Regardless of the size of the apartment, a place for the compact storage of a huge number of things - clothes, shoes, clothes, books and many other useful (and not) - you always. And this place - the closet.
The ideal option is the compartment - space saving in the absence opens the door, spaciousness, and design can decorate any room. Mirrors visually increase the space, the insertion of MDF make the interior a unique, soft and laminated with a pattern of your choice in general will transform your furniture into a work of art.

Sliding wardrobe with his hands hallway
What is the closet to choose? The answer is simple. If you are settled in your home for the long haul, if you do not like permutations, if there is a free niche, which certainly want to use, then you need built. But if the move is still possible, and you, by reason of their nature, difficult to part with loved and comfortable things, then your choice - the usual corps made for your individual project.
Furniture, in the construction and design of which all thought you and for you, it's more than a piece of furniture: it's your creation, your pride, a way to express their individuality.
You can, of course, just go to the store and buy more or less suitable for you in color, content, size and price of the option. One of the tens of thousands produced on assembly lines of furniture factories. You can order the production of an individual project in one of the many salons. And you can make your own hands, having invested part of his soul to the thing that will be in front of your eyes on a daily basis. In one subject the interior to realize himself as a designer, constructor, sawyer, collector. And even if someone you know is your creation will not like. It's your work, and nobody has the right to criticize it.
1 Step. 1. Decide on the type - internal or corps.
- 1.1 built-in
- 1.2 Carcase
- 2 Step 2. The choice of design and content.
- 3 Step. 3. The choice of material.
- 4 Step 4. Decide on the size.
- 5 Step 5. Calculate the amount of sliding doors
- 6 Step 6. Decide on the height of the door
- 7 Step 7. Sketch
- 8 Step 8. Drawing (Measure twice - cut once).
- 9 Built-in wardrobe
- 10 Step. 9. specification
- 11 Step 10. Pre-cutting
- 12 Step 11. Tools and materials
- 13 Step 12. Step-by-step instruction.
- 14 Video: How to build a wardrobe with his hands. Videos for installation.
- 15 Photo ideas embedded applications and case-in closets in the different rooms:
Step. 1. Decide on the type - internal or corps.

Built-in corner cabinet compartment
- Mounted in niches and storage, it saves space. There can be compactly stored a variety of things - from jars with jam and tools to the things of daily use.
- Due to the design of sliding doors niche disappears, vanishes, and the angularity of the room a unique interior detail appears in its place.
- Mezhuyev and the wall there is no empty space - a place where it is constantly going to dust.
- Make a built-in wardrobe compartment easier - fewer parts, since the shelves are attached to the walls.
- Inside it is easily placed sockets and switches.
- Built completely nontransportable, and even if you decide to disassemble and move him to another room, his remake to new dimensions take a lot of time, effort and nerves.
- He has no back wall, and you need to prepare before installation niche.
Make a built-in wardrobe can be, and not having a niche with the two main walls. "Embedded" it can be partial. Its structure may be present sidewall or roof.

Butterfly corps wardrobe
- It can be mounted in any convenient place in the room or hallway.
- It can be used as a partition in a room for zoning premises.
- Additional training walls is not required. On the contrary, a case can cover flaws walls.
- "Unnecessary", unused space, between the ceiling and the roof, between the side wall and the wall.
Step 2. The choice of design and content.

Internal filling of a large closet
wardrobe acquisition has become a necessity? Then spend a few days in which to decide exactly what you want. Look through catalogs, walk around the furniture stores, read articles on the Internet. Note the interesting solutions and the details and the nuances in the construction and design, which we would like to avoid.
Step. 3. The choice of material.
Main material
- The most common is laminated chipboard (chipboard). This is a very practical material. It is easy to process and affordable. A variety of colors provides ample opportunities for design solutions. Chipboard is produced by industrial methods. The sheets have different sizes and thickness. For production use a slab thickness of 16 mm, while for the inserts in the door - 10 mm thick.
- Fiberboard (MDF) of 3.2 mm thickness is suitable for the rear wall;
- MDF - beautiful, durable, is more environmentally friendly, is used for production of furniture in rooms with high humidity, but considerably more expensive material;
- Wood - the most environmentally friendly materials, but, unfortunately, ill-suited for the manufacture of wardrobes.
- Plasterboard is generally not recommended because of its fragility for furniture.
The system of sliding doors. Currently, the market is quite large variety of different systems:
- aluminum;
- steel;
- suspended;
- frameless et al.
Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, in systems of aluminum profiles convenient vertical pen - ideal for children and hallway. Steel systems are characterized by grace, which is especially important in the bedroom. Suspension systems fit perfectly into the interior, where they should be invisible.
Step 4. Decide on the size.
- Width. Measure the width of the rear wall of the niche in three horizons: the ceiling, in the middle of the wall and floor. It takes a large amount of the settlement.
- Height. Measure the wall to the right and the left. For the calculation of the distance between the shelves to take less.
- Depth. It depends on what will be stored here. Will horizontal bar for hangers or shelves only.

Est diagram cabinet compartment with dimensions
- Width. Measure in place. It is necessary to take into account: the curvature of the walls (if you are planning to place the cabinet from the wall to the jamb, then because of the inclination of the wall even a centimeter finished product may not fit in the space) you intended, and the presence of switches outlets.
- Height. First, even the most high cabinet should be lower than the ceiling height of 15-20 cm, the need for top shelves to be inaccessible to you is much more important than an opportunity to wipe the dust off its cover without the use of ladders and, secondly, we should not ignore the recommendations of manufacturers of wardrobes systems for maximum height.
- Depth. This option depends entirely on what you store in it. If we are talking only about the shelves, we have: shelf depth + space for rail and doors (it is specified in the system manufacturer's instructions). If the bar is meant for hangers, it is at least 50 cm as a clothes hanger are 45-48 cm long. If a vertical hanger holder mounts on the shelf, you first define it.
Step 5. Calculate the amount of sliding doors
Manufacturers recommended width - from 60 to 90 cm. If the width is less than 50 cm, it will lose its stability, and more than a meter - ease of movement (there maximum allowable load on the rollers at which the manufacturer gives a guarantee on their long use).
Guides (top and bottom rail), depending on the manufacturer, have a length of 4 -. 5.5 m If your closet is longer than 3 meters, think about how you will carry a five-meter rails. There is a simple solution - install a partition of chipboard. While two separate niches. Visually, the partition will be invisible. Not recommended stitch guide, it quickly will damage the wheels.
Step 6. Decide on the height of the door
For built-in cabinets
If the height of the niche is in the range of up to 280 cm, the door can make the whole height. If the size is larger, you can consider two options.
- Mount the top mezzanine with swinging doors.
- Make the roof at a height of 280 cm (but taking into account the fact that the dust there should be at least sometimes to wipe).
Option with the roof is also relevant in the presence of suspended ceilings, if previously the ceiling in the right place was not bolted timber, especially for built-in furniture assembly.
For case products the maximum height = ceiling height minus 15-20 cm.
Step 7. Sketch

Preliminary sketch closet manual embodiment
Before proceeding directly to the drawing schematically draw the desired arrangement of things. If necessary, measure them. For example, the dimensions of the ironing board or existing baskets and shelves for shoes.
Sketch (as able). On the sketch label those dimensions, which must be strictly complied with. Now mentally put the door and move them to the right and to the left in various embodiments, thus checking the availability of all parts of the internal filling.
Step 8. Drawing (Measure twice - cut once).

Drawing wardrobe with dimensions
Built-in wardrobe
The most convenient way to do a preliminary layout directly on the walls of the niche pencil. This will allow to avoid errors in the size of parts.
For example:
- upper shelf = width x depth niche internal filling (i.e., minus the depth of the cabinet door);
- Front niche = height - height of the upper flange - thickness of the material;
- right = shelves (niche width / 2 - 5.10 cm) x depth;
- shelves left = (width niche - shelves right - material thickness) x depth.
Additionally, you may need
Side racks: | = height of strip 3 niches x 7 cm., Height = 4 strap niche x 10 cm. |
Cap: | 1 = strap (niche width) x 7 cm - 2 parts strip 2 = (the width of the recess - one or two lateral racks) x 10 cm - 1 piece |
Additional details are needed in the event that there is no way to align the level of the side walls and the floor. Rectangle, which will be mounted door coupe, must be perfect. This can be achieved by mounting a box for them fully or partially. When uneven walls will be visible gaps between the walls and under the floor or uneven ceiling door can jam or even popping up of the slots, not to mention the spontaneous opening and closing - it will in fact move down the sloping under its own weight.
Corps wardrobe
- how will you strengthen the back wall of fiberboard, if it is placed in a niche, from wall to wall, and if there is no response, you should consider the option of a built-in wardrobe compartment, where the rear wall absent;
- whether your wardrobe based on the feet or on the sidewall;
- what system of sliding doors you will use.
Carefully review the instructions for this type of doors, with particular emphasis on the maximum and minimum permissible dimensions. On this depends the durability and reliability of the system.
Immediately drawing. Armed with a T-square, pencil and eraser, begin the most important part of the work.
Consider the embodiment with the support on the sidewalls.
Parts of the base material:
- the enclosure roof = length x depth;
- Bearing = (depth of the cabinet - thickness of the material for the cap - 20 mm - Width plinth) x height of the cap;
- the rear wall (DWT) = (height of the cabinet - plinth - 4.2 mm) x (length of the enclosure - 2.4 mm);
- sidewall = (height of the cabinet - material thickness) x depth;
- bottom = (the width of the roof - the two material thickness) x depth;
- = enclosure cap length - the two material thickness) x 70-100 mm;
- Front = (height of the cabinet - plinth - 2 material thickness) x (depth of the cabinet - door);
- shelves = (the width of the cabinet - 3 material thickness - width adjacent niches) x (depth of the cabinet - door).
Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cabinet door coupe is wider than half the width of the interior, there is "overlap" door, and if you scheduled baskets or boxes, they are out of the closet just is not extended, that is, the size of the niche with shelves under the basket must be less than half.
Attention! Do not leave the roof on the counter without support, it may sag.
Step. 9. specification

Table parts for making the enclosure
According to the finished drawing, make a list of items with an indication of their size (specification).
Designate items, which require close the ends of the decorative edge and the given edge thickness, adjust dimensions of parts.
Label the parts on which you want to do, "drank", for example, under the skirting on the sides.
Step 10. Pre-cutting

Approximate cutting sheets of chipboard
On a sheet of paper on the scale, compact position all the details. If as a result you will need 1 sheet of material and even a little bit, then you can adjust the main structure by replacing some of the shelves, such as shelves grid.
Now that you know exactly the internal dimension, it is necessary, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for sliding wardrobes, make detail door.
Step 11. Tools and materials
The tools that will be needed for the installation:
- roulette;
- Hacksaw on a tree;
- square;
- building level;
- drill and drill konfirmatnoe;
- Angle Clamp;
- Screwdriver with a set of bits (Phillips and hexagon);
- mallet;
- jig for perpendicular drilling.
- base material provided Project (chipboard, fiberboard, MDF);
- edge (of your choice) and PVA glue;
- evrovinty 70h5;
- plugs;
- screws (for mounting the rear wall and furniture);
- Furniture corner (plastic or metal) for attaching parts to the cabinet mills;
- furniture accessories (rods, brackets, shelves, wire mesh, wire basket);
- crayon or wax to paint chips;
- accessories for doors (rails, profiles, rollers, slats, Schlegel, latch - all that is required for assembly of the structure).
Attention! Carefully read the instructions for the assembly of the door type you select. Stick them on a step!
Step 12. Step-by-step instruction.
Built-in wardrobe
Previously in the niche you must:
- cleaned of old finishing materials;
- align the surface;
- paint or wallpaper paste over.
- To saw parts of the correct size, seal the edge of the visible parts.
Details for the future closet
- With the help of furniture plastic parts (metal or, if you think it is more reliable) to attach the main the uprights and cross-shelf to the floor, ceiling and walls in accordance with the pre-layout and drawing. Together details connect evrovintami.
We are putting the cabinet section by section and set the wall
- Fastened correctly every detail checked with a spirit level.
- (If necessary) Mount box or elements in the recess. Each other further details evrovintami fastened to the wall mounted using brackets.
Mount sections collect in the recess and the frame
- Attach all the accessories (baskets, racks) to fill the cabinet with self-tapping screws;
All extreme shelves and racks fasten to the walls, floor and ceiling, the boxes collect and put in place
- Assemble the upper and lower rails.
Fasten the rails to the ceiling and the floor
- Measure the resulting opening of the doors.
- Wax mask all visible chips, fix a stub.
- In strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to assemble the door.
circuit assembly cabinet door coupe
- Hang the door.
Suspension door to lower support rail
The appearance of new functional closet, collected his hands
Corps wardrobe.
- To saw parts of the correct size, seal the edge of the visible parts.
edge application to the cabinet details
- Make markup for bonding parts together.
On the bottom surface of the applied marking mounts places under fasteners drilled holes, after which the cap is attached two brackets and central partition
- Drill: on flat surfaces - cross-cutting, the ends - the depth of not more than 60 mm, a diameter of 5 mm.
- Assemble the doors in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- Collect body and its content.
Next fasten the upper shelf and rib set of chipboard to the rear wall of the cabinet for fixing of the whole structure in the correct position
For fixing the open lateral flanges with rounded corners are used SCREW, shelves are attached to the side surfaces and the rear wall 2 by fasteners to each
- Align cabinet, measuring and comparing it to the diagonal by means of roulette.
Installation of sliding door wardrobe
- Stepping back from the edge of the lid and the bottom 1 cm to fasten rails.
Guide for the door leaf fastened with screws to press the puck
- Hang the door.
To install the door leaf inserted into the upper guide rollers and lower rollers are pressed web is included in the profile, resting on the lower guide
Ready corps wardrobe, collected his own hands
Video: How to build a wardrobe with his hands. Videos for installation.
Photo ideas embedded applications and case-in closets in the different rooms: