Among those used to date heating options, the system is gaining popularity residential space heating via underfloor heating. Heating System Radiant Floor unlike other commonly used methods of heating, looks more attractive in many ways. It is appropriate to speak about high efficiency of such heating circuits and the ease of installation of all heating circuit. Water floor is very useful for heating small rooms, especially bathrooms and rooms in which the children live.

Installation at the water floor at home does not require obtaining permits, when it comes to heating the bathroom in a city apartment. For private houses and country houses laying water sexes do not how it is limited, except for the structure of the design features.

Radiant floor heating is a system in which the primary source of heat is a boiler water. This can be a liquid flowing from a central hot water system or water circulating in the heating circuit off. The principle of operation of the heating system is very simple and clear, so for those who have decided to make their own at home water floor, the task is not particularly difficult. Let us consider in detail what a given heating system, how is the installation of water floor heating.
The device of warm water floor
Traditionally, all of the heating system, which uses a liquid coolant, represent pipeline. In the case of floor heating conduit is further equipped with a collector, a mechanical device through which the coolant is carried out mixing. Installation of floor heating is conducted on the basis of preliminary calculations of water circuits and layouts. Having at hand a ready scheme, you can proceed to the choice of consumables and related equipment.
Typically, consumers opt for polypropylene tubes or products made of metal. These materials are consistent with the required process parameters are different enough strength and durability. Thanks to polypropylene and PVC Pipes laying the floor heating is carried out easily, quickly and in accordance with the planned scheme. Technology stacking warm water floor involves the use of concrete ties as the main floor covering or composite structure, which uses a wood frame. The flooring you choose for yourself. This can be linoleum, laminate or parquet. For the bathroom is better to use a tile.
Important! Using floor coverings made of wood, it is necessary to take into account their poor heat transfer. If the screed flooring and are excellent conductors of heat, the parquet and laminate these properties can not boast.
Laid water circuit is connected to the mixing node - the collector and the pump, through which you can to regulate the flow rate of water in the heating tube, to enable and disable the heating circuit by needed. mixing assembly is equipped with a thermostatic mixer. Further, the system is ready connected to the heating device. This can be a gas or electric boiler. In some cases, floor heating is used in the solid-fuel boilers. Especially this heating scheme is popular for country houses, campsites and hotels.

Advantages of underfloor heating and disadvantages of this system
Like all used in the home heating systems, heated floors offer certain advantages. How to make a water circuit is correct that he gave most effectively heat the floor covering, it suffices to know about the advantages of this heating method. They can be safely attributed the following factors:
- installation of your heating system would cost at minimum cost;
- all elements aqueous floor heating system compatible with a heater, heats a heat transfer fluid;
- water floor construction is compatible with any type of floor covering (carpet, linoleum, parquet, laminate tiles);
- put the water circuit can be as large area indoors and in small;
- Connection possible for autonomous heating source, and a centralized WAN system;
- the most complete warm interior space, a factor that is especially important for rooms with high ceilings;
- independence of the system performance of the electric power supply interruptions;
- heating system can be used as a support, and as a primary source of heating dwellings.
For a better understanding of the possibilities of use of this heating method, it is enough to look like looks diagram laying of floor heating loops water in various embodiments.
For heating the entire apartment floor diagram stacking water, piping arrangement is as follows, in various forms:

Despite the obvious advantages, the warm floors and inherent disadvantages. Most of them are not so important to consumers, but in some cases, disadvantages inherent warm floors should be considered. It is about the following points:
- heated floors, designed for full heating of premises can only be installed in separate private buildings equipped with an autonomous heating equipment;
- for apartments in high-rise building such a way floor-heating is possible only in small areas, without appreciable damage the supporting structures of the building. Connecting the water circuit to the centralized system of hot water supply can result in malfunction centralized hot water system;
- water circuit laid under a coupler can only smokers, especially designed for such reconstructions (screed weight is 200-300 kg per m2, The height of the screed not less than 5-7 cm, which is critical for rooms with low ceilings);
- insufficient flexibility to adjust the heating temperature for heating and off the complete absence of such possibilities when connecting to centralized heating;
- at untimely breakage detecting a water pipe, a high probability pouring floors located below.
These advantages and disadvantages of warm floors is not fully reflect the picture of the operation of such a heating system. Already during operation and maintenance of water floor revealed various details and nuances associated with the wrong calculation and mistakes made during installation.
On a note: water floor is capable of effectively heating the premises in which to minimize heat losses are reduced. In areas with many windows and doors, such heating is ineffective.
Installation of water the floor with their hands
For what would your floor worked properly and effectively, you need to carefully approach the stacking process. Mounting pipe connection sequence are key factors.
The first thing you should pay attention, since the installation where you want to achieve an efficient heating. In some areas the heating operation will be efficient and effective.
Note: Do not mount the water warm floors in the basement and basement. Heated floor on the ground floor involves stacking the insulating coating, through which can reduce heat losses.
Second! Heating system efficiency depends largely on the thermal conductivity of the flooring. The higher thermal conductivity of the material, the higher the efficiency of your floor heating. Laying floor heating, how to do that would work with maximum efficiency? Suffice it to lay the pipe in the concrete floor. Concrete has high thermal conductivity, so your floor will be a long time, store and release heat into the surrounding space.

Third! It will allow the concrete screed securely hide the water circuit, protecting it from damage. Simultaneously, due to the concrete is increased heated surface area.
To sort out how and where to be installed in a water pipe, it's time to install the collector. Typically, this device is mounted in a special cabinet, close to the center of the room to be heated and in close proximity to the floor surface. For this purpose in the wall recess, which will be placed mixing unit. To a collector connected feed pipe through which the hot water will flow and return line. A delivery tube supplies floor heating hot water, while the return line through the cooled coolant returns to the system. Water circulation is carried out continuously along the contour, by the operation of the circulating pump. The pump in this case is a required element, in the case of heating large-area premises (more than 5 m2).
In the supply and return pipe mounted shut-off valves. These valves need to disable Heated floor heating system during emergency situations, during the water draining and cleaning the pipeline. Connecting the water circuit to the collector is carried out by compression fittings.
The manifold is equipped with air vent and drain cock. Such connections are established on the incoming pipe and return pipe. Mounted collector special closed cabinet, which neatly hides all the complex hydraulic structures.
At the proposed video can be found so it looks like the installation of warm water floor at home.
Preparatory work
Before you engage in circuit laying, the floor surface should be thoroughly prepared. First you have to clean the surface of debris and fragments of unnecessary materials. For placement accuracy, observe the horizontal surface. Otherwise, the coolant flow rate through the water circuit will be broken. Compliance precision horizontal floor surface to provide a smooth laying concrete screed.

Waterproofing foil secures your structure from moisture penetration from the lower level. Further, around the perimeter of the room to be heated on the walls paste damping tape. Belt width in this case will be 10-15 cm from the floor surface. Mounting tape prevents exposure of the screed panel on the wall during the heating.
Important! Avoid labels damper tape, then tuck the entire structure of the potential danger. When heated, the concrete tends to expand. Heated screeds monolith starts to put pressure on the wall. If there is no compensator, your tie will begin to deform, which will naturally lead to the destruction of the water circuit.
The thickness of the insulation layer is largely determined by the design of the object and the internal layout of the premises. For example: for rooms located on the first floor thickness insulation layer should not be less than 20-25 cm. Otherwise, you risk heat your basement. For rooms second floor insulation sufficient to set the thickness of 3-5 cm. As insulating materials usually used mineral wool, foam polystyrene and technical cork.
If you have the funds, you can buy special mounting plates, intended for laying floors warm water.
Laying the water circuit and connection
Wiring water floor heating is determined by the method of laying the water circuit. There are today two main types of pipe laying for heating systems, floor heating.

The first type - the spiral. Installation tube made in this case on a spiral. The delivery and return pipe must be laid parallel to each other. Those. You put a double helix. The advantage of this type of laying - a warm water circuit compensates cooled down return pipe. As a rule, this method of laying used for heating equipment in large rooms.
The second type - parallel. Stacking pipes are parallel to each other. On the form you poduchaetsya snake. This is a favorite way to create a warm floor in small indoor area.
On a note: It is worth recalling one caveat. With such a layout a maximum temperature of heating water circuit will be at the beginning of the pipe, so the pipe begin to stack against the outer wall or windows.
To lay the pipe should be with a certain step. The maximum allowable step - 30 cm. Otherwise, your feet will feel the floor heating temperature swings. Under the windows and the door step of laying a water pipe cut up to 15-20 cm. The distance from the nearest wall must not be more than 7 cm. water loop length should not exceed 60 m. Ie taken calculations - for every 120 meters of water pipes, you need two collectors. During installation it is necessary to limit the number of connections. Whole tube seems preferable. Ready heating circuits connected to the collector.
Now you can run the entire system. In order to be under water pressure pipe not move, install beacons from solution. Why is that. Having started up a system to work, you visually check the integrity of the pipeline. In addition, the tie is best to stack on filled pipes. Water circuit which made constant working position it is easier to pour a solution preserving step of laying pipe and a circuit arrangement. Screed shall not exceed 5 cm. The pressure during the first start-up the operating parameters should exceed 1.5 times.

Important to remember! Equipment for underfloor heating on the upper floors, consider that kV. Ties meter weighs 200-300 kg. Able to withstand whether such an additional burden ceiling of your home.
During start-up the temperature of the pipe must be constant. You can start with 20 0C, raising heating every 4-6 hours for 5 degrees. Within 2-3 days should be left to a warm floor in operation, assessing the health and functionality of the entire system.
Then it is possible to start mounting the screed.

Cover all the subtleties and nuances in an article on this issue is impossible. At each stage has its own characteristics that must be considered. The project is fundamental to your heating system, underfloor heating calculation will allow you to determine the amount of supplies needed power and other process parameters.
Make water the floor with their hands quite difficult. It is important to adhere to existing standards and technologies. On how you are seriously and carefully approached the solution of the problem depends on your comfort and well-being in the house further.