Multi-storey buildings built in the last century did not differ from the newly good energy-saving qualities. The reason for the lack of high-quality and durable insulation that will help keep warm during the cold season. Such shortcomings, unfortunately, it is necessary to correct yourself, otherwise the heating costs will be too high. How to choose insulation for walls inside the walls themselves, and more, read on in the article.

Variations and advantages of modern heaters
Modern building materials market is very diverse. Everyone can find a high-quality thermal insulation for interior work. However, it should choose the right insulation, and also pay attention to his other qualities:
- Additional sound insulation.
- Resistance to fire.
- The high ecological level.
- A long service life.
- Delay excessive moisture.
The two main varieties of thermal insulation materials include:
- Organic.
- Inorganic.
Insulation between two sheets of drywall
The first group includes insulation insulation of walls that are based on natural substances, such as wood, rubber, hemp and others. Inorganic thermal insulation materials - it is more durable and practical products that are not available in the structure of natural fibers. Accordingly, the lower their environmental standards.
Mineral wool - insulation core vnutristenovoy
Mineral wool has earned its popularity, not only affordability but also its technical properties. It refers to a coarse variety of materials with high thermal insulation properties. As raw material for the manufacture of mineral wool used basalt, slag.

The main advantages of the material:
- Low thermal conductivity. This is the main quality of which is so much appreciated mineral wool. It achieves low thermal conductivity of the material of fibrous structure.
- Breathability. Using as mineral wool insulation between the wall, achieve quality air exchange in the room.
- The average level of sound insulation. Of course, mineral wool does not create a barrier to the quality of the sound waves, but the extra noise when the domestic inter-wall insulation walls drown.
- It refers to a variety of environmentally friendly materials.
- Over time, it is gaining moisture that it becomes a breeding ground for the appearance of mildew and other harmful microorganisms. But to avoid this it is possible to sufficiently protect the waterproofing layer of mineral wool.
According to its technical qualities are not too different from mineral wool, but less costly in production. As raw material for the preparation of the construction material used waste glass factories and plants, sand, ash and limestone. Enough to melt these ingredients correctly, and the output will high-quality material with low thermal conductivity.

See also - Technologies and materials for thermal insulation of walls.
The main positive characteristics:
- Practically does not burn, but at higher temperatures began to melt.
- It has good thermal insulation, which automatically makes reliable glass wool insulation.
- It has the lowest price of all types of heaters.
It is important to remember that you should use protective equipment such as goggles, respirator and gloves when handling building with glass wool. Fine particles of glass wool, not only can damage the skin surface, but also penetrate into the lungs with air.
The foam is increasingly used in modern construction, most often in the form of pressed layers, but sometimes used for thermal insulation and simple chips. The correct name of foam - polystyrene, which is produced by foaming polystyrene simple. The entire process takes place when exposed to high temperature, and the output is a lightweight material of white color with low thermal conductivity.

For insulating walls buildings polystyrene layers are used indoors, but sometimes used and simple crumb as a cheaper option. This increases the thermal conductivity of the wall, so it is best not to save, and use insulation in compressed form.
The main positive quality penopolitsirola is its low price. Apart from the fact that the material will retain heat inside the building, it can also be used as schumoizolyatsiya has long service life, is not exposed to harmful microorganisms and it is very convenient to operate.
Also used as insulation extruded polystyrene, which possesses the best characteristics. It is more durable and is often used to insulate the space between the walls. Performing installation of extruded polystyrene foam, it must be remembered that the solvent and any variety of resins can cause him harm.
Cork insulating material
Panels of cork are expensive, but are considered to be the highest quality of the whole group of heaters. These panels can be simultaneously used as soundproofing.

For the sheets of cork material, a certain kind of raw material is converted into pellets, then heated to the point where the mass becomes homogeneous. Now we can only accommodate a homogeneous mass under pressure and make the list a certain thickness. The thickness of cork sheet materials can vary between 10 and 320 mm.
The positive qualities of cork panels:
- They have a light weight, which considerably simplifies transportation and installation, and a high level of thermal insulation.
- Easy to install.
- Durable.
- C does not change its structure, resistant to mechanical damage over time.
- The high biological activity, because of which the panels do not start to harmful microorganisms.
- Completely harmless, meet all environmental standards.
Unfortunately, cork material has too high a price, because of which less popular than penopolitsirol or mineral wool.
Electrical heating elements
Is used very rarely, because the inter-wall heating elements, working on electricity does not exist. But this role do well floor heating elements. Works such insulation is not constant, but heats the walls and gives warmth to the room in just 15-20 minutes.
Electrical heating elements in the wall are used more rarely than cork material, and have many disadvantages. For example, huge expenses for electric energy. Also, such a system difficult to do on your own need to involve people who know a good judge.
What to consider before vnutristenovogo insulation
Before you insulate the walls inside the house, it is necessary to withstand the highlights:
- To ensure that the working surface, wherein a heater is mounted, has a maximum dry. The presence of moisture will lead to the fact that the material will not be qualitatively designated, respectively, increases the thermal conductivity in the room.
- Be sure to purchase additional waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, which will be mounted on top of the insulation layer.
- All joints of insulation to seal with special mortars. The slightest slit will cause that the heat will gradually leave the premises.

Now do not just second wall of plasterboard, for example, in older homes, but initially make two identical walls, between which is placed a layer of insulation. In the first case, one wall can be of concrete, and the second - the gypsum. In the second case, the two walls are made of drywall.
Sequence insulation space between the walls
Having analyzed the most popular varieties of heaters, you can begin the preparatory work and installation. All work is best done in the warm season, it affects their quality. Before warming is necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the use of insulation inside the walls.

The sequence of installation of insulation between the walls:
- Thoroughly dry wall. This item should be done in the warm season, as the moisture on the walls, and between them constantly accumulates. For drying it is best to use a heat gun or hair dryer building. You can also set the room infrared heaters.
- Insulation must be fixed on the main wall, the second wall only to close it. To consolidate the material, the wall surface must be properly prepare: clean up of brick or concrete and rinse thoroughly.
- Further, to protect the wall from the occurrence of harmful microorganisms, it should be treated with antiseptic. When preservative is dry, apply a primer soi.
- Apply a small layer of plaster, and after it dries - carefully align the surface. Now follows a coat of primer.
- Secure insulation sheets. To do this, use special plastic Lubell with a broad hat. Each layer must be fixed at least at four points: the corners and in the center.
- Plaster surface layers of insulation is not necessary, you just have to close up joints. It remains only to close the layer of insulation plasterboard, masonry or the second wall.