Stove heating is still popular in suburban homes. But together with furnaces occurs and the problem of cleaning the riser chimney from soot and other deposits. You can use the services of a professional chimney sweeps, and you can save and clean the chimney yourself. The main thing - to know what and how to do it.

The causes and the danger of clogging the furnace flues
During the combustion of fuel is always formed soot and soot. Most of it is taken out pull out. However, a certain amount is deposited on the inner surface of the chimney. The main causes of clogged chimneys:
- Weak pull the riser. Incomplete combustion results in a copious formation of soot.
- The use of wood resinous wood. Resin mixed with soot, forming a dense hard-to-mix.
- Combustion in the furnace of domestic garbage and plastics. Allocated in this matter also contribute to the deposition of soot on the inside walls.
If you do not clean the chimney soot time, its abundant layering not only degrade the operation of the oven, but they can be a source of danger for people living in the house. That's what happens in the formation of large deposits in the furnace chimney:
- Reduced thrust. This leads not only to a possible smoke, but also to accelerate the formation of a new carbon black.
- "Rollover traction" may occur under adverse weather conditions. In this case, the smoke from the furnace will go into the room. There will fire hazard or carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Combustion of soot in the chimney. This will lead to the destruction of the internal walls of the tube from overheating, and when a large amount of soot - a fire.

In addition to these real dangers long interruptions to clean deposits will chimney coked. After that, remove them from the walls will be much harder.
Folk soot removal tools
For a long time, use ovens to develop ways to help remove small layers of soot in the chimney and prevent their further growth. The use of these funds will make it possible to clean the chimney yourself in a private home furnace without much effort and cost. Under the influence of carbon black behind the walls of the tube and either flies outwardly with the smoke, or falls into the furnace.

Rock salt
It is useful to furnace ignition pour a few tablespoons of the prepared firewood. A pair of burnt salt soften the already precipitated on the walls of the pipe and not allow soot to consolidate new layers.
Potato peelings
Potatoes are rich in starch, which upon combustion also releases substances that contribute to the separation of soot from the chimney walls. In one kindling can burn up to 5 kg of the agent. Optional use it clean, fit and damaged tubers. But best of all the material in advance to dry to excess moisture does not impair the combustion process. Instead of potato can be applied legumes - peas, soybeans - corn or buckwheat and rice. They also contain starch.
Walnut shells
It has the same effect of exposure to soot layers. The only problem is that stock a large number of funds difficult.
It must be applied in a well-preheated oven. Powder thrown into the fiery furnace, but allocated by the combustion of an unpleasant smell can get into a heated room. For this reason, it can not be used to clean the pipes coming from the fireplace.
aspen wood
Their action is based on a different principle. Aspen characterized by a high combustion temperature. Hot air does not soften the soot and burns it away. However, the use of high wood with abundant overgrowing pipe dangerous since a large amount of soot ignition can cause a fire.
But for fresh thin layer and as a prophylactic cleaning aspen quite effective.
Also have a similar effect alder and birch wood. But the birch, and especially its bark, when burned emit large amounts of smoke. Therefore aspen agent is preferable.
Modern chemistry soot
The action of the various reagents based on the same principle as folk remedies - soot conversion in the structure, unable to stick on the walls of the chimney. But industrial cleaner furnace chimney contains a set of predefined substances affecting soot. Therefore, its action is particularly effective. Of the numerous reagents of this type are the following.
This abbreviation denotes antiscaling chemical composition. Available as a powder, packaged in paper bags. Do not need to pour it on the prepared for kindling wood, you can throw at them unopened package. Consumption is minimal means - per 1 ton of wood is enough 200 g
Czech means for removing soot layers of small thickness. Also available in tea bags. The manufacturer recommends the use of it at least 1 - 2 times a month.
Log-chimney sweep
It represents extruded briquette from sawdust and wax with addition of a few chemicals. Available in standard - 25 cm long and shortened - 15 cm for small stoves. Burns without soot, and already located on the walls of loosens up her falling down. 2 recommended for the preventive cleaning of the chimney - 3 logs during the heating season.

Powder means acting not only on the soot and carbon black, but also allows to clean the walls of the resin and other dense carbon deposits. Under the action of the solid layers are converted into small crystals that of air movement showered down.

Yet it must be understood that only a folk remedies and industrial chemicals are not able to completely clean the chimney of the large carbon deposits. They are good against fresh netolstym layers are useful for preventing consolidation of soot on the walls, and as a preliminary tool to complete the entire cleaning of the chimney.
Mechanical methods of removing soot
Traditional chimney sweep from the roof and the use of simple tools is still the best way to release the entire flue varied from fouling and blockages in serious chimney - the only effective method.

Cleaning the stove chimney with his own hands is not possible without a few tools that can be purchased at specialty stores. But some of them are easy to do the same with his own. These include:
- chains or ropes for lowering strong cleaning devices in the chimney channel;
- heavy weights for breaking thick layers of varnish;
- various ruffs with the weighting for the cleaning of the chimney from the roof;
- such as ruffs, but mounted on a flexible cable for work inside the house;
- scrapers and brushes with hard bristles on a long handle to remove dirt very strong.

Before the close chimney cleaning necessary preparatory measures:
- it is desirable to heat the furnace with folk or chemical means for softening soot,
- after cooling furnace web hide a wet cloth to prevent the exit of the chimney of soot incident through the slit,
- firebox door and ash pan tightly,
- gate to open fully.
To carry out cleaning work must climb onto the roof, along with the necessary adaptations. What happens next depends on the degree of overgrowth chimney soot:
- When thick layers of soot initial collapse is held on the inner walls. To do this, use the weight without any additional cleaners. This is not to prevent it rocking, as a heavy object could damage the pipe wall.
- The main treatment is carried out using metal ruff attached to ropes or chains with weighting.
- Projections, growths and areas with dense layers of varnish handled scrapers with long handles.
- Fine cleaning is done with brushes with a long nap.
After carrying out these steps, you must remove the fallen down the soot from the kiln furnace.
In this way easily be cleaned straight chimneys. But in the presence of chimneys curved areas, to carry out their cleaning can be reduced by the furnace or through a special door in the riser. It is particularly convenient to do it in the fireplace chimney.

There are alternative methods for removing soot. One of them - vacuum cleaning - is based on the creation of a powerful thrust to the upper end of the pipe. For this purpose special installations or improvised arrangements in loco - vacuum cleaners, blowers, chainsaws. Under the action of their soot is blown from the chimney.

Some artisans to collapse large soot layer applied squib exploding inside the chimney.
Tips for preventing clogging of the chimney
Particular attention should be paid to the smoothness of the inner surface of the chimney. Soot on it will be difficult to catch, and it is either fly out or fall down.
In step furnace design variant can consider using canned chimney. It creates bricklaying pipe frame and is inserted into the interior of a separate sleeve of galvanized, stainless steel or ceramics.
For already built chimney is helpful to do the following:
- if possible use the stove firewood hardwood;
- do not lay in the furnace of polyethylene, plastics and household garbage;
- not to use raw wood;
- at the end of each combustor to burn 2 - 3 or alder aspen logs for rapid destruction of the fresh carbon black;
- carry out mechanical cleaning before the start of each heating season;
- at constant use of oven used chemical weapons on a monthly basis.
When the chimney blockage symptoms is important not to delay the cleaning, and immediately cause a chimney or start to work independently. Remove chronic carbon deposits will be more difficult and more expensive.