At the end of the Indian summer, on the eve of the cold weather, we begin to look to think about how to keep our homes such a fragile and precious heat. Cold outside, uncomfortable climate at home because of the lack of heating, quickly cutting daylight - these and many other factors are the cause of frequent cold and lack of sleep. Many of the negative effects for our well-being associated with the usual inconsistency of air temperature on the street, with temperature control in homes and at work. We are trying, looking at the thermometer inside the apartment to remember what should be the temperature of the norm in a city apartment, when the heating season begins.
A sufficiently low temperature in the house or in an apartment in the absence of heat on the street, the phenomenon of frequent and familiar to us, especially in the off season. In many ways, this situation is explained by the low thermal efficiency of apartment buildings, which are built even in Soviet times and make up the lion's share of housing almost all settlements. The question of energy savings had not been as acute as it is now.

What are the rules on the heating in the apartment that exist today. On what figures we have to focus on today, in what conditions we have to live in our apartments? These questions will try to find an objective answer.
What is the real temperature should be in our apartments
In theory, according to scientific calculations perennial temperature in our homes should be at around 20-250 Celsius. From a medical point of view, it is assumed that each person has his own comfort temperature threshold. One like it when the apartment just 16-18 +0C, another like it when the apartment is hot and the thermometer shows 23-250FROM. In order to achieve a comfortable temperature inside the apartment, it is necessary to take into account many factors, among which is a purely technical and technological as well as social and domestic.
One aspect which has a decisive significance on the temperature inside the premises standards - is building syndrome patient. The poor condition of utilities, poor technical facilities and Building the main structural elements may cause a reduction in the level of comfort apartment building.
The figure shows how the effect is achieved by thermal insulation of external walls of the dwelling.

Important! In order to make their homes comfortable, to create a cozy climate in each room, you must take care of the normal operation of the heating system in the house, to provide additional sources heating. In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to adequately prepare his apartment for an attack of cold weather. Exterior insulation panels, insulation of windows and doors - measures that increase the thermal efficiency apartments by 20-25%.
If we talk about the factors that affect the temperature in your dwelling, it is necessary to consider the following:
- climatic characteristics of the area in which you live;
- the intensity of the change of seasons;
- age and personal preferences of the inhabitants of the apartment.
the temperature of the norm in a residential area in every region of our country varies. For the northern regions of SanPiN (sanitary rules and norms), one for the middle band and southern regions are quite different. Climate has always different and this applies not only temperature but also humidity in the area, the atmospheric pressure. For example, in southern regions wetter temperature above standards.
At the temperatures in the apartment influences the seasonality. For the middle band of our country, the optimum temperature in the living room in winter is 19-22 0With the summer - 22-250FROM. Despite the fact that the difference does not look significant, even small temperature changes have an impact on our body.
The main task of temperature control in residential areas - creating comfort zones for the inhabitants of a city apartment. Human preferences do not always meet the right, from a medical point of view, the temperature regime. Superheated dry air, as well as over-the cool air in the living room can have a negative impact on our state.
For those families who have a young child, the temperature in the apartment must be stable during the winter. The optimal temperature for any room in the situation 20-230FROM. In summer, these regulations must be in the same range. The main reason for the temperature balance is that young children, especially infants, are not natural self-regulation of body temperature. Child or quickly overheat in a hot room or cools rapidly in a cool place.
Important! We can not allow large temperature differences in the balance in the different rooms.
normal temperature in an apartment set by the Rules of utilities, approved by the RF Government Decree №354 from May 6, 2011.

On a note: the lower temperature limit is set In these guidelines is +180C, while the upper limit is not said a word. The upper mark of acceptable temperature we choose, guided by their own preferences and experiences.
We are learning from the existing temperature standards for our apartment
Why in our apartment is cold? True causes of this problem may be somewhat bad, not only the heating system is a major cause insufficiently comfortable temperature in buildings in winter. Cool microclimate in the apartment may be due to the following aspects:
- temperature mismatch and coolant pressure entering the house design parameters;
- poor permeability of utilities in the house;
- different building codes, according to which were built residential apartment buildings, was carried out laying of utilities in different years.
The table can be found with temperature parameters, which are approved by the applicable snip 2.1.2 1002-00.
Norm temperature in the apartment
type of room | Air t, C | Resultant t, C | Humidity% | The movement of air, m / s |
Autumn-winter period | ||||
Living room | 18-24 | 17-23 | 60 | 0,2 |
The same parameters in regions with the coldest five days (-31 0C and below) |
20-24 | 19-23 | 60 | 0,2 |
Kitchen | 18-26 | 17-25 | n / n * | 0,2 |
bathroom | 18-26 | 17-25 | n / a | 0,2 |
Bathroom with WC | 18-26 | 17-26 | n / a | 0,2 |
Playground | 16-22 | 15-21 | 60 | 0,2 |
A flight of stairs, lobby | 14-20 | 13-19 | n / a | 0,2 |
Pantry, mezzanine | 12-22 | 11-21 | n / a | n / a |
Evaluating the information obtained from the table, we can draw the following conclusion.
In a typical urban apartment, the minimum temperature threshold in normal room in winter time is set at around 180FROM. Corner rooms should be heated slightly better. In them, the temperature should not drop below 20 degrees Celsius. setting the highest for the bathroom 250FROM.

To create such a temperature in the apartment, the standards for heating in a city apartment assumed temperature of district heating panels at the level of not less than 35 0C and not more than 950FROM. In the ideal embodiment, a flat battery must be at a temperature in the range 50-700FROM.
Important! At night, allowed minor temperature variations due to a sharp lowering of atmospheric temperature.
SanPiN set a time frame in which the winter, the apartment can be heated - not more than 24 hours per month, while the one-time absence of heat in the batteries should not exceed 16 hours contract.
Official Expert opinion on the temperature standards for housing facilities, which exist today, can be seen by reviewing the proposed video.
Standards that we have considered, is the starting point for the residents of apartment buildings. On this basis developed the optimal heating option in the flat, supported by the normal operation of residential buildings and premises. If any of these parameters is not correct, you can safely apply to the management company, the organization - supplier of thermal resources, the housing office or housing inspection.