- How to return the bathroom to its original appearance?
- Why does the coating appear?
- Whitening cast-iron bath
- Whitening acrylic bath
- How to make the bath white? Simple home methods
- Folk remedies against plaque
- Modern means for bath cleaning
- Restoration or cleaning?
- Useful advice and care advice
Each housewife carefully stores the comfort of her home, carefully arranges order. Bathroom occupies a special place, because this room is designed to care for themselves. An important attribute of the room is directly the bathroom itself - snow-white and clean. In a sense, it embodies the standard of purity. However, over time, it is also contaminated and then experienced housewives decide how to whiten the bath at home.
to the contents ↑How to return the bathroom to its original appearance?
It's a pity, but over time, the bathroom loses its original snow-white appearance. It may appear stains from rust, lime scale, various stains, surface damage. It becomes too noticeable, and the bath looks untidy. In addition, she feels disgusted. How to make a white bath at home?
First of all, assess its condition, the degree of contamination, the presence of defects in the enamel coating.
Important! Before applying any of the methods of bleaching, be sure to specify what material is made of a font - cast iron or acrylic. An incorrectly selected cleansing agent can only exacerbate the problem.
To return the bathroom to its former primeval and whiteness can be modern cleaning agents. The good choice is represented by the widest: powdered mixtures, gels and sprays. And you can use folk methods how to whiten the enamel bath at home. Such methods are not less effective, moreover, much cheaper.
to the contents ↑Why does the attack appear?
It is necessary to conduct measures for whitening the bathroom more than once, but with a certain periodicity and regularity, as the raid appears again and again. Why is this happening?
Let us single out several factors that provoke the appearance of undesirable plaque:
- Water hardness. Understand that in your faucets water flows with increased rigidity, you can by several features:
- formation of scale in the kettle;
- lime scale on the crane;
- white stains on the dishes after washing.
Important! Unfortunately, directly you can not affect the hardness of the water. Although, with the help of specialist services, special softening filters can be installed.
- Water supply system. Over a long period of operation, the pipes are covered with rust, and water overcomes them over considerable distances.
- The presence in water of various impurities. The water we use is far from ideal, as it is decontaminated to comply with the regulations. For example, chlorine.
- Chemicals, whose action is aggressive to cover the bathroom.
As can be seen, the main cause of the plaque is water, its quality and composition. You can pick the right cleaner, but the water is not in our power to replace the water in the tap. That's why every housewife on the note has several proven ways how to whiten the bath at home.
to the table of contents ↑Whitening of the cast-iron bath
The enamel of the cast-iron bath is quite reliable and long-lasting. With rational care and accurate operation, it will last you for many years.
Important! Most often it is necessary to deal with traces of rust and calcareous plaque.
To clean them from the surface of a cast iron bath, almost all the means are suitable:
- If the bath has lost its former shine and whiteness, it will be enough to walk along it with a stiff sponge with powder for sanitary ware.
- slight defects can be removed with creamy means for cleaning ceramic surfaces.
- For persistent and extensive soiling, first warm the surface of the bath with steam or by typing hot water, and then treat with acidic agents.
Another situation - if the enamel has covered small cracks, and the mud penetrates deep. Then the bath gets an old unpresentable appearance with a yellowish or gray tinge. How to whiten the bath from yellowness at home? With this problem can cope with special bleaching agents that penetrate the surface of the enamel, or mechanical cleaning of the bathroom.
After cleaning complex stains, treat the walls of the cast-iron bath with a bleach solution or an agent containing active chlorine. For example, "Whiteness".
The final stage is washing the bathroom with warm water.
A little later in the text we will dwell in more detail on folk and modern ways of caring for a cast-iron bath.
to the table of contents ↑Acrylic bath whitening
Acrylic is now the most popular material for bathroom coating. However, this material is rather gentle, and you should think about how to bleach an acrylic bath.
Important! Pay attention to cleaners. They should not contain acids, chlorine or alkali. Do not treat the surface with abrasive powders, do not use hard jaws or metal brushes.
All these items and substances will damage the soft acrylic coating. Therefore, you will need cream and gel means. They will easily whiten the bath from plaque and stains.
Important! Few people know, but an excellent option can be an ordinary dishwashing detergent.
Acrylic bath can be made by snow-white folk methods, or by using modern means of household chemicals.
to the contents ↑How to make the bath white? Simple home methods
We have already emphasized your attention that the whitening of a bath of cast iron or acrylic is radically different. Therefore, consider folk methods how to make a white bath in the home, based on these characteristics.
Important! A universal tool for two types of baths is hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. They effectively remove lime deposits and rust. Connect these substances in a 1: 1 ratio, wipe the problem solution with the resulting solution. Wait 30 minutes, and the result will certainly please you.
You can add grinded laundry soap to this solution. The cleaning properties will then only improve.
Ways for an acrylic bath
There are few folk remedies for an acrylic bath, due to the delicacy of such a coating. But here are the most effective of them:
- Whitewash the bath from yellowness at home with citric acid or vinegar. Fill the tub with warm water, then optionally add:
- 3 packs of citric acid;
- 1.5 liters of vinegar.
Keep this compound in the bathroom no more than 12 hours. After this period, drain the water and rinse the tub with clean water.
Important! Pre-dissolve the citric acid in a glass of water and then its particles will not scratch the bath.
- Bura + table vinegar. Connect these components to a homogeneous gruel, apply to the walls of the bathroom with a soft sponge or cloth. Slightly rub the soiled areas, rinse the bath with water. Turpentine with salt. How to whiten the bath with rust with their help? The stain is applied to table salt, and then carefully wipe with a sponge moistened in turpentine.
Important! This method is best used with caution, since salt particles can damage the surface of the acrylic bath.
Ways for the cast-iron bath
Now let's take a closer look at how to whiten the cast-iron bath at home:
- Vinegar, bleach and two kinds of soda: calcined and drinking. Mix both types of soda in equal parts( 2-3 tablespoons).Wipe the surface with this mixture, leave for 10-15 minutes. At this time, mix the remaining ingredients: vinegar and bleach in equal proportions of 50 mg. On the soda layer we apply this mixture and wait for 30 minutes. Rinse with running water, the result is a clean, white bath!
- Citric acid. We need 100 g of citric acid per half liter of water. The resulting solution is poured into a container with an atomizer, spray on the surface of the bathroom. Continue spraying the bath every 10 minutes until the solution runs out. Wait one hour, rinse with water and sponge.
- Salt + turpentine. Just like acrylic baths, these substances effectively fight rust, yellowing. Combine 35 ml of turpentine and 100 g of salt, rub the yellowed, rusty places, leaving it for several hours. Rinse the mixture with water.
- "Whiteness" or bleach. These funds will give the bathroom a shine and snow-white, but can not cope with heavy stains and bloom. Dial a full bath of hot water, add one of the components to it. Bleach you will need 2-3 packs, and "Whiteness" - 1 bottle. Leave for several hours, preferably at night, and then rinse well with water.
- Vinegar. An interesting method of its application can be such: moisten paper napkins or towels in acid, place on the walls of the bathroom. After 30 minutes, everything is cleaned and rinsed.
- Cleaning the bath with a melamine sponge. This material acts as a stitch, thoroughly wiping such a spongy wall of the bathroom, you can achieve great success.
Important! Do you know how to whiten the bath with rust using carbonated drinks? Dada, you heard right! There is also such an unusual method. The composition of many sodas includes, so-called acidity regulators: citric and orthophosphoric acids. They also give these drinks whitening properties. In addition, orthophosphoric acid is an effective anticorrosive. Pour the drink into a bath and wipe the walls, after 30 minutes rinse the surface with water.
As you can see, there are many ways - from the classic to the original, to give whiteness to your bath. You can always choose the most suitable for yourself!
to the contents ↑Folk remedies against the
raid Separately, we will focus on the lime scale. How to remove its traces and make a white bath at home?
Baking soda
Sprinkle the bath with dry soda and sweep all over the surface. Rinse the tub with water.
Important! Before use, make sure that the enamel surface is dry, like the sponge, which you will wipe it with.
Soak a piece of cloth with acetic acid, attach to the places covered with bloom. Leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water.
Important! Do not use apple cider vinegar.
This can be toilet or laundry soap. Often we throw out the remains of soap, so-called, remnants. But for whitening the bathroom, they are very useful to you!
For this you need:
- Soap solution: 100 g of soap per 200 ml of water.
- 1 tablespoon baking soda.
- 1 teaspoon of ammonia.
Wipe the resulting mixture with a lime coating and your bath will shine with white.
to the contents ↑Modern bath cleaner
How to whiten the bath at home, if you do not want to use folk methods of whitening? The only option is the use of purchased household chemicals.
Cast iron bath is unpretentious, so it can be whitened by anything: powder, gel, cream, liquid.
Important! Before using, be sure to read the instructions. Pay attention to the way the product is applied, its duration and the acceptable frequency of application. Do not rinse with hot water!
Popular tools for cast iron, enamel
We list the names of some available household products for whitening baths:
- Domestos;
- Cillit;
- Comet;
- Cif;
- Sanox;
- Whiteness.
Popular means for acrylic
How to whiten an acrylic bath and how do you know if the chosen product is suitable for it? Pay attention to the appropriate note on the bottle, bottle or jar.
Important! As with household chemistry for a cast iron bath, strictly follow the instructions and recommendations for use.
Suitable tools for acrylic surfaces are:
- San Klin;
- Triton;
- Cillit;
- Bugs of Acrylan.
The listed means - this is not the whole range. Shelves in stores are full of a huge variety of species, producers and price categories of such products.
to the contents ↑Restoration or cleaning?
Soberly assess the scale of the contamination and the possibility of cleaning them. If you decide to whitewash the enamel bath at home with folk methods or special means, think about it - but will you achieve the desired result?
When the enamel is damaged, there are microcracks, the snow-white effect will not last long - the bath will turn yellow again. In this case it is necessary to resort to cardinal measures - restoration of enamel.
Important! For restoration of the enameled surface it is better to resort to the services of a qualified specialist.
If you decide to restore the bath yourself, then the following options for the restoration of the coating are possible:
- Enamelling is an excellent option, how to make a bath white at home. But it should be understood that this is a rather laborious and laborious process. Let's consider its basic stages:
- Treatment of the bathroom with sandpaper. Thus, you remove the upper damaged layer of enamel.
- Flush the surface with oxalic acid. You will need about 100-150 g.
- Carefully rinse the bath, dry it.
- We cover the surface with a special two-component enamel. Apply the composition with a normal brush.
Important! To get a high-quality, durable coating, apply the enamel in several layers. After 7 days, the bath can be used for the intended purpose.
- Acrylic coating. It is necessary to prepare the bath surface in the same way as for enameling. Acrylic evenly poured on the walls. Its thick consistency covers the bath in a thick and even layer. And in 4 days you can safely take water procedures.
Important! This method of restoration has a number of advantages: it does not leave unpleasant odors, hides unevenness on the surface of the bath.
- Acquisition of finished acrylic liner. This method is fast enough, but the liner is not suitable for all bath models. And its price is quite high.
Thus, we have considered all possible solutions how to whiten the enamel bath at home - from light and gentle methods to complete surface restoration.
to the table of contents ↑Useful tips and care tips
In order to reduce and prevent hard spots and bath defects, the following tips and recommendations can be followed:
- After any water procedures, do not forget to rinse the surface of the bath and wipe it dry.
- Prevent possible temperature changes.
Important! Do not pour too much hot water into the cold tub, and vice versa - cold water.
- When choosing a cleaning agent, be guided by the type of surface and degree of soiling.
Important! Means in the form of sprays are convenient in application, and still give the chance to save your strength and time.
- Do not use hard metal brushes when bleaching.
- Use specialized household chemicals to clean and whiten the bathtub.
Important! First, test the selected product on a small area of the bathroom.
- Whitening should be started with simple and gentle methods. And only after not achieving the result, to use strong substances and methods.
It is also important to follow safety rules:
- Keep the door open, wear protective gloves and a mask. Many products have a sharp and aggressive smell, are harmful to the skin of the hands, dangerous when inhaled.
- The applied substances should only be washed off with warm or cold water. Hot can provoke a chemical vapor rise.
- Do not mix or mix chemicals or household substances with each other, not knowing what kind of reaction they can join each other.
We have considered in detail how and how to whiten the bath at home, what to look for, what to take into account the nuances, starting such works. Rational care of the bathroom will avoid and reduce the occurrence of such problems. Thus, the bath will once again please you with its snow-white appearance and freshness.