Skirting for children's bed - it is a very practical and necessary thing. This element makes it possible not only to protect the baby from drafts of cool, but also reduce its contact with the rigid bars of the bed.

A great gift for a newborn will bumpers in bed.

Due to these mild fixtures baby will not fill his bumps on the first year of his life in trying to independent movement in her crib.
Baby bed necessarily have similar protection. Soft bumpers may well protect children from injuries, bruises and abrasions. Make a beautiful and original bumpers perhaps his loving maternal hands, using ready-made patterns or professional advice.

Bumpers for baby cribs could even be your first thing sewed their own hands.
Similar products may be purchased at any of the malls. They are also called "bumpers" or "security", but whether to spend a huge number of cash you need, because the rim for a bed from falling with his hands to do is quite simple.

That all went smoothly follow the guidelines outlined in the article below.
- 1 Types of skirting for a cot
- 2 Types of filler for skirting in infant bed
- 3 How to sew bumpers in the crib for a newborn with his hands, step by step guide
- 4 How to sew a frill in the rim
- 5 VIDEO: We sew pillow-bumpers for cots baby.
- 6 Bumpers in the crib for a newborn - 50 photo-ideas:
Types of skirting for a cot
Before deciding on what type of make their own hands bumpers for children's bed, you need to deal with the core indicators for each of these products and features tailoring.

Sew bumpers in the crib for a newborn is not difficult.
- Bumpers with removable covers.
It consists of pillows with covers made of natural material. Cases such as pillowcases and clothes fasten zippers. Advantage is that it is possible to sew two sets of external covers and wash them only. However, such aspect is suspect, since the baby is able to contaminate and pillowcases and pads.

For this reason, the bumpers will not be able for a long time to be dry and clean, they also need to erase.
For tailoring need the extra cotton fabric and zipper 4, the length is not less than 42 cm, which will lead to additional costs. Interchangeable cheholchiki sewed a couple of centimeters more pillows, so they can be comfortable to wear. Guards need the use of zippers and buckles, as they are small Circuits that baby is able to swallow.

Therefore, lightning is best to do with blind, invisible to the child.
- Bumpers of the pads.
Convenient in that it is possible to use more than filler. In cases with small pillows, size of 40 - 50 cm, a thickness of the flanges may be increased. Thus, the bed will be the most warm and comfortable.

Finished pads are simply fixed on the rod with the support of the ties or adhesive tape.
- High boards.
Cover the wood bars at the crib entirely. They are pretty well protect baby from drafts and protect against attacks. But the kid has to be limited only to view the inside of his bed, which can affect the level of his mental development.

The downside is that they completely cover the review of the child.
- Low bumpers, partially covering the bars of the bed.
many modifications can be found in shopping malls skirting, which obscured the bed to 2/3 or 1/3. In such products have an unconditional advantage - they do not limit the review to the kid and give him the opportunity to keep track of what is happening around.

But the safety function in such products is quite limited.
- Bumpers with pockets.
If you want to make a bumper with pockets, the indispensable condition is their presence on the outer side of the bed. The internal accommodation will always attract the baby.

He will try to extract and examine the contents.
- Rollers.
They are made and fixed as well as pillows. This option is used much less frequently, since he bad protects the child's head from bumps and drops. But under conditions of high temperature in the room where the baby, this type of skirting allows cool fresh air.

Therefore, this option is well suited for newborn babies who are not able to move independently or crawl.
Protection performed with attachments in the form of laces, locks or Velcro can be torn when the child tends to rise and pulls edge.

For this reason, the view from the ordinary fasteners more highly reliable.
Material for performing bumpers also very important. Artificial materials can irritate the skin, causing allergic or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, better to give preference only natural fabrics.

It will give the opportunity to make a product good wash, dry quickly, without losing its own form.
Types of filler for skirting in infant bed
Today, a large number of fillers have their own merits. Namely:
- Foam - microfiller, requires compliance with specific conditions.
This, above all, meticulous and high quality drying. This framework has the ability to retain water well, which contributes to the formation of microorganisms inside.

Foam has good abrasion resistance, which is important for frequent washings.
- Sintepon - best microfiller.
This material is not expensive, simple, quite flexible, well-washed and dries instantly. His qualities prevent the formation of mildew.

The most important in the manufacture of its rim rukami- quilt fabric to avoid rolled filler.
- Hollofayber - newest filler quality exceeding sintepon.
Absolutely non-toxic, does not hold moisture, dries instantly, without changing its original configuration. Due to the spiral texture, extremely wear resistant filler.

It does not cause allergic reactions, which is very important for kids.
- Periotek - innovative fiber.
Its main advantage - hypoallergenic. This is a very flexible synthetic material, well washed.

It also dries quickly and holds its shape perfectly.
- Hollkon - artificial filler.
It has fantastic heat-resistant features. Absolutely not allergenic, flexible and rugged.

Perfect for cool and blown premises.
- Polyester - hollow fiber.
It has anti-allergenic qualities. It does not lose its own default configuration. Not draws water and odor.

The child feels very comfortable in a crib.
How to sew bumpers in the crib for a newborn with his hands, step by step guide
In order to make the bumpers in the crib for babies with their hands, the pattern is not required. You can make the markup directly on the fabric. To properly make a measurement for sewing a side, you just need to measure the perimeter of the crib and divide it by the number of pillows. But as cribs generally have default settings, you can use the following sizes.
- Make 4 pieces - 43 to 63 cm.
- Make 4 pieces - 43 to 123 cm
For frills segments need matter, width 7 cm, length 180 cm.
Pattern skirting in bed with the dimensions.
- Cut filler in accordance with the magnitude of these components.
- Strips of ruffles first need to cook, smoothing iron.
- Use your fingers to create curves in detail and by investing a frill, sew each pair of parts with 3 sides.
- Investing filler, sew the remaining side.
Sew Velcro zavyazochki or all portions of the edge.
Ready bumpers in the crib for a newborn.
How to sew a frill in the rim
To sew a frill, you need to know some nuances. Length ruffles can be changed. As a minimum, it is 1.5 times must be longer than the part. In this case, it turns out not very lush folds.

When it is longer by more than a factor of 2, the pleats will be very bulky.
Frill can be easily gathered on the sewing machine. Collect quilling manually using a conventional needle. To do this, take the desired length of thread with a needle. Then lay the matter "accordion", puncturing her needle. It now remains only to uniformly disperse pleating around the stretch yarn.

To instantly tack frill, you tuck it between 2 layers of matter.
Believe in your own strength. If mom or grandmother really want to make their own hands a side for the baby, it is sure to succeed.

After all, the love and the energy that is transmitted native people, no factory can not replace the beauty and especially her children feel.
VIDEO: We sew pillow-bumpers for cots baby.
Bumpers in the crib for a newborn - 50 photo-ideas: