The desire to get close to nature for urban residents is a natural manifestation of human nature. Country economy have become a place for seasonal stays or a weekend. This is where you can escape from everyday worries and hassles. Land is mainly used for gardening classes.
Proper planning of the suburban area is not only to build a house, but in the rational design of infrastructure, the basic element of which is garden paths. They allow you to move comfortably in their possessions, decorated territory, divide it into zones. Without trails is difficult to imagine the appearance subsistence farming, and their configuration is created as far back as the time of the landscape design.
- Requirements for the garden path
- Design and layout on site
- What preparations are needed
Variants of materials and installation of garden paths
- brick path
- Walkway of stone
- paving slabs
- Cement / concrete path
- The paths of the garden parquet
- Decking for paths
- Tracks from saw cut wood
- bulk track
- The path of the plastic lids
- Prefabricated plastic track
- conclusion
Requirements for the garden path
The path is used primarily for connecting commercial facilities, and also makes a convenient way to distant parts suburban complex. Properly planned path must provide the shortest distance from the construction to the vegetable garden, garden, flowerbed. However, such an arrangement may be contrary to all the aesthetics of the landscape, in which case the winding trail.

Like any object of the common system, the track in the country must meet certain requirements:
- Relief suburban area defines the configuration trails;
- Aesthetic properties must be the same with a single view of the entire economy. This circumstance is taken into account when choosing the coating, i.e. if the facade, patio, playground laid out a savage, and the track must have items of this raw material;
- All trails are divided into main and auxiliary. The width of the first should be at least one meter, the second - 50 cm;
- Wide aisles make convex or inclined to them do not accumulate water. Bottlenecks can do without bias;
- When planning is necessary to prevent the emergence of forks;
- Trails should unite all landscape structures: a greenhouse, ornamental pond, gazebo and other elements;
- On the way to all the important part of decoration required to be clearly visible;
- Distribution of the field needs to be done so that the lines divide the whole area on the characteristic parts made zoning area.

Design and layout on site
The main stage in the creation of garden paths is the process of designing the planned facility planning scheme trails throughout the area. This takes into account the following points: the season chosen for the construction work, terrain, type of soil, the architectural style of buildings.
The main path should share horticultural farm into two symmetrical halves. When you create a main and secondary tracks can combine styles when the base trail - direct and subsidiary have arbitrary form. Particular attention should be paid to the planning of the trees along the way. Their branches and the crown should not be obstacles.

An important factor to consider in projecting, and are properties of the soil. Sandy soil is most favorable for construction. Earthmoving breed subject movement, the speed of which depends on the temperature, humidity, load exerted on the surface.
The path should not only be practical, but it is safe and comfortable for travel. This combination is achieved when the draft villa relief area. If the terrain is flat, the paths can be arranged in any manner. On inclined plane used terraces connected gentle transitions ladders. When the funnel-shaped form, build significant object (pond, gazebo, fountain) at its lowest portion, from whose opposite sides diverging paths.
In the process of designing a well to lay a trail that will go around the entire perimeter of the circle.

If you have finished the project can proceed to the next stage - marking tracks in the area. This will require templates - rails, the length of which corresponds to the width of future trails. Apply the label should start from home to facilities located throughout the area. For this purpose, on the one hand a planned paths into the soil pierce pegs, the distance between which achieves two meters on straight track and a few centimeters on the winding, which allows you to make smooth transitions. On the pegs along the way they appear stretched rope. Next, using the corresponding line pattern is formed on the other side. This method of marking is suitable for forming main and secondary paths.
See also:boxwood
What preparations are needed
Drawing draft, made markings - this is the first stage. The next point will be the preparatory phase of the upcoming work, at this stage, you want to select materials and tools. Next, proceed to excavation.
After applying the layout of the soil is removed (up to 25 centimeters). Digging a trench at a small slope, so that water does not stay on the surface. From the side of the slope make the system to drain fluid. In the resulting trench tamped ground, and the walls on the sides of the boards increase, the border guards. Such actions protect edges from damage. The next step is processing the bottom of the ditch different chemicals that will destroy the remnants of the roots of weeds.

To future grass is not destroyed track laid on the bottom of the trench covering material (geotextiles). On the surface it is poured a few centimeters of sand. Then all covered with gravel whose thickness is based on the type of soil is calculated (layer reaches 30 cm). Latest actions will applying a small layer of sand which is compacted and wetted with water.
Variants of materials and installation of garden paths
Paving paths use different materials, all depends on the overall style of the suburban area, financial capabilities and desires of the owners. Lean owners use even construction debris, broken bricks, pieces of concrete, pieces of paving slabs. The strongest material are cast concrete panels.
You can use not only the individual elements of raw materials, whether wood, brick or concrete flooring. It looks great combined, mixed types of coatings. For example, crushed stone can be combined with savage cuts with wooden shingles. An important element in the path of decor objects are located on the sides. It can be potted plants, ornamental plantings, arches, mounds of stones, lampposts.

When installing any material prior to laying a trench and be wetted, and the raw material itself. Rule aligns the upper layer of sand. Then set formwork (in the case when not using a border), then proceed to computation or pouring raw materials and patterned future path. Consider the most common materials used in assembling the garden paths:
brick path
Landscaped courtyard, walking trail in the garden, a convenient approach to the dacha objects can be easily performed by a brick. This raw material is attractive in that it is simple to operate and can be laid out the path with his own hands. Rational host selects an option in the case where he has left unused and broken materials.
The disadvantage of a brick can be considered as its fragility. He is rapidly destroyed by moisture and by changes in temperature. To save it using waterproof varnish, however, there is a special clinker, created primarily for sidewalk paving. hydrophobizer life depends on the intensity of use of the coating and can be up to five years.

Clinker has a high density and contains no pores, it is characterized by low water absorption, resistance to frost, is a durable material that does not require additional treatments. With his installation, you can use three basic schemes of patterns: herringbone, lateral, standard masonry. Paving performed on the selected pattern on a prepared base. Bias level checked. Shrinkage and the alignment is performed with a rubber hammer, if necessary podsypaya sand in areas of subsidence. At the final stage surface strewn with dry cement, mixed with sand and after it prometayut broom across the surface and moistened with water.
Walkway of stone
Country suburban area well decorate a natural stone. Natural material emphasizes the natural appearance of the elements located in the country, whether it's bed, garden, garden, flowerbed or garden. The raw material is characterized by durability, it can withstand heavy loads. The mineralogical composition of stone can be different, it determines the color, so the presence of chlorite provides a green color, hematite - red, graphite - black.
path arrangement begins with the preparation of the base. It may be concrete, composed of sand, or cement mixed with sand. Stone pavers, any type of breccia is placed on a concrete base. Cobblestones better spread on the sand. The mixed cement is a universal basis.
See also:Conifers in landscape design suburban area 75 photos

The material is durable, has a wide range of applications. Granite flagstone most durable and resistant to environmental effects. Lifetime of three hundred years. The disadvantages of the coating can be attributed to the high cost, it is also difficult to handle very heavy.
paving slabs
The holiday house and the land around it gives the opportunity to express themselves, to carry out a fantasy. Properly planted tree, flower, plant - all this defines the landscape design. Botany and plant - an important element of the decor, but also do not forget about the architecture of the building, which is full will create coziness. Laying of paving slabs will allow not only to get rid of the dirt under your feet, but also will create a beautiful and comfortable passage to the veranda, gate, bench.

This material is popular primarily due to the huge variety of colors, shapes. Figure paving allows you to split stone blocks of the following characteristics:
The form | Format, see | Thickness, cm |
Brick | 7h14 | 8 |
Bone | 17h20 | 8 |
hexahedron | 26h23 | 6 |
Square | 30x30 | 4 |
Clover | 21x21 | 6 |
Mosaic | 20x20, 10x10 | 4 |
Eight | 40x40 | 5 |
Old city | 18h12, 12x12, 12x9 | 6 |
Checkers | 30x30, 50x50 | 6 |
Turtle | 30x30 | 6 |
California | 19x19 | 6 |
Wave | 22h11 | 7 |
Consider a simple master class. laying work lies in the fact that the level of need to put two strings that make up the plane of the path of the future. The next step will be the construction of installing and fixing the curb. Garden pavement placed on a standard basis. To align the upper layer of sand can be any available material, e.g., forge two boards with smooth surfaces, one of which will adhere to the curb, and the second leveling layer sand. On the prepared surface spread stone material (paving). Tiles laid on top dredged sand is used as its mixture with cement.
Cement / concrete path
The material is characterized by its plasticity. Of it is done blind area around the house, but the raw material is good to use when creating a budget garden paths. It perfectly simulates a multi-colored mosaic or natural stone. In addition, it is a very durable coating, drenched trail can carry a loaded wheelbarrow, cart. Concrete has the following positive features:
- Durability. Correct Shading allows to exploit coating for several decades;
- Availability. It differs sufficiently low price;
- Plastic. Liquid concrete allows you to do with it whatever you like;
- Diverse design. Applying raw materials to the uncured sheet with wood or grass, it is possible to create a natural pattern.

The solution is prepared by mixing cement, sand, water. Use curly shapes, you can simulate the paving, paving slabs. The price of this pleasure will vary considerably with the cost of the original coating. The development of this technology have changed the device forms, they have become plastic (previously used metal and the samples had to fill in the piece).
To drenched on the path is not a crack, concrete coating must moisturize for several days.
The paths of the garden parquet
Natural wood not sustain natural influences. Even oak parquet is not able to withstand rain, snow, temperature extremes. Therefore, the material only has a wooden appearance, but the composition of his polymer-wood, plastic.
The coating is a square, rectangular plate. Has an amazing view, because It mimics the tree. The material is easy to install, thanks to the presence of locks. Included in the polymers protect the board from sunlight, making it impervious to moisture and temperature changes.

Laying flooring is carried out on a sandy base cement screed. The substrate should be as smooth as possible - this is the main demand of the installation. Make calculations under the bias of a few degrees. This is a necessary condition for the flow of water from the surface. Width should be selected taking into account the size of a standard product that throughout the trail are not undercut each board. On each side of the track can decorate the ridges.
Decking for paths
Used for laying terraces. It is also called as the decking, though the designation usually applied to the garden parquet. Wood-plastic composite material forms the basis. There are natural varieties decking, the outer plane of which consists of larch, but appearance is not different from the KDP (dust components are mixed with PVC).

Material affect the laying method. For wood must concrete or cement base, and also the presence of wooden or metal frame, to which beam is attached by means of hardware. Between the boards is required to provide a couple of millimeters gap when expanding to lamellas under the action of moisture, it is not jarred. WPC panels do not require gaps, they are mounted flush. Are mounted via terminals. Do not absorb moisture.
The one-piece array, as opposed to the KDP, is afraid of water, has a high price, over-dried wood cracks, nedosushennoe - deformed.
Tracks from saw cut wood
The path may have different names: from cuts, log ends, a log, a stump. The raw material is the most affordable, but quite difficult to handle. I cut a tree - the first stage in the construction of trails. It is made in advance, to prepare the wood. Better use of hardwoods. Ideal - larch, it is durable, resistant to breakage.
See also:Features rustic style in landscape design

Preparation of the material is in the dissolution of the logs, and the height of the saw cut of up to 20 cm. Further purified by saw cut bark is conducted screenings timber having cracks. These actions contribute to increase the service life of the pavement. At the final stage of the wood is treated with antiseptics and bitumen, and then left to dry.
Installation is carried out to the standard base, made at the preparatory stage. Location sections has no basic value. They can be as much as possible to unite with each other. The main thing - that the logs were smooth, were at the same level. The voids between srubs can be filled gravel, sand and other breeds.
bulk track
Paths are also called soft. The upper layer of the coating consists of pebbles, gravel, crushed materials residues. This material is intended for hiking. Walking very comfortable. Getting around the technical means it is extremely inconvenient.
The coating is characterized in that it did not bind, so it can easily raspolztis throughout the site. To prevent such incidents used curbs. They may consist of plastic, wood - do not require a base. Bricks, tiles mounted on a solution of the cement. To stack bulk material should be on a well compacted base. The upper layer is also compacted, wetted with water.

Design ideas for such coverage a lot. Combining color, you can make a zoning area. It goes well with other materials. Like other types of raw materials, require periodic maintenance which involves adding corresponding chips, its alignment.
The path of the plastic lids
At the cottage can be useful even cropped bottle used for growing seedlings, the cork with her. Multicolored lid easily become gorgeous coating for garden paths. Put this trail is quite difficult material, the process takes a long time. We have to work like a bee that creates cell. But the result is worth it, it receives exclusive décor.
Covers allow you to create absolutely any pattern or ornament. If you need a picture of an animal or a bird, originally created template, and then it is executed composition. The only drawback of this material is its high consumption - per square meter will need more than a thousand covers. Collect the required amount of raw materials is problematic.

For a garden path should be chosen more dense cover. Depending on the age, type of base is determined by such a coating. If a sufficient years of service, you can simply push the material into the ground, otherwise the required cement. If the cover is snapped or not the right color, it can be replaced, using a knife, a hook.
Prefabricated plastic track
An alternative to concrete, brick coatings can serve as paths collected from the plastic plate. They are characterized by low weight, competitive price, do not require a strong foundation, laid freely and dismantled. Plastic is impervious to adverse weather conditions, it has a long service life.

They can make your own or purchase. Standard sizes of purchased panels comprise 30x30 centimeters. They are presented with several options: modular latticework coating, parquet yard, lawn lattice. The structure includes a substrate and the coating itself. Can be laid directly on the compacted soil cement base prepared.
The tracks in the country - not only comfortable way to travel to the object, they are decoration element. The coating may consist of different materials. Lean owners even use feedstocks such as rubber tires, cutting them into pieces, rolled or roll roofing material remaining after the roof installation.