Of all the currently existing methods of heating is considered the most rare air heating. Despite the fact that even 50-70 years ago, these heating systems have been installed in large and popular today to find such objects is difficult. Exceptions are Russian traditional fireplaces and stoves which are not full-fledged air heating systems.

Of all the equipment and devices that operate on the same principle, we are most familiar with a heat gun, fan heaters and convectors. Heating, where the main emphasis is on solid fuel boilers, heating by air today is used in rare cases. Consider the reasons why air heating today, is not as popular as other types of heating. We will understand the principle of the air heating device, the solid fuel.
The essence of hot-air heating. Main advantages
air heating system - a set of devices and appliances, interacting closely with each other. As in other methods of heating, there is performed the transfer of thermal energy that is obtained by burning the surrounding space objects. The essential difference of this method is the lack of coolant, which in most heating system plays the role of a mediator. Space heating is carried out by circulating air heated to a certain temperature.
There are two types of ventilation: natural circulation of air and forced.

Looking at the burning fireplace, you can roughly imagine how working air heating. Here, however, the heat resulting from combustion of firewood consumed not rational, most of it goes to waste. It is crucial to make the heated air to move through air and release heat heated room. This is the purpose of the air heating, solid fuel boiler.
Major benefits of the air heating and the heating device of this type, the following:
- the absence of a large inertia. Compared with water boilers, air heating unit warms up quickly and in the same way quickly cools;
- simple and unpretentious in the design of heating devices. The low cost of the boiler equipment operating on the principle of air heating;
- Good stability of the entire system and the heating boiler in particular at low temperatures. Lack of heat transfer fluid allows you to safely leave the heating equipment off for a long time;
- fast and concealed installation. No need for piping system and central heating radiators.
In each case, there are over than to think. Fast response air heating units is one of the significant advantages. When installing this equipment you do not have to put any buffering capacityOr heat the batteries. The boiler output to the optimum operation within minutes. The same factor plays an important role in terms of equipment resistance to low temperatures. In the absence of a heat transfer fluid, you should not be afraid of the defrosting system during the cold period.
If we talk about the cost of the equipment, the air solid fuel boilers are significantly inferior in value to his fellow working with hot water heating systems. Aluminum tubes for the air channels on the order of magnitude cheaper materials and components needed for the pipeline equipment in the house.
For reference: Heating of premises in this way were first used in ancient Rome. In nobles homes, in public premises used air furnace to heat which had to wood.
The circulation of heated air mass was carried out in a natural way, by the action of the laws of physics. The air expands during heating, convection processes occur which lead to the appearance of natural draft. The hot air is distributed, and its place is taken by a new portion of fresh, cool air. Even in ancient times it has been found essential ventilation to achieve greater efficiency heating measures. The intensity of combustion and heated air mass movement directly depends on the possibility of inflow and outflow. The greater the pull, the greater the intensity of combustion and heating the air, respectively. Thrust decreases, the intensity of the process is slowed down.

Today, instead of primitive air furnaces came heaters fueled by solid fuels. Air solid units capable of effective and quality to carry out the heating of the air mass for space heating. Modern models are highly efficient, economical and easy to operate. air heating system is considered to be undeservedly forgotten.
An important technical aspect
The main reason for such an attitude to the air heating steel technology requirements, which are associated with the organization of the heating process. There is one technical nuance air heating, which eventually grew into a distinct lack.
For instance:
Your boiler located in the boiler room and the fact that warm air would hit the other rooms, it is necessary to have a well-developed air duct system. It does not always have physical and constructive opportunity to build on the limited space large enough for the cross section of the duct channels.
air heating working principle is not complicated. The basic process is simple and uncomplicated way. With the solid-air ventilation system boiler question yet to decide how it is possible, placing the main communication from the ceiling. hot air flow provided by the lower duct arrangement. Due to the temperature difference of the warm and cold air convection occurs, replacement air is carried by weight. In other words, under the current drafts in the room you can achieve the desired effect. Do you like the house drafts permanent or not, you decide.

Another no less important detail, which is derived from the physical properties of air, which should pay attention - this is the location of the lower duct. Usually, for this purpose the air ducts laid underground, between joists, or directly into duct equipped with wall panels. When refitting the premises or replacement of communication lines, it is necessary to take into account the presence of structural elements of the air ducts of the building. Herein lies a major design flaw, which is marked by hot-air heating system.
Important! Lower duct arrangement allows the use of natural circulation. In the embodiment with overhead air channels need to install blower for the forced circulation of air and increasing the flow velocity.
Solid fuel boiler - the main source of heat. Principle of operation
How we imagine a solid fuel boiler at the expense, which operates a home heating system? It is familiar to many of us such as the heating of the pyrolysis unit. By burning, first fuel and then the fuel gas timber, there is intense heat from the interaction with which heat exchanger. More precisely vozduhoobmennik. Heated to a certain temperature in the heat exchanger tubes, the air is circulated through the channel system, heating the interior.
This heater can be installed almost anywhere in the house or other premises.
On a note: today released a model of solid-air heating units, design and appearance which enables them to successfully fit into the interior premises.
If desired, the home owner, the air duct may extend on either naturally or under the action of the blowers, which significantly increases the speed and density of the air flow. The boiler is usually large combustion chamber where fuel is burned. The firebox has a special hatch through which the loading firewood. At the bottom of the combustion chamber is grate on which the fuel is located and carried directly self burning. As in other solid units in the lower part of the structure is placed podzolnik - box for collecting ash and large residues not fully combusted wood.
Air heating device boiler
If preference is given to a process for pyrolysis combustion then required boiler, equipped with two combustion chambers. In one compartment as a result of decay of the fuel mass selection is carried out intensive wood gas. In the second furnace combustible volatile compound reacts with oxygen to ignite, releasing an enormous amount of heat energy. This method differs economical fuel consumption. During the combustion of wood are left large residual fragments. air heating system with the solid pyrolysis boiler type is not only quick and qualitative heating premises, but also high performance.

Heated air is accumulated in the space between the body of the heating unit and the firebox (combustion chamber). That is, in this case the heat exchanger.
Due to the flow of air, the walls of the combustion chamber is constantly washed by the new air flow. And primary and secondary air is used for heating. Due to pyrolysis in a boiler main job operate the primary and secondary air. Primary air masses is the main heat source. The air coming from outside, i.e. preheat to reduce heat loss, and only then fed to the furnace. Secondary air - a gas-air mixture, consisting of air and hot combustion products.
On a note: solid fuel is combusted in most cases by 90%. The remaining 10% are represented in the form of minute particles included in the smoke. The main advantage of the secondary air is that it already has a high temperature. To achieve the desired temperature is not required extra heating. Due to such high heat capacity of air is achieved by operating the unit, it increases the efficiency of heating equipment.
Selection of the secondary air mass is carried out from the uppermost portion of the duct. The intensity of the intake valve position is regulated. The intensity of the combustion in this equipment determines the amount of air in the combustion unit. More air, combustion intensity. Air supply in simple models in manual mode, by natural air flow. The expensive models used for this purpose the fan on and off automatically. These fans are called blower. To achieve the greatest possible effect on the operation of the boiler flue exhauster is installed, whose task is to improve the output of the combustion chamber of residual combustion products.
To date, the sale are air units for solid fuels of varying degrees of equipment. The structure of most models of such systems include:
- ignition;
- system adjustment of the combustion process (temperature sensors, valves, blowers);
- mechanisms and devices carrying the fuel supply.
Due to the interaction of all the boiler system allows you to adjust the heating temperature in the premises.
air heating system features
Air heating system has its own technical features and nuances that must be considered during installation. Roughly the following values are taken for calculations:
- average air consumption for autonomous heating system is 1000-4000 m3/час;
- system pressure must be 150 Pa;
- Air heating boiler capacity (depending on the model and type);
- the magnitude of heat loss in homes.
The calculations are carried out in order to ensure that the maximum possible effect of operating the heating system. The lack of accurate calculations can lead to the following negative consequences:
- overheated heater:
- vibration of the duct, the additional technical noises;
- constant drafts inside the building.
main duct length should be no more than 30 m. The arms should not be longer than 15 meters. To operate a home heating system solid enough air boilers 10-50 kW. Large area flat with extensive internal space require the installation of units where more power (up to 1 MW). Large industrial buildings, shopping centers and premises of social and urban infrastructure, as a rule, heated air solid fuel devices of high power (5-10 MW).
Important! When selecting a model, ranging from the simplest (type Bulleryan) to the most sophisticated and powerful units pyrolysis type, it is necessary to provide a mechanism to adjust the intensity of combustion of fuel.

Existing automatic damper system of transportation will allow you to significantly improve the safety of the boiler equipment, reduce the likelihood of excessive fuel consumption.
Boilers for solid fuels, today again become interesting to a wide range of consumers. The main advantage that they possess, economy and easy maintenance are the main trump cards of such equipment. For private and country houses are now much easier with air heating system. The absence of complicated additional mechanisms and instruments, convenient adjustment processes, make such aggregates is very convenient and practical to use.
Air heating units, in contrast to the boilers have an order of magnitude greater operational resources. In terms of security, this technique seems preferable.