you can easily find a variety of devices for heating in the heating equipment market. Because of their diversity, make the right choices at times is quite problematic. To purchase the most appropriate device heating, it is recommended to carry out a comparative analysis. It needs carefully to find out their strengths and weaknesses, specifications, etc. As example, let's look at what efficient heating convector premises or infrared heater. Consider their dignity, disadvantages and operating conditions.
The operating principle of the convectors is that the air flow passes through the radiator having a large area, is warmed and carries heat into the room, thereby heating it.
The air moves through the pipe with a small cross section, which is provided with TAN or any other heating element. The source of energy for the convector is often a gas or electricity.

Attention: Gas convection heater is not only efficient but also the ability not to depend on the central heating systems.
These devices make it possible to heat the well to save, because the process of their operation will cost much cheaper than their electric counterparts. But with gas convector, the wall will have to make a hole to exit out of the combustion products. And it does not fit all.
In addition, all work associated with the gas, always carry some risk and should not be run on its own. To do so, apply to the special service that provides similar services. But despite some difficulties during installation, gas heaters are ideal for heating a country or a private home. In addition, its operation will be much cheaper than, for example, heating boiler for solid fuel.
Another important advantage of the gas convector, the ability to install in any suitable place. Thanks to his presence, can be qualitatively warm room as soon as possible.
If for any reason you can not install the gas convector installed its electric counterpart. Some models of this type of convectors can be installed not only on the wall, but also on the floor. In performance, they are not much inferior to their gas "brethren."

Electric convectors are reasonably simple structure. Its main parts are the housing and the heating element. The lower housing part has openings for drawing in cold air flow arrangement. After the air heated up, it goes into the room from the upper part of this device.
The heating element is at the bottom of the electric convector. Such arrangement enables it to effectively heat the air located between the housing walls. Thereafter, the air flows rise and fall in the room. Typically, the outlets are located at a certain angle.
Most often, heaters used for heating private and town houses, equipped with a closed-loop, which circulates coolant. Due to the presence of radiators is possible to collect all receive energy and transfer it into space, thus heating the room.
Form convectors constructed such that air flow is capable of passing through the existing slot in the metal surface with maximum speed. Quite often equipped with convectors and radiators. Their presence can significantly speed up the heating process.
Dignity convectors and peculiarities of their work
Convector possess numerous advantages which make the demand for these devices are stably high. Among the advantages of convector heater can be identified:
- ease of installation;
- high efficiency;
- the ability to quickly warm up even cold room;
- affordable price;
- long service life.
Attention: The main advantage and at the same time the lack of convectors is that they increase the temperature in the whole house.
This is certainly good, because the warm air will quickly spread around the room. But at the same time, the presence of drafts, heating convector does not bring the desired result, as the room will penetrate the cold air.

Heating convector, the ideal solution for heating small premises with good insulation. This allows for fast and efficient heating. In addition, one of their advantages is that they are just heated and not burnt air. Their housing does not heat up during operation, and therefore they can be safely installed in bathrooms and bedrooms for children.
Infrared heaters
Infrared heaters are used for space heating. They are widely used not only in homes but also in industrial systems. Infrared heaters different performance, space heating fast speed and the ability to operate in conjunction with other heating devices. The following Types of infrared heaters:
- lamp;
- mica;
- gas.
Tube infrared heaters, in turn, are divided into carboxylicQuartz and halogenWhich are virtually indistinguishable from each other in appearance and consist of a reflector and a lamp irradiator. Furthermore, in the heater includes a control panel.
Tube IR heaters
The radiation source in this type of infrared heater is a lamp. It almost does not warm the air, and transmits all the warmth subjects. They are of two kinds: the ceiling and floor. You can use them as soon as possible qualitatively warm room.

tube heaters are equipped with spiralWhich is in the gaseous inert medium or in vacuum. The heat lamp is radiated while passing through the helix of the electric current. Heat direction in the right direction, this device is equipped with a reflector. Because of this heat is felt only immediately before the heater. Behind him, it is almost non-existent.
Attention: The main advantage of these heating devices is the ability to direct light to the desired area.
Tube heater can be mounted on a wall or ceiling, set on the floor. The only drawback of this device is fragile lamp which is even capable of weak shocks fail. At the same time, the IR lamp type heater is compact and easily.
Mica IR heaters
Infrared heaters mica with their appearance much like oil heaters. Their main similarity, the presence of powerful plates. On the effectiveness of the heating, they are not inferior to their tube counterparts.
Due to the steel mesh, which surrounds the heating plate, it is impossible to get burned accidentally touching hot surface of the device. Furthermore, since the mica coating is inert, it even being strongly heated air does not oxidize. Mica, perfectly isolates the heat, but at the same time, well-transmits radiation.

the heating plate is heated to a temperature of 450 degrees and transmits heat uniformly. Mica model IR heaters are rarely provided with reflectors. After a sufficiently large area of the plate and a reflector to shut the entire reflector interfering with normal operation of the device.
Mica infrared heaters for its superior efficiency oil heating device. They make it possible to qualitatively and quickly warm the room even in extreme cold.
Gas infrared heaters
infrared gas heaters They are among the most economical types of climate equipment. They were originally developed for the heating of country houses and cottages, but gradually began to be used for heating almost any residential and industrial premises. They allow you to not only achieve significant savings, but qualitative and heating. Heat dissipation and performance of this type at the height of devices.

Attention: Heated gas infrared heaters is due to heating of the metal surface till the temperature at which the heat transfer begins to occur.
They are able to run on natural gas or LPG. Gas infrared heaters are small in size and weight. Because of this, they can easily be transported or be moved from one place to another.
What is better to choose
Decide what kind of heater - convector or infrared heater, would be the most to you appropriate necessary after careful consideration of all their advantages, disadvantages and conditions operation.
Advantages of infrared heaters and convectors enough. But there are also some disadvantages, which should also pay attention. When comparing modern heaters should be noted that they are not only able to effectively heat a room, but also safe enough. In particular, many models have a tilt sensor and overheating.
Infrared heaters are superior convectors for greater diversity in terms of placement. At the same time, some models of convectors can be installed even on the floor. In addition, thanks to the clever design, they can more harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Convector heating is indispensable for small, high-quality insulated premises where there are no drafts. This heating device allows fast enough to heat the room well.
If you need to warm any particular area, as all the room there is no need to heat, it is best to use for this purpose an infrared heater. In addition, it allows you to save a good idea during the operation.
Infrared heaters and different convectors may be used as the main or additional heating devices. Prior to their use should be defined in advance with the conditions of application. This will make the right choices and achieve a qualitative heat the room even in extreme cold. Convectors and infrared heaters for years of use of a fully proven effective.