Heating system control "Warm water floor" in the manual mode is extremely inconvenient and inefficient. The reason is that since your intervention, an attempt to change the heating temperature in the house. Will take a lot of time, equipment decides such issues much faster. In contrast, electrical systems, control devices for water floor look different and have a different operating principle. With the help of these devices you will be able to enjoy the comfort of their own home, not paying attention to the operation of the heating system. Solve the problem of automatic adjustment of temperature settings allow thermostatic controller for water floor heating.

Let us consider in more detail what constitutes a device and what is its principle of operation. Based on our information, you will be able not only to obtain the necessary knowledge, but also to make a choice in favor of one or another equipment.
Temperature controller for heating systems plays a major role. From his actions depends on the functionality of the safety valves and mix with the work of the entire assembly. Warm floors in contrast to other heating systems, carried out a low temperature heating of the floor surface. However, due to the existing laws of thermodynamics, this is the way to space heating is the most comfortable and effective.
The thermostat in the heating system. What is this device?
Thermostat used for warm water floor - a device, by which the coolant temperature control of the heating system. The device is equipped with a sensitive thermocouple by which responds quickly to changes in the intensity of heating the coolant. changes in temperature range varies within 5-450FROM. Changes in the system occur immediately, which is very convenient and effective.
The thermostat or a thermostat, another name for the instrument currently used in manual mode, and complete with controllers (temperature sensors) which fix temperature changes inside the heated space and floor surface. The correct thermostat setting and constant relationship with thermostat controllers are key factors in the success of the warm water of the sexes.
To date, various types of thermostats, each of which has its own scope.
Types of temperature controllers

For underfloor use various types of devices that can have different technological parameters. This is the type of device used as a sensor and the location.
The main difference for all devices is the operating principle. In systems of water underfloor following types of thermostats are used today:
- Electromechanical device. The operating principle of this device is as follows. Achieving indoors mounted on the regulator temperature, the fixed temperature sensor, which sends a signal to the thermostat. The device is turned off, stopping the flow of coolant in the heating system. Reducing the temperature parameters within the room gives a signal to the device, which again is actuated, including the supply of hot water in the water heating circuit.
On a note: electromechanical thermostatic mixing valve operates on the principle of domestic iron without specific temperature values, and only activate and deactivate with increasing or decreasing temperature water.
Managed by the device intuitively tuning in accordance with your personal feelings. If the room is cool, the unit head rotates in one direction. If it becomes too hot, the wheel spins in the opposite direction. For this type of thermostat is characterized by low price and ease of use.
Electronic thermostats - are devices that act similarly as electronic and mechanical devices. The only significant difference between this and the type of device, the presence of the possibility to fix a predetermined temperature. Here, rotating the thermostatic head is replaced by electronic sensors. Control push-button and all current information is displayed.
Such equipment is highly accurate and can be sensitive to the slightest change in temperature inside the heated space.
Programmable device. The third kind of thermostats, which are fully automated and autonomous systems. In addition to its primary function, these devices are endowed with additional functionality. They can be programmed for a longer period, making the control of the heating system of flexible and convenient.

In terms of functionality all thermostatic device can be divided into three types:
- model, equipped with temperature indicators;
- model, equipped with sensors water floor heating temperature;
- devices having two probe arms.
Conditions for installation of thermostatic valves
Thermostatic valve used for floor heating is installed, usually in accessible locations that would have been easier to manage them.
Important! When used in a heating system more thermostats, it is necessary to install them at a certain distance from each other. Devices should not create technological barriers for each other.

Important! When equipment underfloor heating in the bathroom or in the sauna, thermostats are carried outside the premises with high humidity.
The design of the thermostat, in contrast to the majority of the heating system of nodes and elements is not sealed. High humidity is extremely negative impact on the accuracy of the readings in the electronics. In such circumstances, usually used mechanical regulators. If you want to unite under a single control two adjacent rooms, install dual-zone thermostat that provides coolant temperature control in the individual circuits independently from friend.

Such a device is very convenient when it is required in one and the same room with warm certain parts of varying intensity.
For example: a place of rest (bed or sofa) in less need of heating, while the central area of the room, free of furniture and other needs more heating.
I want to add that the thermostatic controls are set separately for each mixing unit. The greater the number of heating water circuits, the more you need to thermostats. For the home, where the warm water heated floor area of all thermostats are set separately for each mix with knotServing thereby each room individually.

Installing the regulator is done by device type, by incorporating a pipeline system or overlaid manner. If you want to make a hidden option, you can prepare in the wall of a special hole. The optimal distance thermostat location 1.5 - 5 m from the floor level. We do not recommend installing seat furniture and clutter mounted decorations (rugs, curtains, paintings). Connecting electronic devices to the network via a standard connector, by turning in the socket.

The diagram shows a variant of the thermostat mounting and location of its connection to the mains.
On a note: the thermostat is set to a system already at the end of installation work on the installation of underfloor heating. By connecting the unit to a temperature sensor, adjust your system is ready for use.
Criteria for selection of thermostats for underfloor heating
In order to make your heating system the most efficient and manageable, do not neglect the expensive models of devices. In most cases, the device selection affects the living conditions and the intensity of use of heating equipment.
It is necessary to say at once. Mechanical thermostatic valves are simple and easy. Use them taken in the residential areas, where people are constantly present. Even in the room where the children are, the installation of such devices is not prohibited. Devices have adequate protection.
In cases where the house is often empty, and the need for heating exists constantly, the best option would be the use of a programmable thermostat. Predetermined necessary time and temperature parameters, you organize automatic operation of underfloor heating. For those who are going to mount the floor heating at home, with the purchase of the thermostatic regulator should take into account a number of nuances:
- relying on automated tools, you must have a constant power supply voltage in your home;
- permissible temperature threshold action thermostat 600FROM;
- instrument assembly carried out in two embodiments using hollow-wall installation or manner. Panel-mount option is used in large areas of the premises. Wall embodiment is mounted near a power outlet or the switchboard, and more suitable for use in small rooms on the area.
Summing up, I would like to say that without a thermostat is impossible to imagine any of the heating system. Radiator heating, warm water floor, and other methods of heating will only be effective operation and convenient in operation, when it is possible to adjust the heating temperature coolant.
Installation of underfloor heating - the process time-consuming and complex. Even if you are able to carry out installation of water circuits and concrete screed, setting thermostats and mixing unit requires special knowledge and skills. This process is best left to those skilled HEAT who are qualified. In the future, you will need to carefully examine the manual devices, and only then you will be able to monitor the performance of your warm floors in your home.