For private home or country cottage with the onset of the cold period heating is actual problem. Thanks to technical progress today, you can create in their home autonomous heating system using heating boilers and other, related equipment. The fuel can use coal, firewood, electricity, natural gas, however, still remains the most accessible and cheap. This aspect is the main reason that today many citizens tend to use gas for heating their homes. Properly designed gas heating private houses, will allow you to not only save their own funds, but also easy to expect the cold weather.

Although today, not all regions of the country are covered by a network of main gas pipelines of domestic gas, there are other, less convenient methods of heating residential buildings with gas.
Autonomous gas heating system - the main essence and principle of operation
What is independent heating gas? Reply to this question can be simply and clearly. Building heating system operates in standalone mode, using natural gas as fuel. gas feed method may be centralized by the central line, or individual, using gas cylinders or gasholder.
The popularity of this type of heating is due to ease of installation of the entire system and reasonable price, compared to other heat sources. Learn more about the benefits of gas heating private houses and, if any, with the disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of the autonomous gas heating
Gas boilers in terms of economy and efficiency today is the most favorable heating devices. Comparing the operation of the gas boiler to the same power of electric heaters, the first option seems preferable. After installing the battery heating system gas, investment pays off for 2-3 year of operation.
Autonomous heat generating gas to its specifications boiler is able to solve a complex of problems at the household level. The boiler is not only fast and efficiently provide the required temperature inside the house, but also provides hot water for domestic purposes. In many respects, natural gas boiler is best suited for autonomous heating private houses.
Let us consider the benefits of the technique for heating the natural gas:
- Natural gas is one of the highest heat transfer coefficients;
- low inertia gas boiler provides rapid heating of the coolant;
- cheapness and availability of natural gas;
- Heat-generating equipment, equipped with automatic, capable of operating without a human presence;
- various designs and types of gas boilers able to effectively heat as smaller living areas and large area facilities;
- gas, unlike black oil, oil, wood or coal, is an environmentally friendly type of fuel;
- current models have a high degree of reliability, and are designed for long-term operation.
The list goes on, if we go on figures and calculations, but there are in gas boilers and some cons that most can be called the subtleties of the operation and design features.

Installation of gas boiler and the whole heating system in the building is performed only by experts with appropriate qualifications. Installation of boiler equipment is preceded by lengthy procedure of obtaining permission for gas heating.
On a note: Before starting the installation, you need to have on hand a ready project of the heating system, which should contain all the necessary data and calculations. The project should be carried out in accordance with the existing SNIP and GOST. The job is only coordinated project which has received the approval of the energy company.
gas heating system advances to the owners of private houses special requirements, compliance and the implementation of which is a guarantee of efficient operation of the heating equipment and the safety of the residential object.
The choice of auxiliary heating system
Have the means and desire to make in your home gas heating system - half the battle. It will have to spend a lot of effort to get permission from the regulatory authorities and the courts. It is at this stage will have to choose what kind of future will be an autonomous heating system, which will set the tasks and requirements for the heating equipment.
The answer to many questions will design the heating system. Correctly matched to the real conditions of the type of heating system, accurately and correctly made related hydraulic and thermal calculations, will provide further favorable installation equipment.
To date, two types of the most common home heating:
- radiator;
- Radiant floor.
Both systems have both pros and cons. In the first case we can speak about the quick and easy installation. Laying pipes, boiler installation and connection of the radiator normal activity and for professionals is not particularly difficult.

Important! Radiators produce a greater effect in rooms with large glass fronts. In the process of heating the air curtain is created in front of windows, creating the desired temperature balance.
Significant disadvantage in such a system there. Installation costs are not high, but we must remember: each radiator is worth a lot of money, plus the cost of the boiler and consumables, which are required for the construction of communications. The larger the heated area, the greater the costs.

In terms of efficiency radiant floor heating is more advantageous. In the process, due to the heated floor surface is uniformly heating the entire interior space of the room. The disadvantages include high cost of equipment and the complexity of installation.
On a note: Warm air rises evenly upwards, whereas cold falls down and so the circle. Radiators warm air located directly next to them. The heated room air exchange is slow.
For example: a. Air at 1.5 m warmed to 20 above floor level0From then on the floor level the air is heated to just 17-180FROM. Under the ceiling even warmer air 24-250FROM. As a result of increased heat loss through the attic space and wall panels. The boiler operates in emergency mode, fuel consumption increases.
Water-floor situation is different. The temperature required for "Heated floor" system is lower than the temperature required for the radiators. Gas boiler capable of operating with maximum efficiency, the fuel consumption in this case is minimal.
Choosing a heating system for your home, do not forget that the floor heating has limited heat - only 50-70 watts per m2. In the premises of a large area with lots of windows and exterior walls will be considerable heat losses.
The diagram shows the traditional for the majority of private sector houses two-pipe heating system.

The scheme of the two-story home heating
What is independent gas boiler for heating
Offered to consumers today autonomous gas-fired boilers meet all possible process requirements that are put in front of this type of heating equipment.
The boiler is selected according to the goals and objectives. For large country houses, cottages area greater than 150 m2 It will be optimal outdoor double-pressure boiler with a capacity of 30-75 kW. Often in large suburban estates, with many buildings and on large interior space, installed boilers. Powerful units that can provide all the heat in farm buildings and premises, in parallel providing all the inhabitants of the housing hot water.
For small buildings, for lodges best option would be wall mounted gas boiler which copes with heating three, four rooms total area of 80-100 square meters. m. There are boilers with forced ventilation and atmospheric.

Preferred for the majority of suburban buildings is an independent heating system, in which there is no power supply. Single-circuit gas boiler, wherein the coolant is naturally distributed throughout the system, does not require a circulating pump and a fan for forcing air into the combustion chamber. Such self-contained heating systems are completely independent from the power supply, but the effectiveness of their order of magnitude smaller than that of the boiler equipment, equipped with electrical appliances and mechanisms.
Also check out the optimal heating options for private homes.
Gas is most accessible and cheap fuel. Setting in your home gas boiler Turbofan appropriate model, you get the interior heating and hot water.
If you have a problem with a centralized gas supply, there is a solution. Install on your site gas storage - gasholder.

One filling LPG tank is enough for 6-7 months of the heating season. In this situation, your heating system is almost completely independent, there is a real cost-effectiveness and efficiency of independent gas heating.