City apartment is quite a limited living space. Happy owners of new apartments, the owners of apartments in old houses seek by any means to expand their own possession. Virtually any grade apartment has a balcony, which is in the process of retrofitting and insulation can make a substantial addition to the existing housing. In addition, open balconies are often the only place in the apartment, through which disappears in the cold precious heat. How to make the apartment a warm balcony, cozy and comfortable, both warm balcony with his hands - try to understand in detail.
For this we offer a step by step guide to action, full of sensible, practical comments. Each photograph will provide a visual representation of what to do and how to do.
Analysis of the decision. Thorough preparation work
The main problem that must be addressed in the first place is to avoid common mistakes that make many apartment owners, trying to rush to insulate its own balcony. Technical issues should be taken seriously, starting with a thorough and detailed analysis of the current situation. Those. give yourself the following questions:
- what goal you are pursuing;
- any finance charges you are willing to bear, trying to insulate a balcony or loggia;
- in what format it is planned to insulation, cold or elite;
- how quickly you want to implement his idea.
The main thing is not to rush in pursuit of more than square meters. Warm balcony is to eventually become not just another storage area for household rubbish and a complete comfortable room. Similar problems are faced by the residents of apartments, which are regulated loggia present. Haste can lead not to the results that you expect. Often there are situations when the glazed balcony, equipped with an electric radiator is still cold and uncomfortable. Invested in insulation means largely wasted. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary for each step taken responsibly.
Using these tips, you will get the answer. How to insulate a private balcony with his hands, using a step by step photos, which works on warming regulations.
Step One - glazed balcony
By selecting the appropriate option glazing balconies, you solves one of the main tasks. Quality glazing allow you to save heat in the apartment, blocked the intake of cold air into the living space. Nice balcony frame once and for all eliminate the drafts in your apartment. Closed insulated balcony adds apartment dwellers a sense of security, extends the habitable space, opens up possibilities for further conversion of the balcony in the winter garden or in the room recreation.
Read also about the insulation of balcony walls with his own hands.
The optimal option in this situation, seek the services of professionals. Today the market is working a great number of firms and companies that are ready in a few days to glaze your balcony. The choice of materials and glazing options is wide enough. In each case, the apartment owner chooses which option suits him glazing, both technically and economically.
The first step to effective insulation balcony - nice balcony frame. Today, consumers are offered a variety of options for glazing using traditional double glazing and finishing wooden structures. Simple wooden frame suitable for cold glass as the embodiment with a single glass window units.
On a note: cold balcony glazing type is often used in apartments, where there are two or more balconies. Setting the normal frame will prevent the impact of rainfall on the balcony and shielding from the wind. In terms of temperature preservation, cold glazing plays an essential role. The temperature at this balcony higher than outside only 2-5 degrees.
For serious warming ideal option would be two-chamber glazed or triple-glazed. It all depends on the financial side. The price must correspond to the quality of products. Modern wood windows is expensive, however, such an investment will pay off in the future. Most importantly, it would frame the balcony in the future do not freeze, or the need to install additional seals on the windows. Warm balcony will be a reality, if it is protected from external influences robust and sturdy frame balcony.
Important! Before choosing the type of balcony glazing note on the parapet. Sufficient if he has the strength and whether it will sustain a massive structure. In some cases, especially in the homes of old buildings have to carry out additional work to strengthen the parapet.
Preference is given to the insulation of the balcony double glazing. Leaf, you can choose at its discretion. To save internal space can be guided sliding sash. This is convenient, but in this case between the window frames do not have a good fit, which is fraught with penetration of cold air from outside. Hinged casement seem preferable. The top and sides of the frame to be installed expansion joint, by which further mounted heater. Properly chosen balcony frame and setting, in the further prompt to properly insulate balcony inside insulating materials.
Correctly calculating the lockable area, the number of folds and choosing a quality profile - you can expect to receive as a result of the desired result. The cost of such glass is quite high, but it should not scare you. This glazing will serve for a long time, the residents of the apartment will be pleased with the comfort of your balcony.
Step Two - Making facade balcony
Steady and reliable parapet, balcony sturdy frame is the first part of the work. Outdoor or else it is called, external decoration of balconies, as much a part of the image of the entire apartment, as well as its entrance hall. The correct and professional execution of exterior trim balconies, will guarantee the conservation of heat on the balcony. For a long time, legal glazing of balconies and outdoor decoration, were the subject of discussion and the final decision of a special commission that evaluates the external balcony view. Now it is different times and exterior balconies, it has become the most common. New buildings of our cities, which are put into operation, already have glazed balconies, the facade decoration.
What made exterior trim balconies. So to speak. Who, if not you will be a pleasure to look expensive on your balcony with a street without stopping to admire it. The more ennobling its own balcony inside to create a cozy, warm and protected space, you should definitely take care of the security of the entire structure from the outside. Few details on how to insulate a balcony with his hands out, to make the finish, not only an element of aesthetic decoration, but also an effective protective element.
After checking the strength of the parapet, you can start finishing work. Exterior finish is a balcony on the same technology as the well-familiar to all suspended ceiling.
Important! First, the entire enclosure structure is applied lathing, generally wooden. Only then, already at the very lathing fasten sheets of fabric. Material used for exterior finishes for balconies and has grooves intended for tight setting the entire array. In order to achieve complete waterproofing balconies, all set design is treated in where needed special sealant in order to prevent accidental ingress of moisture into the balcony.
As for the materials for the exterior finish, then at this moment should be more detail. When choosing materials for finishing the balcony, should take into account their resistance to weather conditions and temperature extremes. The most well-known and well-established materials used for exterior decoration of balconies - a plastic lining and vinyl siding. Both materials have a good frost resistance, it is resistant to various atmospheric precipitation. Synthetic materials are kept for a long time and its color does not fade when exposed to sunlight. Using these materials, you free yourself from the constant care of them.
Correctly executed exterior trim balconies, good facade will prevent premature wear and aging interior decoration materials, will protect your balcony from the effects of weathering.
Step three - jointing, elimination of gaps between the structures
When finished with the installation of the frame of the balcony and the façade, go to a thorough study of the state of the parapet and the junction installed structures to wall panels. Fix a visually clearly visible gaps between the frame and the parapet, small cracks celebrate pi help ordinary candle. Where penetrates into the outside air, candle flame will fluctuate candle burns brightly. Hurry in this matter is not necessary. At this stage you are at the same time eliminate the technical shortcomings made during work on the facade of the balcony.
On how well you caulk the gap, and close the gaps and seams, it depends the thermal efficiency of balcony space. Residential apartment building is quite a complex engineering structure, but the ideal surfaces, even in this case, does not happen. In any case, installation balcony frame and during the reconstruction of the parapet there are gaps and gaps caused by the vertical and horizontal displacements of wall panels.
We use a wide variety of polyurethane sealants and mastics. Polyurethane foam will eliminate large gaps of space. Reliable filling of gaps, holes and gaps at this stage will show how you did the right thing the first phase of work.
Step Four - working with a heater
When finished with the main structural works, eventually getting closed space, proceed directly to the insulation balcony space inside. It is reasonable at this point the question arises. The better to warm the balcony inside which materials to choose? Good insulation is always good, but when using the foam or mineral wool, you run the risk of losing precious centimeters of interior space.
On a note: if you live in a region where the cold season lasts for many months, to insulate the insulating material will not only sex, but the ceiling, railing, wall panels. It is important to create a solid array of insulation that can withstand the cold air inside. If your neighbors already have warmed balcony, work will be less for you. Ceiling can not insulate. Similarly situation with balconies, which do not have the side parapets. There is a significant savings of materials and time.
Calculate how much material is required for insulation, determined the choice of insulation. Insulated material must possess high thermal parameters and process parameters:
- low flammability;
- hygroscopic;
- high technology;
- a light weight;
- durability;
- reasonable price.
Today massively used for insulation foam, but we have already said. Sheets 5-10 mm thick insulated eat your precious square footage. The foam insulation is the cheapest option. With limited finances have to be satisfied with this material. It should be remembered that the foam is thick enough material, its durability and fragility is highly questionable. The best means to make insulation balconies maximize efficient and productive use mineral wool and folgoizolon. In the latter embodiment is used for the manufacture of porous polyethylene, based on the metal film. These materials have the necessary technological properties, which will prompt you to answer the question of how to insulate a loggia inside. Actions carried out by the same principle. All interior panels in the loggia covered with an insulating material, which is easily masked by the top decorative elements and finishing. Insulate a loggia in the panel house easily enough, if you include it in obschekomnatnoe space.
Has similar properties extruded polystyrene. Low thermal conductivity, lightness and strength of this material provides the necessary technological advantages as compared to other insulating materials.
The diagram is a view of a heater mounting inside:
a heater fixture is carried by means of dowels or through the mounting adhesive. Choose the method of fixation for you. In the case of an adhesive, the situation is much simpler. Adhesive composition is greased mounting area and heat insulation material itself. Tightly connecting the two surfaces, we obtain the finished panel. The gap between the pieces or sheets of insulation are filled with foam.
Important! Used foam stamp, in which no toluene.
Step Five - installation of heating devices
After graduating with engineering work, we proceed to the equipment balconies heaters. Output central heating radiators on the balcony is not necessary otherwise just drop intensity of heating the apartment. If your gas boiler is able to heat a large area, in which case you just need to be installed on the balcony of an additional heating radiator.
If you are thinking how to make a warm floor on her balcony, enough to buy the necessary equipment and do the installation correctly. A small heated area, good insulation interior space with running warm floor will give the desired effect. In the absence of the necessary finances can be dispensed into the outlet connecting conventional electric convector or an infrared heater. In both cases, the room can be easily heat a household electric powered small area.
When you have finished all the work on the windows hang curtains, arranged the furniture and turn on the heating. Your balcony has become a full-fledged inhabited location in your apartment. Now it winter will be as cozy and comfortable, as well as throughout the apartment.