Price per meter metal starts from 300 rubles. This makes the material for the roof roof popular and in demand. Among the advantages of metal roofing note durability, resistance to mechanical impacts, ease of mounting, color gamut and beautiful appearance.

And all the advantages of such a roof can block one drawback - the high thermal conductivity: metal decking, and can quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly. If the owners want to homeownership roof insulation with coating of metal, they will have to attend to the question of its additional insulation. By itself, the metal does not close the issue.
Question waterproofing and ventilation
The metal has a high thermal conductivity. This means that it will become hot as a frying pan, and freeze in the winter in the warmer months. With high temperatures in the summer can somehow reconcile. And in the winter cold roof will eat up a lot of heat, which is fraught with a large bill for heating homes. Due to the changes in temperature in autumn, when the night is cold and still afternoon heat, generated a huge amount of condensate. Smudges formed that numb under coating and threaten thermal insulation material. Even if the roof to insulate, the heat-insulating material can get wet, causing eventually cease to function.
Therefore, the main point of the device warm roof of metal - creation of a waterproofing barrier which will protect the insulator against stains the inside metal coating.
Gidrobarer is a special reinforced membrane, which are covered by the roof slopes. Its function - to protect insulating material against inadvertent wicking of water from rain and snow, and from the condensate, which is an essential companion metal roofing.
It is not enough to protect the insulating layer from stains. It is necessary to provide that the roof construction has been provided good mechanical ventilation, due to which all the condensate to be eroding out.
waterproofing apparatus using polypropylene film
An alternative embodiment of a waterproofing warm roof with coating of metal can be a two-layered waterproofing membrane is polypropylene. On the one hand, such a coating - a layer of non-woven material that absorbs condensate. On the other - gidrobarer with vent pores, through which the water drops formed are forced out. Such a membrane is placed into the first layer, where the insulation and Gidrobarer - the outer layers of the roof.

Superdiffuznoe coating
Superdiffuznaya membrane is ranked as one of the latest developments in the field of waterproofing and building materials in general. According to the properties reminiscent of the skin, and the development of such coverage has come from the textile light industry - membrane materials used in sports clothing since the middle of last century.
Differ from conventional polypropylene films, the number of layers - superdiffuznoy in their membrane to four! All layers in the structure have pores through which the output of the condensate drops. Multilayer membrane provides resistance to stretching. Last outer coating layer has an ultraviolet filter.

Issued superdiffuznye coating in the form of a roll and a mastic. The second type is also called "filling the roof." He is considered to be more cost-effective compared with the web, but loses in the vapor barrier properties. And, because of the consistency of its use is allowed only on horizontal surfaces. Additional complexity creates a surface coating technology - a layer of mastic should be uniform, and the task is difficult to handle, even for professionals. Therefore, in particular the construction of increasingly using a modification of the roll - with its installation able to cope on their own.
The advantage superdiffuznogo coating is that it can be used as a temporary protection before mounting on a roof Insulated roof sheets of metal. This greatly facilitates the construction of a roof with other coatings, as is the case with soft tiles.
Technology warming "Roof pie"
For roof insulation of metal has a special circuit device layers roof, called "roofing pie." Refer to the diagram to understand how you want to insulate a metal roof properly.

On compliance with a series of layers depends, it would not freeze the interior as far as the insulation is protected from moisture, and whether the latter outputting.
Reliability roofing pie is determined by five skates:
- Internal steam;
- insulation;
- outer waterproofing - displays the condensate from the heater to the outside;
- air gap of at least 5 cm - provides space for air circulation, which "dries" moisture condensation;
- sheeting of the roof - in our case - metal tiles.
airspace roof apparatus
The air gap in the roof structure acts as a natural insulator: cold metal does not come into contact with the inner layers of roofing pie. Subtotal - less condensation due to temperature difference.
Assembling airspace begins with longitudinal bars kontrobreshetki laying along the roof slopes. They stacked layer of transverse battens. The height is selected, being guided by the ventilation roofs and design errors. The step between the bars selected on the basis of ease of fastening to them of sheet metal.

Selecting heater
For insulated roofs with use of metal coated fibrous thermal insulation - mineral wool and glass wool. These materials are reliable, durable, and the added bonus is a good sound insulation characteristics. For many homeowners the key is non-flammability of materials.
Mineral wool
Why is this stuff called "mineral"? It is made from silicate rock melts. Ie, ranked as mineral wool to natural, environmentally friendly insulation materials. It supplied marketed in roll form or have the cut slabs of different thicknesses. Maximum density of the material can reach 200 kg / m3, a figure affects the final price of the product.
Installation and laying of insulation layer of mineral wool with all its associated layers (waterproofing, blown seams and protective coating) under the force for the average private master. Therefore, the material ranked as insulation Budget embodiments.

Fiberglass is the main competitor already mineral wool view similar operational characteristics as described above.
Glass wool can also be an environmentally friendly material because it is a result of recycling waste glass after manufacture. It is marketed in the form of rolls and slabs of different densities and sizes.
The advantage of the material is the absolute incombustibility and relatively higher rates of resistance to moisture.
Compared with the advantages in glass has the disadvantage of mounting difficulties. In work on the roof insulation is best to refrain from laying insulation when the roof. If the insulation from the inside can not be avoided, it would take a special form, the protection of the hands and face of the glass dust and installation technology observance.

Warming of the roof already erected
If the installation of a roof would not tolerate delay, or the owner of the house decided to arrange a warm loft or attic, the roof insulation is held in the mirror sequence:
- Under the roofing brought to technical compliance airspace.
- Stacked layer waterproofing.
- Mounted heater.
- Thermal insulation sheathed vapor barrier membrane.
- The work on the finishing of the roof (paneling, plaster, etc.)
Using the popular mineral wool and glass wool have to be associated with difficulties, so consider alternative materials for insulation work.
Cost-effective option - to use a very simple and familiar product foaming plastic. It is produced in plates, which have low weight, easy to transport, easy to cut and stacked by one person.
Next to the lowest price, compared to other options in the heat insulator market, the foam has another advantage - it practically does not absorb moisture. It becomes a solution for homeowners in areas with high humidity.
The only caveat in working with foam - is its almost zero vapor permeability. Because of this, it is important to consider the ventilation system in the room, otherwise it will be stuffy at any time of the year.

extruded polystyrene
"Big Brother" of the foam. It has a much higher density of cells in its structure. This ensures that all the benefits embodied in the younger brother grow at least half time. This affects a higher level of cover price.
Differences also relate to the installation: if the foam is placed between the joists kontrobreshetki, the polystyrene is placed "up". This reduces the risk of gaps, which over time will be necessary - wooden structures will shrink.

Products Some brands have stepped joints for easy installation and minimize the joints between the slabs. As a result - increase in strength of the final insulation.
Important! And styrofoam, and polystyrene have poor resistance to fire. It is therefore necessary to carry out the installation with maximum isolation from sources of ignition, including away from the wiring.
Related Content - technology polystyrene roof insulation.
A relatively new material modification foam, specifically designed for insulation in the walls, floor and roof. Penoizol can be used as an additional layer of roof insulation - it is blown air space under the outer roof.
Penoizol easy to apply both outside and inside of the roof. But the main his popularity he won it in the version of warming already gotovok roof. The material is light, and does not require any adjustments to the structure of the roof. Penoizol used in insulation, even dilapidated roofs due to its light consistency.
An additional advantage penoizol is its resistance to moisture. Specific water absorption material does not exceed 6%.
Penoizol for insulation to the roof rails mounted film forming "pockets", which is filled with the material and then in them same and freezes. The film is mounted with an overlap on the floor and walls of 20-30 cm.

Vapor barrier - the final touch
As gidroizoltsiya, paroizoliruyuschee coating intended to protect the insulator against condensation. Vapor barrier coating is fixed to the rafters on the inner side of the roof with an overlap on the wall and floor, all possible joints with pipes, windows, beams glued construction tape. On the roof is fixed with the help of construction stapler or nails. Between nail or bracket and pictures put sealing plugs of silicone or rubber film.