The availability and retention of heat by several factors affect in a private home. The use of high-quality and reliable insulation plays a major role. Besides these main guardians of the heat in the room are the roof, the windows and the door leaf. Therefore, when the temperature level in the building is too low even when the quality of plastic windows, the reason for that may be installed in the door. This article will help you learn how to properly insulate the door in a private house, which is material and what is best suited for this purpose.
The need for insulation and choice of materials

The front door is an integral part of any home. It retains the comfort and warmth of the room. There are many different types of doors, which differ as the external design and performance characteristics.
The materials from which they are made:
- wood;
- metal;
- plastic.
Great popularity have doors made of metal, but, like everyone else, they have their drawbacks. Very often, this kind of paintings sold poorly insulated, which directly affects the ingress of air into the room cool. To remedy the situation, need to know how to decorate the doors in the house with his own hands, a mother may prefer to use.
The most appropriate way of warming the front door is the padding. This is the most inexpensive, but effective method.
Upholstery can be made using a variety of materials:
- Styrofoam. Well it keeps heat and moisture. Additionally, it has sound insulating properties. Perfect for insulation material with a dense texture, with which reinforce facades.
- Mineral wool. One of the most effective kinds of material. It is produced in rolls or in the form of paintings. Different such material is not toxic and flammable substances in the absence of the composition. Water-repellent material retains heat well, while it is easy to transport and install. It does not shrink. A disadvantage is the isolation peculiar dust which appears during installation. Warming of metal doors are not recommended using mineral wool.
- Cell insulation. It has an inexpensive cost. Used most often in warm climates. Characterized poor protection against low temperatures.
cell insulation for doors - Polyurethane. rolls for sale. It is lightweight, thus showing an excellent result on the part of the insulation and resistance to weathering.
- Felt. Clean air from harmful fumes. It is a good absorber of moisture, thus preventing the development of negative microorganisms.
- Foam. It can be used for thermal insulation of different kinds of doors. Among its advantages are the lack of toxicity, moisture resistance and low cost. The disadvantage is the short service life. The structure of the final material is quite extensive - it can be strip and plate. That foam is used for thermal insulation of the door leaf with thermal break.
Using any of the above materials can be obtained excellent results. The main thing to observe the rules and recommendations for correct installation and cutting work.
How to insulate a metal door with the help of foam?
The question of who, how and what to insulate the Chinese door, asks almost everyone who has it installed. In general, for the production of iron webs used several sheets of metal bonded together. To provide additional insulation, cavity inside needs filling.

Note! To achieve good thermal insulation before insulate the metal door, it should be remembered that the foam width should match the size of attachments between the sheets of fabric.
The algorithm works on warming:
- Removing the door parameters. Before you insulate the iron door From them, you need to cut a sheet of hardboard in order to close the foam.
- Make a hole peephole and handle previously noted on the canvas their location and dimensions.
- Fitting of the carcass fiberboard (made mark should be consistent).
- Cutting foam sheets with a sharp knife. The finished material should be attached to the inside of the door. It must be done by gluing it applied to the entire surface of the silicon.
- Closing insulation web of fiberboard, which subsequently must be attached to the door by means of screws.
To avoid frostbite and cold storage in the rib, it is necessary to fill the void of the tube with foam, pre-drilling a hole in it.
Warming of the wooden door

Installation of insulation should be carried out only after the elimination of possible defects, and analyze its condition. Otherwise, a fault will do the work on warming useless.
Should pay attention to the following items:
- Door hinges. Their attenuation should be corrected by tightening the mounting screws.
- Sealing. In the case of the appearance of cracks and crevices in areas filled with foam, it is necessary to restore their integrity. In some cases, you need to fully update the fill.
- Skewed. If the product is in a skewed state, it is difficult to open and close, it is necessary to align the problem areas, confining them with a planer.
- Details door. By replacing the eye, call and handles better be ready to start work, so you should ensure proper operation.
Preparing a door-to-install insulation, you can proceed to the selection of tools and materials needed for the work.
What is needed for the qualitative performance of the process:
- Seal. It creates a seal between the door and the adjacent box. In addition, do not let the cold in the room, also protecting from rain and snow. Often single, double and triple type. In its production using rubber, plastic or silicone. Installation of the seal may be made by mounting screws or by gluing.
Seal for the door on the adhesive-based - Thermal insulation. To her suit a lot of material, including - foam rubber, polyethylene, padding polyester and extruded polystyrene. Once used for insulation and technical cotton wool, but rather the loss of useful qualities made her operation is not rational. Actual heat insulators are reliable and durable, with a qualitatively fulfill its intended purpose.
- Upholstery. Performed decorative function insulated material outer coating. By using leatherette or leather substitute.
- The presence of nails for decoration, fishing line and a stapler.
After gathering all the necessary tools and materials, as well as eliminating the malfunction, you can go directly to the most warming procedure.
Installation works
Installation of insulation helps to preserve the warm air in the building, because between the door and the wall will not be unnecessary loopholes overlooking the cold. This is achieved by fastening rubber profile based adhesive to the door frame. For this process does not require the presence of adjuvants. Such a seal tape is an excellent substitute of leatherette, which was previously used, and fastened by means of small nails.

Installation proceeds as follows:
- cutting pieces of the desired length of the seal;
- Mount them on the slot, gradually eliminating the sticky part of the paper.
Removal of the slits of the doorway should be carried out after completion of the entire process. Getting to work, you need to define the parameters of the door frame, the distance between it and the web, as well as the size of the gaps. This action will allow to calculate the right amount of material for the work. It is important that the length of the sides of the box was equal length of the seal. The rest of its parameters should match the size of the gap.
upholstery process

Wood doors are insulated using a variety of materials. For a long time it served as the main insulation wool. Despite the fact that it has a sufficiently good insulation performance, a significant drawback of its use is the property of absorbing moisture that contributes to the development of the fungus.
To insulate the door made of wood, you need to put it on a flat surface after removing the hinges. Disturbing details should be disconnected, too. Insulation is secured with nails. You can also use glue or a stapler.
Further, should start to finish assembling pictures. To bear a good painting, you must first release from the space heater for fastening. Then you need to cut out the material and pull it across the canvas area. It is best to carry out this work with an assistant. Thus it is possible to avoid undesirable accumulations of material. If done properly, it is necessary to fix the product using the staple gun. The edges of the upholstery around the perimeter should be carefully wrapped inside and secure. In order that they do not povylazili over time, it is best to wrap the material several times.
Important! Insulation of foam glued to the door, using liquid nails.
If it is impossible to remove the door from its hinges, leatherette stud and the door frame. This will protect the room from the penetration of cold air between the door and the ground. To do this, wrap insulation with leatherette cushion and the resulting nail the party that has a double fold the material.
It is necessary to monitor the density of door contact with a heater. To prevent rapid spoilage, for securing better to use instead of the bottom of the door threshold.
Knowing how to conduct internal insulation, exterior insulation and how to pick up the heater, you will significantly reduce working hours. In order to achieve the desired result, it is only necessary to follow the advice and recommendations that will help ensure the presence of warmth and comfort in the room at all the vagaries of weather.