As clean aluminum pan from stale soot at home: how to clean old aluminum pans, errors in cleaning, care

At any pans eventually formed a deposit. Its hard to wash with detergent and water. Besides spoiled appearance soot form harmful to humans. Therefore, many housewives question arises, how to clean aluminum pan of a deposit in the home, so that the result was effective and did not result in damage to the coating pan.

There are several ways how to clean aluminum pan of a deposit.


  • 1 What is important to know about aluminum pans
  • 2 Methods for cleaning up stale varnish with aluminum pans at home
    • 2.1 incandescence
    • 2.2 Household chemicals
    • 2.3 mechanical cleaning
  • 3 Traditional methods
    • 3.1 Grandma's method of "liquid"
    • 3.2 Soap-soda solution
    • 3.3 Boiling in soda solution
    • 3.4 Soap with soda and glue
    • 3.5 Laundry detergent and oil
    • 3.6 vinegar solution
    • 3.7 lemon solution
  • 4 How to clean the old varnish from the outer pan
    • 4.1 to restore the protective layer procedures
  • 5 Preventive measures against the formation of soot
  • 6 Common mistakes when cleaning
  • 7 Recommendations regarding the care of an aluminum frying pan
  • 8 VIDEO: How to clean the pan from this old fat.

What is important to know about aluminum pans

Frying pan made of aluminum has special properties due to the material used. Such pan softer and easily come into contact with the substance located therein and also very quickly heated. Despite these features, the use of aluminum pans true to this day, the pans are a favorite for many housewives.

Specificity cleaning aluminum pans is that it is sensitive to mechanical influences and habitual scraper to wash this will not work.

Methods for cleaning up stale varnish with aluminum pans at home

Nagar is one of the most common types of pollution for the pans. Wash it quite difficult, but taking advantage of proven ways as possible. Over time, a deposit is formed on all the pans, and the process by which it is impossible to completely protect, so it is important to time to clear away the pan.

There are several proven and popular modern methods of struggle against a deposit.


Incandescence is the best way to make the cleaning of burnt grease and other dirt. This method is quite effective, but its use should be careful approach to the process with all the care.

There are several ways to deal with this problem by means of lamps, it is considered the most simple just put the frying pan into the fire. When it warms up enough, you should get it potholder and clean the soot layers.

This national way over the years has shown good results and eliminates the unpleasant deposit.

A more specific method is to use a blowtorch. To do this, using fire to hold internal and external processing.

In this method, fouling will gradually peel itself from the pan.

Long, but no less effective way is to carry out incandescent plate. However, it will take a few hours, and it is important that the room ventilated, because with this method will be allocated pungent smell. It is also possible to produce glowing fine sand, poured in, with this method also takes a few hours.

Heated soot after the procedure is easy to remove with a sponge or spatula.

Household chemicals

For the modern housewife can help clean various household chemicals. She is an excellent help to compete with soot and burnt fat. The use of these tools allows you to make cleaning fast.

Using various household chemicals, hostess determined how effectively clean aluminum pan, using household chemicals, from the long-standing deposit. It is best to do the following cleaning agents are suitable:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Schumann;
  • Helper;
  • AmWay;
  • frosch;
  • Oxyday.

Stores cleaners are very corrosive because they contain various acids and alkalis.

These substances are ideal for cleaning, it is important to comply with the instructions written on the package. The process of cleaning is simple enough, it is necessary to apply the cleanser to the surface and wait a couple of hours. After it will be enough just to hold a sponge on the pan and remove carbon deposits flaking.

The easiest way to clean aluminum pan of a deposit - to resort to using chemical cleaners.

several important factors to consider when using this method. All household chemicals is partly toxic, and therefore should only carry out the process in rubber gloves and in a ventilated area. Another disadvantage for many is the high cost of production, because many housewives prefer folk treatment methods.

When you work with them you need to wear rubber gloves.

mechanical cleaning

This method of cleaning is excellent for outdoor use. Using a grinder or a drill with a wire brush to quickly allow the pan to give the former view. It is important to carry out this processing only to the outside, as this may damage the protective layer by using it in the pan. Also, when you should use gloves and protective glasses.

Nagar from the pan will fly off into small pieces and can cause damage.

Traditional methods

Even our grandmothers faced with the problem of carbon on an aluminum pan, while they have not had the opportunity to use the universal household chemicals. However, their pans will always look as good as new, thanks to the use of traditional cleaning agents. In our time, not all trusted household chemicals and continue to use proven and effective traditional methods.

Grandma's method of "liquid"

In order to use this method the following ingredients are required:

  • a pound of soda;
  • 200 grams of silicate glue;
  • a piece of soap;
  • 10 liters of water.

Our grandmothers knew how to clean aluminum pan with little effort.

As the cleaning process takes place.

  1. First we need to find a large container to pour the water and begin to heat.
  2. Once the water heats up it is necessary to rub the soap, pour glue and sprinkle baking soda.
  3. All you need to mix thoroughly, so that there are no small pieces of soap and all the components of a single mass of steel.
  4. Next, you should wait until it receives the weight comes to a boil and completely immerse the pan.
  5. It is necessary to wait an hour and a half.
  6. After the required amount of time passes, of the varnish peel itself. The remaining part can be cleaned with a soft brush.

The cooled crockery is brought to a complete purification is not very stiff brush.

Soap-soda solution

For this method also requires a large capacity, which will host the purification process. Required ingredients, as well as from the preceding paragraph, but without the addition of glue. The process is exactly the same, after the time of cleaning the whole soot easily peeled off with a soft brush.

With soot help cope solution of baking soda and soap.

Boiling in soda solution

For this method, you need to dial the right amount of water to the pan to immerse themselves in it. Then, for every liter of water add one tablespoon of baking soda.

Another simple, but effective way to clean, boiling water and baking soda.

Boil a pan in this format you need only ten minutes. Followed by keep the pan for another half an hour in this solution. After the time expires, a deposit can be easily removed from the pan using the normal sponge or a brush with soft bristles.

Another method of application of soda, if you want to clean only the interior. The pan filled with water, add a little vinegar and two tablespoons of baking soda. After the resulting solution begins to boil, add another 50 grams of salt and make a fire weaker. The whole process should be brought to a complete evaporation of water and, after just wash away all the warm water.

should use a mask for safety purposes.

Soap with soda and glue

Another effective way to clean the inside of the pan. To do this, fill it half the water and add grated soap, a little soda and glue. All this should be a good stir and put on fire. You must boil for half an hour, then leave to cool and after a couple of hours, rinse thoroughly.

The resulting mass is necessary to bring to the boil.

Laundry detergent and oil

It is necessary to fill a bowl with water and add a little powder and a few tablespoons of sunflower oil. Bowl must be put on medium heat and place the pan. The resulting solution should be brought to a boil, turn off the heat and allow to cool, and then simply to wash the pan in a conventional manner.

In the opinion of many connoisseurs of folk methods of controlling carbon deposits, this is the best method.

vinegar solution

To use this method, you need the following ingredients:

  • One hundred grams of salt;
  • 250 grams of vinegar;
  • Two tablespoons of baking soda.

In order to make cleaning by this method, it is necessary on the bottom of the pan to pour a thin layer of salt. Then all should be watered with vinegar, and put to boil on the stove. Once the resulting liquid will start to boil should add soda. Boil all you need to completely remove the liquid.

The whole process should be carried out in rubber gloves and be sure ventilated area.

For subsequent removal of burnt mass necessary to use a brush with soft bristles.

lemon solution

Using citric acid purification is carried out inside the pan. To do this, put it on a plate, pour the water and add a teaspoon of citric acid powder. Then, the resulting liquid should be boiled for five minutes. After leave to cool and wash the usual way.

Cleaning the pan with lemon solution.

It is also possible with this method to produce cleaning of the entire pan. For this it is necessary to prepare a large container, where she could fit pan, followed by pouring water and added a teaspoon of citric acid per liter of water. Boil obtain a mixture for half an hour, then let cool and wash it.

How to clean the old varnish from the outer pan

Abrasive tools can not be used to clean the inner part but can be applied to their exterior. This can be used for the knife, a scraper made of metal, as well as fine-grained sand and salt. To soot can be cleaned, should first boil the pan in the water and then to proceed with the treatment.

All formed a small crack, easily polished soda that allows you to restore the appearance of the outer part.

to restore the protective layer procedures

Apart from the question how to remove carbon deposits from the aluminum pans of many housewives interested in, and the question of how to restore the protective layer in the home? Fully restore the layer is not to turn out, but you can achieve a partial recovery to ensure that products do not burn.

For partial reduction process is necessary to grease pan sunflower oil or lard. it is then placed in an oven upside down. oven temperature should be 180 degrees. An hour later, the oven is switched off and allowed to cool.

Before the next cooking in a pan, it must lie a couple of days.

Preventive measures against the formation of soot

To pan lasts longer, it is necessary prior to first using it to carry out calcination. For this fit salt or oil. Pour the oil so that it completely covered the surface of the pan and then glows at the plate to smell burnt oil.

After an aluminum pan has become as good as new, it needs to help purchase the lost performance.

When using salts should fill it to the surface layer and impale centimeter for 10 minutes. With this method, a special film is formed, protecting against fouling.

Before applying, in both cases, the pan must be to stand up a couple of days.

Common mistakes when cleaning

Many women use the usual cleaning agents, not knowing that it has a detrimental effect on the aluminum surface. Also very common mistake is to use wire brushes to clean the inside surface of the pan.

Do not apply household chemicals having aggressive in its composition, can upset the protective layer.

Recommendations regarding the care of an aluminum frying pan

When cooking on an aluminum pan, it is desirable not to be distracted from the process. It is advisable where possible to abandon the preparation of certain foods, which in any case will leave a carbon deposit. If this is not possible, and a deposit is still there, you should immediately get rid of it, using the correct way.

It is necessary to follow certain recommendations, so as not to face the unpleasant deposit.

VIDEO: How to clean the pan from this old fat.