- How to choose the method of paint removal?
- How to clean the ceiling of water-based paint quickly?
- Cleaning the ceiling
- How to remove the oil paint from the ceiling?
The new ceiling always pleases the eyes of the owners, and thanks to modern finishing materials it creates a cosiness and visually enlarges the room. However, all the construction work associated with the ceiling is quite labor-intensive, so you must immediately create a high-quality coverage, so as not to redo it anew in a couple of years. Before applying a new coating, it is necessary to solve the problem of how to clean the ceiling of the old paint, so that the adhesion of the new layer to the plaster occurs more qualitatively. To the joy of the repair lasted as long as possible, use the information provided.
to the contents ↑How to choose a method for removing paint?
Staining of walls and ceilings was very common when decorating the interior during the Soviet era. And until now many of us are faced with the need to remove paint not only from the walls, but also from the ceilings.
The way to remove the coating is affected by such factors:
- Paint type.
- The surface on which it is applied.
- Tools available.
- Cash that you have.
- Future plans for the reconstruction of the premises.
Important! Of course, if you decide to sew a wall or ceiling with plasterboard, then the paint can be left. But in most cases, the old coating has to be removed, since the painted surface has virtually no adhesion to cement plasters, tile adhesives and any construction mixtures.
The paint itself is also of different types:
- Water-emulsion.
- Oily.
- Acrylic.
The application surface can also be different - it can be:
- Metal.
- Tree.
- Drywall.
- Concrete.
Important! The most difficult thing is removing the oil paint from the unfinished, bare concrete ceiling.
All existing methods of removing paint from any surface are divided into:
- Chemical.
- Mechanical.
- Thermal.
Let's consider all possible solutions to the problem and answer the question how to remove paint from the ceiling, using different types of finishing materials.
to the contents ↑How to clean the ceiling of water-based paint quickly?
Water-based paint has long been one of the favorite finishing materials of masters of any skill. With painting, any painter can cope, because it is quite easy to apply water emulsion. In addition, this type of finishing material has many advantages:
- Environmentally friendly.
- Strength.
- Durability.
- Excellent vapor permeability.
- Easy to use.
- Possibility of use in any premises: residential, utility, production.
- Dyes allow the material of walls and ceiling to breathe.
- Prevents mold.
Here are just advantages of water-based paint play a cruel joke: removing the cover is quite difficult.
To clean the ceiling of water-based paint quickly, you will need the following tools and materials:
- Safety glasses.
- Respirator.
- Stepladder.
- Set of spatulas.
- Roller of large dimensions made of foam rubber.
- Water tank.
- Telescopic arm.
- Cuvette for wetting the roller.
- Film for sheltering floors and furniture.
- Old newspapers.
We divide the whole process of cleaning works into several stages.
Preparation of the room
The process of cleaning the ceiling is very dirty work, so not to spoil the floor and furniture, and also to protect yourself:
- All you can take out of the room - take out.
- Cover the floor and furniture with a film.
- Cover the floor in two layers, laying the film crosswise. Do not forget that you will move around the room, standing on the ladder, and her legs will move the film and scratch the floor.
- On the tape generously sketch out the old newspapers. In the process, periodically remove paper, along with dirt, so that there is less debris.
- Wear personal protective equipment: gloves, goggles and respirator.
Cleaning the ceiling
Before cleaning the ceiling of the old paint, determine its type. Thoroughly wet the surface with water using a roller. Depending on the result, you need to choose the method, in particular:
- If droplets of water slide off the surface - you will need funds for a permanent paint.
- If the colored layer absorbs water a little, it means - acrylic dyes have been applied and it will be much easier to remove the coating.
Removing water-based paint is not water-resistant
There are several ways to remove non-water-resistant water-based paint.
Use of industrial tools
In building stores, purchase special alkaline compounds. Following the instructions, apply a wash to the ceiling and wait for the specified time. The liquid will quickly soften and remove the aqueous emulsion.
Important! The disadvantage of the chemical method is the negative impact on the health of the master, because solvents - substances are quite aggressive, they can spoil the floor and burn the hands of the master. Particularly painful chemical agents are perceived by people prone to allergies.
Using water
Clear the ceiling of the old paint with water - a longer, but a cheaper and safer way to remove the dye. The principle of this method is to soak the paint layer with water, heated to 50-60 degrees.
To achieve a quality result, proceed as follows:
- In the tank, type hot water.
- Dampen the surface of the ceiling with a foam roller. If you do not want to climb the ladder, use a roller with a telescopic handle.
- After 20 minutes repeat the procedure.
- Open the windows and doors, arrange a draft in the room, which will adversely affect the paint: the coating will start to swell and flake.
- With a spatula, remove entire layers of paint.
- In places, clear the ceiling of the old paint is problematic, use a hammer. Strike the surface, not hard, several times, so that the coating moves away from the base.
- As it dries, moisten the surface again with warm water.
- After removing the old coating, sand the surface to remove the smallest coating residue. When working, try not to damage the plaster, so keep the spatula straight.
Cleaning the ceiling from water-resistant paint
Cleaning the ceiling of a water-resistant paint can be done in the following ways.
Mechanical "dry"
This is a very laborious, laborious, dirty and very dusty way. The essence of the method is the use of a grinding machine or a drill with special nozzles.
Important! If there are many layers of paint or layers are in hard-to-reach places, then use a building hair dryer.
Heat the coating so that the dye is easier to flake and use a grinder to remove it.
Important! Disadvantages of the method:
- A large amount of dust.
- You can seriously damage the plaster.
- Prolonged retention of the static position.
- High cost of used equipment.
Mechanical - "wet"
Some masters recommend first carefully rolled a layer of water repellent dye needle roller and then moisten the surface with warm water. The liquid penetrates into the formed microcracks, and the swollen layer of paint will be easier to rip off with a spatula.
Use of the adhesive
This is a versatile way that is suitable for any type of paint. Proceed as follows:
- Cook a conventional starch paste.
- The resulting creamy mass is abundantly lubricated by the ceiling.
- Stick old newspapers all over the surface of the ceiling. In order for the paper to adhere more easily, roll over the ceiling with a needle roller.
- Allow papers to dry.
- With a spatula, remove the paper along with the paint layer.
Important! Use instead of paste can: wallpaper paste, liquid PVA glue.
- In order not to be wasted on the purchase of special ready-to-use solutions for paint washing, prepare them yourself: 200 ml of iodine is dissolved in a bucket of water. Treate the surface of the ceiling with the compound, and after half an hour, rinse the product and the paint.
- Use a soapy solution to clean the ceiling of the old paint: apply a thick soap foam with a brush or roller on the ceiling. After a while, the paint becomes loose and can easily be removed with a metal spatula.
- If acrylic additives are present in the water-based coating, add salicylic acid or vodka to the soap solution. Latex impurities can be softened with chloroform or dichloroethane.
How to remove oil paint from the ceiling?
A suspension based on linseed oil, inorganic fillers and pigments, requires an elevated temperature for drying. If the paint dries at room temperature, the coating will not be longevity, and the paint dried at 250-300 degrees will withstand the effects of weak alkalis. It is for this reason that the dyes based on the oil components are highly adhesive, and therefore it is difficult to remove them. Modern washings for oil paints are effective only for fresh dye layers, but they will not be able to remove the coating of ten years ago.
Let's consider the basic methods for solving the problem, let us become acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.
Mechanical method
Taking into account the physical properties of the dye, which, when exposed to high temperatures and chemical compounds, emits strong toxic substances, the most optimal will be the mechanical method of removal.
Of course, the old-fashioned way is very laborious, slow enough, but it's the cheapest and least harmful.
The essence of the mechanical method:
- The ceiling area is treated with a grinding machine or a drill with special nozzles.
- The treated areas of the surface should be wiped with a metal brush. After the cleaning process, wash off any residues of the dye.
Important! Disadvantages of the method: a large amount of dust is formed, the need for special protective equipment( respirator, gloves, goggles).
Thermal method
Oil paint is destroyed to a lesser extent than water emulsion paint under the influence of heat. Therefore, to clean the ceiling of the old paint of this type:
- Heat the painted surface with a construction hair dryer.
- With a spatula, remove the softened paint.
Important! Disadvantages of the method:
- Can not be used in places where electrical wiring passes and there is a decorative coating( plastic).
- When heated, toxic substances are released.
- A foul smell of paint that appears when heated.
- Use only in well-ventilated areas.
- Short-term heating effect. Processing is recommended for small areas.
Method essence:
- Prepare a chemical solution for removing the dye according to the instructions.
- Apply to the surface with a brush or roller.
- Allow time for exposure and softening of the paint.
- Remove the coating layer with a spatula.
Important! This method is the fastest, but there are also disadvantages:
- The smell of funds can stay for a long time.
- If the paint has been applied in several layers, the use of a chemical solution does not guarantee a perfect removal at a time. It may be necessary to use the solvent several times.
Use our recommendations to quickly remove the paint:
- Prepare a thick paste of caustic soda, chalk, slaked lime. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
- Apply paste to the painted surface.
- Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours.
- Clean the ceiling with a spatula.
- After removing the main paint coat, clean the ceiling with sandpaper or a metal brush.
- Rinse the surface with water and a roller or foam rubber sponge to remove dust and dirt settling on the plates.
Important! This method should be used only in a well-ventilated area, since the prepared compound is classified as a chemical aggressive agent.
We hope you have found the best way to remove the old ceiling cover and now you can use modern finishing materials. We wish you a swift flight of fantasy to decorate the ceiling not only qualitatively, but also attractively.