How to insulate an apartment inside and out with his own hands

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If the windows are closed, the battery control costs to the maximum, but the apartment is still cold - first of all, you need to deal with the management company. They are required to provide a microclimate (temperature, humidity and other parameters) in accordance with the sanitary standards and performance. If the parameters of water in the batteries meet the standards - it means that the apartment is too large heat losses. However, such proceedings may last for weeks or months, and the room is cold now. Handyman, able to handle the tools, it is able to solve the problem of the cold in the apartment alone.

What can be done inside and outside

Before you rush to buy materials and start smashing the finish, a good idea to understand the ways in which of the rooms in a panel or brick house leaves precious heat. There are several ways:

  • Exterior walls - up to 50%.
  • The walls of the adjacent apartments - 5-10%.
  • Sex - up to 10% (especially on the ground floorIt may be up to 20%).
  • Ceiling - up to 10% (especially on the top floor, and there may be up to 25%).
  • Glazed balcony or loggia - up to 10%.
  • Windows, doors, ventilation - 5-15%.

Heat leaves the housing in two ways:

  • Warm air escapes through leaks from drafty doors, windows and walls.
  • Heat leaves the apartment by heat transfer through the building structures that do not give sufficient heat insulation.

Is it possible to determine in what ways leaves the heat folk ways? Yes, the most popular methods are:

  • Light a candle, and slowly led her near the corners, windows, doors. Where the flame will fluctuate, there is airflow. Flame deflection can determine its direction.
  • Moisten the tips of the fingers (where the most sensitive skin) and drive them like a candle. Air movement would be felt as a cold.

These methods are high-quality and highly inaccurate. Much safer to use devices to remotely measure the temperature. The simplest of them - pyrometer. It measures the temperature at a particular point on the surface. After a few tens of dimensions, e.g., on the outer wall, can be found at the coldest point.
More convenient imager. It gives a picture of the entire surface, and infrared, high temperature zones are marked on the screen redder shades, lower - blue. Directing the imager on the wall, you can immediately see where it goes warm. But such devices are very expensive, it is better to rent an apartment at the time of the survey.

Coolest deservedly considered a corner apartment at the last and first floors. They have up to 3 planes in contact with a cold space.

Features thermal insulation of apartment

There are two fundamentally different ways of thermal insulation of apartment:

  • inside;
  • outside.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to insulate an apartment outside

In terms of overall efficiency of the method greatly exceeds outer internal. Its main advantages are the following:

  • Higher quality insulation.
  • Best microclimate after warming (not only temperature but also humidity).
  • Not reduced area and volume of the apartment.
  • The condensation zone (dew point) is removed from the premises or in the facade of a thickness of the exterior walls.
  • The service life of wall structures increases.
Insulation of the outside of the foam sheet under the plaster

Related article: Separate wall insulation from the inside balcony.

The disadvantages of the method are external following circumstances:

  • It must be harmonized with the operating organization and architectural supervision authorities.
  • Independent execution of such works is very dangerous and also forbidden to regulations.

For external insulation should be involved in the organization, which has a license to work at height. Formally, the insulation on the ground floor of the owner can carry out on their own, in practice, the supervising organizations struggling to prevent it.

How to make the apartment from the inside warmer

The merits of such a method is not so much. The main ones are the following:

  • The cost of materials and labor is much smaller.
  • The complexity of the work and qualifications of employees is also lower.
  • The work can be done with their own hands without waiting for approvals. Sometimes, especially if the apartment a small child, this is a decisive factor. Literally, the morning decided the evening is already insulated.
Insulation of basalt wool on the inside of metal guide

Material on the subject - how to properly insulate the walls.

Weaknesses and risks in the internal method is much more properly perform internal insulation and not to harm their apartment and tenants are much more complicated.

Installation of insulation inside creates the following problems:

  • The dew point is shifted into the room. Will have to take special measures for waterproofing and condensate allotted.
  • If you do not, the humidity in the rooms lead to the formation of mold and mildew. It can make people find it impossible.
  • Wall no longer receives heat from the housing and freezes through.
  • Moisture contained in it freezes and thaws, it reduces the life of the wall.
  • In the joints of insulated walls, floor and ceiling are formed so-called "cold bridges".
  • Internal insulation reduces the area and volume of rooms, thereby reducing the quality of the housing.
  • Many for insulating materials are not recommended for use in residential areas. They may produce unpleasant or even harmful fumes. On combustion, may produce toxic substances.

The thicker inner layer of insulation, the greater the freeze wall and the further condensation zone is displaced inwardly

How to insulate corner apartment

Unpleasant feature corner apartment lies in the fact that just two wall surfaces are external. Install additional sections of heaters helps not always. The coldest spot is the angle between the two outer walls. If poorly executed joints between the panels, he will be sure to freeze, no matter how heated hot battery. Conscientious developers pay insulation corner apartment attention.

How warm the cold corner in the inside of the apartment? First you need to check the status of a fillet weld. In older homes or low-cost seams may be in poor condition. heat leakage through the seams is determined by the thermal imager.

To repair the bulkhead seams is impossible - it is necessary to make the operating organization to carry out this repair. It consists in the dismantling of joints (in other words, they reveal the outside punch), tab (or deposition) of the new insulation and applying a new layer of plaster.

If the repair welds the desired effect is not given and is still cool in the corner room - will have to insist on the external wall insulation.

Warming of the wooden rails

The choice of material and tools

At the current market there are many brands of heaters several basic types:

  • Mineral wool. Basalt, glass and slag.
  • Foams.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Ecowool.
  • Bulk materials. (In practice apply for insulation of flats)

Choosing the material, it is necessary to compare the available alternatives on the following parameters:

  • Thermal conductivity. The lower, the better.
  • water absorption coefficient. Materials with lower values ​​are more effective.
  • Breathability. Smaller values ​​also mean better insulation.
  • fire resistance class. It indicates a fire protection material.
  • Life time.
  • Structure. It is better to choose materials without harmful components.
  • How much is. Last, but one of the most important characteristics.

The most popular materials have the following characteristics.

Stone wool

Made of volcanic rock, the structure consists of short fibers of high stiffness. It comes in the form of mats. Has a high density, it is necessary to pay special attention to the mounting strength of mats on the wall.

Completely non-flammable material, slows the spread of fire. It does not contain harmful substances. It does not produce them either during operation or in case of fire.

Installation of stone wool

On this topic - how to insulate the door in a private house.


Made from industrial wastes and from broken glass. Its structure is formed long elastic fibers. Supplied as a rectangular mats and rolls. It has a lower density and larger elasticity than basalt wool.

Just fireproof not form harmful substances.

A major shortcoming is the reduction of thermal insulation performance when wet.

cutting of glass

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene foam is often called. The material has a quite good insulating properties, is easy to install on a rigid structure.

The main disadvantage of the material - it burns well, and with the release of harmful substances. The foam is also very fragile and unstable to loads in tension and compression, it is easy to crumble. Extruded polystyrene does not have this drawback.

Mounting foam to the adhesive composition

Polyurethane foam

This foamed plastic, also called penoizol, has excellent thermal insulation properties. It is sprayed with liquid, foams and solidifies on the insulated surface smooth continuous layer without joints and without heat losses which cause joints.

It has excellent moisture resistance, zero water absorption and water vapor permeability. A significant drawback is the high cost of equipment for spraying.

Spray foam


new building market in the Russian heat insulator is made of cellulose fibers impregnated with boric acid and sodium triborate.

Material is thus environmentally friendly, non-flammable and does not form any harmful substances. On vertical surfaces, it also sprayed, water-wettable adhesive.

The equipment is cheaper than for polyurethane foam spraying, but it also seems a little expensive.

Auxiliary materials and tools

In addition to the insulation, additional materials:

  • vapor barrier membrane and the double-sided adhesive to glue her paintings.
  • External facing: plaster or ventilated facade made of plastic or porcelain.
  • Inner lining - moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard, wallpaper.
  • Means to prevent the development of mold and mildew
  • Crate of wooden slats or metal sheets
  • Fasteners.

Tools are needed usual for civil works. You will need:

  • Hammer or percussion drill;
  • Construction knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • tape measure, level, square.

For applying protective compositions need sprayer or roller.

Description of the process of warming their hands

warming process differs depending on the type and insulation material.

How to insulate my apartment from the outside, if it is bad stoked

The most popular at the outer insulation is foam. Proceed as follows:

  • Calculate the area and thickness of insulation material. Purchase it.
  • Based on the amount of insulation, buy glue, net of fiberglass, mounting metal profile, plate dowels.
  • Fix the metal profile, maintaining level.
  • Glue the plate heater to the wall.
  • Secure from plate dowels at the rate of 4-5 on the panel.
  • In cold regions, foam paste in two layers with overlapping.
  • Joints and cracks sealed with foam.
  • Apply a thin adhesive layer on the foam, pressed and rolled with a rubber roller mounting mesh.
  • After drying the adhesive plaster and primed surface.
  • Instead, you can use plaster facade paint.
Scheme external insulation

Independently, such work can be carried out only on the first floor. Above will have to attract a specialized construction company.

How to insulate a cold room inside the apartment with their hands

For interior specialists recommend the use of mineral wool.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Calculate the amount of insulation.
  • Acquire it and the corresponding amount of vapor barrier membranes of the metal profile rails, fasteners, primers, plaster or moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard.
  • Remove from the wall remnants of old wallpaper or paint before the concrete.
Scheme internal insulation
  • Impregnate wall and the adjacent surface antifungal composition
  • Secure the upper and lower start and finish profile. They fasten the vertical guides in increments of 60 cm.
  • Between the wall and the profile lay mineral wool slabs.
  • Secure poppet plate dowels.
  • Stretch film vapor barrier membrane, securing it with double sided tape. The joints between the webs of the membrane will also need to glue adhesive tape.
  • To attach the vertical guide plates moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard.
  • Putty it, primed, then painted or wallpaper paste.
Accommodation basalt wool slabs of metal sheets on the guide

All joints of the side walls, ceiling and floor on the outside of the wall be sure to cover the silicone sealant or foam glass.

Follow-up after the insulation work

External insulation does not require any additional work. In the case of internal insulation will need to periodically check the condition of the insulation and vapor barrier - whether for gypsum plasterboard condensate accumulates. In case of detection have to take care of ventilation space between the gypsum plasterboard and insulation. If for gypsum plasterboard Bude found mold - insulation will have to be dismantled and re-process all protivoplesnevymi reagents.