Gardening and landscape construction - this is a very large area phytodesign, requires a serious theoretical and practical training. Regardless of the size of the area, to the future result was a worthy and long-term, it is necessary to apply a professional approach in the design. Even creating a landscape design 6 acres, need to be patient, initially paying enough attention to theory.
- Project
- Garden Garden
- Combine the vegetables and flowers
- Availability
- Fruit trees and shrubs
- A shady part of the garden
- Garden to relax
- flower beds
- annual flower beds
- individual landscape
- Harmony in the garden
It is important not to neglect the creation of a detailed project on paper, it will not miss the attention of various subtleties, consider all the "pitfalls" as well as a realistic assessment of their capabilities, both physical and financial.
garden plot project will contain the following sections:
- The initial portion of the plan;
- zoning;
- Design.
If necessary, also:
- drainage system;
- watering scheme;
- Scheme of electric networks.

Initial or rough plan of the site needs to create all the other plans. It should display directions, landscape features (depressions, elevations, large planting plants), built on site cottages and near boundaries or adjacent portions of the road.
The second stage of the design is the zoning. Here you need to consider what will be the functional areas (lounge, garden, sports, shopping, children's area). Assessing the real possibility of a small suburban area, it is better to confine 3-4 zones, determining their acceptable size.
The most fascinating part of the direct design planning. This item is usually given the most time. It is here that all the things that need to turn 6 acres of land will be reflected.
Rarely on such small areas are planned engineering systems. Thus irrigation system can replace the ordinary garden hose, which is no problem throw in any corner of the garden, and the lighting is usually enough sources embodied in the country house. In the event that planned to establish more severe watering and lighting systems, for their design is better to turn to specialized companies.

Garden Garden
Traditionally, in our country the land is used for growing vegetables. Advice of professionals is that it is not necessary to maintain this tradition in the absolute accuracy. Vegetable garden, too, can be beautiful, but not like a cemetery with rectangular graves.
If desired, the entire portion can be arranged in a plurality of decorative garden. beds It can be replaced by beds of various sizes and shapes, where the flower content will be replaced with edible plants.
All the usual for us vegetables have very decorative data that a reasonable accommodation can be opened for you in a new light, even an ordinary potato, planted apart, as the plant-tapeworm is simply unrecognizable, because of its impressive foliage will a contrasting background for the colorful flower clusters, then for unusual clusters of fruit, which previously nebyli noticeable in the overall heap landings.
See also:A bed with his hands: beautiful and practical options
Moreover, planted separately potato bushes will bear fruit better, because care for them will be more accessible and, consequently, better quality than in mass plantings.
Very unusual, but it is to create a spectacular garden in the form of a multi-level terrace, as almost all vegetables annuals are in the middle band conditions, there is no fear of freezing Whole artificial Upland. When you create a landscape element of the general form of a garden plot becomes a beautiful shape, the visual impression of increasing the area.

Combine the vegetables and flowers
To diversify the design suburban area, you need to add some color to a color in harmony with the fruit-bearing plants. Flowers can be used as a perennial and annual.
In making the compositions it is important to take into account the specificities of all the neighboring plantations, the size of the underground, above-ground parts, shade tolerance, the requirements for watering, bush growth rate preference to fertilizers, soil composition, compatibility with other neighbors. If you need to leave a large space around the cultural fit, it can be filled ground-covering species, annuals or with limited growth, does not require large biological space.
It is appropriate to use the adjacent varieties of fruit and flower. Modern breeders offer many varieties of edible Brassica, Allium with large globular inflorescence, various latirusy, tiny tomatoes and more.
For vertical planting ideal combination cucumbers and horticultural loach.
Favorite all gardeners prostrate on the ground squash, pumpkin will look good in combination with low zinnias and marigolds.
In general, you should not be afraid to experiment in this direction by creating new unique compositions.

When you create a landscape design need to provide access to all elements of the garden, so that there was no difficulty in caring for them.
At the design stage of the system is planned to track and separate islands, which should be sustained and of sufficient size. Also, if there are no underground utilities, leading water should calculate how it will be provided with irrigation, watering so that the process does not damage the plants.

Fruit trees and shrubs
For suburban area 6 hundredth be rationally choose undersized trees and shrubs, alternating with middle-sized fruit-bearing bushes.
This part of the garden is better to place near the northern or north-eastern section of the border, to the landing did not create a shadow in the daytime for light-loving herbaceous plants. Also, it would be better if the landing will be located on a natural hill, where the spring is not It will be stagnant water, harmful day of the root system, otherwise it is necessary to create the right system drainage.
Drainage is done for each plant at the bottom of the wells of the seat in combination with a common exhaust system of excess water i.e. install drainage pipes, ditches, etc. With proper drainage device, all the water should leave without stopping at this site.
See also:Landscape suburban area 5 ar
A group of woody plants can serve as a visual barrier, they make it possible to design a zone inaccessible to prying eyes of neighbors, this is especially true for a narrow area where it is difficult to create a secluded area for recreation.
It also should not forget to combine business with pleasure, for example, creating a combination of rose bushes currant.

A shady part of the garden
Creating the design suburban area with their hands need to consider all the details.
One of those tricky moments can be considered to fill a shady part of the garden. Often, inexperienced gardeners because of their inexperience millet leave this zone under a thicket of weeds without scary, if unremarkable plot behind the house is much more difficult for those who have it is the front area houses.
In fact, there are many shade-tolerant crops, of course they are not fruit-bearing or possessing lush flowering, often it dekorativnolistvennye plants. Creating diverse combinations of textures and colors can achieve a good decorative effect.
Glossy rounded leaves hosts will look at contrasting duet with feathery vayyami fern on the foreground. For the background is well suited high ferns, for example, strausnik.
You can create a lawn of ground cover plants such as sorrel, wild ginger and lily of the valley.

Garden to relax
In recent years become fashionable to acquire suburban areas are not to get involved in gardening, but just for a cultural holiday in the fresh air. As a rule, this does not make sense to acquire large territories, it will be enough land 6 acres with a small country house with a lot invested in this seating area.
Where you just need to choose the most undemanding plants that do not require special care. And of decorative elements will be enough to create a 2-3 beds with perennial flowers, able to grow in one place for many years. Exposed areas can be sown resistant to trampling undersized lawn grass.
General view of the installation can vary arbors, Summer kitchens, swings or artificial ponds.
It should be understood that any site will require minimal care to maintain a presentable appearance.
In the sultry heat of almost all crops require irrigation, flower beds need weeding and fertilizing, and lawn mowing.

flower beds
The most common element of landscape design, it's flower bed.
Distinguish beds rectangular shape, they are called ridges and beds arbitrary shape. Also distinguish between single-level and multi-level beds.
Rabatki usually fit for gardens, designed in form-linear style using clear geometric shapes. On small areas, they tend to be located adjacent to the buildings.
Free-form beds suitable for gardens in vegetative style, where all strive to emulate nature. Here, as nowhere else would be appropriate tiered seating and natural randomness landings.
at planning flower beds you need to consider the flowering of all the components, ideally to achieve continuous flowering effect, so that the fading blossoms once again gave way to blooming. To do this, set up a special table, which reflects the seasonality of flowering. If you still have time intervals with the lack of basic flowering perennials, you should take care of filling out their annuals with a long flowering period.
See also:Decorative fountains and waterfalls for garden
As for the color scheme, you need to create color spots of the groups are similar in color but different in color texture. You can also implement a combination of monochrome.

annual flower beds
When you create a landscape design their own hands, you can start with flowerbeds with annual crops. Among them there is a large selection of hardy plants, which can be trained and gain experience in floriculture.
An important advantage of such short-lived planting can be considered as an opportunity to change the design every year. In one season it can be a multi-level complex bed of dahlias, amaranth, petunias, nasturtiums, calendula, and next it will be a classic arrangement of aster, cineraria, stonecrop.
Annuals tend to have a long flowering, which is favorable for continuous bloom throughout the season.
There are many hardy varieties, for which needs minimal care. many cultures also displayed not demanding to the fertility of the substrate. Thus, you can gradually pick up the most suitable for your site colors that will always please its abundant flowering.

individual landscape
For most parts of the landscape is characterized by monotonous, with no individual characteristics. To view was not boring you need to create the elements imitating the natural elements of the landscape (upland, lowland, different levels).
One of these elements may be alpine garden or terrace several "floors". Trees and shrubs are also visually give the necessary 3D-effect.
Create multi-level beds and vertical gardening that will attract attention, to delay looking at him.

Harmony in the garden
Own hands it is possible to create a harmonious landscaping.
For this purpose, the individual elements must be selected in the same style, combined with buildings and natural site characteristics.
For example, zone of barbecue accessories must be appropriate among artificial plantations, rather than to seem random elements.
Create a smooth transition of color patches into one another, it is not necessary to create a bright gardens, it strains the mind and promotes relaxation.
First of all landscaping is designed for the person, all its constituents better to make a comfortable, practical.
Design suburban area, which has a modest size, it is not necessary to load an abundance of decoration, it is better to pay maximum attention to the functional components.

In conclusion, we can say that to create a landscape design suburban area with their own hands a lot of fun, skills can be improved, bringing them to the ideal of every year. Expanding their knowledge in the area of the affected individual topics in this article, is not afraid to experiment, you can develop your own style.