How to carry shoes, which shakes, at home to the right size?


  • Leather shoes
  • Artificial leather
  • Suede products

There are many reasons why shoes can be tight, but the result is one - it has to be stretched. Learn how to carry shoes, which presses, it is very important. The methods are different, and the fact that for one material is good, another can irrevocably ruin.

Leather shoes

The most expensive and high-quality, it is easiest to wear without harm. There are many ways, and the list is only the most popular, effective and easy.

  1. Newspaper .Ragged and wet newspapers are pushed tightly, to the point of refusal, into shoes and left there until it dries. Thermal appliances can not be used - only natural drying. The result does not appear very quickly, in a day or two.
  2. Alcohol .Alcohol perfectly softens the skin. They rub the inside of the shoe, then put on the problem leather pair on their feet in thick socks until completely dry. Half an hour-hour, and the result is obvious. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka and cologne. The outer side is untouchable, it can easily be spoiled.
  3. Icy .An unusual means is ice. Empty bags are placed in shoes, after which they are poured in water, tightly knotted and all this is sent together into the freezer. Freezing, the water will expand, and to carry new shoes, it takes no more than six hours. Unfortunately, in winter footwear this method will be hit by fur, and for thin shoes it may be difficult to correctly calculate the amount of water.
  4. Handling with a hair dryer .How to carry close shoes using a hair dryer? The recipe is simple and cunning. On feet in socks we put on shoes, we warm with a hair dryer and wait until it cools down. It works quickly, it's just not easy to shove even more enlarged legs into shoes that tighten. And sweating under the influence of a hair dryer? But what you will not go for beauty, the more this way of wearing will eliminate bottlenecks quickly.
  5. Cowboy .For him, there is no need for special devices, even a farmer from a remote village can use it at home. In the boots are poured grain, pour water over it and this disgrace is left for the night. Swelling, the grain stretches the skin in all directions. It is necessary to pour out everything in the morning, but the work does not end: you have to put wet leather shoes on your feet and do not remove it until it dries. It's not so scary, if you put thin cellophane bags on your feet before you distribute cramped shoes in this way.
  6. Bending of the .Sometimes the problem is not that the shoes are tight, but in the rigidity of the skin itself, which ruthlessly tears the female legs. You can correct the situation by bending the shoes down and up and twisting them. It will not be able to damage the surface in leather shoes, but the leg will feel much more comfortable in the mashed shoes. Zalomov on the qualitative version does not appear, a poor-quality couple will "decorate" themselves with them for a couple of exits.
  7. Special air conditioners are used to make the leather on the shoe softer. Apply them to the place where the shoes try to leave the blisters and blisters on your feet.

Artificial leather

So-called "dermatine" is much more whimsical than natural material. Before you spread the shoes out of it, carefully study the quality. The basis of leatherette can be a fabric that does not stretch at all, and rubber, which is easy to stretch, but the reverse option is not provided.

How to stretch new footwear from kozhzam on a fabric basis? Unfortunately, there is no effective method. But with a rubber base, there are opportunities to correct the situation at home. To do this, use a strong heat in a certain place. You can do it with a powerful hair dryer, using an electric stove and even a building hair dryer. Work should be carefully, keeping the surface of leatherette in a decent form. Better - through a wet cloth, as when ironing. You only need to heat a particular inconvenient place, then put it on your leg and walk until it cools down. Repeat several times.

Some ways how to carry shoes from artificial leather are taken from working with genuine leather, but they are less effective. Try to wear reasonably alcohol solutions and newspaper version. The freezer can spoil narrow shoes, bringing the surface to cracks. The Cowboy way will stretch too much.

Suede products

To make suede shoes that tighten, you can and without improvised means. If you wear them for a short time, and the legs will not hurt, and the size will increase slightly.

You can quickly solve the problem at home if:

  • ask an acquaintance of a large size to abuse your pair for a short time;
  • hold over the steam, and then vilify in thin socks to dry( do not wet, suede does not like it);
  • alcohol version of the natural skin is replaced by a beer, the rest of the action is the same.

It's just at home that it's easy to get the reverse problem - how to reduce heavily-worn shoes.

You can use special tools - sprays designed for each type of material. You can refer to a specialist, entrust professionals and their equipment to bring shoes or boots to the right size. That's just the main problem is that any of these methods, applicable in special or home conditions, leads to a reduction in the life of your charming and so necessary purchase.

Cracks, loss of shine, quickly-defined wrinkles - all this is the result of carelessness in the store. Therefore, we must take ourselves in hand and even at the sight of the most charming couple to remain calm and hope that your size will soon be found.