Infrared heaters and oil are in high demand in the market of HVAC equipment. Such popularity is due to their efficiency, ease of use and durability. But to achieve all possible only knowing how to choose an infrared heater, or its analogue of the oil properly. On what parameters of their work should pay attention.
The choice of the oil heater
Oil heaters are ideal for high-quality space heating.
Attention: These devices are characterized by simplicity of operation and durability, reliability.
But as the market of HVAC equipment are a lot of these heating devices need to know how choose oil heater right. To cope with this problem, you should carefully review the performance of the device and pay attention to the following parameters:
- power;
- size;
- design features;
- brand.
If the choice is made correctly and were taken into account all the features of a particular model, the purchase of the oil heater is completely justified, and you can quite quickly and efficiently heat a room.
One of the most important indicators for oil heaters is power. When deciding which is better oil heater choose this option should be working to pay the main attention. When you select should take into account the floor area in which it is installed. As practice shows, qualitatively warm to room area 10 m2 and with a ceiling height of about 3 meters, it will need a heater of 1 kW. We should not forget about the existence of windows and doors. Each this element is required to add another 0.2 kW.
But keep in mind that all current models of oil heaters have a capacity of not more than 3 kW. If the floor area is greater than 30 m2It needs to establish not one but several devices, since the power of the oil heater is simply not enough for high-quality space heating.
Models of oil heaters have minimal differences in size.
Attention: First of all, their size depends on the number of available sections are filled with oil. Moreover, from this figure depends on the power unit. The more sections will have a heater, so it will be more powerful.

Further, the size and number of sections is dependent heating area and the amount of heat which will fall into the room. If you want to select an oil heater for your home or apartment, be sure to freeze the area of the room. Have such heating and one minus devices. After all, oil heaters are of a good weight and the more their size, the harder it will be.
design Features
By this selection criterion is meant the presence of additional features that can enhance the quality of the oil heater. Current models of this device are usually:
- Power indicator;
- Temperature regulator;
- protection against overheating;
- selector switch.
In addition, deciding which to choose oil heater, you should pay attention to the presence of the fan and humidifier. Do not do without the 24-hour timer, which is indispensable to enable or disable the device at the right time.
brand name
The correct choice of oil heaters depends on its brand. It is recommended to choose the products of those companies, which are well known in the market of heating equipment and proven only on the positive side.

Of course, the value of the oil heater manufactured by a known to be higher than that of devices made obscure by the manufacturer. But if you buy a cheaper model, you run the risk that the heater quickly fail.
Attention: While buying oil heater-known brands, we can be sure of its quality and durability of use.
Knowing how to choose the right oil heater, you will be assured that you bought the device fully cope with the challenges ahead. But keep in mind that the more powerful and functional device is, the higher will be its cost. Of course, as mentioned above, the cost of oil heater will depend on its brand. Should try to choose the heating device, the price and quality of which will be optimal.
The choice of infrared heater
Infrared heaters during its existence fully proved its effectiveness. Their use makes it possible not only well-warmed room, but also a good idea to save money. After all, they can be used to heat not the entire room, but only the right to her zone. This means that you will spend on heating considerably less energy.
Most often, heating infrared heaters used in private and suburban homes, in production premises, public places, etc. They are mounted on the walls, the ceiling or mounted on floor.

When selecting a heater, be sure to pay attention to the parameters of its work. First and foremost on the power, which will depend on the area of the room in which you intend to install it. After all, the more room, the more powerful the required IR heater. Perhaps they need to install several.
Types of IR heaters
In the art of thermal market there are many models of infrared heaters, which are different in method of installation and the generated waves.
By setting IR heaters are divided into the method:
- floor;
- wall;
- ceiling;
- mobile.
Wavelength infrared heaters are of the following types:
- longwave;
- medium-wave;
- shortwave.
Attention: Choose infrared heater should start from, in what room you plan to install it. Indeed, for example, in one case suitable device installed on the ceiling, and in another wall. Much depends on the wavelengths emitted by them.
IR heaters for installation method
Floor heating devices are considered to be the most easy-to-connect. But for efficiency, they are inferior to their counterparts wall. In addition, their power is not too big and they can cope with only a small space heater.
Wall IR heaters are midway between the ceiling and floor models. heating efficiency depends on the correctness of their installation. The height of their installation - no less than 2.2 meters.

Ceiling heaters are the most convenient and efficient. Their performance enable high quality warm any room. And thanks to the fact that these devices are mounted on the ceiling, they do not take up space. This type of heater warms the air in the room is not, and in the zone of its radiation objects. Ceiling heaters are mounted on special hangers. Distance from them to the highest member of the family head should not be less than 1.5 meters.
Mobile IR heaters differ possibility effortlessly move them from one place to another. Their size is quite compact. But at the same time, they have a drawback - low power.
An important parameter for infrared heaters is the wavelength. Choosing this heating device be sure to pay attention to this value. After all, it is not only the quality of heating, but also your health away.
Attention: Heaters with short waves can not be installed in residential areas, as they have a negative impact on the human body. Most often they are installed outdoors or in rooms where there is no permanent presence of people.
Long-wave infrared heaters are the most modern. The heating temperature of the plates does not exceed 300 degrees. They have virtually no adverse effects on human health and does not dry the air in the room.

As heating elements are used aluminum plates. Furthermore, in the heater built in a low-temperature heater. Typically, these devices are used for heating residential premises and offices.
Medium wave infrared heaters are often installed in apartments, farmhouses and private homes, offices. As well as their long-wave "brothers" they are practically harmless to human health.
There are the following types of medium-heaters:
- carboxylic;
- halogen;
- quartz;
- tubular;
- ceramic.
How to use the practice shows, the best kinds of medium wave infrared heaters are carbon and tubular. They are reliable, long life, safety and quality of heating. In a residential area should not be installed halogen models, since they adversely affect the health. Ceramic devices have this drawback, but they have a short period of use.
A gas or electric infrared heater
Choosing the infrared heater should be remembered that they are not only electric, but gas. Each of them has its positive and negative sides.
If you intend to use this device for heating private or country house, it is best to pick up the gas, as it can quickly heat a large area. If you plan to install it in the apartment, it is advisable to buy an electric infrared heater. In addition, the gas models can achieve independent heating system.
According to the type of heating may be direct or indirect. In the first case, the need to install an optional fan, since otherwise the products of combustion will fall into the room. If the indirect heating type, it has a system of removing the products of combustion outside.
With the help of infrared heater or oil, can be quickly and efficiently to heat virtually any room. The main thing is to choose the right them to establish and adhere to the instructions during their operation.