Loft bed with a protective side panel
Young children inherent in restless sleep, they often twist and throw blanket, and frequent incidents of falling. To avoid this, a baby cot is required to install bumpers. But if you bought a bed for growth, its design is usually repeats the adult and there are no such barriers. The best solution is to install a temporary stop, which will allow the child to sleep without the risk of falling, and is easily removed when he grows up.

Magazine removable barrier is mobile, easy to remove and is washable
Limiters can be purchased at furniture stores, where a wide range of different materials and colors. Making a removable collar for a bed to order provide the best combination with the existing furniture, both in size and design - but the cost is not cheap.

Wooden bed limiter, ideal for children's beds
Therefore, the best solution will be to make stop falling for the child with his hands.

Removable stop allowing lower and raise the rim when necessary
- 1 The main varieties
- 2 Making a wooden stopper with your hands
- 3 decoration
- 4 Video: Making the rim (limiter) for a cot
The main varieties

Fixed Limit bumpers have shaped cutouts that kids are used as a stop, allowing you to climb into bed without the help of adults
recommended barrier, completely covering the side bed for very young children. In addition, it should be high enough that the child can not fall over or climb over it. For grown-up children only a small stop, the purpose of which is to prevent an accidental fall in a dream. Such barriers typically cover only a portion of the length of the bed, often are done for convenience omitted.

Removable children stop for a bed is considered to be the ideal solution for arranging a berth
Distributed version of a removable stopper for a child who is convenient to dismantle, as he is no longer needed. Such a removable barrier will also be indispensable if will travel with small children - it's easy to take with you and install on any child's or an adult bed.

Built-in skirting-stopper for a baby cot is acquired along with the rest of the children's furniture
Depending on the manufacturing material are several types of protective skirting.
- Soft - the simplest design is a barrier of foam or padding polyester, rolled up into a tube. The resulting beads are fixed to each other by dialing the desired height rim. For more convenient care and aesthetic appearance of such a limiter sew removable covers that can be washed in the machine. Mounted such constructions are usually Velcro or drawstring to the mattress of the bed.
Beautiful soft rim for girls bed
- Grid - a very effective way to protect your baby from falling in a dream. It is necessary to ensure the strength of the material, the child should not break or push the net with their weight. For fixing the frame can be made of wood or metal slats.
Safety mesh on a metal frame
- Plastic - a barrier you can not only buy, but also to make their own. This will require the usual plastic pipes for plumbing - they are easy to cut and fastened together by a corner. The result is an easy to use and accurate external constraints, which fits well into any nursery. Plus design will be able to take it apart at any time, as well as good tolerance of wet cleaning.
Limiting barrier for baby bed of plastic pipes
- Wooden - traditional version, the most time-consuming, but it is best suited to a classic decor. Such a barrier also has the greatest strength and durability. There are a variety of types of structures and design. Wood limiter usually paint in the color of furniture, often used decorative design options.
Wooden skirting for baby bed

The metal rim to stop bed-loft
The barrier of any species simply produce yourself, it does not require large economic costs, but will not be less reliable than the purchase.

Unusual budget limiter, made with his own hands
Making a wooden stopper with your hands

Limiter for a child's bed with his hands
Even if you do not have much experience in carpentry work, make a simple barrier construction is not difficult. Before you start, you should choose the type of attachment - the simplest involves screwing the holder to the side of the bed. This will save time and materials, but does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and the bed board will be damaged.

Limiter for a child's bed can be easily installed and securely fastened
The second way - to make holders that will be attached to the bottom of the bed and mattress on top closed. This embodiment is more convenient, but the possibility thereof depends on the bed structure.
For work you need the following materials and tools:
- solid wood racks;
- Saw-hacksaw;
- bolts or screws;
- screwdriver;
- Roulette or ruler;
- paper and pencil for drawing.

Tools for the manufacture of the rim with your hands
To make a simple U-shaped rim (bolted) need relatively short rails - Length 55cm barrier. Height limiter is optional, removable model for enough height in the range of 15-30 cm.

Example Short-stopper barrier
Stages of the work is done in a certain order.
- On paper, the drawing is done with all the calculations.
The circuit limiter for Baby beds
- In accordance with the drawing are cut slats.
- Racks accurately bonded, n turned-shaped design.
Assembling the rack - side with the planned places for fixing boards
- The rails and the bed board are drilled bolt holes.
- The collar is fastened to the bed.
Fasteners boards next bed with racks
- When the work can be taken instead of the long rail predetermined width board - this will prevent the formation of cracks, which can get stuck baby hand.

Protection limiter for a bed with his hands

Limiter in the form of a wave for a cot

Homemade limiter, removable fabric cover
Limiter made of wood, aesthetically pleasing enough to polish the varnish or paint, to avoid the risk of getting a splinter. If you use plywood or chipboard, skirting need to decorate. It is best suited soft casing or casing. If the inside of the lay sintepon, the child will be protected from accidental knocks in his sleep.

Protective rim of the falls, decorate cloth
The limiter also can be coated with a special paint for wooden surfaces.

Wooden barrier-stop for a bunk bed with his hands