Before purchasing any heating equipment, each client specifies the main characteristics of the device and how they meet the necessary requirements. The main indication of this can be called the power of the electric boiler. Knowing it every immediately determine whether the model is suitable for his needs or not. In order to operate at least an approximate figure, you need to pre-calculate them. It is also important to understand what factors they depend.
Selection of power depending on the quadrature
The simplest method is considered to calculate the required power of the electric boiler, based on the area of the premises, which is planned to be heated. Thus, in areas where the climate is mild, it is necessary to use a proportion of 100 W per 1 sq. m. In the southern or northern regions may differ by 20 units.
Of course, this approach is not correct. But in order not to freeze in winter, it is better to buy a unit with great performance. How to calculate the power of the electric boiler, with only the area? Very simple. Obviously, this is still necessary to know the specific coefficient to calculate the area. For warm latitudes it is 0.7. 1.2 Medium used. A northern - 2.
Important! Be sure to remember that in case of a wrong definition, will be spent extra electricity. This can significantly increase operating costs.
To calculate the power setting, it is necessary to substitute the values in the formula: W = S * K, wherein
W - calculated parameter of the equipment;
S - area of the room you want to heat;
K - factor.
The approach is not ideal. But at the same time it takes into account the real climatic conditions, which directly affect the rate of cooling of the building.
Quite often there are situations when the owner of a house or apartment to install a large capacity boiler. And while the room is still cold. Even though the use of the equipment provided - electric or gas boiler.
First of all it depends on the inability to curb energy inside the building.
Selection of power depending on the heat
So, it is clear that the power of the electric boiler is chosen, not only building on existing quadrature. Since this figure does not fully cover the situation, for which the owner of a house or apartment may pay in the future.
During the selection of the unit, it is imperative to take into account the heat loss. For example, if a building has distinct elements, through which the energy goes - panoramic windows, there is a gap in the door - to heat such a structure will be difficult, regardless of the setting. Especially when using low capacity electric boilers.
It is important to understand that the unit must produce more heat than it loses premises. It should be borne in mind that the energy out of the house all the time, and hence the equipment will always work. That's exactly is unacceptable. Every heater must have a rest. And because calculate the output of the boiler you need to reserve. The thing is that the continuous operation setting quickly fails. And it is quite frustrating, especially when the window frost.
Before buying the boiler is necessary to determine the heat loss of the building, as it will directly affect the consumption of resources, to be exact - on its quantity. You will need the following information:
- the material from which made the walls and ceilings;
- their thickness;
- area of windows and the number of cameras.
All raw materials have different thermal conductivity. It can be found in the relevant table:

In order to determine the needed numbers, it is necessary to take the width and divide by the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material. For each component, the calculation is made separately. After that all the numbers have to add up.
Then, how do we know the individual elements, taken overall settlement. To do this, an area of heated space multiplied by the temperature difference in the house and on the street. The obtained result is divided by the total thermal resistance. In this case, the delta is taken for maximum performance.
This approach will allow to calculate the most accurate settings for the equipment. So do not be lazy once again, and to use this method. Of course it is necessary to spend a lot more time, but the result will be as close to the truth.

Selection of power depending on the coolant
To choose the right electric boiler, it is also important to remember the coolant, by means of which will be carried out heating. To calculate we need to know:
- its volume;
- what kind of liquid;
- wiring scheme.
It is worth noting that the latter factor can be called small. Nevertheless, he is still able to slightly change the overall picture.
But first - the volume - an important parameter. For example, calculating the most accurate power, which should have an electric boiler, heat accumulator was not taken into account. And this tank puts a lot of liquid - an average of not less than 300 liters. As a result, the system will not operate properly.
Important! To one liter of water heating electric boiler spends energy 0.001 kW per hour.
Installation raises the liquid temperature to a level set by the user. For example, consider a rate of 40 degrees. Thus, in the case of the first coolant will start warmed up to a maximum level of 20 units Celsius. After reaching the goal electrical system is turned off using automation. Or an external sensor would. In the first place it depends on the "stuffing" and model.
It is understood that, if the system with heat storage is a lot of fluid and thus productivity of the equipment will be small - it will have to work at all times. And this is unacceptable. Be sure to know that the use of antifreeze in the heating system also creates unnecessary work unit. Indeed, such blends have a lower thermal conductivity. And it will increase energy consumption and the duration of the work, which is not a positive thing.
When calculating the power boiler must take into account the heat loss. You also need to check with a specialist, whether that particular model can cope with the amount of available coolant. Of course, it is possible to carry out all the calculations quickly and simply as possible, but when during use the unit is likely to have problems.