How to remove the clay from the carpet at home: how to clean and remove

The carpet in the house - it's good and bad. With him comfortable, but if a family has a child, can not do without problems. Kids love to play on the carpet, especially kids who just learned to walk. And the older ones - are often not simply engaged in any toy, but even sculpt something here from clay, sometimes dropping hack, accidentally stepping on it.

For any housewife carpet cleaning occupation it is problematic, especially if children are present.

In this case, on the subject of comfort is red, blue or another color stain. Small or big, it does not matter. The product is spoiled. Can anyone help restore his original attractive appearance? Let's see what you need to do it in the first place, without the aid of dry-cleaning service?

The most problematic contaminants are spots formed by clay.

First, pull yourself together and do not yell at the child. Second, turn on the computer and into a search engine to find a reliable way. A lot of them. The head can go around on the tips and suggestions. That's because the carpets are different, because of that, and their methods of cleaning can not be the same at home. To further not experience difficulties with the choice of cleaning method, to announce that they are divided into two categories, scouring powder and liquid with the chemical composition and folk remedies.

Moms are wondering how to remove the clay from the carpet quickly and efficiently without the involvement of specialists.

In vehicles with a chemical composition contained aggressive substances such as alkali, acid. They can damage the product. But folk remedies for removing clay from the carpet at home more forgiving. Applying them, the hostess can not worry about the fact that the object of her concerns is damaged.

There are several ways to clean stains from rugs at home.

The most reliable, proven and completely safe manner is considered folk remedies. Consider the most simple that does not require much effort to quickly remove the clay from the carpet. Agree that they are always at hand: salt, vinegar, baking soda, households. soap, washing powder.

In practice, there are quite effective means by which to remove clay qualitatively left toddlers on carpet surface.

And now we turn to specifics.


  • 1 Rubbed the spot with the help of available funds.
  • 2 With low and high temperatures.
  • 3 primary purification
  • 4 Cleaning supplies automotive interior.
  • 5 Alcohol and solvent.
  • 6 We deduce grease stains.
  • 7 VIDEO: How to clean the carpet from plasticine.
  • 8 VIDEO: How to quickly clean the carpet from plasticine.

Rubbed the spot with the help of available funds.

Salt, vinegar and detergent - is in the house of each family. If it is time to see that her child blundered and carpet smeared clay, losing no time, it must begin uncomplicated action.

How to remove the clay from the carpet - it is every parent should know.

  • wet cloth, dip it in the salt, where the salt is kept small, and apply it on the spot and after 5-8 minutes, rinse with water.
  • if not help, then mix into a bowl for 1 hour. l. salt 1. h. l. washing powder and 1. h. l. vinegar. He waited until the applied mixture dries, shake it and try to scrub the stain.

If the track is fresh and a small area, then after removal of the bulk of it can be applied with a damp cloth a bit shallow salt.

Even easier to prepare a soap solution. Its preparation: in a glass of water add about '30 soap, whisk this mixture and then the sponge is applied to the damaged area. After 5-10 minutes, rinsed with water.

Soap solution is able to bring a slight contamination when a large part of the substance has already been removed from the surface.

Did not help? How else can you try to clear quickly plasticine from carpet at home?

With low and high temperatures.

  1. cold are working. In winter you can bring a little bit of snow on the street, and pour it on the action object. After some time, the carpet fluff on the spot harden and can be safely, but very carefully with a knife or spatula to clean off unnecessary. Or, take a piece of ice (in the street or from the refrigerator), rub them problematic place and scrape gently remaining sharp object.

    A good way to clean the carpet clay - is the use of low temperatures.

  2. Apply heat. You will need a regular iron. Heat it, put on a slick piece of white paper and the "iron" is a place.

    Hot fashion categorically not suitable for carpets, which are produced on the basis of the adhesive.

Important! The main thing - that spot was fresh and small size.

If you have tried all the easy ways to remove the clay from the carpet at home, you can resort to the following tactics.

If the substance was in the carpet pile, bring it is not so easy, but it is still possible with the right approach and rapid response.

primary purification

It is labor-intensive and require some physical effort. Using a knife, remove lint with the biggest pieces of plasticine and then brushed to remove the remains of clay from the carpet.

After the surface has dried, operate carpet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning supplies automotive interior.

If your family has a car, and there is a special means by which a motorist is caring for your four-wheeled friend. Here it is suitable to try to clean the carpet on clay at home.

Typically, the composition contains such agents degreasing solvents or components.

Alcohol and solvent.

In order to quickly scrub at home clay from the carpet, you can look in the fridge. A good hostess there are always stashed a bottle of vodka. This method yields positive results, of course, if the stain is inveterate. It is necessary to take a small piece of cloth, a cotton pad or sponge to wet them and rub the source of unforeseen trouble to get the result. Clean the carpet stain with help and any solvent, e.g., benzene, White alcohol or acetone.

Enough to spend on the spot with a cloth soaked in them, our loyal helpers, several times, to forget about the problem.

Do not forget! We recommend this procedure to open up the window and put on rubber gloves.

We deduce grease stains.

But here's the desired goal is achieved, and the carpet was left plasticine. But it happens that the joy was premature, because the most conspicuous place adorned grease stain. How to deal with it?

Since the composition of the clay include fatty acids and waxes, even after removing oil stains remain.

Take ammonia, cloth or cotton ball, soak them and gently "stroll" on the right place.

They can be easily removed by a conventional ammonia.

Soap we shall rub a cotton pad or sponge and processed products.

Soap degrease in minutes.

Gasoline or kerosene - our third option. We act the same way as you would with smelling salts.

The procedure should be repeated until, until you can completely wipe away the stain.

A few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent mix with water to form a thick foam, carefully rubbing, and then wash off with water.

Whipped few drops of water to form a thick foam.

Baking soda - one of the most simple but reliable methods. Tested by the author in practice. It helps without problems, if there is nothing else at hand.

It is necessary to pour a little baking soda, which is required, wait a few minutes and then shake.

Those who want to use in this article tips on how to clean the home carpet from plasticine, remember a few simple rules.

It is important to correctly remove the stain - the villi pulling up and in no case do not rub the clay in the pile.

Applying alcohol, thinner, gasoline, car means you should always be aired. It is also desirable to remove from the room at the time of children and pets.

It is not necessary to use "stain remover", they can only do harm.

Carpets are different: from the rough wool, with high and low pile, nylon and others. It is always necessary to take into account, rather than trying to funds immediately. The spots also are different - fresh and stuffy. Fresh clean off easy, but with the stuffy sometimes have trouble. After the procedure, the subject of comfort is wet. It must be dry on the balcony, or loggia, and if it is large, it is suitable for an ordinary hair dryer.

The drying process is accelerated if the stain file stream of warm air dryer.

With plasticine carpet at home to bring, of course, is not easy. But do not panic and regret the fact that the child was allowed to play on it. After all, your house master it, and not some kind of product, although very beautiful, useful, introducing in the family quiet, good humor and a sense of security.

There are many methods of cleaning. Read and choose any suitable.

Pull yourself together, take it easy. Desperate situations do not happen. Turn on the computer and read this article carefully, choose the appropriate option. Then proceed to action, but not in a hurry, follow the instructions thoroughly. You all will certainly succeed. And the next time not to get lost, the old-fashioned, store recommendations notebook. Then the owner will not have to spend time, money and energy on a hike to the dry cleaners.

Council - in the children lay on the floor of the newspaper in the classroom creativity.

VIDEO: How to clean the carpet from plasticine.

VIDEO: How to quickly clean the carpet from plasticine.