Repair of pipes in the bathroom and toilet: what to do and how to fix the pipe in the bathroom and toilet at course

Stable and high-quality working sewage system - it is a prerequisite comfortable life. This system is so desired, but it is harmful at the time of failure because of the possible consequences. Leaking pipe joints depressurization, breakage of any units can cause malodor, unsanitary conditions, flooding of the premises. Therefore it is necessary to monitor the sewer, in time to carry out repair and maintenance.

Sewage system made of metal

The causes of leakage and failure of the pipes in the bathroom and toilet

Repair of pipes in the bathroom and toilet may be required in different cases. For the literate eliminating breakage and effective prevention is necessary to know the causes of the problem.

  • New construction standards, recommends the use of plastic works when installing a sewer system appeared not so long ago. Therefore, in many homes "live" the century cast-iron system, susceptibility to corrosion. The heating system to heat carrier added "additive" saves the pipe from rust. However, this is not a panacea. According to the water supply, water is supplied conditionally clean. It is harmless to humans, but a negative effect on the metal. Corrosion - a problem, which in any case occur with metal pipes, it is normal and corresponds to the laws of nature. Dark red stains on the battery - the first sign of obvious problems. Just wash and paint this place enough. Pipe it is necessary to urgently change or even repaired since This site will soon be a fistula;
  • The second output frequency of the system embodiment - places of connection pipes. As a result, wear thinner gaskets, screw connections are untwisted, and the adhesive to crack. During repair, move, or in the daily operation of the process elements are shifted relative to each other, the seams begin to work on resistance, torsion, and other forces. Sooner or later, in this place there is a break. In any case - the connecting node is the weak link in the system;
Water leakage at the junction of the drain system
  • Any design anywhere may be damaged mechanically. This is the most obvious defect requiring urgent repair. Typically, such a failure is serious when the pipe burst, forming a significant spill the contents of the system;
  • Sewage is broken due to the fact that was originally designed by engineers and not mounted correctly. Then the elements can be installed "fracture" the formation of weak points, compounds tear. Sooner or later, these flaws come out out and make themselves known breakage or leakage.

Possible problems in the sewage system and their solutions

The leak may occur in different parts of the aqueduct, and thus eliminate the problem should be, focusing on place. Let's look at a few problem situations that occur most often in the home.

What if a pipe is flowing in the room and between floors

In winter, the heating system operates on high load. the energy carrier is fed to a high temperature and under pressure. It is very unpleasant to be, when, during the cold weather, you are left without heat because of the leaking pipe. This problem may not appear in an instant. When the system runs, features problems can serve rust or paint peeling on the surface.

Correct the problem in the sewer between floors

In this case, you need to "neutralize" a dangerous place, and prevent the occurrence of leakage. If the leak has appeared, then you need to try as soon as possible to put under a leaking place any container. After that block the flow of water into the damaged system. In apartment buildings need to shut the valves on the apartment entrance. they are usually located near the metering devices (meters) of water.

If a burst heating pipes, it is necessary to block valves located in the basement of the house. In particular the house will need to disable the pump circulates liquid through the system, as well as heating the boiler, the water that would be cool. In case of damage of the heating system is dangerous to try to seal the leak yourself, because you can get burned. You must call the professionals to repair a fault.

Dismantling of old heating pipes

When a leak occurs in the riser between the floors, the obvious damage in the apartment will not be. Moreover, the first to score neighbors alarm from below: they will flood the top. The apartment is at the top there will be no signs of flooding. So, it bursts between floors. In this case, it is necessary to cover the entire riser. It is better to contact the emergency services or the management company.

What to do if water damage in the bathroom

In a situation where flowing plastic pipe under the bathroom to eliminate the leakage commonly used method of gluing. Sequencing:

  • Required pipe piece of the same material along the cut length. You must cut off one-third part of that leak, that was formed;
  • On the repaired surface applied adhesive. Previously it is necessary to clean from dust and degrease;
  • The prepared patch is put on the surface and press down;
  • Drying time the patch is installed on a collar for better retention and soldering joints.
Cutting a patch of plastic

When it comes to repairing the drain pipes in the bathroom and toilet, made of metal, corrective actions will be as follows:

  • To start off the water entering the system;
  • Remove the damaged piece structure using grinder or hacksaw. Cut metal pipe must capture with 30 cm on each side of the damaged area;
  • At the end of the resulting segment is threading. For the convenience of fixing used a wrench;
  • On the resulting thread is worn clutch;
  • For cutting the new parts of the structure need to measure the old site with the new thread. Take the material should be of the same diameter;
  • On the prepared part of the same thread applied at both ends;
  • With the coupling portion is set in a new line.
Repair joint via the coupling

What if broken through the drain pipe in the toilet

The most accurate indication of leakage from the discharge pipe in the toilet is odor. This same feature can talk about violation water trap in the system, but it happens very rarely, and in this situation should contact the plumber. On the system itself may exude moisture, which must be distinguished from the condensate. She abundant, perhaps even forming a puddle on the floor.

Compound toilet flexi hose

If the problem is formed in an accessible location, you can try to cover up their own riser. Before starting work, ask all the neighbors who live above, do not use the toilet drain. The tube should be cleaned from moisture until completely dry. As a first-aid agents may be used sealants, the epoxy resin (a woven collar impregnated with resins or sealants) or ready sanitary clamp.

If used for the repair of cementitious and other fixing agents, they must be given time to dry. When the neighbors above many - ensure that it is difficult. It is better in this situation to use a special tape or a sanitary clamp industrial production. There is also a high-speed modern chemical means, for example, so-called cold welding. It can be used with any type of pipes and does not require much time for their actions.

Removal of leakage through the collar and cold welding

When sewage riser breaks between floors need replacing this portion. This is the most unpleasant situation, it can handle only a plumber. The best option - with neighbors to solve the issues of joint repair. If flows in a remote place - it is better to seek help from professionals. In plumbers have special tools and tools to repair the pipes in remote locations, cornering, etc.

What if the leaking pipes behind the toilet

The bathroom may cause unpleasant smell and puddles on the floor due to a fault in the system, called the sewer pipe, that which connects the toilet with the outlet pipe. Breakthrough may appear in the following locations:

  • faulty joint between the release of the toilet bowl and the adapter;
  • broken the seal between the adapter and the small sewer pipe;
  • leakage in the most (smallest) sewer pipe.

Most often leaks at the joints occur due to wear of the seal. Gaskets made of rubber of average quality, so over time they dry out, change their geometry. And if in the joint parts have even the slightest movement (for example, due to the imbalance of the system), the pads are worn trite. The sequence of the repair is simple - it is necessary to replace the gasket.

Less common situation is when a pipe burst due to improper installation construction. Too long "corrugation", for example, seeking to occupy the position in space starts to rotate somewhat, deforming the connecting section in an ellipse instead of a circle. In this situation, the disconnection is imminent. Too short gorfa will work to break. In the end, either tear herself or connecting node, depending on what kind of place at this point would be weaker. Rigid corrugated sensitive diagonal distortions. During the fault repair it is important to understand what exactly was the cause of the leak and to calculate correctly, and install all of the elements in order to avoid the recurrence of problems.
Another option fault - wearing tight enough corrugation. This may be a micro-gap, and water can not leak even, but the smell of sewage will be exact. In this case it is sufficient to shed the sealant compound. If the pipe diameter was selected properly, it must be replaced.

Corrugated tube with a dense compound

Problems with the pipe must also be classified according to the location and the material of the pipe itself. The best repair option iron pipe - replace it with plastic. Polyethylene pipes are ten times longer, are not susceptible to corrosion, slightly elastic, so that even a slight mechanical effects are not as sensitive as metal. If the possibility of replacing the pipe there, it should be repaired. To seal the fistula on the element, it is necessary to put a collar. There are options for repairs using special plumbing solutions, tapes. Select a specific method should on the basis of price / performance ratio, as well as the prospects. If this is a temporary option, you can stay in the cheapest and not labor-intensive methods, for example, the sanitary tape. The pipe must first be dry and free of grease, and then roll up tape.

Plastic rites beyond repair. And in this case, it is to choose the method that gives the best prospects for trouble-free operation. Well-proven, for example, epoxy resin. Best option is - professional plumbing sealants and sealed with clamps.

Leakage in a plastic water pipe under the bathroom

Repair of a large private home sewage and heating systems based on the same principles as in an apartment. In a small house the frequent failure of the heating is expedient to switch to other sources of heat, such as electric convectors. If the pipes are subject to corrosion, should monitor water quality. Save in the situation of a suitable filter on the house entrance.

To as little as possible to engage in renovation of engineering systems, should be the prevention of faults, blockages, corrosion. This set of measures, including the exploitation of the culture, selection of quality materials for the installation and maintenance, use of folk and professional means of prevention.