Cute bright berry potholder will decorate the kitchen or a gift for a friend. Diagrams and description will help to create strawberry even beginning knitters.
Useful and decorative kitchen ornament.
1 Potholder strawberry crochet for beginners
- 1.1 What will it take to work
- 1.2 Tack hook their own hands
- 2 Knitting for strawberries leaf potholders
3 Harness and tack assembly
- 3.1 strapping arch
- 3.2 Tying "shell"
- 4 Finishing
- 5 VIDEO: Tack "Strawberry" - a detailed master class.
- 6 50 variants tack strawberries for the kitchen:
Potholder strawberry crochet for beginners
It needs to work half-woolen yarn and appropriate hook. It is important to define the purpose of the product. For decorative patterns fit with acrylic yarn. For a practical pot holders, which will be used in the kitchen, it is best to take a half-woolen yarn, or mixed with cotton. This prihvatochka not glowing from the hot dishes and will become an assistant hostess.
Very beautiful and attractive strawberries hook.
What will it take to work
For dense berries need the following materials and tools.
Decorations in the kitchen that did not need to hide.
- The thread thickness of 200 m per 100 g It will take a skein of red, little threads of green hue and the remains black for decoration.
- Hook № take 3 or 3.5.
- Thick needle.
Crochet decorative pot holders, we need about 20 g of green yarn around 40-50 red yarn.
- vz.p. - air loop;
- Art. - column without sc;
- st.n. - bar with sc;
- st2n.- column with two sc
Scheme for knitting tack strawberries.
Tack hook their own hands
Start knitting 3 vz.p. and closed in a circle connecting column. The product is knitted in circular rows.
Green tie yarn chain of 16-ce
Short-circuit in a ring.
The first series tied.
The third row of connected green thread. Thread cut.
Important! To obtain a clean circle, add columns evenly. First row 6, the second 12, third 18. Each subsequent row should be longer than the previous number on the first row of stitches.
- Knit 3 rows in a circle. The result should be 18 bars.
- It marks the beginning of the next row thread of another color.
- Knit 9 st., Making the gain in each third loop 2vz. n., and the column in the previous loop.
In row 1, where n 6 st.s., Center and connect zelen.nit link chain 18 ce
Joined together for the center between 6 st.s.n opposite.
Tie ring 25 st.b.n, cut the thread, to hide the thread end.
Here is a blank top of berries turned out.
Explanation: In the fourth row is the formation of "spout" strawberries. The following series of repeating knitting - Article 2 vz.p.. in an arc of air loops of the previous row.
To continue to work, following the procedure described, to the desired size.
We continue to knit tack red thread.
We continue further.
This is what happens.
Connect as shown in the photo.
Knitting for strawberries leaf potholders
Leaves for decoration knitting potholders without interrupting the thread as described.
- Dial 13 vz.p. green thread.
- Second row to start the second eyelet on the hook column, without sc.
- Further 1st Class 2 st.n. 4 st2n., 2 st.n., 1 tbsp. and 3 tbsp. in the last loop of the chain.
- Open paper and knit on the other side of the 1st., 2 st.n. 4 st2n., 2st. n, 1st Class, and complete the connection column.
- Without taking his thread dial a chain of 13 loops and repeat knitting the second and third leaf.
Potholder "Strawberry" hook ready.
The last leaf can vyvyazat extreme or middle. Make a loop from 8-10 vz.p.
Harness and tack assembly
The posts to tie the edge of the product, without sc. Thread can be used to choose red or contrast. Tying to start from the top of the strawberries to cover uneven leaf.
strapping arch
Cute piping obtained by using pico. For beginners, it can be difficult. A simpler way - tying arcs of air loops.
Surprise your friends and relatives.
Knitting consists of columns and 3 without nakida vz.p. between them. The arc starts at the first hinge edge and the second end. Omissions, it is desirable not to do.
Similarly tie leaves and berries to sew. The red canvas embroidered decoration black thread in the form of ticks or points through.
Tying "shell"
Interesting tack is obtained using the "shell" of a pattern for the binding margin. That the product looked carefully, begin tying shell after mounting the leaf.
- Column nakida without knit at the juncture of the sheet and berries.
- In the third loop from the hook 5 provyazat st.n.
- Column nakida without the third loop from the shell base.
- Continue knitting until the end of the binding.
- Finish connecting column.
- Thread cut.
A great gift for any holiday.
Trim any excess balances at fixing thread and hide the ends in the fabric.
Give warmth and joy to your friends, relatives and friends.
The finished strawberry washed with warm water and liquid detergent. Dry, spreading on the fabric. Knitted article may be deformed at high temperature drying.

Decorate your kitchen's such tack, and other decorative items.
MK options strawberries tack set. Very beautiful model is obtained using the "Pineapple" pattern with Rakushechnaya strapping. But such a thing is not suitable for practical use. A plurality of openings in the web product will not protect the hands from the hot pot in the kitchen. Some masters knit openwork double tack with an insert between the sides thick flannel cloth.
Such tack not only raise the spirits, but also give comfort to your home.