Year-round operation of the attic in a detached house requires its mandatory insulation. This can be done by using different materials and technologies. One of the best options to insulate from inside the attic is the use of Cellulose Fiber.
What is ecowool
Ecowool is a lightweight fibrous material consisting of 81% cellulose, 12% boric acid, 7% sodium tetraborate. Get it by recycling waste paper and pulp industry and waste paper.
This part is responsible for cellulose insulation, boric acid is an antiseptic and protects ecowool from rodents, and sodium tetraborate (borax) serves to protect the material from burning.
Ecowool usually gray in color and sold, unlike other insulation, tightly packed in bags. After unpacking the material must increase in size by 2-3 times, for which it is specially fluff.

See also - attic insulation mineral wool technology.
The advantages of using ecowool
Compared with other types of heaters, ecowool has many advantages:
- Seamless application makes it possible to create a layer without cracks and voids for structures of any complexity.
- Low shrinkage in the vertical direction allows wool for insulation of walls and roofs.
- No corrosion when in contact with metal objects.
- The high level of thermal insulation.
- Good sound insulation.
- The high level of fire safety.
- Resistance to fungi and microorganisms.
- Service life - no less than 50 years.
- In operation, there is no waste.
Ekovaty important feature is the ability to condense moisture from the ambient air. At times of high humidity it takes the heater, and in moments of low humidity sends back. This has the useful property and natural wood.

The choice of material
insulation quality can be determined as follows:
- At the touch of fluff ecowool should resemble a light fuzz. By shaking should not fall out fine particles.
- Good material should have uniform density. Large fragments adversely affect the thermal protection.
- Qualitatively treated wool does not burn, but only weakly smolders and dies away.
- High-quality insulation has a gray or white color. Deviations from this indicate a lack of any components.
- The package ecowool must be completely dry.
- If at the time of unpacking the wool smells bad, it says that in the production of ammonium sulfate was used instead of borax. This smell will not disappear, no matter what the sellers claimed.
Not to overpay, you only need to purchase the required amount of insulation, correctly calculating its amount.
It is necessary to calculate the required amount to fill - multiply the area of the floor, walls and ceiling of the attic on a thickness of the insulation layer:
- Floor enough 10-15 cm;
- insulated walls 20-25 cm layer;
- if in the attic ceiling launched, it needs a layer of 25-30 cm for him.
The number of bought packages depends upon laying method:
- manual mode gives a density of 30-35 kg / cu.m .;
- Mechanical - 40-45 kg / cu.m.
Having obtained after calculating the required amount of Cellulose Fiber, it must be divided by the weight of one package. The result is the number of required insulation bags.

Getting Started
Before starting the insulation of the attic or loft ecowool need to take the following actions:
- To clear the attic of trash and dust. If the walls and floor coverings are laid, they must be removed.
- Check the quality of the rafters and battens. They have to support the weight of the applied insulation and boxes to hold it.
- Chimneys wrap metal housings, wiring placed in a corrugated pipe.
- At the time of the work to prevent the occurrence of drafts.
- Vacuum the room.

Application Method ecowool
With his hands to warm attic in two ways:
- dry;
- wet (using adhesive).
dry stacking
Perform necessary, adhering to simple instructions.
- The material is unpacked on site. Therefore, the bags with insulation entered the attic and there is disclosed.
- Ecowool vspushivaetsya using the mixing attachment on a drill or mixer construction. This work is best conducted in a barrel or box, filling their original volume at 1/3, just about 2.5-3 times should increase the amount of insulation.

Warming of the floor is carried out in the following order:
- On the floor between the joists laid waterproofing. Under it should be dry and hard coating. Without the use of waterproofing insulation will become wet and quickly lose their properties.
- Ecowool put into the space between the joists and lightly compacted. The density of the material in the floor covering must reach 35 kg / cu.m. The layer thickness should be 100-150 mm. Visually, the density of the finished insulation should be about half the original packing density.
- Ready layer should be lightly sprinkle water from the sprinkler. A heater formed on the surface of a thin crust which prevents its possible movement.
- The resulting insulation is covered with insulation film to overlap between the sheets and the walls.
- Next, the resulting construction can be closed floors.

Attention! Work with insulation should be carried out by protecting the eyes and lungs - in a building with glasses and a respirator. Clothing should avoid contact with open skin ecowool. Vata is not poisonous, but the drill contained in it, can cause redness and itching.
Then you can start warming the walls:
- Between the roof covering and insulation must leave a gap of 3-5 cm to ensure ventilation and prevent condensation occurring.
- Fastened on the rafters waterproofing layer which bude ecowool prevent from getting wet from above. To heater was kept in the inclined surface, it is necessary to fill in boxes, which are mounted on the rafters.
- To create boxes to the rafters gradually filed GVL or OSB boards, from the floor. In a single step plate mounted such a height that it was convenient to fill the resulting ecowool pocket. Space between the plate and attached vapor barrier film for insulation. The result should be obtained in the following "pie": hydro-ecowool-steam-cooker.
- As pockets fill filed gradually to the roof ridge.
The walls of the attic through the roof into contact with cold outside air, so they density insulation must be higher than the floor, just like in the original container - about 50 kg / cu.m.
Using a cable blowing machine
Cellulose Fiber laying works can be carried out several times faster than using a cable blowing machine. It is a hopper with fluffed heater, an air compressor and a hose, through which wool is fed to stacking.
Before laying the insulation on the floor mechanically carried out similar work on its preparation and installation of waterproofing. Then across the lag unwinds a roll of a vapor barrier and fastened by a stapler. Forms a pocket in which to insert the hose cable blowing machine and supplied ecowool. It should be tightly fill the space between the waterproofing and insulation film.
Laying thermal insulation on the walls follows the same pattern as the manual. Due to the fact that the compressor delivers the material much faster time to any attic insulation ecowool it requires much less. During the installation should closely monitor the thickness of the resulting insulation, timely leveled excesses and doduvat emptiness.
Cable blowing machine puts the heater is much better, completely preventing the formation of thermal bridges. You can use it to warm the most inaccessible areas where manual work is very problematic. Machine-convenient to carry out work on the already patched surfaces. They do not need to dismantle completely, it will be enough to make a small processing window into which you can insert a feeding tube ecowool.

Read more about ways of blowing ecowool.
wet stacking
Wet laying method involves using a special glue that strengthens ecowool applied is not allowing it to move with the times.
For wet application using a conventional cable blowing machine, but it is supplemented by a special nozzle in the hose outlet through which the adhesive composition is applied. Glue and sprayed ecowool passing through it, and wetted falls into place insulation hydrated. The consistency of the resulting mixture should be such that ecowool was only slightly damp - when compressed into fist from it should not be allocated moisture.
Instead of adhesive can use ordinary water, bonding will take place due to the presence wool natural lignin composition, but the use of, for example, PVA solution gives best insulant strength.
Due to the fact that the glue well ecowool retained on insulated surface, this method does not require a process of forming pockets. Dry heater can be closed immediately a fine finish.
Attention! Work on wet laying can be carried out at a temperature of at least + 15 ° C. For completely finished ecowool layer must be dry for 2-3 days.
After drying, you need a sharp knife cut the layers of wool, advocating planned border. The resulting waste can be reused after fluff.

For more information about weatherization ecowool Video:
Using Cellulose Fiber is still new and not very popular method of insulation of the attic. This material is making its way to construction sites. But the simplicity, low cost and the quality of the insulation give him every chance to seriously push competitors.