Where to call if there is no heating in the apartment

Each year, with the onset of autumn, residents of apartment buildings come in a busy period. For home heating in the course are various household heaters. The level of comfort in apartments, in the cold season, depends on the quality of services of heat supply. Work central heating systems often causes fair criticism from residents of apartment buildings. A situation where there is no heating in the apartment, and there is a question, which in this case calls are common enough.

Let's try to understand the algorithm of actions of consumers in cases where there are problems with the heating in the apartment.

There is no heating in the apartment - steps towards solving the problem

Under the present law the temperature in apartments during the cold season must correspond to the parameters specified in the standards.

For reference: The temperature in the accommodation should not fall below 180C, and the rooms with the angular position of at least 200FROM. The corresponding rate is fixed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №354 «On the provision of utility services to the owners of premises in apartment buildings" from 06.05.2011, the

The problem can affect all the inhabitants of your house. In such cases, the solution of the problem is social in character, and vice versa, if the heating does not work once you have, you have to individually deal with the problem.

Independently determine the cause of cold batteries and repair, can be in only one case. The point is that if you have a radiator there airlock. Vent the battery can be on their own, but you can invite to this mechanic of the management company or from the housing. In more serious problems with heating is necessary to apply to the following instances:

  • city, district housing inspection (MRS);
  • management company that serves your home;
  • homeowners, which includes you, as the owner of an apartment in the same house.

Each of these instances is addressing problems with the heating, because of their powers, responsibilities and obligations. Your activity must be adequate to the scale of the problem. If you eliminate the detected fault in the central heating at a service organization does not It fails, it is necessary to connect the higher authorities in charge of the municipal service sector population.

Important! To achieve this goal, it is necessary to apply immediately in all instances. Otherwise, the solution to the problem may take time. Here it is necessary to take into account the sluggishness of the bureaucracy and the human factor.

To begin, consider filing a complaint at the first level. If your home is served by the management company, call and write to, if the HOA, please contact the chairman of the partnership.

When home owners directly on the direct service contract hands with energy companies, the situation looks different. To deal with the service providers have the most affected. The contract must be present clause providing for the procedure for filing a claim. For example, the company - supplier of heat is ready to deal with complaints of subscribers in a timely manner and only in writing. At these moments, it is worth paying attention to.

On a note: Any of your application (application, complaint) to the official organization should carry details of an official document (date, part number). It is best to make a complaint in writing and in duplicate, one copy remains in the organization or company, the other is you. Without appropriate details, without a mark on the acceptance for review, your complaint will have no legal force.

When you offer to leave a complaint over the phone, take the trouble to find out: who takes your phone call and a number in the log is assigned to your treatment.

Complained - do not sit idly by

No matter where you apply it in the absence of heat in the house, she's complaint should be made on the subject matter. In the absence of proper heating is necessary to specify the actual parameters of the temperature in your apartment. If the temperature does not correspond to SanPiN, requires a formal measure temperature. Typically, such treatment, made legally correct, with reference to the legal norms and standards, accepted for consideration in the order of magnitude faster.

In accordance with current legislation for public services allocated only a day to remove technical faults in the system house-central heating. Provided that the malfunction are local in nature. More complex technical problems have to be solved within a week, otherwise on the company - supplier heat can be fined, and the heads of companies may be subject to administrative responsibility.

The Grievance Procedure will come to you a representative of the management company or the housing department, who must establish the fact of heating quality inconsistency in the apartment or its total absence. When a representative of the company did not agree with your justified demands, raises questions about the need for re-examination of your apartment, but this time with the participation of a representative of the housing inspection.

On a note: The law does not forbid you to be invited to such a survey of the independent expert - a specialist in the field of thermal energy.

Based on this review it is an act that is an official document for your further struggle with the utilities.

In the absence of adequate response to your complaint from the management company, the housing department or company - the service provider, need to call CPS, the local authority Antimonopoly Service in the city and district authorities government. The extreme case - file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office. When will you have in your hands compiled act of non-compliance SanPin temperature in the apartment, you can go to court with a claim for damages and moral damages.

To receive complaints and citizen complaints during the heating season in the housing inspection should run hot line calls that are accepted around the clock. Today, many official authorities implement electronic processing system documents received from citizens. Complaint on the work of the central heating can be sent electronically. With Rospotrebnadzorom situation is as follows. Only a written complaint, in which you specify the reason for your claim and details of the service company, take effect. Rospotrebnadzor has a lot of leverage on businesses that violate existing norms of legislation in the sphere of public services. This is especially true of companies that provide heating of housing and infrastructure in the winter.

Based on the above written, when there is no heating in the apartment - no need to panic. Compliance forms, terms and order of treatment, we can achieve tangible results. Typically, the utility try to quickly resolve caused disruptions in the central heating system, both at the level of the apartment, as well as area-wide, quarter. The collective complaint filed by landlords of apartment buildings, has a greater chance of a speedy solution to the heating problems.