The interior of the bed plays a major role. It should be comfortable, functional, stylish. Despite the large selection of furniture in showrooms, should still make the bed with his hands. The store often bed price is higher than its quality.

Comfortable bed with wooden slats embedded in the base and drawers for storing
- 1 Benefits of creating autographic
- 2 The choice of the construction and design
- 3 Planning
- 4 Necessary materials
- 5 Instruments
- 6 The base of the mattress
- 7 The procedure for assembling the bed base
- 8 Bed-podium
- 9 decoration
- 10 Video: Budget option wooden bed / Affordable wooden bed
Benefits of creating autographic
The independent manufacturing has the following benefits:
Firstly, it is not as difficult as it seems.
Secondly, at independent manufacturing of controlled material selection, precision parts preparation, assembly. Can make a bed as you want, not the one that will be offered. Selection of natural, harmless to health materials is very important, because in a dream bed a person spends a third of the total time.
Third, the bed, made his own, will cost at least 2 times cheaper than purchased.

Simple wooden bed with orthopedic base of their own making
The choice of the construction and design
Deciding to make a bed independently, should define the structure and appearance. It is not necessary to plan a very complex structure, if the ownership of the carpenter's tool is not at a high level. Double beds have a shape approximating to a square, single - rectangular.
You have to choose one of the following options:
- ordinary bed, only used for recreation;
Beautiful and comfortable double bed for relaxation
- bed with retractable trays for storage, is practical for a small room, allows you to save a useful area;
Comfortable bed with drawers for storage
- bed, wardrobe, when bed while awake raise, it is located in the closet.
Bed-closet will place comfortable bed, even in a small apartment
Bed-closet great for small apartments, as well as if the bedroom and living room are combined. But keep in mind that the production of such a bed is more difficult than usual.
For normal bed should consider the size and type of legs and headboard. They must meet the general style bedroom interior. Depending on the design of the designer headboard can not draw attention to themselves, and could become a major focus in the interior of the room. Its decorated with leather, upholstery fabric, thread, mirror and wooden elements.
legs height is calculated, it was convenient to get up. The height of the legs of the bed height depends. Do not make short legs if sleep is an old man, and if the room is drafty. High bed harmonious look in the spacious rooms.
Headboard performs practical (protects the walls, holding the pillow) and a decorative function.

Wooden bed with upholstered headboard - practical and convenient

By choosing a mattress should be approached seriously
Making the bed begins with the selection of the mattress, its size depends on the size of the base and the entire bed. Then pick up materials, make drawings and cost estimates.
The most solid and durable foundation will beech, ash or oak. The wood of these trees is the hardest, but expensive. Cheaper cost spruce, larch, pine.

Wooden double bed with slats made of beech
To purchase a mattress should be treated carefully. It is better to give preference to orthopedic. Bad mattress causes poor circulation, diseases of the spine. Mattress length must be at least 15 cm longer human growth, sleep on it.
Base dimensions depend on the parameters of the mattress. If the mattress length 2 m, width 1.6 m, height 0.2 m, then, for each side of the base is added 1.5 cm.
The base of the bed is made of chipboard, wood or MDF. The most preferred wood.

Design and separate units makeshift bed
Necessary materials
In choosing the material should be considered harmless to humans, because it will have to spend on a lot of time. The best material is natural wood. It is strong, durable, harmless, but also the most expensive.
- pine timber 50x50 2 pcs. 4.5 m;
- laminated furniture chipboard (chipboard);
- MDF (Stove fine fraction);
- plywood;
- fasteners (screws, SCREW, dowels, plugs, cam-lock);
- glue;
- edge material.
It is necessary to prepare the headboard, side-bar, the foot. They are made after selecting the design and preparation of drawings.
Prepared to work the following tools:
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- screwdriver;
- drill, drill;
- jig saw, hacksaw;
- staple gun;
- knife;
- pencil;
- line;
- laser level.

Tools for making the bed with his hands
The base of the mattress
It serves as a support for the base structure of the timber 50 X 50 mm. Acquire 2 pieces of 4.5 m.

Beam for a carcass, a suitably sized
Note the appearance of the timber and the storage conditions. It should be stored under cover, based on the spacers. Twisted bar high humidity will deform bed. Blue or black spots indicate infection of the wood fungus. It can not be used to make the bed.
It can leave neostrugannym, because in the final bed, he will not be visible.

The rectangular box for the bed frame
The base is a rectangular box. To the finished product look attractive, to build each part should be treated with sandpaper or a sander.
- boxes elements spread in the form of a rectangle, check the squareness and attach them to each other by means of metal parts and screws.
With the help of screws fasten the corners
- To the side portions of the inner side timber attached prepared for amplification.
Prepared by the board for mounting on the inside
- When connecting parts for reliability promazyvayut joiner's glue joints. The length of the screws is adjusted so as to be less than the total thickness of the connected elements. Otherwise the screws will spoil the look.
- If the bed is very wide, in the middle along the ducts necessary to make a partition.
The partition in the middle for the carcass reinforcement
- Deepen mattress recommended by 5 cm from the upper surface of the side portion. At this level, the side parts fastened rake.
Select slats for base size
Spacing between lamellae must be equal
It will rely slats. They are placed across the frame, not more than 15 cm intervals. Lamellae are made of battens or plywood 2 cm thick. The length of the sipe is measured at duct width.

Slats can be made from the full width boards bed
The next stage - the head. It is made of particle board, fiber positioned vertically, across the preform. The lower edge of the cutter handle to rest looked superficially attractive. cutter passage must be taken into consideration when drawing up the drawings.
Departing from the bottom edge of the headboard, self-tapping screws to secure the glue 3 of the holder on the edges and in the center. Holder - This bar is 20 cm long.

Bed frame made of chipboard with slats for mattress and a beautiful back
On the sides of the head plates are fixed rack of prefabricated slabs. Racks can be chiseled, carved, use different methods of decoration. It all depends on your preferences, skills, financial capabilities.
Profile is attached to the head shkantami planted on the glue.
Similarly headboard and fixed footboard is made. The only difference - it is lower than the headboard. To a drawer side it is fastened using eccentric ties.
The procedure for assembling the bed base
Installation is carried out on the bed where it will stand.
- Support is attached to the main beam.
- Stack support for the mattress, fix.
- Fastened to the back of the holders, for them - a bar.
- Establish a basis under a mattress: plywood or chipboard.
The build quality was evaluated by the following criteria:
- there is no play;
- Bed stable;
- fasteners located exactly;
- in places of gluing are no stains.

Design bed-podium with drawers
Ground-bed podium made of timber planks and 22 mm thick.
The entire construction consists of three blocks, which are manufactured separately. Side unit is mounted to the head exactly perpendicular with wing nuts. This will facilitate the assembly-disassembly design. The blocks are collected via pins with a diameter of 8 mm. The central unit divides the structure into two parts, each - drawer. For wall boxes need board 16 mm thick, for the bottoms - plywood of 10 mm thickness. By sidewalls fabricated boxes attached skids which slide on corresponding parts attached to the frame walls. Boxes should not do very deep, otherwise it will be impossible to put forward fully.
The blocks are fastened supporting beams, which are fastened with screws or screws. At the end of the front panel set. Frame primed, painted to match the interior color. All joints, seams, material defects must be carefully aligned prior to coating.
If the bed-podium is located next to the heating battery is necessary to provide ventilation openings.

Vents release heat by the bed-podium, set near the battery
Do not place a bed near the window, if the family has children. The risk of a child is very large fall in the window. If there is no other place for a bed, a window slightly open for ventilation only.
Ready-made bed cover stain, varnish, paint. It all depends on the design concept.

Cover the finished bed stain, varnish or paint
Pine boards covered with stain, because the resin contained not give a smooth pitch covered with spots.
Beds made with your own hands, it is the author's product because of the unique decoration techniques.
Underlined the important role of the bed in the interior of a bedroom the following methods.
- Put a bed on a podium. Suitable for a spacious room with high ceilings. Otherwise, the room will look cluttered.
- Build a canopy. It is attached to the eaves, embedded in the ceiling. The bedroom becomes more romantic.
- Selection of color solutions. The bedroom is recommended to perform in soft colors. It will look more interesting if the bed will become a bright accent.
The headboard can be decorated as follows.
- Acrylic paints an interesting picture of cause.
- Use vinyl labels.
Vinyl sticker gave a finished look bedroom
- Fabric upholstery, which can be easily done by using padding polyester staple and, in addition, you can decorate with applique, embroidery.
Soft headboard - as decorative element with their own hands
- Unusually decorate the headboard using rhinestones and glue.
- It looks stylish mosaic of ceramic glass.
Decorative mosaic bedside looks very unusual
- It looks nice one or several small mirrors.

The original head of a makeshift bed out of scrap materials
decorative items not only can make yourself, but also be ordered from the experts or buy in the cabin. For example, carved legs, the head, decorated with wood carvings, gives solidity to the bed.
Bed made with his own hands, is cheaper than a similar design in the furniture showroom. In this case, the materials will be better. During the manufacturing process improved useful skills, open up creative possibilities.