The trunk is considered to be the founder of a number of elements of modern furniture: wardrobe, cupboard, drawers, cabinets, and even caskets. Earlier, in the absence of a storage system, it dumped all of the most valuable things. The chests were placed expensive fabrics, the best dress, the wedding dowry girl jewelry. When moving thorough they were used instead practical suitcases, which came much later. Nowadays, many mistakenly attributed exclusively to the trunk vintage items that are only suitable for authentic interior decoration of buildings imitating a certain age. In fact, with proper design, this item can become an ornament to the many stylistic directions. Implement decor "grandmother" of the chest and give him a chance at a new life can be their own hands using improvised materials and bit of fantasy. Let's talk in the article about what you can combine this colorful item and how to upgrade it yourself.
- Chest in different styles
- The materials used in the manufacture of chests
Using the trunk in different rooms
- In the hall
- In the living room
- In the bedroom
- In the kitchen
- In the children's room
- In the bathroom
The decor of the chest with his hands
- Master class on decorating the chest
- conclusion
Chest in different styles
Chests standard classification does not exist. They can be divided into:
- vintage;
- Modern.
Meets the definition of "chest" or "bin". It's all the same trunk, but made more rude not to beauty, but for the sake of functionality. Previously, they were used for storage of products, especially flour and cereals. Box - easy, fine variation trunk, the bottom of which is made of wood, and the side walls of the bast. The ships are used lockers - marine analog casket in which the working equipment is stored. Trunks differ in size, materials, manufacturing, decoration and shape of the lid (flat or convex). They can be both cumbersome replacement of the cabinet, and tiny details to store small things such as rings and earrings. Antique chests - those vintage models that emphasize the interior, decorated in ethnic (Eastern, Russian), rustic or classic style. There are original models of frosted glass or plastic. Such embodiments are suitable for high tech minimalist and luxurious loft. The main thing is to smooth the surface of the furniture had been painted patterns and in one of the neutral colors. Rough white caskets made of wood with a slightly cracked paint ideal for easy Provence. To highlight the detail of the decor, it is decorated with floral pattern by decoupage technique. For a free country cottage ideal "old wives' chests, which often litter themselves attics. They have an unsightly appearance, rough surface, but with sandpaper can reach the light-colored wood with the original picture, which for fixing varnish. As well as caskets are well combined with the exotic colonial style, because settlers transported belongings in it chests, which later became the first item of furniture in new homes in the reclaimed territories.

Chests are historically connected with the wedding preparations, but now instead of storing dowry they hide the money donated by the young guests. Such models are decorated with openwork, rhinestones, satin ribbons and beads. Most unpretentious embodiments are made of ordinary cardboard, tend to have a hole in the cover for the envelope as a slit in the mailbox.

See also:Wenge furniture in the interior of 75 photos
The materials used in the manufacture of chests
Classic chests made of wood. A little later, first steel member to decorate metal, and then completely manufactured therefrom. It is considered the most robust combination of wood and iron. Current models operate even made of plastic, but it is different durability, though has easy. Another disadvantage of PVC parts may become an unpleasant smell of plastic. Beautiful, neat operate chests of sticks in the art of weaving. They are also lightweight, but are used solely for storage. As a chair or a table so the chest can not be applied.

Using the trunk in different rooms
Chests are universal. They organically flow into the interior of any room, as an extra storage system is always useful. The larger models are folded items, fabrics, linen, blankets, shoes, pillows and towels. Caskets smaller can keep their money, jewelry and used as an organizer for the workshop. For example, they perfectly fit brushes, paints, palette, pencils, if the chest will decorate workroom artist. Element placement options are only two:
- central;
- Near the wall.

If you put the chest in the middle of the room, its surface is usually used as a countertop. Choosing a color palette and pattern depends entirely on the stylistic design features. For simple interior fit monochrome surface, painted in neutral, natural colors: brown, white, gray, black. If you need a decor accent, the trunks are executed in purple, red, blue, green, yellow.

In the hall
In the hallway chest performs two functions:
- Storage of shoes, umbrellas, walking sticks.
- Place for pereobuvaniya (replacement bench).

To sit on the top cover was softer, it is decorated with upholstery and cushions decorate.

In the living room
The living chests are used instead of a coffee table. If it is equipped with wheels, the mobile furniture can be transported to another room if necessary. Typically, such colorful element located in rest zone inside the "circle" formed sofa and armchairs. If the area of the room allows, the casket can be installed under a window as a separate area for reading or drinking tea, overlooking the street scene. There are books and magazines that are cleaned inside during the arrival of the guests to the lid could place the coffee pot and cups.

In the bedroom
Chest in the bedroom can be used instead of bedside tables or serve as couches. Inside are usually stored linens, pajamas or spare blankets / pillows. It looks great old trunk located at the headboard in the legs. It is possible to sit down and use as table. If space in the bedroom and a small wardrobe nowhere place, the chest will be a relief to cramped rooms, due to its versatility. Recently, the stores appeared sets, nesting dolls. They are three to four trunk, one smaller than the other, folded into each other. It replaces the tiniest box for storing jewelry, and in those that a little more, you can store documents, cosmetics or money (instead of the safe).
See also:Corner sofa in the living room interior

In the kitchen
Previously chests in the kitchen did not put. They were located in the most secluded corners of the houses. Now this piece of furniture will be a stylish solution for kitchen design and an additional storage space. It can be adapted as a mini-cellar, which will be stacked with jars of pickles or bottles of alcohol. Traditionally, bulky chests placed near the sill under the window. They also perform the role of the bench. When space in the kitchen very small, the furniture so you can slide under the table, if it is placed against the wall (so as not to interfere with the diners).

In the children's room
Chest in the nursery will help to create a real fairy tale. For room girls choose subtle shades of white, pink, lilac. In addition, surface decorated with floral pattern. Inside you can put toys or books and things. The original decision will be a doll house in the trunk. It is divided into tiny rooms and is decorated with furniture toy. The room boy's chest will be a continuation of the sea style. Wooden casket with metal inserts can become a treasure of pirates, magic treasure, which is hidden on the "island" of your apartment.

In the bathroom
With tight bathrooms trunks combined "with difficulty", as the furniture in these areas is generally the place is small. They have, as a rule, in a free corner, adding to storage attachment type systems. The top cover can be used as a stool or shelf for shampoo, soap, and in place of the stack of towels, bathrobes, household chemicals. If the place is small, but to get into the interior of the casket really want it, use the narrow, high model. In this case, the second parameter is necessary to pay special attention, because people should be free to get to the bottom.

The design of the bathroom is better to use plastic or metal chests. From the traditional wood refuse because of its impracticality in a humid atmosphere.

The decor of the chest with his hands
Decoration of the chest can be performed with a number of popular techniques. Most often in old chests are used as the experimental sample, which have long been gathering dust, being neglected, from what has been a very unsightly appearance. To rectify the situation in several ways:
- Decoupage. Technique involves implanting or transferring images napkins and prints on the surface of the trunk with its subsequent fastening.
- Painting. Casket can decorate his own variety of themed designs. Original painting looks at ethnic chests. If the brush possession skills of the designer is not, then come to the aid of stencils, contours contours "in the rough", and then filled with paint.
- Artificial aging by means of brushing. Only suitable for wooden chests. Their surface is treated with a special rigid brush with metallic bristles. She scraped soft wood fibers, resulting in the original invoice. To emphasize the relief, it is covered with varnish.
- Painting. The easiest way to decorate. Chest simply coat paint of the same color or combination of colors in different parts of the furniture.
- Decorating with fabric or leather. The materials can be combined. Moreover textiles can close like a lid, and the entire surface of the chest.
- Decoration accessories, beads, egg shells, pieces of ceramic tile.
- Decoration strips of brass, leather belts with studs, padlocks and letters, term in the inscription.
- Decoration forged elements (rings, chains to limit opening of the lid, the hinges, handles, corners) and thread.
See also:Bunk beds in the interior of child

This is not an exhaustive list of options for the transformation of the trunks. Just connect your imagination and skill. The methods can be safely combined with each other, if the style of the interior is justified. Consider a master class in the chest by aging and calcining, followed by brushing decoupage.

Master class on decorating the chest
Since wood is removed layer lacquer, paint or other type coating. The cleaned surface is subjected to mild calcination, it lightly "soot." Then, with a wire brush to clean the wood from the beginning to the soft surface of the fibers. You need to move along them to get accurate, natural relief. To get a rough texture on the brush is pressed with great force. Specific areas can be treated with stronger if they need to be emphasized. Highlights are usually scheduled on the edges of the portion where the picture will be located. This is the place to choose in advance and the smoothness of the surface of a peaceful holiday as a relief effect on the quality of the image implantation. After completion of the brushing process are prepared surface under decoupage. Its stained, and after drying coated with two coats of water-based lacquer. While freshen oshkurivayut composition slightly to make the surface more smooth. On the printout of the picture in the mirror reflection layer of acrylic lacquer is applied. After its drying procedure was repeated and the same composition coated surface to be decorated trunk. Then, immediately applied thereto cut from a sheet of image face-down. It is covered with cellophane and carefully expel excess varnish and air bubbles with a spatula or other instrument with a smooth, solid working surface. Now you need to wait 4-5 hours to complete drying of the composition. After this implantation printout moistened sponge and wet fingers rolled paper layer, helping themselves periodically sandpaper. The drawing will be gradually "denude". When the paper remnants are completely removed, the image again varnish for fixing. Creating such sets will require skill. From the first time to remove the paper gently turns out not at all. There are easier ways to transfer images, but implantation is the most beautiful.

The birthplace of the trunk is considered to be the East. It was used throughout all areas and kept a variety of things: from weapons and ending with cooking utensils. Oriental chests were used instead of the ottomans for lying down in moments of relaxation. They sure were decorated with pillows and bedspread. In Italy, richly decorated chests graceful wrought. Large trunks could afford only wealthy people, poor is satisfied with simple wooden elements of modest size. Neither Russian hut not without a chest. It was he who became the prototype of the first suitcase.