Sex - cladding to strength which are increased requirements, therefore not even the charging slab made of concrete mark M is not lower than 250. The high density of the concrete causes a low porosity, and good thermal conductivity made of his designs, which raises the need for their thermal insulation, especially the basement floor, first floor and attic.
The most important factors in the success of the thermal protection slabs are correctly chosen insulation for floors and installation technology.

Therefore, when planning the execution of thermal insulation, it is better to know in detail than can be effectively insulate the floor, but economically - with the best indicator of price / quality ratio.
Justification of the need insulating floors
Construction covering and overlapping participate in the heat exchange space between themselves and with the external environment. In addition, the floor surface, in contrast to the walls and ceiling, tenants are constantly in contact during walking. In view of these circumstances, the cold floor insulated, to obtain the following benefits:
- reduction of heat loss in a house in the heating season;
- Condensation warning on floor surfaces;
- increase durability of wooden structures;
- comfort of human contact with the warm substrate.

These factors are serious, and, most of them are seen from the performance of the floor insulation. Therefore expediency device insulation overlaps more than justified.
to the floor insulation requirements
The main function performed teploizolyantom laid on the floor, it is to provide a barrier to heat transfer from the warmer environment room the cold outdoor environment. Therefore, for thermal insulation of the floor should be used materials having sufficiently insulating properties - like all the heaters. But, in addition, must meet the insulation material and other requirements of a heater housing:
- environmental Safety;
- acceptable proportion;
- resistance to temperature changes;
- moisture resistance;
Warming of the floor expanded polystyrene - resistance to microorganisms;
- unattractive for insects and rodents;
- durability.
Important! Izolyanta strength is preferred, but not mandatory when selecting insulation characteristic, as There stacking technology, allowing to use soft materials under influence of mechanical loads.

In addition to these, there is one characteristic that is not related directly to the heat-shielding performance, but an important one - is the cost of the material. By the analysis of this parameter should be approached thoughtfully, as a more expensive material does not always live up to expectations.

Important! Screaming cheapness is fraught with poor quality izolyanta, and the purchase of expensive exotic materials should be justified by the need is in their unique qualities.
Used for thermal insulation of the floor izolyanty
By and large, for the thermal insulation of the floor unit in one way or another all the known heaters are suitable. The efficiency of their use will depend on individual characteristics of the heat-shielding material, it is properly placing and specific operating conditions. Let us consider the types of heaters, effective for application on the floor is the most popular.
mineral wool insulation
Materials of this group have a porous fibrous structure, which results in a low specific weight and good thermal insulation properties. It is produced in the form of rolled into rolls of strips or mats certain width and thickness,

used for insulation of vertical and horizontal bases need additional protection arrangement against external factors.
stone wool
It is made from repeated melt igneous rocks, mostly - basalt. After purged with a stream of molten materials, hot steam or air, resulting in formation of a thin soft fiber are processed hydrophobic compounds and binder resins, and then subjected to heat treatment at a temperature 180-230 0C and shape - to obtain a predetermined density and thickness of the porous web. The resulting "carpet" cut into the desired size products, which are formed from rolls or matting.

Stone wool - non-flammable material, which fiber is maintained without melting, the temperature at 850-880 0C, but on reaching 600-700 0From start to break down to form dust.
The ability to withstand distributed load determined by the density of insulation on which basalt wool divided into 3 groups:
- mild (rolls and pads) - 10-50 kg / m3;
- Semi-rigid (mats) - 50-80 kg / m3;
- rigid (plates) - 80-220 kg / m3.
Stone wool - rock wool izolyant best, as evidenced by its following advantages:
- high thermal insulation and sound absorbing properties - heat transfer coefficient 0,033-0,046 W / mK0K absorption - 0,87-0,95;
- good vapor permeability - 0.25-0.35 mg / m² · h · Pa;
- low water absorption - less than 2% by volume;
- a wide range of specific weights - 10-220 kg / m3;
- High working temperature - 700 0FROM;
- biostability;
- fire safety;
- durability.

Modifications produced improved rock wool - coated aluminum foil, kraft paper, glass fiber.
The disadvantages of stone wool:
- high relative to other mineral wool insulation price;
- the binder comprises a phenol-formaldehyde resin, although only 2% of the total weight.
On the floors for their insulation and soundproofing this izolyant laid on logs or plates overlap with the subsequent performance of the screed.
Important! Basalt wool fibers are soft and not prickly, but to avoid falling rock dust into the respiratory tract to work with this insulation is necessary in a respirator.
This insulation is produced in the form of rolls and slabs whose price, due to the use in production as raw cullet to 80%, far below the basalt wool.

In many ways, including the insulation, the insulation is not inferior stone wool:
- low density - 11-25 kg / m3;
- low thermal conductivity - 0.03 - 0.055 W / mK0TO;
- incombustibility (NG class);
- a wide operating temperature range (-50 to +450 0FROM);
- zvukopogloschaemost - 0,8-0,92.
In glass there is even an advantage over basalt insulation - its fibrous structure does not contain any other inclusions, elastic and therefore resistant to compaction under the influence of vibration. Available glass wool, coated on one side of an aluminum foil or a glass fleece, which gives the material strength at break and gives windproof properties.

Glass wool is suitable for thermal insulation of floors, being at the same time more and shumoizolyatorom good, but due to the low rigidity is used only during installation between joists. It should be borne in mind that the insulation is compressed when wet and dries long. In addition, because of the taunts and brittle fibers to work with it you need a respirator, gloves, goggles and tight clothes, which creates difficulties in installation, especially in warm weather. These shortcomings reduce the popularity of the use of glass for the housing arrangement.
slag wool
This mineral wool insulation is made from waste iron and steel industry - blast-furnace slag, which leads to widely affordable price with many advantages:
- low thermal conductivity - 0,046-0,08 W / (m ·0TO);
- sound absorption coefficient 0,75-0,82;
- incombustibility (NG);
- Operating temperatures - up to 250 0FROM;
- Fire - 450 0FROM;
- volumetric weight - 75-400 kg / m3.

Taking into account these characteristics of mineral wool by adding thereto 15-20% bitumen, produce artificial, so-called "Mineral stopper" - moisture capacity (up to 50% by weight), but nailability hygroscopic material in the form of slabs with a low specific weight (250-400 kg / m3).

With existing shortcomings in the virtues of this izolyanta more than other groups of materials:
- in the absence of the hygroscopic capacity for absorbing water by suction;
- in the presence of acid slag fibers, corrosive metals and rotting of wood in contact with the heater;
- fragility and taunt fibers, like glass;
- low resistance to temperature;
- lack of resistance to vibrations;
- the presence of phenol-formaldehyde resins in the binder.
Based on these "cons", slag wool for housing arrangement is not often used, while trying to buy a heater, modified with special additives and impregnation. But such insulation is more expensive usual, and gave preference to slag wool loses its meaning.
Polymeric heat-proof materials
From this group are used for thermal insulation of the floor, hard and elastic sheet rolled izolyanty, the specific choice of which depends on the method of installation.
The cheapest insulation of solid materials is EPS - light polymer sheet with high insulation properties, but low hardness.

The softness of the insulation either causes its folding between joists followed top deck device or from the ceiling, where there are no compressive loads. Laying polystyrene foam on the concrete slab is possible, but will require the support unit on top of the reinforced ties, which would entail additional costs.
For warming the floor on top of the concrete foundation is more suitable penoplex - material obtainable by extrusion of polystyrene, and because of its being an improved variant.

The density of the heater, depending on the grade (G - wall, F - foundation, K -krovelny, "45", "comfort") is from 25 to 50 kg / m3And the density depends on the strength of compression - from 0.2 to 0.6 MPa.
Important! For thermal insulation on top of concrete floors without lags should be used penoplex brands "F" and "45". When installing a heater at the strength required performance of the screed.
Penoplex cost 3-4 times more than the polystyrene, which is due to its advantages, but use this durable insulation is necessary where its high performance will be needed where the rejection of conventional foam objectively It justified.
An example of a polymeric web material may be heat- izolon - Domestic flexible insulation, whose full name is "foam" (polyethylene foam). In commercially available in the form of webs of a certain size or rolled into strips rolls.

Produced two kinds izolona - linked (PES) and extruded (IPPs). Visually first differs from the second smaller pores greater elasticity and strength, due to the presence of additional links between polymer molecules.
Comparison Chart izolona PES and IPPs
Produced as self-adhesive version izolona - izolonteyp (splen) used in the automotive industry for heat insulation and sound insulation of the passenger compartment, but successfully used and home repairs.

The disadvantages include izolona low water vapor permeability, but this factor is more a feature of this izolyanta.
sprayed insulation
By warming caused manner relates to spraying or foam ekovaty base layer.

Ecowool - a heater is manufactured of waste paper and pulp and paper industry, i.e., of natural cellulose, with added preservatives and fire retardants. The ready to use material is a loose mass of fibers of a length of 4 mm.

Insulation is applied to the surface using pneumatic: a jet air dry fibers are ejected from the nozzle on the hose, moistening the output nozzles of the built-water.
Advantages ecowool:
- high thermal and acoustic insulation properties formed cellulosic "coat";
- small volumetric weight;
- environmental friendliness;
- affordable cost of material.
Disadvantages ecowool:
- gradual decline in heat insulating properties (20-25%) due to the natural seals;
- the need for special equipment, payment of use which is high, and applying the "coat" manually - time consuming process, with the result of poor quality;
- need for devices over the insulation coating of the carrier of the low rigidity "coat".
For insulation construction polyurethane foam spraying It uses two types of polymer - elastic and rigid, applied with special equipment. Insulation of floors arrange rigid structure.
Advantages of the thermal protection of polyurethane foam:
- low thermal conductivity - 0.0235 W / (m ·0TO);
- strength under load distributed by area;
- lack of joints in the coating;
- High water resistance;
- ease of application to the surface at any angle, high adhesion with all the materials;
- UV resistance and solvent;
- longevity (30-50 years).
- the need for special equipment;
- the need to have experience in implementing this type of work;
- no adhesion to polyethylene.
Loose heat-shielding materials
This group includes many of the materials (chips, sawdust, straw), but look at the most common free-flowing heat protection floor - expanded clay aggregate.
This bulk insulation produced by swelling the hot solution, followed by natural clay produced by calcining clay granules with different fractions:
- sand - 5 mm;
- gravel - 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 mm.
Floor insulation using expanded clay fractions 10-20 and 20-40 mm.

Advantages of expanded clay:
- high insulating characteristic;
- relatively little material for the volumetric weight of clay;
- Environmentally friendly - fully made of natural materials;
- fire resistance;
- Easy to install;
- affordable price;
- durability (100 years - is not the limit).
disadvantages of expanded clay:
- dusting - the need for the substrate when laying a wood floor slabs;
- Only use on horizontal or low slope grounds;
- significance effective layer thickness - 15 cm.
cork insulation
Izolyant cork - efficient heat the material in the form of plates or rolls, because of its environmental friendliness suitable for use in premises for any purpose. Technology of production of insulation called agglomeration and consists in forming crumbs of crushed cork, to which is added an organic binder.

By name insulation technology received a second name - cork agglomerateWhich is made of two types:
- white - roll or a heat shield plate with a decorative feature that needs no finishing, made of branches bark;

- the black - cork insulation, suitable for mounting on floor panels in the form of crumbs trunk bark subjected to heat treatment in the manufacturing process.

Produced cork insulation boards, which already pressed into wooden logs for mounting on them finishing.
Besides these coatings, floor lining is made from heat-shielding properties, also requiring no finishing - veneered cork cloth laminate and cork board made of solid veneer with protective lacquer coating to be placed on special substrate.

Advantages of cork insulation:
- environmental friendliness;
- low specific weight (200-230 Kg / m3);
- Elasticity and strength at a low weight;
- high thermal insulation and sound absorbing characteristics;
- anti-static;
- low flammability (M3 class);
- low water absorption - less than 2%;
- easy installation;
- biostability;
- declared durability - at least 50 years.
- vulnerability to damage by sharp objects;
- complexity of the decoration;
- lack of resistance to temperature (begins to crumble);
- loses its color when exposed to sunlight.

However, despite the shortcomings, the popularity of cork in the line of "luxury" class of materials does not fall.
Thermal protection of the slab
Insulated concrete floor without lag both the first and second floor on the room side by using hard types of rock or slag wool and Penoplex, expanded clay, izolona.
These materials are effective not only for use in domestic bathrooms, but to open verandas - to insulate the floor to increase the lifetime of the structure is necessary and there.
When warming device of any of these materials subfloor repaired (sealed with cracks and sinks), after which there is arranged a waterproofing layer 2-3.
Mineral wool insulation (mat, plate) is placed on the floor densely, vraspor, and also on top of it are arranged two waterproofing layer. Then the layer 2 can be laid DSPs (cement-bonded plate) or thick plywood, which will lay a finishing lining. Instead of sheets of plywood or DSP can perform leveling screed 3-5 cm thick, better - with reinforcement mesh.
Penoplex laid on the concrete floor as firmly in one or two layers, with the sealing gaps with foam. After removal of the excess foam dried by a heater can also be mounted DSP or plywood, over which is then formed finishing.

LECA is poured onto the concrete slab and is aligned with the device layer of the desired thickness. Above keramzita performed screed thickness of 5 cm with a reinforcement net made of metallic or fiberglass reinforcement.

Warming concrete gender You can perform izolona if the region of residence - not the north of the central belt, and floor - not the first. Izolon stacked sheets or strips butt, whereupon the seams are glued special tape. On top of this insulation is possible to lay laminate flooring, no longer using a different substrate. But if linoleum laid on top of the insulation needed to mount a rigid base (DSP, DSP, plywood) otherwise finishing will push for even when walking, not to mention the loads of the set furniture.

In northern regions, this insulation can be used in combination with another izolyantom - as a waterproofing coating.
Have a better idea about the performance of the thermal protection floor foam or Penoplex help this video:
Warming of the floor below
Installation for thermal protection ceiling foundation ground floor space is not convenient, but such an arrangement does not require a heater device over izolyanta hard coating.
Warmed from below concrete slabs can be mineral wool, polystyrene, izolona, ekovaty spraying or foam. The ceiling is done hydroprotection impregnation, and then at him, except with izolona better mount a necessary step bars (you can do without them), between which firmly insert plates insulation. Then on top of the bars is mounted sheathing, the construction of which is performed in accordance with the selected finish trim.

Izolon on a concrete ceiling can be glued - after preparing the substrate, then mount it on top of the slats, bars or cd-profile for subsequent attachment thereto PVC panels, plasterboard, etc.

Run warming any floor below easiest way izolyanta spraying. To bring the thermal protection layer into the same plane on the basis of need to pre-mount the bars of the desired section, fill insulation niches between them, and then cut off all unnecessary with "coat", acting for the bars on the height. For these "beacons" can then mount base for finishing or decorative facing directly.
The costs for this technology justified simplification of execution of work at height.
Thermal insulation on the ground floor
On the ground floor is a multi-layered "cake", which necessarily includes the insulation is often - several species.

From common insulation in this case, the optimal choice will penoplex - hard and resistant to temperature extremes. After preparatory work floor insulation Penoplex Ground made identical to its installation at floor decks. If the floor will not experience heavy loads, this material can be quite expensive to replace conventional expandable polystyrene, but on top of it will need to make a reinforced screed.

Insulation of floors in private homes is a necessary operation, and in high-rise apartments with sufficient ceiling height is desirable to perform this procedure. The range of modern insulating materials allows you to select from the available izolyant price segment, moreover, possible for independent installation. It remains to examine the installation of the technology and avoid the rush in the execution.
The main essence of the article
- Floor - cladding bottom space in contact with the cold layers of air or outdoor environment and is therefore in need of insulation. In addition, the floor load tests on the interior, which results in the presentation of high strength requirements of floor insulation.
- When choosing izolyanta floor need to know not only the basic insulation characteristics, but also the benefits of their use, the individual weaknesses of each type of material.
- Thermal protection should be acquired with reference to the existing conditions - the region, especially the building of the selected insulation technology.
- Properly insulate the floor perhaps independently, most technology does not require the use of special equipment and the availability of specific skills.