The use of wood trim for easy styling any room in the house - a very interesting and at the same time, correct decision. These materials help to create increased comfort and coziness of accommodation, as well as provide a healthy atmosphere at home. That is why the use of a cheap imitation of timber in the interior is gaining popularity. Material produced from various types of wood can be processed independently or purchased in a completely finished form for installation. High performance characteristics of such material allow its use not only inside but also outside buildings. With the help of the simulation beam is easy to implement contemporary styles and have an unusual remake of the apartment. Woody material well suited for complete wall and ceiling and can also be used as decorative finishing element.
- Features finish: pros and cons
- Characteristics of the material
- materials of Construction
- The variety of color palettes
- How to choose material for finishing
- Stages of self-assembly
- The process and how to look
Options for interior design
- Decorating the walls
- finishing the ceiling
In what style is applied and what goes
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- conclusion
Features finish: pros and cons
Using imitation beam for interior decoration to create a feeling of living in this wooden house, regardless of whether the owners live in a private apartment or house. Produced from natural wood boards will create a comfortable atmosphere, a unique microclimate in all rooms housing. Other advantages of such finishes include:
- the original look of the interiors;
- cheapness of the method finishes (in comparison with other wood materials and natural log to the actual construction);
- ease of assembly finishes with their hands;
- the ease of the modern styling of the housing;
- creating true harmony at the expense of clean finish.

As such disadvantages in this type of interior finish there. Nevertheless, the work with some types of simulations can be quite complex and require special care from the performer. And, of course, in comparison with a conventional paint or wallpaper glue it requires larger costs.

Characteristics of the material
Beam imitation refers to the available wood materials used for interior and exterior. It is a board having a profile in the form of half of a rectangle with slightly rounded corners. Each board also supplemented with groove and tenon, allowing to perform a quick assembly of the individual elements, and is easy to connect them together. Since imitation lumber produced from natural wood log by sawing, such boards can have different varieties:
class | Characteristic |
A | Class not having any defect, has the highest quality. |
AB | May include a small amount of resin pockets (small pitch formation between the annual rings). |
C | Typically includes defects such as healthy (bright) or dried (dark) swirls. |

materials of Construction
Different types of wood are characterized by different performance. Therefore, when choosing a suitable timber imitation must necessarily pay attention to the fact of what kind of wood the timber is made:
- pine: soft rock is easy processing; due to the large tar quite well preserved; It refers to the budget category;
- fir: such a timber is of particular lightness and softness, but has low strength;
- Larch: refers to the maximum solid rocks; difficult to handle, but the finished products made of larch are as long as possible; finishing materials from this tree can be used even for bathrooms and kitchens;
- lime: has a relatively high elasticity and softness, and easily processed well to sand; tolerates slight moisture;
- cedar: refers to the maximum wear resistant species, but because of this part of the elite (expensive category); easy to process; timber section has a very beautiful pattern.

The variety of color palettes
To save the most natural interior should give preference unpainted lumber or products which are covered exclusively by impregnation, varnish or wax. Then the color of the wood will depend on the type of wood from which it is made. The most beautiful are considered larch and cedar. Larch has a light reddish tint, but the cedar wood can be added both yellow and pale pink shades. Pine and spruce have a yellowish-brown color scheme. But lime often has an intense yellow color. As for the painted imitation timber, sold in many DIY stores, its colors is practically unlimited. The Contemporary manufacturers can be found as a model close to the natural shades (Brown, reddish-brown, coffee) and the products in unusual colors (blue, bright green, pink, red).
See also:Wall design - modern design ideas

Buying a more expensive colored imitation lumber primarily for the need to quickly stylize the interior.

How to choose material for finishing
Choose a really quality imitation timber, able to serve a long time, you will find lumber according to the following criteria:
- grade (products with low grades are suitable only for wall in unobtrusive locations);
- tree species (especially important to consider the breed in the decoration of rooms with high humidity);
- evenness selected boards (their visible deformation or even barely Palpable waves on the surface indicate incorrect storage conditions or drying; Connection of these elements will be permanently disconnected);
- the absence of chipping and spalling on the grooves and spikes (they check can be carried out with the help of mounting "klyaymer").
quality control for each purchased optionally carry board. Buyer only need to make sure the selected seller's liability. That is why to buy a large consignment of sawn timber, packed in film (which you can not touch, see), is not recommended.

Stages of self-assembly
To instal imitation timber is easy, just follow the recommendations of experts and the advice of the builders. Work is carried out according to the following instructions:
- On the wall is sutured made vertical battens. It will consist of rods with size of 2,5 × 4 cm. The pitch between adjacent slats should be 40 cm. It is important to have the crate as straight as possible relative to the plane (to align the crate needed for the level by placing a rack cut it or pieces of plywood). Lathing fixed to the wall by means of anchors.
- To ready the crate fastened first board thorn down. It is important to precisely adjust it horizontally, because the rest of the board will be leveled by the first. At the bottom (where the future will be installed baseboards) imitation of timber is fixed with screws. At the top is attached to the wall klyaymerom introduced into the groove.
- Subsequent rows of planks are driven carefully spiked into the grooves of the previous row, fixed klyaymerami. So typed the entire wall. In the corners for additional fixing planks nailed thin slats: a pair of such strips will easily close the joint between the walls. Locking rails recommended small nails (you can even without hats).

The process and how to look
When buying colored boards owners do not need a primary processing of materials. In the case of the purchase of lumber, treated wood will need the following formulations:
- antiseptic impregnated or oil (binding processing): warn appearance of fungus, damage by pests wood, increase resistance to moisture;
- stain: allows you to change the wood color, lighten or darken, make color brighter; the best option to preserve the natural color of the boards and simple styling of the rooms;
- paints for wood: ordinary enamel and water-dispersed compositions allow completely repaint the board in any shade;
- wax or varnish (finishing processing): wax timber increases resistance to moisture and mechanical damage is a thin film on the surface of the wood enhances its color, opacity and preserves It allows you to "breathe"; varnish also enhances the wood preservation period, but the surface is glossy. According to the manufacturer varnish and wax reprocessing will need to spend 2-6 years.

Options for interior design
Imitation of timber can be used for wall or ceiling. In such a floor covering material is not suitable. Unlike wooden lining is attached to the wall it is only horizontally: due to this feature and is obtained to imitate the wall framework. As for the location of the boards on the ceiling, they can be mounted both along and across the windows. Also common are other ways of fixing the timber imitation - with laying out different patterns. As for the combination from wood with other types of coatings, it is recommended to do with attention. After all, with full plating room with wooden planks, you can create a common interior areas. When using support materials you need to consider future design to the smallest detail.
See also:The combination of interior wallpaper - 30 ideas

Before full plating room lumber Calculate the area that remains available. Note that the battens on the 4 walls + beams simulating the thickness of a few will reduce space.

Decorating the walls
For the walls timber imitation need to think carefully about the future design of the room. For example, it is possible to use a timber, painted in two substantially identical or similar in color and intensity of the heat, to create a particular style. You can also sheathe tree only 1-2 walls, and the rest wallpapered or covered with paint. Often these techniques are used in living rooms and bedrooms. Also very interesting option to combine wood with brick or imitation. This is usually sheathed wooden wall 3, and the remaining pasted foam panels under a brick (or simply remain undecorated). Use simulation beam in different shades or colors can be for horizontal division walls: separation bottom. And you can use only 1 type of imitation timber to hold a conditional branch 1/3 bottom of the wall: fix the number 1 darker boards between rows of light.

finishing the ceiling
ceiling trim by simulating timber can be carried out in different directions. The most popular solutions can include:
- Trim boards along or across the windows.
The easiest option, which allows to carry out repairs to any area of the room with no problems. Typically used for the cladding of the ceiling of the attic.
- Sheathing diagonally.
Very interesting option that allows you to give the interior a more dynamic.
- Sheathing staggered.
Used to style rectangular or square ceiling. In this case, an area is divided into 4-6 pieces. The adjacent parts of the casing must be distinguished: one to be perpendicular, in the next - longitudinal.
- Stylization usual ceiling.

Imitation of timber suitable for fixing to normal whitewashed ceiling. In this case, the board can also be arranged longitudinally or transversely. The distance between the individual boards may be from 0.7 to 1 m.

In what style is applied and what goes
The ideal way to use timber imitation for decoration of rooms is to choose one of the following styles:
- loft, rustic and country: warm cozy style involves the use of natural raw materials and practically, so they are ideal for walls with boards and bricks;
- Provence: involves the use of bleached or natural wood materials and conventional painting; It provides a harmony and comfort;
- Scandinavian: accepts and boards, bricks and white, can therefore be easily implemented using the simulation beam;
- urban and modern: suppose the minimum heap space, finish in bright colors; especially for such areas are ideal board in gray, light purple or olive coloring; however, they should be used for the completion of the walls 1-2, the rest is better to paint;
- Ethno: bright painting boards selected for the finish, a great option for the realization of an unusual style; necessarily walls with imitation beams will need to decorate the panels and other colorful décor;
- Maritime: sand and the turquoise of the board will be a good solution for creating original and very cozy rooms.

Living room
The use of the simulation beam to finish the living room opens to the owners a variety of options to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the hall. Among the most interesting combinations of callers to finish the hall tree are:
- cream-colored walls + light brown floor (+ optional white sills, door frames and window frames);
- olive walls + light brown or gray-brown floor;
- lilac or pale pink walls + light gray floor;
- white and blue walls + white floor;
- dark brown brown walls + floor;
- 3 earthy wall + 1 + olive or turquoise light brown field;
- dark gray walls (one can make saturated purple or violet) + gray floor;
- yellow and light purple walls + light gray floor.
See also:30 options for combining wallpaper

In close to the loft and country areas of the ceiling can blanch and complement imitations as separators. For other destinations, you can use the full board for cladding the ceiling or to mount on the perimeter of the ceiling.

To style the kitchen with the help of the simulation beam is best to stay on the three classic design options. By winning and profitable implementations include:
- warm kitchen;
It involves the use of a light brown finishes (and for walls, and floor) with minor notes yellow or reddish. It is advisable to apply for the walls and floor a little bit different materials. But the ceiling sheathe better light cream tree. On warm kitchen has always maintained a positive home atmosphere.
- strict kitchen;
Dark gray finish walls and gray floor finish will create a good strict tandem. The ceiling can sheathe a tree or dispose of other materials, but the color should be white. Strict kitchen easy to clean and at the same time it promotes long-term thinking, make informed decisions.
- light (neutral) kitchen.

Variant requiring constant cleaning and removal of dirt, dust, grease. For the walls is better to choose a cream or white color. Sex is better to make a very light brown or even gray, light gray. The ceiling must also be white or light cream. In this kitchen, everyone can find peace and harmony.

For styling bedrooms via simulation beam is recommended to select materials in neutral - beige, light gray, light cream color scheme or pastel (light olive, lavender, blue). Immediate finishing can be carried out in the following ways:
- Full paneling.
- Sheathing two walls (usually sheathed wall to the right and left of the bed).
- Wall cladding for the headboard (can additionally be decorated imitation timber and the wall opposite the bed).
- Sheathing 1/3 tree bottom wall (top portion in this case is colored or wallpaper).
- Sheathing light / dark wood and the bottom of wall sheathing imitation lumber in the contrast (or as a different color) of the upper part of the wall.

Emphasize the originality and sophistication of bathroom design using the simulation beam will work in two directions: the selection of contrasts or use of neutral shades. In the first case, as the main color for a spacious room is recommended to choose a dark brown boards with a slight grayish tinge. But the plumbing should be bright white. If, however, a contrasting design is advantageous bright finish (due to the small area of the room), it is better to choose a light beige, white or coffee color. But the plumbing is recommended to pick up in a dark gray, maybe even black. At neutral styling and plumbing, and finishing must possess bright shades of light beige, light coffee, cream, light gray. Also finish can have a neutral pastel color: bleached purple, yellow, pink, olive or blue.

Using timber imitation, it's easy to update as a normal brick house or garden and modern apartments. This finish can be selected from the raw lumber and prepare yourself for application or purchased is fully prepared: antiseptic treated, dyed. In the selection of materials is necessary to accurately calculate the right amount of product. Installation imitation timber owners can spend their own hands, because this work takes less time and requires no special skills from the artist. But to remake the rooms was carried out and released, and really beautiful, you should carefully choose the style in which the repair will be carried out. The wood trim is ideal for simple rural areas, and to create cutting-edge original interiors.