A set of furniture for the living room in most cases is the same: a sofa, TV, coffee table or wall. But if space allows, it is added to the standard set also rack with a home library, mini-bar and even a dining area.

Living in a modern style with a standard set of furniture
If the square room of medium and large size of placement of furniture in the living room is not a problem, for non-standard facilities it requires a certain approach and knowledge of design tricks.

Variants of arrangement of furniture in the living room
- 1 preparation of the plan
- 2 Basic rules and recommendations
- 3 Where to put the sofa?
- 4 Where to put the TV?
- 5 placement options
- 6 narrow living
- 7 rectangular living
- 8 custom sitting rooms
- 9 Video: 3 types of arrangement of furniture: symmetrical, asymmetrical and circular
- 10 Photo collection of beautiful and comfortable living room with a good and convenient location of furniture:
preparation of the plan

The symmetrical arrangement of upholstered furniture centered around a fireplace and a coffee table, face to face

U-shaped layout of the living room from the middle of the room under the seating area and walkways along the edges
The question of how to arrange the furniture in the living room, always starts with a clear plan. Necessary to perform it in a special computer program.

Scheme embodiment beautiful traditional layout soft living area - opposite the TV sofa and two chairs on each side
After all, not all have the skills to work with the likes of designer tools. Although it is impossible not to note the possibilities and advantages of 3D-modeling - a more realistic idea of ββthe final result.

Location scheme corner sofa, chair and ottoman to create a beautiful composition in the room
You can make a sketch on plain paper in the cage. In the process it reads:
- height, length and width of the room in a selected scale;
- location of window and door openings, recesses, etc .;
- the location of the sockets, radiator.

The diagonal layout of the living room - an option for the studio apartments or rooms combined

The separation of the living room into zones with multiple focal points for large rectangular rooms
Basic rules and recommendations
There are some universal tips on how to arrange the furniture in the living room, which will help to avoid mistakes.
- All items are selected on the size of premises: for small living rooms - compact to spacious - large.
- The larger the room, the more items you can afford. For small rooms give preference to multifunctionality.
- If in addition to the recreation area will be located dining and sleeping area, all areas should be separated as much as possible. The dining table is better placed in the window, less illuminated part of the room is suitable for rest and sleep.
- You can not close the clutter and natural light sources - windows. Daylight should be free to get inside.
- Discard the massive walls that were prevalent in the last century. Even in the large living room, they look fat and difficult to blend with other home furnishings.
- The width of the passages - of at least 60 cm.
- If the situation presupposes not only sofas, but also chairs, the distance between objects soft the headset must be such that the campers were able to hear each other during conversation and save at the same time convenient distance.
- The most optimal location of the coffee table by the couch - at a distance of 40-50 cm.
Where to put the sofa?
The interior of any living room is complete without the couch. You should not dispose the subject close to the window. Also not recommended to place it back to the entrance. It is psychologically uncomfortable.
When selecting furniture placement is necessary to focus on the product model, which is adjusted for the room, as shape, layout change is much more difficult.
- Classic sofa. Depending on the size may well look like in the audience the correct forms, as well as non-standard. The spacious rooms can be located in the center of the room. In a small living room or family room irregularly shaped placement method is selected depending on the proportions, layout features.
Living room with a sofa and armchairs in a classic style
- Angular. It copes with the zoning functions and visual division of space. In a rectangular room its open portion oriented perpendicular to the wall shorter length will help to create the desired proportions. In a square room the most successful of its location - in the corner.
Large corner sofa for the living room in a modern style
- Island model. The two halves of a whole will be better positioned opposite each other, preferably without contact with the walls. This model is well suited for large rooms with fireplaces.
Two sofas facing each other around a coffee table in a line of fire
Where to put the TV?

TV in the interior of the living room serves as a link, which is located around the other elements
TV remains one of the main elements of the living room. Its location should be as comfortable as possible, namely:
- be at the level of a seated, ie eye height from the floor about 1,1-1,3metra;
- be at least 1.8 m but not more than 3 meters from sitting.

TV should be installed, taking into account regulatory data, ensuring its comfortable use
Bad decision - the location of the TV window. The sun's rays will interfere with viewing. Better to choose a darkened part of the hall.
The pedestal can be used curbstone, modern wall, a special table. In the small living room hanging option will save square meters.
placement options
When planning the interior adhere to one of the 3 options for furniture placement.
- Symmetric.
The symmetrical arrangement - is a surefire way for a classic, understated style living room
For the center of the room is taken of any element of the situation. It can be a TV, a fireplace, a wall-stand for home theater and others. At the same distance from the selected starting point are placed pieces of furniture.
This method is most prevalent and successful in the classical interiors. It is desirable that it was designed in the same style, and symmetrically arranged elements have one size and color.
The alignment is acceptable for building correct shape (square or rectangular with no big difference in the width and length).

Method symmetrical arrangement of seating furniture - the most commonly used variant of placing
- Asymmetric.
Asymmetric arrangement performed smokers asymmetric shape, bushing and open spaces multi zones
In a contemporary style, this option is most common. The precarious living it helps to hide the flaws, it is advantageous to allocate a specific part, visually make the room more spacious. Clear rules and requirements as to arrange the furniture in the room, in this case, no. Furnishings themselves can be of different sizes, are eclectic. The main thing - the harmony of the final result.

The asymmetric arrangement of furniture is good because it is suitable for a small or a large living room, regardless of its form
- Circular.
The circular arrangement is used to create a comfortable relaxation area, where sofas arranged around coffee table
The circular arrangement implies a choice, as in the first embodiment, the center (usually a coffee table or a chandelier). In this case, home furnishings will be placed in a circle at the same distance from each other, creating a regular round shape. Previous versions of arrangement of furniture in contrast, are easier to implement. The circular requires both space and regular geometric shape, as leaving free corners - in itself a violation of the rules of rational organization of small spaces.

The circular arrangement of the method involves the placement of furniture around the selected central element in the spacious living room
The choice of method of furniture depends not only on personal preference, but also on the particular plan.
narrow living

An elongated rectangular flat profile is pushing for the creation of zones that share a common area
The main mistake is the location of the elements of the situation along the long wall. From this passage is even longer. The most appropriate way of arrangement of furniture in the living room narrow shape - asymmetrical.

Zoning in a long narrow room in the dining area and recreation area and making guests
The basic principles that should be followed are as follows.
- Compactness. For example, you can use several small sofas, couches rather than clutter the space with one large. So the room will look visually more spacious.
- Less furniture and more functionality. Built-in sofa storage systems allow to combine several functions and free up a significant part of the area.
- Round shapes. Habitual square pieces of furniture "eat" area. Round tables, sofas, without loss of functionality most appropriately fit into the interior.
- The use of mirrors. If you put a narrow cabinet with glass doors along the long wall, it is possible to achieve a visual extension.
- Consider the location of the windows. If the window is on the long side, the built-in wardrobe, mounted adjacent to the wall, align multiple proportions.
rectangular living

The design of a long rectangular living room in beige and mauve colors
Placement of furniture in the living room rectangular - a task easier in comparison with the previous version of the plan. But still recommended to compliance with certain rules to create a harmonious environment.
One of the most successful ideas in this situation is a clear zoning. A specific arrangement of the room can be divided into two functional areas: for example, a dining and recreation area. Visual division by two small square compensate disproportionate. Using this technique, you create simultaneously two central points with a circular arrangement.
Unlike too narrow living room, in a rectangular room is possible, and sometimes even have to have the items perpendicular. This may be a sofa, for example, a desk or elongated.
Like most non-standard buildings, asymmetrical furniture is the most successful solution.

Design solution for rectangular living room
custom sitting rooms

The idea of ββthe living room decoration in the shape of a trapezoid
Recently, more and more often in new buildings can be found polygonal rooms, living rooms in the form of a trapezoid. On the one hand, such planning is looked creative and unusual, but on the other - causes difficulties in deciding how to arrange the furniture in the room such an unusual shape.
The main difficulty with the non-standard breading occurs when searching for elements of the situation. You have to be prepared for the fact that some things have to do to order.

Design of irregular shape of the room becomes a process of selection of details and decorative elements to make the room cozy and comfortable
In a modern style to beat such a deficiency is quite possible, turning negative in the most original feature of the living room. Ideas for a successful placement of furniture can be a little.
- Wrong, beveled corner can make the central point and the main focus of the room and arrange furniture around it.
- If the main elements of the interior are unusual design, it will only emphasize the main idea. Repetition shape of the room in the form of furniture will allow to adjust the balance in perception.
- Through irregularly shaped enclosure, for example, can be achieved not only gain asymmetry effect, but also to reverse - smoothing incorrect angles. For example, built-in wardrobe, made-to-order, will be in a trapezoidal space that is not so important for the performance of its functions. But will be able to cover the beveled corner of the room and make the whole more comfortable and enjoyable to read. This idea can not be implemented only if a certain position of the window: a source of natural light can not overlap.
Video: 3 types of arrangement of furniture: symmetrical, asymmetrical and circular
Photo collection of beautiful and comfortable living room with a good and convenient location of furniture: