious combination of zones
- Lighting on site
- Fence - is here to stay
- Construction of the lawn
- conclusion
Principles suburban area layout
Before you get behind the project, it is necessary to determine the final picture that you want to see the end of. This can be a ready-made design object that you see in fashion magazines, or image "from the head", generated only by your imagination. On a clean sheet of paper draw section shape (top view). Usually it is rectangular, square, triangular or trapezoidal. More complex forms are not common. If you were "lucky" to become the owner of such rarities, each spare area is necessary to beat so that he later became a highlight. Then, on the plane marked parts of the world and especially topography, ie the landscape: the elevation, the lowlands, the slopes, perhaps by the fence splashing lake or pond. Also consider the level of groundwater. Then determines the purpose for which the gardening area will be used. For example, if the owners are avid gardeners and plan most of their time spent on the cultivation of the soil, even under the horticultural and farming will have to pay the lion's share of the land. Perhaps even to the detriment of other functional sites. However, twelve acres is enough for arranging holiday minimum. This area belongs to large. All zones are classified into four types:
- Living spaces. The house and its possible extension. This also include the adjacent part of the yard;
- for the recreation area. It includes the gazebo, barbecue, swimming pools, tennis courts, cubbies for thought about the eternal in the pond;
- Construction of economic purpose. They can be ranked baths, cellars, sheds for storing equipment and wood, garages and parking under the car;
- Land under fruit and vegetable garden.

Although the location and size of the above-mentioned areas is calculated either the owner or the designer in accordance with his wishes, there are generally accepted norms.
Very small part of the land is considered to be a residential house. He usually takes no more than 10% of the total area. Another 15-20% is taken at a rest area. The remaining part is given at the mercy of the flora and fauna is possible (if the content is scheduled pets). Included with them are always outbuildings, which are set to provide more comfort in the care economy. If it seems that is not enough space, then carry out the layout of the individual objects in a conventional boundaries area. Alternatively, a garden can be combined with a seating area. Canopy trees give shade in the hot summer and will protect from the wind in winter. Also consider the features of relief: slopes, depressions, natural objects that were marked on the original scheme. They can be a significant obstacle to the placement of certain buildings.

By planning suburban area must be approached from a rational point of view. The beauty of the landscape will provide design, its grinding, but the inconvenient location of facilities spoil all impression. In addition to change anything it might be too late. Preferably before the implementation of its project to see a specialist for plan approval. An experienced designer will find the mistakes and correct them in time.

Rules and regulations of the location of objects
In addition to his desire to be considered and accepted norms, which are regulated by law. Built on your land must:
- Do not disturb the neighbors;
- Do not create obstacles to the free movement of people or vehicles in public places (if there's street);
- Provide safe accommodation owners.
See also:Landscaping long and narrow portion

These three aspects can be expressed in figures. Distance from neighboring dwellings to intake must be no less than 4 m. From bushes low compliance distance of 1.5 m, and from tall and dwarf derevev- 4 m and 3 m, respectively. Farm buildings have to be erected at a distance of not less than 1 m, and those constructions, which contains animals - 4 m. For your own safety between buildings of different types shall be as follows distance:
- For stone and brick houses need to "retreat" to 6 m;
- If the construction has wooden floors, the allowable distance is increased another 2 m;
- Near the wood houses is not permitted to erect other buildings closer than 15m.

These limits are designed to comply with fire safety. As for sanitary rules, the toilets and households. Building with animals should be located not less than 12 meters from inhabited buildings. Latrines and showers are best installed at a distance of 8 m from the house. Not allowed near the water source (well or well) to build sheds, where it will be kept cattle, and put the street toilets. Otherwise, no one can guarantee the owners of this land, that waste water from sewage will not fall into the Pit reserves.
In case of violation of the established rules, unscrupulous owner expected not only fines but also the requirements of the demolition of certain buildings. Experienced landscapers know the rules "by heart." A similar problem can be encountered only beginners who have decided for the first time with his own hands to equip a plot of land.

Styles of Landscape Design
In landscape design as well as in the usual interior, there are styles whose unity is observed when placing portions. Note the five most common:
- Classical. It is characterized by straight lines, neatly trimmed lawns and trees, strict geometry in the arrangement of buildings.

- Japanese style. East promotes minimalism in everything. For this reason, avoid "extra" on the site and buildings erected only necessary to perform a particular function. From the decor will look good "winter" garden with a pond in the center of the composition.

- Russian. In this direction, embody the idea of national "village." To recreate its flavor, most of the buildings erected of wood, and in the decoration prevalent thread.

- English. The style of "freedom" which rejects symmetry. Although the construction and garden area are clean, neat, but on a site, they may be scattered randomly as your heart desires. Do not forget to add the "stiffness" landscape, decorating it with stone paths and benches or ponds with the same finish.

- The Mediterranean style. Forget about the lawns. Instead, they use a wide vases and baskets of flowers. All houses pad cover light stone or gravel is filled. Flower pots are grouped in pictorial compositions. The decor of the use of handmade objects.

All of the above areas can be combined into one big stylistic group called "ethnics". Of course there are other design options: Scandinavian, romantic, high-tech, Country, Provence, Ecostyle. They, too, live by its laws.

Construction of the residential area
Residential building is conditional center of the composition, although exactly in the middle portion of its offer rare. If next to the fence passes a quiet street, the main building and an indoor patio usually equip closer to her. Wade through the maze of garden paths to take to the streets, it will be too uncomfortable. Quite a different situation from the busy highway. From her better isolate themselves and move to the far corner of the construction. Otherwise the noise of cars and passers-by will prevent permanent peaceful sleep and rest. If the site is a relief, and most of it is in the valley, the house is being built on the highest point of the slope. This option will eliminate the danger of flooding. Local area is given by terraces that create a picturesque composition. When laying the foundation should consider the type of soil and the level of occurrence of the waste water.
See also:Gazebo with barbecue: examples of projects

Arrangement Horticultural portion
As already mentioned above, horticultural farm occupies a large part of the area. Usually it equips a "hollow" portion of the interval, which is removed from the preview. It is unlikely that someone will like to open the gate and immediately "to the threshold" contemplate cucumber and tomato landscape. Vegetable garden is usually combined with the garden, which becomes a "buffer" zone between it and the area for leisure or residential buildings. The bushes are seated on the perimeter of the "green" zones or inside it as conventional borders which are separated one from the other beds. If near the site of a busy street or highway, the vegetable garden, garden area is removed from it to the maximum distance. The dust will settle on the leaves, and the exhaust gases will not add good fruit.

Recommendations for the selection of vegetation
As for the vegetation, the course choices for the owners. Some people love to look after the cranky eggplant, while others prefer a more simple greens and radishes. Should take into account only the features of climate. A vegetable garden can be omitted altogether, if the owners prefer "lazy" to care for fruit trees in the garden. Alternatively, leave only a small gryadochki with greenery and flower beds. The latter are usually decorate the front yard. It is useful to put a pair of firs, arborvitae, or pine. Over time, the trees stretch out and create a shadow. In addition, year-round at the site will be distributing a pleasant, tart flavor of pine and pleasing to the eye "eternal" greens. Do not recommend planting trees too close to buildings, because after ten years has strengthened the root system can raise the foundation. For lovers of Russian coloring in store option with native birches. After 5-6 years of Wild Growth can collect sap in the spring, without prejudice to the trees. Garden least usually consists of pear, apple, cherry and plum. In warmer climates well acclimatized cherry. Shrubs usually prefer raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Of course, no garden is complete without a "permanent" beds of strawberries. In order to facilitate care of it, it is recommended to close the whole area a special film with slotted under the bushes. Thus gentle strawberry will be protected from weeds.

Organization of recreation areas
Center zone becomes arbor. This structure is necessary for a good rest. She may be:
- Monumental brick or wood with glass windows and a stove inside
- Time used only in the summer.

As Economy embodiment equips scenic "green" arbor. They are a frame made of wire, on which the woven vines. Completes the composition of garden furniture: table and a couple of chairs or a bench. In addition to the gazebo set BBQ or make out a designated area for barbecue. In more expensive versions garden path can lead to the pool or ornamental pond.

Construction of the playground
Playground combined with a seating area. This will allow an adult quietly spend their leisure time for cooking kebabs and in parallel to monitor kids. On the site, it is desirable to establish a sandbox, slides and a couple of roundabouts. If it will play the older children, you should think about the arrangement of a tennis court or table, ping-pong table. Hill can "complicate": space underneath to finish in a castle or a cabin.

economic zone
Economic zone includes a bath or shower, garages, sheds, summer kitchen, a place for storing wood. All these buildings are required, but may be slightly spoil the look of the site. To get rid of the negative effect of the structure are grouped and decorated with neat paths along the sides of which are planted in flower beds. The result is a small separate little world within a large area holdings.
See also:How to build a shed with their hands

The harmonious combination of zones
Areas should not just be apart of "spots" on the landscape painting of the landscape and create a single organic painting. The farm buildings are combined with gardens. That, in turn, flows smoothly into the garden. Fruit trees will become a scenic backdrop to the area for recreation. Garage usually placed close to the fence. Alternatively, parking for cars parked to the house or bring in his plan and erected in parallel as part of the building. Remember conventionally or substantially separate zone. One of the most common options - decorative fences. pad well separated from each other by means of conventionally flower beds and garden paths.

Lighting on site
Coverage area portion 12 ar may not be limited to one lamp over the porch. An interesting solution is to install high decorative lights along the garden paths. This way you can in one fell swoop to illuminate the far corners of possessions and keep the unity of style. Do not forget to equip each building at the entrance of the central lamp. As an additional illumination using decorative lighting: figurines of gnomes and cute little animals that are placed directly into the ground and help to find his way.

Fence - is here to stay
Construction of the usually begins with the fence. Of course in the first place his erect in order to outline their possessions. The first fence is usually rough. On one of the final stages of construction of a residential complex it is changed to permanent. Simple fences made of brick, stone, wood or metal sheets. Quite ugly and clumsy look of slate fences. To determine the monumentality of the hedge, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of danger that comes from the surrounding streets. If it's a quiet lane, where go and go just neighbors, we can put a decorative fence, which is open to outsiders scenic view of the house and its surrounding buildings. In even a hedge can be considered as an option. If, however, a number of broad street on which every day are hundreds of passers-by, it is certainly better to opt for a solid brick or stone fence above human growth.
It's important to know. Compromise is to install rugged and high hedges outwardly from a lab material. From the outside it decorated with shrubs or trees planted in rows.

Construction of the lawn
Lawn paired with paved walkways gives site neat and refined look. It is a separate piece of land, which is seeded with different types of grasses. The latter may be annual or perennial. The second option is preferable, since only require timely care, not re-planting. Plants are selected by the type of soil and climate. Lawns are classified into three types:
- Decorative. Used only for the beauty in those areas where no man has gone before;
- Functionality. In addition to the neat appearance of the plants also provide additional support to the ground from fraying. Option is actual for slopes reservoirs or gullies;
- Universal. They combine the decorative and "strengthen" function.

Before planting, prepare the soil, and after it will require regular maintenance after the emergence of grass (haircut).

Plan the suburban area the project is only half the battle. It still needs to implement. During construction, many face a number of problems that simply were not considered "on paper". For this reason, before you start, I recommend reading as much as possible the special literature. It will talk not only about the correct placement of the buildings on the site from a rational point of view, but also about how beautiful "fit" their fantasies and preferences within their own area.