for registration apron in the kitchen materials that can withstand the special conditions to be used. It can be difficult to choose the appropriate option. Be sure to pay attention to the wall panels for kitchen, presented in a large assortment. We propose to consider this matter in more detail.
Beautiful Apron - a stylish interior element
Read article
1 Wall panels for kitchen - what is it
2 Wall panels Kitchen: strengths and weaknesses
3 Standard sizes of wall panels for kitchen
4 Performance and colors of wall panels for the kitchen with photos of samples
4.1 PVC wall panels for kitchen
4.2 Wall panels chipboard and chipboard
4.3 Wall panels MDF and hardboard
4.4 Wall panels of glass dishes
4.5 Wall panels made of acrylic and gipsovinil
4.6 Wall panels made of solid wood
4.7 Other types of wall panels
5 Interesting interior design solutions in the design kitchen wall panels
8 How to secure the wall panels in the kitchen - the nuances
9 Review of the best manufacturers of wall panels
10 How much are the wall panels for kitchen - price review
Wall panels for kitchen - what is it
Getting to the design of the walls in the kitchen, it is necessary to carefully choose the material for the walls. Particular attention should be given to the area around shell and plate. There is usually the humidity is above average, and often there are significant changes in temperature.
The apron should have the appropriate clearance
When choosing a design for the apron wall panels for the kitchen, you can not only create quality and durability, but also beautiful to issue interior. Such material preferably has a rectangular shape and is made of different materials. We suggest to consider the existing views, make it easier to make the right choice.
Products are generally rectangular in shape
Wall panels Kitchen: strengths and weaknesses
The advantages of the wall panels should include:
easy installation and dismantling. The installation has to spend a bit of time. If necessary kitchen apron can be easily removed;
a large assortment. Perhaps the use of products with different patterns;
ease of maintenance. With proper choice of material can be formed apron having resistance to aggressive detergent substances;
sufficient strength, acoustic and thermal insulation characteristics;
a choice of products with optimal cost.
The disadvantage is the reduction of the inner space of the kitchen.
Installation can be done with their own hands
Standard sizes of wall panels for kitchen
Manufacturers offer a material with different geometric parameters 3-6 mm thick. It is possible to give preference to the plates:
rackHaving a width of 12-50 cm in length and 3 m Special grooves allow to form beautiful apron, fastened to the crate.;
rectangularTiled, having a length of 0.3-0.6 cm. These panels can be an alternative ceramic tile;
leafWhich is best mounted. Their width is 1.5-3 m, which greatly simplifies and speeds up installation.
Sheet sizes may differ substantially
Performance and colors of wall panels for the kitchen with photos of samples
The service life, the appearance and characteristics apron care formed largely depend on the characteristics of the material, which was used in the manufacture of wall panels for kitchen. Photo products offered by manufacturers can be seen below.
PVC wall panels for kitchen
For manufacturing decorative elements used hard polyvinyl chloride, which is added in a minimum amount of plasticizer. PVC wall panels for kitchen:
exhibit good acoustic and thermal insulation characteristics due longitudinal honeycomb structure;
presented in a large assortment. It is enough to look spectacular model with photo printing;
weigh little.
PVC sheets have a special structure
The disadvantages of the plastic wall panels for kitchen should include low resistance to mechanical stress and the risk of melting the close proximity to the plate. In the care of the apron must abandon the use of products containing the abrasive particles.
Apron needs special care
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PVC panels. Varieties of PVC panels according to the destination, the types of panels by the method of the compound, the advantages, disadvantages and properties of PVC panels, the main types and sizes of PVC panels for walls, the recommendations of experts - read publication.
Wall panels chipboard and chipboard
Budget solution that allows you arrange an apron in the kitchen. Such products are environmentally safe, easily cleaned of dirt with a damp cloth. However Particleboard not tolerate conditions of elevated humidity, Temperature fluctuations.
OSB - a budget solution for interior decoration
chipboardLaminated layer of transparent polymer, the best suitable for food, since it has sufficient moisture resistance. You can buy products that simulate different materials. Popular wall panels for kitchen under brick, stone, wood. The thickness of the plates may be different, affecting the maximum load that can absorb a specific product.
The laminate increases water resistance of the coating material
Wall panels MDF and hardboard
MDF panel They are practical material. In the production of them, as a rule, are laminated. Buy MDF wall panels for the kitchen can be one or two laminated surfaces. Recent cost more. Ready apron will have sufficient strength and acoustic insulation characteristics, easy to wash. Able to withstand mechanical influence of humidity fluctuations. Mount should be away from the fire.
MDF has good performance
Attention! Discard the MDF mounting apron over the sink and stove.
Fibreboard not afraid of water, easy to cut. Installation of the apron can be made with their own hands. The material can be painted. The finished surface may be washed using a cleaning and detergents. However, due to the stagnation of moisture may lose appearance.
Fiberboard is presented in a wide range
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MDF panels. What better chipboard or MDF, which is used as the MDF, MDF installation of wall panels with their own hands, the dimensions of the sheet, thickness, and the price of MDF, the approximate cost of materials, the recommendations of experts - read publication.
Wall panels of glass dishes
Glass is widely used in the design interior in a contemporary style. The main advantage of this material is hygienic. He does not impose specific requirements for care. Wall panels from glass dishes can realize unique design solutions. Drawing can be placed under the decorative elements or applied directly to the surface thereof using various techniques.
The image on the glass may be applied in various ways
Attention! The price of a glass wall panels for the kitchen depends on the chosen method of decorating products.
For the manufacture of apron used tempered glass in order to avoid the risk of injury. If you buy a glass wall panel for the kitchen with a thin layer of protective film, it is possible to increase the strength characteristics of the formed decor and extend its service life. In case of accidental damage of the glass does not shatter into small pieces, and will remain on the film.
The picture can be selected individually
Wall panels made of acrylic and gipsovinil
Gipsovinila basis of cardboard, vinyl cover layer. Finished products have sufficient strength and reliability. Despite its presentable appearance, they will gradually give way to the acrylic panels.
Gipsovinil a presentable appearance
Acrylic in appearance similar to glass, however, is 5 times greater than his strength characteristics. The panels are characterized by high mechanical strength, they have three times less weight and cost less. A special manufacturing technology allows to generate perfectly equal to a product the surface of which are formed bacteria and mold.
Acrylic - demanded material
Wall panels made of solid wood
Suitable for kitchen of veneer and solid wood - eco-friendly and safe material, allowing to add comfort and warmth any atmosphere. Wooden apron capable blend well with the interiorAllowing to realize interesting design solutions. It is desirable to have away from open flame and direct exposure to moisture.
The tree needs extra protection
The cost of wood panels depends on the type of wood, which was used for manufacturing. Cheaper cost products made of pine, linden, alder. Expensive cost panels made of oak, cedar and other wood. To extend the life of a wooden array must be carefully treated with wax. Possible to apply the varnish.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«Wooden panels require periodic updating of the protective coating. "
For cleaning wood apron should not be used compounds containing chlorine. The surface can be cleaned, but the stagnation of water is unacceptable.
Variant design apron
Other types of wall panels
To manufacture plates can also be used fake diamond. These products have a long service life, are not afraid to mechanical impact, high humidity and moisture, are environmentally friendly. Allow to form a unique composition. However, the complexity of processing, installation, great weight and cost significantly limit their demand.
Artificial stone - a material with superior performance
For loft interior fit metal products. They will be quite harmonious look with a set executed in gray. Have a different design.
Apron made of stainless steel will last long enough
Interesting interior design solutions in the design kitchen wall panels
Before you buy wall panels to the apron in the kitchen, it is necessary to consider how they will be placed in the kitchen. We have prepared for you interesting solutions, so you can use them as an idea at the interior design at home.
1 of 8
Making kitchen apron wall panels
Worth to know in advance how much they are able to serve before you buy wall panels for kitchen made of plastic. We offer to find out what is required for such products, to form a surface could last for a long time.
Interesting picture on wall panels can become a "highlight" of the interior
Requirements to wall panels for kitchen apron
To generated apron served long enough to be used for its manufacture material must meet the following requirements:
be durable;
not have a negative impact on human health;
designed for use under conditions of high humidity;
no fear of significant temperature variations;
It is convenient to use;
have a sufficient level of durability to withstand cleaning by means of special tools.
Quality product must resist the impact of external factors
Decorative panels for an apron in the kitchen
Same decorative panels kitchen will look differently in different areas. We offer see the possible design options.
Having decided to give preference to this decoration, it should be noted:
quality panel. Before you buy a particular model, it is necessary to ensure quality of manufacturing and the subsequent assembly. Formed joints should be minimal. Large gaps in service will be clogged with dirt, which greatly complicate the care of the surface;
cost of. Budget decisions relevant for the kitchen, which is necessary to prepare rare. This is an appropriate option for cottages and country houses, which are on the weekends. For daily use, you should choose a more expensive counterparts;
guaranteeProvided by the manufacturer;
decor. The product is perfectly fit into the interior, combined with furnishings.
The panels must be combined with other home furnishings
How to secure the wall panels in the kitchen - the nuances
Adjustment of wall panels may be configured for kitchen own even in the absence of special education. It's enough to deal with the peculiarities of the installation work. The sequence of actions depending on how you decided to fix a wall panel in the kitchen. You can do this by:
Device wooden sheathing is made of wooden bars, attached to the wall with screws. This method will eliminate the alignment of walls. The main thing perfectly align the bars;
When used to prepare the wall sheathing optionally
use of construction brackets attached to the wall with liquid nails. It requires careful preparation of the substrate;
Device lath metal profile, to which is then attached decorative material;
fixation liquid nails. The easiest option fixing skinaley, Requires careful alignment of the walls. Mounted onto a dry and clean surface.
Learn how to install a wall panel in the kitchen, it is also possible in the following photos.
When fixation liquid nails should prepare wall
Review of the best manufacturers of wall panels
Choosing a quality product, you should pay attention to the products of the company:
Izoteks. The Finnish company offers high-quality models which are sufficiently stable to moisture;
Green Line. Domestic products are presented in a large assortment. Offers 3D products are relatively inexpensive and can easily be mounted;
Albiko. Wall panels Kitchen presented in a variety of colors. Original products can extend the limited space visually;
ASP studio. The company offers quality products from MDF;
Scythian. Russian manufacturer offers quality products in many colors;
Cleaf. Production of the Italian manufacturer simulates a variety of natural materials. It possesses moisture resistance and durability. When they are installed not soon have to make repairs in the kitchen.
Albiko wall panels presented in a large assortment
How much are the wall panels for kitchen - price review
Learn the value of a particular model of glass wall panels for the kitchen can be from the manufacturer catalog. Such products are expensive. If you are interested in cheaper versions, you should pay attention to the plastic models that are beneficial in terms of financial costs. The table below shows the average price of wall panels for kitchen.
The average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Alternative Flora
The size of 2420 × 600 × 6 mm. It is made of chipboard.
2 000
Alternative wall panel Flora
The size of 3050 × 600 × 4 mm. Plastic.
Granite wall panel
DekoStar Classic New Ocean
The size of 3000 × 250 × 7 mm. Plastic.
wall panel DekoStar Classic New Ocean
Mystic stripe
The size of 3000 × 600 × 6 mm.
2 640
wall panel Mystic stripe
Offer to get acquainted with the real buyers, they were divided into specialized resources.
Feedback on MDF panels Stylish house
More on Otzovik:
Review panels Albico
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If you also use sheet PVC panel for the kitchen, share photos in the comments.