Gas boilers are among the most economical and easy to install, which are used for auxiliary heating and water heating. Despite this they are still engineering equipment. And sometimes there are situations when the gas boiler is simply not working. The reasons may be very different. See exactly help malfunction. It is important to understand the varieties of heating systems, as well as in the principles of their functioning.

Types of gas boilers
Before you start to struggle with problems, you need to perfectly understand what kind of boiler is installed. They are divided into several groups.

According to the type of installation
Placement of the gas boiler can be floor and wall. The first option has a large capacity, it can be used for heating large spaces. It is characterized by a long service, as the main components are made of cast iron and steel. For such technologies are usually allocated a separate room.
Wall units have smaller dimensions and weight. They are limited in capacity. Furthermore, demanding quality of water which must be heated.
By type
The devices are divided into one-circuit and two-circuit. The former are intended solely for heating. The second circuit additionally heats flowing water.
By type removing processed foods
Boilers have a natural and forced draft. First option is connected to an ordinary chimney. Waste gases are vented naturally. Everything to work as it should, such a structure has certain installation rules. For example, the pipe must be above the roof not less than half a meter. Otherwise, the boiler can go out.

Such aggregates have open combustion chamber or atmospheric burner. The air is taken to keep the fire from inside the room.
A second embodiment of the gas boiler is a so-called coaxial chimney, Which in fact is a tube situated inside one another. This design is derived directly through the nearest wall to the street. By the outer tube inward misses oxygen supporting flame. A internal combustion products are discharged to the outside. Such boilers are closed combustion chamber.
In the method of water circulation
It can be dependent on electricity or not. The first uses a special pump, powered by a current, which creates a positive pressure in the system. In most cases, these plants have a complex automation system that supports the desired mode of operation.
Nonvolatile not need to connect to 220V. The movement of water is carried out by natural fall. Kindle Fire allows the piezo, which is triggered when the button is pressed.
Faults gas boilers
All the fault of heating units can be divided into four main groups:
- Equipment does not start;
- attenuates the burner;
- not gaining the desired temperature;
- It does not turn off.
The equipment does not start
Fault gas boiler can be related to:
- ignition system problems;
- absence of voltage on the network;
- gas supply overlapping;
- Conversely insufficient or excessive pressure fuel;
- burner clogging.
Any gas equipment, including boiler, refers to a complex mechanism. It has the potential hazards of improper use. therefore make repairs on their own is not recommendedBut the simplest cases.
To replace the ignition elements or cleaning nozzles it is necessary to cause an expert who has special tolerances of respective bodies. The fact that damage to the burner may lead to detachment of the flame from it that in most boilers is familiar to automatically shut off.
Main article: What to do if blowing gas boiler?
burner attenuation
There are several reasons that lead to the decay of this element:
- excessive or inadequate thrust;
- corresponding sensor is not working;
- insufficient contact of the thermocouple;
- unstable operation of the power system;
- depressurization gas system.
Problems arise thrust gas boiler with installations having an open combustion chamber and a natural ejection system. All have built-in sensors that can operate at a bad stretch of the decay products. As a result, equipment covers burner. In case of excessive thrust, the exhaust gases are quickly drawn, which may lead to failure of the fire. As a result, the system shuts off the fuel. Sometimes the flame may be extinguished due to strong gusts of wind.

Check the lack of traction with the open chamber is simple - you need to bring a lighted match to the openings of the atmospheric burner. If all is well - the flame will be directed inward. In case of excessive thrust, the gas begins to burn rapidly, unusual noise arises and the flame faintly. If you bring a burning match - fire immediately goes out.
In most cases, problems with traction are the result of non-compliance with instructions for installation and use of chimneys. Sometimes the cause condensation inside the tube acts. In the case of negative weather outside, droplets can freeze, which eventually leads to a reduction in the lumen.
Almost all the problems associated with the draft, solved independently. First we need to determine the cause of a malfunction. Thus, for example, can be extended or vice versa cut chimney to remove frost or other debris.
Determine the sensor fault is possible by means of its circuit terminal and attempt to foment equipment. If things work - broken sensor, and therefore it is desirable to quickly replace.
To prevent problems with transients, plant connected to a network via a stabilizer. Also, just in case you can create power from the gasoline generator or battery.
Not picking up the temperature
Sometimes there are situations when the boiler is operating, but water is not heated to the required temperature. There are several reasons:
- Poor oxygen supply. For example, in a special room for heaters in the doors make the holes that allow air to get inside.
- Problems with the chimney.
- Breakage of the pump or the failure of individual elements of automation.
- pressure decline in the system.
- Trapped air.
- In case the boiler a bypass excessive amount of energy can take water.
It is advisable to fix the problems of this group cause a specialist who will diagnose and fix it.
Does not automatically turn off equipment
Basically, automatic machines are switched off when the internal temperature reaches the desired mark. It is determined by an appropriate sensor. Disabling performed by a processor installed in the electronic board. Usually, when the boiler does not want to be disconnected - faulty thermostat or chip.
Connecting a gas boiler at home - an excellent precautionary measure to use hot water and not be dependent on the heating season. Like any other technological equipment, it can also fail. There are several major issues that continue to allow the use of the installation.