How to cook in a pan grill: why, how to use that can be fried, how to wash

For what purpose you can use a pan-grill? What kinds of pans for grilling are? How to use a pan-grill with non-stick coating? Is it possible to cook on a grill pan without oil?

Grill pan - one of the most successful inventions.


  • 1 Why a pan-grill
  • 2 What are the pans for grilling
    • 2.1 Material grill pan
    • 2.2 Coating pans for grilling
    • 2.3 The form
    • 2.4 Compliance with the pan-grill plate
  • 3 What can be and how to fry in a pan-grill
    • 3.1 Rules frying beef and pork
    • 3.2 Cooking grilled chicken in a frying pan
    • 3.3 How to fry grill fish
    • 3.4 Grilled vegetables
  • 4 How to wash a pan-grill without damaging it
  • 5 How to choose a high-quality pan-grill
  • 6 VIDEO: How to choose a grill pan.

Why a pan-grill

Every year more and more pieces of the professional restaurants and cafes migrates to the home kitchen. Bars, coffee machines, and now and utensils for cooking on the grill. The latter, in particular such of its kind as a frying pan, is very popular and takes pride of place in the kitchens of many housewives. What makes it so popular?

The bottom of the pan, simulating grate grill, doing the dishes juicy and low-fat.

We can say with confidence that this pan performs three important functions.

  1. Simplification of cooking food.
  2. Reducing its duration.
  3. Getting healthy and delicious meals.

This wonderful home cooking pan on migrated from the professional restaurant industry.


  • The thickness of the bottom. In a frying pan, she is much more than the usual. This makes it possible to better distribute and retain heat.
  • Gutter to drain the oil. He makes it easy to pour the hot liquid without the danger of getting burned.
  • Having multiple pens (the only one, because the second is attached only as needed, you can use). Therefore, in grill pan, not only fried, but baked.
  • The presence of a ribbed or "striped" bottom. Thanks to him, the food does not burn and acquires original drawing.
  • oil savings. Cooking on a griddle-grilled does not require its use. However, may be varied as desired amount of oil.
  • Joint cooking. The use of this cookware makes it possible simultaneously to fry different foods: meat, vegetables, mushrooms.

It can fry the fish, beef steak or vegetables.

Note! Grill pan requires special care. It must be washed and thoroughly wipe, removing all moisture. After that should be lubricated with oil from the inside. Only in this way it will save its properties and will last more than one year.

In addition to these positive qualities, grill pan has the main advantage that makes it more popular dishes, cooked on it, retain a large number of useful properties. This is possible thanks to the most edges on the bottom. They help not only to fry, but also put out the products, because the grooves comes steaming. The ribbed surface also protect against burning. In the worst case, it will happen only in places of contact with the product "stripes."

You want to diversify their menus and make a home a real barbecue picnic, buy a pan-grill.

What are the pans for grilling

Material grill pan

  • Aluminum (cast).

This material heats up quickly and is easy to clean. However, it is not durable and needs careful care. Aluminum is also not "love" the very high temperatures. When these non-stick coating may be damaged, which would make this unsuitable pan for cooking.

Durable aluminum shell is excellent conductor of heat and provides uniform heating of food.

  • Cast iron.

It is most suitable for grilling. In spite of the long heating time, a long iron holds and distributes heat well. This material is difficult to clean. He needs special care for non-compliance that can rust.

Do not leave for a long time in a cast iron pot meal: it can take over the smell of metal.

  • Stainless steel.

Food cooked in a frying pan, well retain their useful properties. This is because there is no reaction between the steel and the substances secreted by the food. When working with such dishes can not use metal utensils. This will damage the surface.

Pan-grill made of stainless steel suitable for frying steaks delicate varieties of fish.

  • Ceramics.

This material is very lightweight and environmentally friendly. It is excellent conductor of heat, allowing the pan to heat up quickly. However, it is quite fragile, so handle it must be very careful.

Pan-grilled ceramics can withstand very high temperatures it allows you to cook a variety of dishes in the oven.

Coating pans for grilling

Today, almost all manufacturers of kitchen utensils used non-stick coating. After all, it is thanks to him cookware becomes more comfortable and functional. It allows you to make food useful as it does not require the use of large amounts of oil.

Types of non-stick coating:

  • Teflon.

Despite its practicality, it is dangerous to health. Therefore, should not use any utensils with such a coating.

Teflon coating allows to cook without adding oil.

  • Marmara.

This type of safer preceding slightly, as is a combination of Teflon and marble chips.

  • Titanium.

This coating is environmentally clean and safe. It also is not afraid to mechanical damage.

Powerful titanium non-stick coating makes it possible to use utensils without oil and use metal tongs.

  • Diamond.

Such sputtering can use only at temperatures up to 320 degrees.

  • Granite.

This coating safely only when its integrity. After its damage can not be used.

Beautiful and eco-friendly "stone" dishes.

  • Ceramic.

It is best to use ceramics as coating not, as the base material. It is not toxic and is capable of withstanding high temperatures.

Important! If the non-stick coating is damaged (fully or partially), can not use the pan. This can be harmful to health.

The form

  • Round.

Characterized by uniform heating. But not very spacious.

  • Square.

One of the most versatile. The main advantage - capacity.

Pan-grill can be easily recognized by the appearance of a corrugated surface.

  • Oval, rectangular.

Great for cooking fish.

  • Tray.

Have the form of a broiler oven and can occupy several burners.

Externally similar to corrugated trays for the oven, take multiple burners.

Compliance with the pan-grill plate

  • Electric.

The dimensions of the bottom of the pan, grill, and heating the disc must be the same. Do not choose the dishes with a smooth surface of the outer bottom.

  • Gas.

It is best to buy a frying pan with a thick bottom. It promotes even heat distribution. Otherwise, the shape and material may be any utensils.

Pan-grill has a ribbed bottom, which allows to fry foods substantially as a lattice.

  • Induction.

For such panels are only appropriate for special pan-grill with magnetic insert, located at the bottom.

  • Ceramic.

The main requirement for the dishes: flat and smooth bottom. It should be thick, but the actual pan - not heavy.

Selection depends on grill pan manufacturing material, size, shape.

What can be and how to fry in a pan-grill

On a pan-grill can be fried all products. It will not only save their useful properties, but does not require high oil costs, as it can completely do without it. Consider what you can fry or braise in a pan-grill?

On the grill pan can be cooked many delicious and not at all the usual dishes.

Rules frying beef and pork

  • Beef or pork steak fry better on a hot skillet. Adding oil is better than its surface, and on the meat itself.
  • Spices should be made at the end of cooking.
  • For turning the meat should be used cooking tongs. No need to pierce the meat during the cooking process.
  • To become a more tender steak, should be put on it a little bit of butter.
  • Salted meat is better after it has browned.

Beef on the grill pan - it's simple, quick and very tasty.

Cooking grilled chicken in a frying pan

  • Chicken should be cooked at a low temperature, but for a long time.
  • For browning need to fry over high heat, then it abated.
  • You can not use forks or other piercing instruments. They only make the meat dry, not juicy. For turning better to take the blades and forceps.

Chicken grilled, fried in a pan, it turns out juicy and appetizing.

How to fry grill fish

  • Lean fish should be watered oil marinade or wine.
  • If the bird is fried whole, you need to make a few cuts on both sides.
  • The fish need to frequently turn over.

The taste of the fish in a pan-grill is different expressiveness and aroma.

Grilled vegetables

  • should not be at the same time to cook vegetables that require different cooking times and temperatures.
  • Cut into slices the same products better.
  • No need to use a lot of oil.
  • It should be thoroughly dried vegetables and avoid excess moisture.

In order to diversify your menu, try to cook the vegetables in the frying pan Grill.

The answer to the question "How to cook in a pan grill?" Will be the general recommendations with regard to the need of careful attitude to its surface.

How to wash a pan-grill without damaging it

The main rule in cleaning the pan-grill: do not use sharp objects and abrasive cleaning agents, do not wash the hot surface. Otherwise, the removal of food debris does not require extra effort, because thanks to non-stick coating to the surface of the food does not stick.

After frying, simply wash the pan, wipe dry and grease lightly with oil.

How to choose a high-quality pan-grill

To acquired pan-grill will serve you long and well carried out all their functions, should comply with certain recommendations.

It does not spoil foods, easy to use, easy to care for her.

  • The height of the ribbed surface depends on the quality of the cooked food. The edge above the food tasty and wholesome.
  • The material for the handle should not be heated.
  • It is best to fit the pan with high sides bevelled. It is better to keep heat and easier to turn food.
  • For easy oil drain should choose dishes with a special nozzle.
  • also cover press can be used for longer cooking convenience. It will help make a meal more quickly.

It is selected from the same material as the grill pan itself.

Pan-grill - a convenient and practical thing. You can use it to cook delicious, beautiful, and most importantly healthy dish. Due to its versatility and variety of shapes and materials, she became a regular in many kitchens. To serve such dishes as long as possible, it should be easy to follow the rules, how to use the pan-grill with non-stick coating.

For adherents of a healthy diet and the big bonus is that when frying oil is used much less.

VIDEO: How to choose a grill pan.