Cleaning of the apartment or house should be carried out once every few days, even at the highest employment - that during this time the dust particles have time to settle on the surface of objects. According to statistics, from allergies suffer from six to ten percent of the population around the globe. But in fact, you can get rid of the dust once and for all, while reducing the amount of time spent on the ill-fated cleaning.
- Causes of
- Actions that do not give chance to dust
- Care home furnishings
Causes of
There is not anything that would come from out of nowhere. The same can be said about the dust. There are two factors, according to which occurs appearance dusty particles:
- Biological. These include various products of human life, and pets (dead skin cells, hair or animal hair), pollen, mold and fungal remains of mites and their products life. Sometimes it happens that in the winter dust becomes larger than in the summer. This is because the humidity of the air is lowered, and the skin begins to peel off tenants actively reset dead dry particles. To prevent this, it is necessary to use a fat cream and buy a humidifier. He will be able to normalize the moisture content to the level of 55%.
- Man-made. These factors include the emergence of dust interior, black ash from volcanoes or from the combustion of flammable materials. Most suffer from dust apartments, which are located near roads or located on the first or second floor. Industrial facilities are located nearby, can also be one of the causes of dust particles.
Actions that do not give chance to dust
First, let's understand that it is impossible to remove all dust particles, but minimize their number is quite real! Dust particles are not scattered all over the perimeter of the building, and gather in certain places. Their greatest number is in close proximity to the floor, so they often suffer from allergies it is the children who have to breathe it.
Prevent the emergence of a large number of house dust is much easier than permanently remove it from the surface of objects, furniture or antiques. In order to remove dust in the home and generally minimize the amount of dust particles, it is necessary:
Reduce the amount of textile household items. For example, you can get rid of the floor or wall carpet, if you can not thoroughly clean them every two or three days.
- Remove trash. It is necessary to throw away or sell things from home that collect garbage and do not need - old statues, coats, which no one has the second or third season, handbags and other items.
- Replace bulky and thick curtains lighter and more airy. Perfectly suited tulle or translucent fabric curtains.
- Replace soft toys more interesting to the child, killing two birds with one stone. In this case, the baby will get a new experience, and the apartment itself will be much cleaner and more spacious.
- Reduce the number of souvenirs - throw unwanted boxes or picture frames, which nobody uses.
- If possible, replace the things made of natural wool in the similar, consisting of synthetic materials.
The dust also accumulates on the surfaces of which under the ceiling - it is difficult to reach a person at the time of cleaning the apartment, and the particles build up on the tall cabinets, eaves, attic.
Reduce the amount of dust in the apartment is possible and the following ways:
It needs to be cleaned from top to bottom - in that order dust settles indoors.
- Purifying plants from accumulation of dust on the leaves with a damp cloth and spray bottle with liquid.
- Keep books in a confined space - closet or a specialized showcase.
- Embossing the surface of the carpet twice a year or use special cleaning agents.
- Vacuuming the room and wet cleaning every two to three days. Using a vacuum cleaner with water filter is extremely effective in the control of dust particles, but frequent work may lead to mold or mildew on the walls due to excessive humidified.
- Shake off the clothes after washing and drying of the powder dust, and then move things into place in the closet.
- Use an air purifier. This device is able to cope with the task of cleaning the dust, however, he short range - about one and a half meters. In this case, a home air purifier to cope with large particles of dust, and with the smallest.
- Completely avoid the occurrence of drafts.
- To install filters on the ventilation shafts.
- Use household chemicals, capable of reducing the amount of static electricity, appearing on the surface. When processing antistatic less dust accumulates on desks and shelves. As such a means can be used means for cleaning glass, which has no alcohol in the composition. It is also effective to use a disposable tissue with special impregnation.
- Maintain the house temperature at twenty degrees. The apartment should not be too dry or moist air.
- Making prevention of bed mites - these insects are afraid of cold or very hot temperatures.
Important to care for upholstered furnitureThen dust particles will settle on fewer subjects, and the furniture itself will last much longer. It should be constantly wet cleaning sofas and armchairs, do not install them near the light source.
As the natural delay filters for dust can be use houseplants. The most effective of these is the dracaena, Chlorophytum. They can be placed at home, not only in children's rooms or shared, but also near the dust sources, Bathroom.
Particular attention should be paid to the curtains. Them regularly need to process steam with a steam cleaner to disinfect. Under the influence of hot steam destroys bacteria and tissue easily smoothed itself, it has a neat appearance.