Installation and use of heating boilers with wood and electricity

Owners of homes recently opted for autonomous space heating systems. Most popular earlier gas installations are already being used less due to the constant rise in prices for this type of fuel. Increasingly connected combination boilers for heating with wood and electricity. This reliable and high-performance machines, with which you can heat a house or any other object.

basic information

Electrical heating wood-fired boilers in the last year received extensive popularity. This is due to the ability to simultaneously work on two kinds of energy source. Such devices have a unique and practical design.

If we consider the equipment in more detail - wood heating boiler is virtually no different, except for the presence of an additional heating element. This type of heating is equipped with a special automatic control system, which enables to change the power operating modes and switch the type of energy source consumed.

Design features

In most cases, the bottom of the equipment installed furnace, where and loading firewood. As a result, the heat exchanger heats the fluid. Last just goes to the radiator, resulting in heating and takes place at home.

When switching to electric mode coolant is already heated by electric heaters. In addition, this option is ideal for maintaining the minimum temperature in the room.

Advantages over other systems

If we compare the electric wood-burning boiler with the usual gas or ordinary solid-fuel units, the advantages are obvious:

  1. The availability of energy. When the solid fuel is provided by burning any wood products, to find that is no problem. At the same time today, the electrical network reaches for almost any locality.
  2. Low price of fuel. Recently, more and more owners of suburban buildings choose this boiler, wood on which you can find without much effort. Energy source will cost a minimum financial investment, especially if the building is located in the forest. In addition, these units consume relatively little electricity, which also allows you to make this kind of energy is not expensive.
  3. Versatility. In the absence of one of the energy sources, there is always the possibility to use the second.
  4. Economy. The use of wood-ligament electricity can significantly reduce the cost, compared with the same gas devices. Especially with the constant increase in tariffs.
  5. A significant reduction in emissions of products emerging from the burning. This is due to the use of electricity.
  6. Availability of programmers and automation. These elements allow you to control the boiler, even when the owner is not at home.
  7. High-quality heating. Electricity as wood have high levels of efficiency. Therefore, the coolant heat is produced in the shortest possible time. Thus virtually no energy loss due to the sophisticated design.

In the case of correct operation, wood and electricity boiler ensures long-term reliable operation.

Installation and use

Combined Ordinary and install, say the same electric boilers, have different conditions of installation and future maintenance. It is important to remember, not only to buy, but also during the placement at home. Especially if the process is carried out by hand.

Most importantly - a heating unit must be installed in a separate room. In addition, it is located entirely on a flat concrete surface. To this must be properly summed chimney. In this case, must necessarily be a ventilation system.

Important! If you set the home on their own boiler will be difficult for the owner - it is better to trust the professionals. They can in the shortest possible time to perform all the necessary work. In this case, be sure to master must provide a guarantee that they have done.

What to look for before you buy?

Such an electric boiler with a wood-burning compartment should acquire, considering some of the highlights:

  1. Power. Pre-need to calculate how much you need energy for space heating.
  2. The presence of the second circuit. You can connect the hot water supply if necessary.
  3. Material grate through which ash screening occurs. It is best iron. They are considered the most heat-resistant. Ceramics used for chips or straw.
  4. Machine weight. Heating units of large area can weigh several tens of kilograms. Often, before installing them requires an additional strengthening of the location.
  5. The size.
  6. Valve for quiet operation.
  7. Heat exchanger material. This usually steel or iron. Last heavier. It is well protected from corrosion, but may break in the case of constant temperature changes.

Combined heating boilers for electricity and wood recently used the owners of country houses more often. This is due to many factors, among which is a clear savings and ease of use.