Slats for beds can be made entirely of wood. Most commonly used birch and poplar. This material was chosen because of its flexibility and elasticity. The tree also contributes to the excellent ventilation of the mattress.

Double bed with slats - an ideal option pillowtop bed.
Experts believe that for as little as 30 double bed slats, single - several times smaller. Manufacturers do not hold this view and place 20-22 pieces. But if you decide to make slats and bed with your hands, you can self-assess their numbers.

Option double bed with a standard set of slats.
The advantages of making furniture with their hands
Among the advantages of self-construction and bed slats note the following factors.
- Environmentally friendly. Natural material, ie wood, will not adversely affect human health.
- Durability. Product made with his own hands, will last for many years. Bed can withstand a greater load, which confirms its strength.
- Individual size and design. Bed with his hands will be made according to your drawings. Its size, shape, you can adjust to the desired settings. It does not have to look for a place to accommodate a large bed.
- Saving. This applies not only to the space in the room, but also cash. You want to get yourself the amount of material required, and get them. It will cost much cheaper than buying a ready-made product in the store.

Self-installation option Lumley
- 1 Design and construction of the bed
- 2 Appointment of transverse slats
- 3 Necessary materials
- 4 Required tools
- 5 process of manufacturing
- 6 The final stage
- 7 Video: Modifications and installation of the slats on the bed with his hands
- 8 50 photos of the slats:
Design and construction of the bed
Design wooden beds single or double are quite similar and quite simple. Both types of furniture made up of the following parts.

Sturdy slats with a metal bracket set their own hands.
- Mattress, on which people will sleep, is located on a flat surface or slats. For the first embodiment using a thick sheet of plywood. Lamellae are cross strap. This design is preferred. Her mattress will not deform themselves fairly elastic straps. This design for more comfortable sleeping.
- Rods or plywood are arranged on a frame made of boards of high strength.
- As the support, which carries the frame, the side panels or legs may be used.

Lamella - a solid basis for orthopedic beds.
Choosing the size of the future bed it is recommended based on the parameters of the mattress. It is also necessary to consider the place and location of the product. Standard single bed size - 200-210 90-100 cm length and width. At double the length remains the same, and the width is equal to 180-200 cm, ie doubled.

Standard bed slats base.
The height of the product is quite a subjective parameter. It all depends on your preferences.
Appointment of transverse slats
It has been noted that a thick plywood sheet may be used instead of the transverse straps. It is worth noting the benefits and purpose of the lattice to understand that it is preferable.

Selection of mounting type slats in the bottom of the bed.
- Reducing the load on the bed. With this enhanced product quality, service life is increased.
- It has a spring quality. Planck elastic and therefore the entire load that acts on it is evenly distributed.
- In the dream, your spine will take the correct position.
- Is attached grille with special holders. This allows us to design reliable and subsequently avoid squeaks and noise.
- Located strap so that it can be done naturally ventilated bed from all sides.

The process of creating the base and slats of a bed frame
Necessary materials
Before you buy anything you need and make the bed with his hands, and the slats should perform a detailed drawing. The following materials will be required to double the standard parameters of the bed.

The process of distributing the slats along the bottom of a single bed.
- 3 boards with dimensions 200h30h3 cm. They will become the walls and headboard products.
- 2 250h30h2 cm size boards. They will be the side of the bed.
- 5 bars, the length of each of 200 cm, the cross section of 4x4. Needed for the manufacture of load-bearing structure, and support legs.
- Rake size 150h4h2 cm. It will be a crossbar at the base of the bed. Rake is needed to secure the head of the board.
- Mordant.
- Joiner's glue.
- Lac;
- Self-tapping screws.

The lamellas can be mounted as using fasteners and using self-tapping screws.
It is worth to clarify once again that the amount of material specified for a standard double bed. You should select all in accordance with the parameters of future products and drawings.

How to insert slats into mount.
Required tools
you'll need a drill, a cutter, sandpaper crossbar for self-assembly and manufacturing of the bed. Also prepare a hacksaw, a pencil. For measurement and accuracy useful ruler, tape measure, square. Among the instruments necessary for the independent production of the bed should be plane, screwdriver and jigsaw.

Installing the slats in the bed base can be carried out independently, it does not need some expensive equipment.
process of manufacturing
Following the acquisition of the required materials and preparation of instruments should begin striping and further sawing them. It is recommended to adhere to this process, the following rules.

The ideal method of fastening slats with metal fasteners.
- Perform a detailed drawing of the future bed, specifying all parameters are accurate.
- Write a list of all the details that are needed for the product. Enter the amount of material required for each of them.
- Markings in areas of future cuts, recommended using a cutter or a pencil and always a line.
- Making identical the parameters part in several copies, you can make one, and leave it as a template. This will facilitate and accelerate the process.
- Places Spila, be sure to strip a sandpaper.

Ortho-frame for a cot
After applying markings is possible to start the construction of the carcass.
The assembly is recommended to start with a mattress measuring parameters that will be used on the bed. In the frame of the frame he goes free.

Lamella have been increasingly used for a perfect and lasting foundation for beds.
Using the captured parameters, saw off the end and 2 long boards, which will become sidewalls.

Amplified block slat for quality bedsteads with a high load.
Assemble the parts received in the rectangle. To bond them together, you can use wooden spikes or ears. Holes cut the jigsaw. You can hollow out a chisel.

Orthopedic foundation sregulirovkoy provisions
The resulting lubricated adhesive lugs and connected. Align all at an angle of 90 degrees and using a clamp, fix, until completely dry.

Pick the type of fastening slats, which will be the most durable and reliable.
The frame is ready. It is quite robust and sturdy. To assemble the wooden bed was an easy process, it is necessary to connect the parts with screws, with additional bracing and metal corners.

Orthopedic carcass double bed made of slats.
After the frame ready to install the legs. Cut a few bars of identical length. They are mounted in the corners of the product. They can be inserted into the frame or mounted on the outside, from the inside.

Lifting bed base
To insert the legs directly to the foundation, use the spikes to fasten. This is the most reliable option. If the width of the bed more than 220 cm must be installed in the middle of the leg 5 of the product. To this end, the longitudinal mounted board, to which she is attached.

bed base mounted on five legs
The final stage
Now you can proceed to the assembly of the lamellar base. This cross-bars that support the mattress and do not give it to deform.

Lamellae in sofa base
- Tamp the base, side and end of the locking rail mounting.
- Follow the markings on the minimum height of 100 mm from the top edge.
- Rack mounted around the perimeter using a solid line and a dotted line. You can instead take the metal corner.
- It needs a bar with a section of 30x30. It made the frame for transverse slats. Secure it by internal parameters framework.
- Then the frame is stuffed rake having dimensions 150h4h2 cm. Fasten it across the length. The distance is not less than 5 cm.

By the metal frame slats should be secured at the expense of metal fasteners.
If you perform all the action by following strictly made to the drawings, the problems with the installation you will not have. At the final stage should be treated with sandpaper base and cover it with lacquer.

Lmelederzhatel can be completely invisible, but it is the most durable.
You should carefully consider the choice of ready-made bed cover. After all, it has to fit completely into the interior of the room. we recommend that you give it a tone before the lacquer coating products. For this fit stain.

Reinforced metal mount for wooden slats
It should be applied to it evenly using a brush. Varnish surface is necessary only after drying stain. It is necessary to make 2 layers of lacquer.
Video: Modifications and installation of the slats on the bed with his hands
50 photos of the slats: