Summer residence area for many people is a place for a summer vacation. Sometimes the facilities inside buildings is not enough, and for placement of plumbing is necessary to use the open area. At the cottage bathroom is not as necessary as the shower, so the cockpit for showering should be sufficient. Outside shower to give you can buy in the form of a modular design and make their own hands. This element can be placed almost anywhere. Correct proportions, design principles and consistency of work on the construction of country soul are not complicated aspects, they will be able to overpower even the novice. There are 4 main types of summer soul for different needs. All of them are characterized by affordability and simplicity, but consume a lot of water and suitable not for everyone. There are options with water heating and without it.
- Features
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Selecting a location
- Size and Design
- Material for building
- How to equip a shower with water supply
Building a summer shower with their own hands
- Materials and tools
- Preparation basis for the soul
- Equipment drain pits / septic tanks
- Mounting frame and paneling
- Selection and installation of the tank
- Lighting and ventilation
- Decorating and decor
- conclusion
Outside shower at the cottage - complete construction. Its design may be performed in several ways. Rack - one of the most simple, to build a shower can even beginners. The shops sell ready design at a low price, will only collect it at the cottage. Another option - the panel. It is placed along the horizontal surface. This can be a fence or wall at home. The most common type is a cubicle. It consists of 3 or 4 walls and sometimes supplemented dressing. Install the shower cubicle can be almost anywhere in the area. According to the Method of water supply garden of the soul there are two types: the barrel and water. There are roughly 4 types of showers: mobile, stationary, warm and versatile. Warm shower includes insulation for use in spring and autumn. Universal is sufficiently large construction, with further bio toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages
In suburban soul a lot of pluses. An important advantage is the low price of the finished structure. It is worth noting, and relatively easy to install. Setting summer shower - convenient and profitable option for those sites where in the house no bathrooms or running water. The design does not take much space and perfectly fit into the environment in a small area. Clear the cab from dirt and plaque is not difficult. Materials for the soul able to withstand cleaning agents and large temperature fluctuations. Negative point - a large water consumption. In this regard, a bath would be a more effective option than a shower. The tank will have to regularly pour a significant amount of water. Nevertheless, in summer conditions are much easier to make a shower, rather than purchasing the whole plumbing systems. There is another drawback - uncomfortable. Not everyone will be comfortable to take a shower outside the specially provided room.

Selecting a location
A place to put the shower should be chosen carefully. It is selected based on the sunny side of the location: it is preferable that a shower is well illuminated by the sun, is not it the water in the tank will heat up faster. You should also avoid shady places under the buildings and trees. And guided by their own preferences: you can choose to install a garden or allotment of the area around the pool or at home. The territory under the cab and near it must be perfectly flat. Beside her, one must have space for water discharge. Otherwise, you will need a complicated layout. Shower Ideally located near the main building. For choosing the right space you will need to view the whole territory. It is necessary to take into account all the features of the construction and decide what you need to be ground under the cabin.
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Size and Design
Before the start of construction of the facility will need to draw the drawing. Booth is better to do a roomy, at least 1.5 × 1.5 m Its minimum allowable size -.. 1 × 1 m must be provided changing room, it is sufficient to 1.5 × 0.6 m. In the area under the shower required dimensions noted future design, including the width of the timber and planks. In the corners of the tube set. The upper part of the structure easier to collect on the ground, and then fastened to the rails. All axes must be the same. For the final construct strength are important and reliable fastening, it is necessary to consider the load from 150-200 liter capacity. Between the columns make mowing. They should be placed in the thickness of the wall. Floor is preferable to set the tray, large selection of which is available in household goods stores. He is placed on a raised sand and crushed stone area. The floor needed gap for flow. Given these nuances, the foundation should have a height of 20-30 cm. If there are no such grounds, the water eventually will make recess.
It must be borne in mind that too little area under construction can cause its destruction.

Material for building
If you use a polycarbonate - shower get practical and compact. This material is elastic and is capable of taking any shape. Cabinet made of polycarbonate can be easily mounted and installed almost anywhere. With this material you can use any version of the water supply, making any type of shower. Special care for polycarbonate is not needed; it does not rot, it is resistant to corrosion and "not afraid" of water. A material such as brick, presented a broad line. For laying the foundation and building walls is better to use full-bodied. In general, the material is resistant to external shocks, durability and high strength. Brick can be used for the construction of only one element - the shower tray. Another important in the construction material, corrugated board, used for masonry roofing and walls. Its advantages are the hardness, strength and attractive appearance.

How to equip a shower with water supply
You need to install a heating system. It does not guarantee delivery of water required temperature, so the variant in which the channel is connected another for mixing cold and hot water and obtain such a temperature at which it is convenient wash. If electric heating is used, the two sides and close to all corners of the earth are made. Inside the cabin is worth keeping an adapter for the shower to low people were easier to wash. Still need a removable shower head. Near the shower, but separate from it, placing the starter that starts the tubular heater (heater). The power supply must have bulbs for displaying the on-state. Near must be a residual current device and in case of failure in the PETN. electric heater terminals need to securely close from contact with water or rain.

Building a summer shower with their own hands
This process includes the following stages:
- Pouring the foundation.
- frame assembly.
- Installation of the tank.
- Construction of room for water runoff.
- Refinement of construction (ventilation, lighting, decoration, decoration).
In order to build a shower by yourself, you need to find or buy the tools and materials. You must be able to use them and know the relevant rules for handling tools. At each stage of the work is given a certain period of time, the output of which is not recommended beyond. It all starts with the preparation of the base. You need to dig a hole to assemble the supporting elements in the correct configuration and to prepare a concrete mix. Then, a wireframe box. At this stage, the design will get shape. Weight of standard tank water should be create adequate load for it - it must be considered in advance. The choice of the tank - also an important point, since it determines the ease of use and the fact what temperature will water. The next thing creates a drain pit, septic tank and drainage. In some cases, the cabin need to be equipped with artificial lighting and ventilation.
See also:Garden design - choose the style and layout

Materials and tools
It needs to acquire a large number of devices. Need tools such as a trowel, a drill, a hacksaw, a cord for fixing the base level. To account for the geometrical parameters necessary to have hydraulic level. For concrete preparation needs a small cement mixer. However, instead you can use other containers, specially adapted for these purposes. To excavate need a shovel. To create a narrow holes in the ground to be drilled. The works involve the use of a large number of tools. This fixing elements (in t. H. screws) placing formwork boards, metal pipes and poles, gravel for use in concrete, sand, cement, wood beams. Required also insulating materials. In some cases, needed reinforcement rods.

Preparation basis for the soul
On the foundation of the shower does not have to be heavy loads, so maximum accuracy is not required. For the construction of the foundations need only 1 day. Its shape will be a smaller copy of the standard foundation, but without major elements. Depending on the soil properties on a land allotment is selected type of base: columnar, of plate, tape, the pile. Pier and pile options - the most commonly used.
Most stages of the construction of such bases are exactly the same. The depth of the pits for immersion elements is typically 60 cm and may deviate from this figure due to groundwater and soil strength indicator. All wells are made formwork. The pit is placed 3-4 narrow reinforcing rod. Bases pillars are settling waterproofing, for example by means of roofing material. Further preparing concrete mix. It added gravel. After reaching a certain strength of the formwork is removed, but in some situations it can be left.
If you fulfill all the geometrically correct - to obtain a stable and robust design.

Equipment drain pits / septic tanks
The pit under the shower - effective and simple option. However, the arrangement of the recesses with inclined pipes through which water will fall into the drain hole - a practical solution. Location of the pit selected taking into account such nuances as the optimal size of pipe used (should not be too long), the ideal distance between the well and the shower (5-8 meters). Another important point - the volume of the pit, enough 0.5 cubic meters per person. Additionally, you need to take into account the frequency of use of the shower, bath.
There are several options, some may be a septic tank, but in any case need to conduct excavation work. It is simple, but time-consuming process. First, prepare the pit; will be relevant excavator services, so execution speed will increase significantly. The pre-finished pit aligned and compacted bottom. Next, an cushioning layer of sand. The rest of the work depends on the method of construction. Septic capable of preventing the spread smell of stagnant water.
Septic tank and drainage should be near the drain hole, because when there is water on these elements are possible unpleasant consequences:
- the destruction of the foundation;
- deterioration of soil;
- unpleasant smell.

Mounting frame and paneling
Usually it is a convenient easily assembled design that can be installed anywhere. To frame welding start after concreting of the foundation. Need for framing the box with parameters profiled tube 30 × 30 mm. Height of about 200-210 cm - quite acceptable for this design. The width and length can be made, for example, in the range of 120-140 cm. After welding, the frame members its sanded and painted. For construction work will come in handy almost any material: film, slate, wood. Concreted holes better. The frame must be stable enough to withstand the water tank. To create a skin can be used, in particular, the board dyuymovka. It needs to be planed, soak the stain, antiseptic and decorative impregnation. She then using self-tapping screws attached to the metal frame.
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Selection and installation of the tank
The element is made of plastic, steel (t. H. stainless, galvanized, carbon). The water temperature in plastic products varies more slowly - an important argument for choosing the first embodiment. However, on sunny days, which most of the summer, the use of products made of iron has more positive sides. The structure itself may be a water heating system. The main principle of the shower heated - access to electricity and automatic heating. With slight cooling water activated a special mechanism, and the water gaining the required temperature, i.e. to maintain a given rate possible. When choosing a tank should pay attention to the weight of the product. When installing and moving the container should not have any difficulties. At the same time important to be able to withstand large amounts of water and strength. Just a few criteria:
- The form. On sale a lot of round and square containers, but the best solution would be to purchase the flat tanks. They are more stable and even installed on a pitched roof.
- Color. The darker the tank, the better. This will allow the water to warm up faster and at higher temperatures.

Lighting and ventilation
One of the easiest ways to provide both one and the other - a small window at the top of the wall. However, at night, this option is useless. Lighting can make his own. Diode required for its placement radiator, tumbler, a glass container as a blank for a hemisphere with a hole switch. Also require the battery and powering. If the electricity will take place inside, you will need to follow the rules laying of cables in areas with high humidity. Ventilation facilities will primarily perform system of natural extracts. On the wall can run a normal fan. If the shower has a free space at the bottom, for example, between the legs, then this will be sufficient to maintain freshness in the cockpit. Even in the wall, you can cut a small piece of it to use for a temporary mechanical ventilation.

Decorating and decor
Furthermore oilcloths as plating can be used and other covering materials. Good looks construction of Plexiglas and slate. It is durable and water-resistant materials, but they do not retain heat - not suitable for spring and autumn. Galvanized steel is durable, but it is appropriate for the warmest days of the summer season or for a sub-tropical regions.

Plastic - a good material for finishing the shower, with resistance to water. But after the low temperatures in winter and spring warming it loses its shape, it becomes brittle. When decorating a cottage soul can realize almost any idea. This climbing plants on the walls, and ensembles of several hanging pots. Showers look more presentable with braided forms. Role of the water tank may perform vintage wine barrel.
A few more interesting options decor:
- natural or artificial colors;
- multi-colored tiles;
- colored glass.

Installation in an open space the soul does not cost a large sum. These designs are going rather quickly and require a minimum number of additional devices. Regardless of whether a shower purchased or created in-house, you must determine which option is best for a particular problem. Be sure to take into account individual parameters and benefits of different types of structures. If the car is your own, initially drawn scheme of the project. Thereafter, the materials are determined. Then comes the workflow step by step. Preparing the foundation and frame selected water storage tank. Then, equip territory. It should not be constantly wet or emit an unpleasant odor. At the end you need to decorate the shower and, if desired - to decorate. May require mechanical ventilation or artificial lighting.