One of the key indicators of indoor comfort is suitable temperature. It is responsible for this heating system. In recent years, the increasing popularity receive energy-saving electric boilers. They are effective settings that are safe for the environment and human beings. In addition, with the use of new technologies, significantly reducing power consumption, which will implement in daily life aids people who used it to stop.
basic information
Due to the constant rise in energy prices, property owners are increasingly looking to transition to alternative heating sources. Whereas previously, many do not even think about how to connect an electric boiler in relation to the price of this resource has increasingly people choose such equipment today.
Moreover, it considered interesting design and ease of management. Units can fit into any interior, whether it is an apartment, country cottage or country house.
Do not forget about the simplicity of installation. After all, in fact it needs only a connection to the mains. In this case, when compared with models that use heating elements, saving up to 30%.
Energy-saving electric boilers are also called the electrode or ion. Some divide them into types, but this does not make sense, since they have the same operating principle.

These devices are used for heating the heat which arises in the result of the flow of electricity from one electrode to the other. Thus, the water temperature rise is directly - without the intermediary of the same PETN.
Important! Despite the different names, all these systems operate on a similar principle. The main difference is only in how electricity is converted into heat.
You should know that high energy savings is possible to achieve not only because of the equipment itself, but also by many other factors:
- The reduced inertia of the heating.
- Soft start.
- Automatic control of the air temperature and the coolant modes.
- The simple design, the creation of which only modern materials are used.
- Reliability.
Such heating boilers have many advantages:
- Easy installation. Such installations are environmentally friendly. They do not need to be placed in a separate room. In addition, there is no need to withdraw the flue into the street. This allows you to install such equipment in virtually any place where there is an electrical network. The main thing to choose the right size.
- Modern design. Despite the fact that these units are the technical equipment, they have a modern design, which allows post from almost anywhere.
- Quiet operation. Due to the fact that there is no open flame, devices operate as quiet as possible.
- High safety, which is ensured by the fact that there is no interaction with combustible substances.
- Performance. The most important indicator unit can be called the efficiency, which in this case ranges between 97-98%. This effect can be achieved through a measured resource allocation - in each room air is heated to the point until it reaches the desired mark. After that, individual room heating is stopped.
- Efficiency. The most important advantage over other types of installations for the house is almost instantaneous heating of the liquid to a predetermined temperature.
- Functionality. Such units have high-quality automation, enabling convenient control device. Depending on the opportunities offered and the price varies.
- Workmanship. Due to many factors, the equipment can be long. The main time to diagnose and, if necessary - clean.
- Low price compared to the settings on other forms of energy.

Also make sure you need to know about some of the shortcomings of these devices:
- Volatility. In the case of electrical problems the house may be left without heating. So be sure with such units should be placed in a pair and the other units, that can be used to provide at least minimum room temperature. This allows the system does not freeze.
- Installation and adjustment of spending better with the help of a specialist, otherwise you can not achieve the desired savings.
- To ensure large space heat you need to use a few of these systems.

What you need to remember before you buy?
There are several key points to keep in mind before purchasing such units:
It is important to understand how often the device will work. If it is at full capacity, and on the weekends, and the rest of the time - to maintain the minimum temperature, you can get models with a minimum set of features.
When the goal is self-sufficient in comfortable conditions at any time - an electric boiler is better to choose from the different manufacturers and models, thoroughly familiar with the capabilities of each.
It is not necessary to save on automation unit. Firstly, it should be of high quality. Otherwise it may be damaged not only energy-saving electric unit, but the entire heating system. Second, management should be possible to approach all the requirements of the owner.
Electric heating boiler is better to choose energy-saving, as it will not have to worry about costs. Thus it is necessary to pay attention not only on its value but also on the detailed specifications. In addition, this equipment should be installed and tuned with the help of specialists. In this case it will be really economical.