Original double beds for modern interiors

The photo catalog you will find a variety of ideas for decorating the headboard of the bed. Double bed is a must-bedroom, and it should be in harmony with the whole interior. When choosing a suitable bed need to pay attention primarily on its size and finish.

bed in the bedroom Provence

In any bedroom the bed is not only the main piece of furniture, but also the center of the focal space.

lilac bedroom

It was around the bed is built the whole concept of the design of the room for sleep and rest.

white bed

On how it will look the bed depends to a great extent the interior space.

Superb double bed will help create in the bedroom a cozy and comfortable environment, help to create a place for recreation. Beautiful interior and decorative ornaments play an important role in the design of the room in a modern and trendy style. Luxury versions with upholstery, elegant beds are very popular in recent years with many buyers.

king size bed in the bedroom

On how the bed performs its functionality - directly affects our well-being, sleep quality, and hence the state of health.

black bed

Healthy, sound sleep will help ensure that the situation in the bedroom - nice linens and comfortable quality furniture.

Double bed in the first place should be:

  • comfortable;
  • Provide a good rest after a busy day.
backlit bed

Comfortable and soft double beds in the interior of your bedroom are a key piece of furniture.

black bed in the bedroom

What will be the bed in the interior of your bedroom, it depends mostly on your desires. The main thing that its design is not repelled by a common decision.

Depending on the room size is selected and a double bed. Elegant furniture in bright colors will be in harmony with the furniture in light gray, beige, perfect for any bedroom. In this exquisite headboard will be a real decoration of the bedroom.

classic bed

Today in fashion stylish and original models, different designs and features, and performance materials.

bed in the bedroom neoclassic

Properly chosen soundly bed can become a central piece in the interior, where the rest of the decor will be based.

bed neoclassic

With this model, you can spice up the bedroom and make it more stylish and modern.


  • 1 Luxurious double beds
  • 2 budget options
  • 3 VIDEO: Big bed in bedroom interior.
  • 4 Double bed in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

Luxurious double beds

If you want to design the interior of the room in a classical style, then this is best suited king-size beds in the classical or romantic style. Each bed has a unique design, convenience and comfort during sleep.

classic bed

The back of the head, acts not only as a support resting on the bed, but also serves to relax.

country bed

The current trend in the design of bedding suggests that this is not just a piece of furniture for sleep and rest, but also a beautiful object of your furniture.

The stores offer a variety of models that will please every customer and satisfy their needs. The store catalog features beautiful double beds!

white bed in the bedroom

Bed with upholstery along the entire perimeter looks presentable, she seemed to invite the owner to plunge into the soft embrace of sleep and rest.

black double bed

Double bed is almost always looks bulky, but this does not run away, because a large bed - a pledge of strong and comfortable sleep in the apartment people.

double bed

The wider bed - so comfortable to sleep on it.

Purchase any version of the bed will allow to enjoy a quality vacation. Double Bed offers the convenience, comfort, practicality and excellent quality. Double bed is an excellent choice for rest and sleep every day. Wide range of products will allow you to purchase a bed for any interior space.

Baroque bed

Wooden double beds are also suitable for lovers of classical interiors.

bed of wood

Bed made of solid wood, in itself is a jewel room.

Metal and forged products suitable for most design bedroom flat in the romantic style.

wrought iron bed

Forging has become a multifaceted and skillful way to produce not only strong and durable piece of furniture, but the real decoration of modern interiors.

wrought iron bed

Double beds may look airy, weightless, thanks to the skillful execution of forged parts.

wrought-iron bed in the bedroom

A variety of features allows you to find a suitable model bed for various interior styles - from classical to modern style.

budget options

After reviewing the composition of the models, you can find undemanding, low cost options. In the catalog you will find exclusive models double beds with an original design. Here you can find a suitable bed in a trendy, contemporary style bed for cottages and country houses. Nice bed with smooth rounded shape of the back shows a variety of colors to choose from buyers.

round bed

In terms of Feng Shui, the back of the head-needed sense of security for those who are lying in bed reading a book or reclining.

beautiful bedroom

This attribute is the central piece of furniture of any bedroom gives a sense of calm and security.

Bed with upholstered headboard look stylish and modern. Models can be presented in the following variations:

  • Of chipboard with upholstered headboard, decorated with eco-leather;
  • Modern model with a rectangular shape and a light inset on the back are offered at a low price.
  • Inexpensive models in beige color bed of particle board, chipboard represented at an affordable price.
bedroom design to the bed

If your bed is a simple model that can be emphasized by using creative approach to the design of the headboard.

beige bedroom

Do not forget about the length - ideal and considered sufficient quantity exceeding 15 cm height of the individual who will be sleeping on the bed.

beige bedroom

Choose the largest size that can accommodate your bedroom. Standard size beds in the double bed - 160, 180 and 200 cm.

VIDEO: Big bed in bedroom interior.

Double bed in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

black bedroom
black and red bedroom
modern bedroom
white bed
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bed in the bedroom, rock
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double bed
double bed
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double bed in the bedroom
Bed double blue
white double bed
double bed in the bedroom
bed double white
a double bed on legs
bed double waterbed
bed double white blue
double bed bedroom beige
Double bed with canopy
double bed in the bedroom
double bed Nouveau
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double bed in the narrow bedroom
a double bed with bedside tables
double bed location
double bed in the peach interior
double bed location
double bed Romantic design
contemporary double bed
Double bed in the interior
bed double fusion
double bed with backlight
double bed minimalism
bed double black
Arabic style double bed
Bed double green beige
bed double light
bed double tree
bed double purple
double bed in the bedroom