What mistress more than once confronted with shiny traces left on the iron or trousers appeared in the process of socks. And luster may appear not only in trousers, but also in dresses or skirts and other clothing.
Such sites are beginning to shine and stand out the product, making it sloppy and untidy. And there is such a luster due to improper art ironing clothes. Shine primarily the knees, buttocks, that is, those places that stick out longer. And such a thing already looks sloppy. It is possible to remove traces of shiny patches on their clothes with their own hands. It is only necessary I know some rulesAnd the thing will again look like new.
- How to iron things
- Methods of getting rid of gloss
- Using the available tools
How to iron things
Sometimes it is easier to avoid the appearance of shiny tracks than to get rid of them. Can use some tipsWhich will allow the hosts to forget about what a shine left on the iron fabric.
The most affordable way that will not allow appear shine on the fabric - is pressing through cheesecloth. To do this, take the gauze and placed on top of the product that you want to stroke. You can not take advantage of the gauze and a thin cotton cloth.
You can still take advantage of water to which is added a small amount of vinegar. It is poured into a sprayer and sprayed with a little cloth. Such a solution will not harm things, but will prevent the formation of the light traces of iron.
If the product makes it possible, and do not need to have an arrow on it, as usually happens in the classic trousers, it is better to turn the thing when ironing on the wrong side. Thus on it just do not appear traces of iron.
Adhering to such simple rules, you can forget about the hated spots left on the black trousers and give them an untidy and unkempt appearance. With your favorite things do not have to leave, and they will always look neat and elegant.
Knowing the rules of care of black trousers and remedies zalosnivshihsya spots, you can easily restore and other things, whether it's a skirt or a jacket.
Methods of getting rid of gloss
It often happens that patted pants, they are still visible parts of shiny fabric. To remove the shine from his trousers, you can use in several ways:
- Plot tissue that has suffered, aviation gasoline is processed and then it is wiped ordinary soda.
- Spoiled product is soaked in vinegar and water solution in a ratio of vinegar per liter of water for several hours. Thereafter pants washed in accordance with the information on the label on the garment label. After such treatments unnecessary gloss disappears.
- You can use ammonia. To this solution was made from the following ingredients: 1 liter of water, 2 spoons of ammonia and a teaspoon of salt. In such a solution must be dipped gauze or tissue and wipe places where noticeable shine. Then the pants have to pat iron through cheesecloth. Gloss will not be visible.
- You can dampen the brilliant spot of gasoline, and then wipe the prepared solution of ammonia. Typically, such a solution is commercially available in pharmacies. Ammonia is able to neutralize the gas, and it also removes the smell.
- Help in eliminating gloss on the pants could have a strong brewed tea. Tea has the ability to do the tissue mat. Accordingly, it is necessary to wipe the places where there is a shine to dry the product and re-iron the iron. Perhaps this method is the most simple and accessible every hostess.
- Removes shiny traces of iron foam soap. It needs to be applied to the damaged product and then rinse it after that. Then pat it through cheesecloth, which is necessary to moisten slightly acidified with vinegar or lemon juice water.
Using the available tools
Often that means not at hand, which is able to bring the stain. Can use the means at handThat there in every home. So, to get rid of the shiny spots with the help of improvised products can be used:
Plain black tea. Its brewed stronger using a brush and applied to the shiny spot. Then it is dried is not very hot iron through cheesecloth.
- Onion. He mainly used for non-ferrous products. His ground (even better to make gruel) and applied to the spot for about an hour. Then rinsed with warm water.
- Potato juice. You can cut the potatoes and cut rub the damaged area. When it is dry, clean this place brush.
Using the disclosed methods, can be lead product in orderAnd it will last you a long time.