The current cost of heating causes homeowners to look for different ways to save. One of the best ways is to use the premises insulation Penoplex. mount technology is quite simple, for this you must have a minimum of building skills. Penoplex Warming - the perfect solution.

general description
In another way, the material is called XPS. Way to obtain insulation products - churning foam, and then forced through an extruder. Gradually, the gas displaces the air (95%). The finished mass is a multitude of small voids, which are evenly spaced. By producing the end material produced which is lightweight and durable. Packaging includes 8 pieces, and the total weight is 15 kilograms.
There are several types of heat insulator. The name of each species characterizes the area of application. For example, in order to conduct the thermal insulation walls of concrete or brick, uses a material called "Penoplex Wall". The heat capacity of the thermal insulators, which has a thickness of 100 mm, equal to the value of the specific heat sesquihydrate brick. Insulating material has a high level of resistance to alkalis and acids. This suggests that it is possible to carry out his plaster. Painting can be carried out using water-based solutions.
- Little weight plates.
- A high level of strength.
- Permission is granted to use and mount the product where the humidity level is high.
- The heat insulator is environmentally friendly, it does not have the chemical elements. It is no doubt to carry out insulation nursery.
- Warming with Penoplex carried out inside and outside. Also fields of application are floor, ceiling, and more. Also made the surface of the blind area Penoplex warming.
- A wide range of material thicknesses, depending on the needs (20-100 millimeters).
The disadvantage is the cost.
Preparatory procedures
In the beginning, you need to get rid of old layers of paint, wallpaper and putty. If the old layer has excellent adhesion to a surface, it is not necessary to eliminate. Next, perform the alignment of the surface, it can be done with the help of putty. Cover all the bumps and hollows. This must be done, because if you spend Penoplex installation, they will break down over time. The maximum error - one and a half centimeters per meter.
It is necessary to carry out the primer plastered surface. Metal Constructions, which will be covered with a heat insulator, it is necessary to paint. It is possible to perform coating of anticorrosive mixture. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to score the mounting brackets under the drainage, air conditioners, distribution boxes and so on. Plates insulation material rolled using the needle roller.
The need to glue penoplex?
When choosing a glue for fixing must take into account the composition and chemical properties of thermal insulation products.
The most effective means of adhesives are:
- Atlas Stopter K-20. This material has a high level of quality, so it is often used for bonding the plates. The adhesive is applied in order to restore the facades. Use the product as reinforcement. It has a high level of resistance to low temperatures and humidity. It saves money.

Main article: how and what to paint foam?
- Atlas Plus. It is a universal adhesive composition. Key features of the tool - elasticity, and excellent adhesion (grip). Use adhesive can wet the surface.
- Mineral glue. In the construction market, you can find a lot of similar composition, among other Crafted "Sarmat", which has an acceptable price.
- Polyurethane adhesive "Titan". The mixture copes with the establishment of panels of expanded polystyrene. The market price of the composition has high enough.

- Formulations suitable for waterproofing. It is a popular means of firm "Uniflex", which is widespread among construction and installation works of masters. One such material is a mastic asphalt.
- "Moment" glue. This composite blend. It is also often used to work with plates Penoplex.
When choosing an adhesive agent must take into account the fact that it does not contain some of the components in their composition. These components include benzene, formaldehyde, formalin, petrol diesel, solvents.
When you purchase is necessary to consider the adhesive supply. The basis is not always even, so the funds flow becomes much more. Choose a high-quality facility to obtain excellent fixing plates together.
The better the cut penoplex?
During the execution of the various procedures insulation product should be divided into several parts, which have specific dimensions. If the material will simply break apart, you get jagged edges, and it is not possible to achieve exact size.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the best solution - it dramatically. You can use a variety of tools:
- Using a stationery knife. Advantages of using this instrument: availability, there is no noise, the speed of the process. How sharp tool, so high cutting quality.

See also - how to cut foam.
- Application of an electric jigsaw. Minus - to provide the edges of which are uneven. But the speed of this work - the maximum possible. Electric jigsaw plate under force which have different thicknesses.

- It is possible to use a kitchen knife. Be sure to need a good kitchen knife sharpening before the cutting procedure. Further, the selected tool to be heated. Hot knife cutting cope with the task better. Advantages of using a kitchen knife: no debris and smooth edges.
- Nichrome wire. It is used to cut a figure. It is necessary to perform wiring with a transformer 24V. During the supply of electric current heats the tool.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of thermal insulation products is the ease of mounting. It does not need to have some specific knowledge and extensive experience in the installation wizard.
What can be painted penoplex?
This thermal insulation means "hates" organic solvents. Physical characteristics of the material become worse if it is exposed to such substances. Such compositions generally possess the paint tool. Keep this in mind when selecting the construction market.
We have already mentioned the components that must be absent in the mixtures to be painted. To this list can also add esters, polyesters, and tar.
It is not necessary to paint polystyrene plates used compounds that are oil-based. Substances which can not cause any harm:
- paraffin;
- grout;
- latex paint;
- acid.
Choose paint, having marked RS.
Can I hang wallpaper on top of the penoplex?
Bonding wallpaper polystyrene is necessary in those places where the insulation is made from the inside of the walls.
Such an embodiment makes insulation visually much less floor space. Technology such insulation Penoplex carried out in the event that it is impossible to carry out this procedure outside.
There are several ways wallpapering insulation material.
During the execution of finishing treatments in different rooms, which are associated with seasonal human habitation can be wallpaper paste on the surface of the insulation without any prior preparation. You can use ordinary wallpaper paste.
In order to work more efficiently and safely, it is necessary to conduct additional processing surface of the thermal insulation layer. This is done in order to have no noticeable irregularities, seams and more.
The procedure is as follows:
- At the beginning of plaster held thermal insulators, so that you can make the surface smooth.
- Once the putty layer is dry, run processing. For this treatment, use sandpaper.
- Follow the primer surface. The primer composition must contain antifungal elements. With this on the walls will not appear mold.
- Once the precoat layer dries, use wallpaper paste to stick the substrate. As such a substrate using thin paper.
- The final stage - pasting wallpaper.
This whole algorithm.
How to strengthen penoplex to concrete?

As penoplex stick to such surfaces as concrete? There are several options:
- For fixing the thermal insulation products used liquid nails. It is not necessary to perform the application of funds over the entire surface.
- Use of specially designed foam. This tool is best used during operations with the floor, because the substance has an average grip.
These tools will help you in fixing Penoplex to the concrete surface. No need to use any additional components fasteners. Before beginning the procedure necessary to carry out cleaning, and plaster surface treatment using a primer.
Whether and how to putty penoplex?
You need to use fiberglass. It needs to be glued to the insulation material. To do this, ordinary cementitious adhesives are used. After the surface has dried, conduct grinding and final alignment putty.

Materials required for the putty:
- Glue for the thermal insulator. No need to save their money, so it is best to purchase a means of well-known brands.
- Next product - primer is designed to provide high levels of adhesion (grip).
- Reinforcing mesh.

- The final coat. Used for interior decoration.
- Perforated corners.

Remember that during the acquisition of all of the materials needed for the filler, it is necessary to take into account their stock.
How to putty penoplex?
Consider the detailed algorithm steps:
- Held surface preparation prior to applying the primary filler for facade insulation. Ie, removes the debris, dust. Replacement of damaged components.

- According to the manufacturer's instructions, is prepared from the coat dry matter. For this procedure, use a drill or mixer construction.
- To create Penoplex reinforcing layer, construction material use, intended for leveling a surface of walls, as well as plaster mesh for facades.
- Glue the plaster grid with the construction angles.
- Part of the fiberglass mesh, which has a width of 30 centimeters, it is necessary to lay down halfway along its length. Should remain so-called "edge."
- Next, perform drawing on the angle of the working mixture. The layer thickness should be 3 millimeters. When casting plaster grid, remember that "edge" should be at the corner of the building.
- Mesh using a spatula must be pressed into a layer of combustible mixture. Then smoothed by an angle upwards.
- After you cut the mesh on the side (1.5-2 meters in length), it is glued to the filler. Plastering tools will help her push.
- As soon as one lane will be pasted, putty is applied to our thermal insulator.
- If the mixture extends beyond mesh smoothing spend for imparting smoothness. Remove depressions and mounds.
This entire procedure, which concerns Penoplex. The entire process can be performed independently without the help of professionals. No need to have some knowledge and experience. Then you can glue the tiles and other material on penoplex.